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Anni vs carni pve (HM, NM, EV+KP)


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When I tried to post a full spec the code was censored lol... part of the code has "o_M_f_G" in it.


For Mods you always want to take "Deft" mods with no A or B modifier. This maximizes your power and strength, which are your best stats.


Get around 300 crit. I'm at 290 right now and power is still pulling ahead. I would actually switch out 1-2 of my crit/surge for power/surge if only I had them. They only drop off of raid bosses and so far only Jarg&Sorno have dropped them.


Get ~250 accuracy so you soft cap it (98% on character sheet, 108% specials when you hover over the stat)


Get ~200-250 surge to soft cap it. It's not worth it right now to go over 75% so avoid it unless you absolutely MUST take it to add more power since the game's rank 25 enhancements are only accuracy/power, crit/power, crit/surge, and power/surge and power/surge ends up being the best unless you're too low on crit or aren't accuracy soft capped.


With a certain amount of power/strength crit will start to pull ahead again but even at ~500 power and 1540 strength unbuffed and unstimmed I haven't reached that point.

Edited by Tumri
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I currently play Annihilation and I think it is great for all fights in both raids. Only soa is one where I would suggest carnage is better, and only for the last phase (due to dots not seeing full duration and being unable to charge the boss most the fight).


There is also a problem with carnage atm, the spec procs from Ataru form, however the range on the form is 4m and does not take into account hitbox size, so large bosses dont get hit by the proc unles u stand inside them pretty much, thats what I do on SOA.


Anni spec:


torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRr (o)(M)(f)(G) zZhZG00M.1 <-- remove brackets and spaces


I take the 100% dmg reduction on camo over other talents because it is useful on so many fights:

Annihilation droid: stay out for missile salvos using CDs if they run out can camo and get LoS, also useful for the single target missile thing that hits pretty damn hard)

Gargh: avoid Pounce dmg, saves time on movement

SOA: avoid using on lightning balls as it drops threat and they run riot


Bonecrusher: avoids the aoe stomp and cleave if he is not focssed on you, however does drop threat and make him go crazy if he is on you

Fabricator: can avoid the gun (or w/e its called) **** when its being activated, or the missile thing (similar to annihilation droid)

Karagga: We tank this with the boss facing his bum to the raid and tanks back to the wall, however he does sometimes spaz out on movement so its pretty useful here if he does this at the same time as fire/missile salvo


When I play carnage I chose this spec:



I really enjoy the playstyle of both specs, but I use annihilation in PvP and I PvP alot so I tend to also side with it for PvE.


As for my gear and stats off the top of my head (on an alt atm so cant check, will post screenie later) I have:

-98.01% accuracy (108.01special) (no narrowed hatred)

-1700+ str

-19k hp buffed

-34% crit buffed

-roughly 350 power and 250-300 surge (cant remember percentages)


I am wearing rakata 5/5, rakata wrists and belt, matrix shard, +72 endurance crit/surge relic, battlemaster MH, rakata offhand, BM implant, columi implant with +28str augment, rakata ear.


I have cleared 10/10 NM.


Hope this helps :)



Edited by Betraymodex
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I'm sitting at around 1580 unbuffed strength, 28.5%ish unbuffed crit, 325 unbuffed power, 75.90% surge, and 96.7% accuracy. So I'm in a little bit of a bind here; I've got 3/5 rakata pieces with columni and a couple augment slot pieces, but I just can't decide what mods to take out. I have mostly surge/crit, but taking one of those out in favor of accuracy/power would drop me around 1.2% crit (to 27.3%) and around 74.8% surge. This seems like a hefty loss to me, especially considering the fact that I will still be around 1% away from the accuracy cap.


What do I do? Do I take out 2 surge/crit and hit the accuracy cap along with 380ish power but drop to 25-26% crit and 72-73% surge? Do I take out 1? Stay as is?

Edited by Anbokr
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Can anyone confirm or deny something?


I've read somewhere, I forget where while doing a bit of research on marauder stats and BiS stuff, and I saw that someone claimed the columni weapons were BiS, as opposed to the rakata ones. Naturally I wonder the validity of that statement. Perhaps a more knowledgeable individual could clear things up?

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Can anyone confirm or deny something?


I've read somewhere, I forget where while doing a bit of research on marauder stats and BiS stuff, and I saw that someone claimed the columni weapons were BiS, as opposed to the rakata ones. Naturally I wonder the validity of that statement. Perhaps a more knowledgeable individual could clear things up?


That is old information, they fixed the Rakata weapons.

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