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With nerf to surge


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How are you all enhancing your gear?


I was buying the Champ/Columni Smugg gloves for the End/Power/Surge enhancements before this nerf. (cause it was the one with lower end, there is another one with high end but lower power i think).


My crit was like 25%, surge was like 90%. As power > crit for PT (from what I can tell) and there are no power/crit enhancements that I can find, do I still stack this enhancement?


Should I be buying the rakata/BM chest/legs to get the Mod with Aim/Crit to replace the Aim/Power in my helm/hands?


I guess I dont' know where to go from here. My relic/Adrenal I was still using as power, should this change now?


(this is for dps/hybrid)

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Basically surge is only good up until 250 now. Popping relics/adrenals used to get me at 99% crit multiplier, now it gets me to 79%. My normal crit multiplier is relatively the same though, cause I only have about 200.


More surge then 250 isn't bad...just not optimal but so many things have surge :(


And I only say that because i'm currently at 380? Surge. it's just over 77%. But since those are still coupled with +Power Enhancements in a TD Pyro Build, buffed, I'm sitting at 2010 Max Railshot Damage. (Note: I run 4 Piece PvE Elimin for damage bonus)


So when you add in explosive fuel and power adrenals it's pretty devastating. :)


Unfortunately the only replacement for those would be Accuracy/power enhancements but meh, I don't see the point currently as my current stats worked very well in all the matches i did today. Guess can sit tight until they add some new enhancements that are grade 56 and up.

Edited by exphryl
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More surge then 250 isn't bad...just not optimal but so many things have surge :(


And I only say that because i'm currently at 380? Surge. it's just over 77%. But since those are still coupled with +Power Enhancements in a TD Pyro Build, buffed, I'm sitting at 2010 Max Railshot Damage. (Note: I run 4 Piece PvE Elimin for damage bonus)


So when you add in explosive fuel and power adrenals it's pretty devastating. :)


Unfortunately the only replacement for those would be Accuracy/power enhancements but meh, I don't see the point currently as my current stats worked very well in all the matches i did today. Guess can sit tight until they add some new enhancements that are grade 56 and up.


Yea, no crit/power. To have power you either get surge/accuracy/alacrity. Alacrity is terrible for us. Accuracy at this point in time sux. So yea i guess i'll just stick with the power/surge mods.

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More surge then 250 isn't bad...just not optimal but so many things have surge :(


And I only say that because i'm currently at 380? Surge. it's just over 77%. But since those are still coupled with +Power Enhancements in a TD Pyro Build, buffed, I'm sitting at 2010 Max Railshot Damage. (Note: I run 4 Piece PvE Elimin for damage bonus)


So when you add in explosive fuel and power adrenals it's pretty devastating. :)


Unfortunately the only replacement for those would be Accuracy/power enhancements but meh, I don't see the point currently as my current stats worked very well in all the matches i did today. Guess can sit tight until they add some new enhancements that are grade 56 and up.


Exphryl, what other pieces do you use, to supplement the 4 pieces of Eliminator items ?

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Basically surge is only good up until 250 now. Popping relics/adrenals used to get me at 99% crit multiplier, now it gets me to 79%. My normal crit multiplier is relatively the same though, cause I only have about 200.


yeah, same, i stopped using the force adrenal and just use power or crit now ...


pyro-spec took a huge dent in their DPS with that nerf imo.


whereas before the patch my average TD/Railshot crit with relic/adrenal/explosive fuels was around 4.5k now its down to 3.6k ... barely see anything about 4k now ...

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Exphryl, what other pieces do you use, to supplement the 4 pieces of Eliminator items ?


I think he means the PVP Elim set 15% crit on RS. He's prolly using that in PVE (cause no reason not to use elim set in PVP as combat tech 2pc is broken and 4pc is meh).


I personally in pvp use elim set with crited rakata belt/bracer /matrix relic to supliment rest BM.


In pve I use rakata Combat Tech for 8% more dam to RS. I rip out in the rakta gear the 58 accuracy enhacenments and place in the 56 Smuggler gloves (from columni or champion) for the low END, power/surge.

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I think he means the PVP Elim set 15% crit on RS. He's prolly using that in PVE (cause no reason not to use elim set in PVP as combat tech 2pc is broken and 4pc is meh).


I personally in pvp use elim set with crited rakata belt/bracer /matrix relic to supliment rest BM.


In pve I use rakata Combat Tech for 8% more dam to RS. I rip out in the rakta gear the 58 accuracy enhacenments and place in the 56 Smuggler gloves (from columni or champion) for the low END, power/surge.


no no no :)


I use the PvE Combat Tech in PvP. I much prefer the 8% Damage, More Aim and Endurance compared to the 15% Crit. This is with buffs (Minus IA Crit Buff. ), with Railshot Tooltip to show damage of that.





It's overall:

Surge: +385

Crit: +190

Power: +485


My non trinket/adrenal crits are around 4K. With Trinkets/Adrenals I still managed to snag a 5.6K Yesterday. (Obviously this isn't an attainable number if you are a newer 50 so not saying it's something everybody can achieve but it is still possible)


I may just have good RNG but I still crit a very good amount with a lower crit/without PvP Set bonus.


Also note: This is strictly a PvP Thing. I have another set with accuracy and some lower stats cause of that for PvE

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Thanks for the replies :)

I'm still a bit uncertain on how much expertise is needed/wanted and what PvE items to replace champ/BM sets with.


Exphryl you rock with 395 expertise according to the screenshot and doing great with it, but i also see many above 650 expertise and just wonder what the benefit/downside is ?


1) max. expertise in all champ/BM items

2) less expertise but still 4 piece bonus, and rest in Rakata for more aim/end

3) 4 piece Rakata, rest in champ/BM


What are peoples experience?

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pyro-spec took a huge dent in their DPS with that nerf imo.


whereas before the patch my average TD/Railshot crit with relic/adrenal/explosive fuels was around 4.5k now its down to 3.6k ... barely see anything about 4k now ...


I didn't really notice much of a difference at all. My crits were still hitting for over 4k and almost 5k when I popped relic/adrenal.

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Thanks for the replies :)

I'm still a bit uncertain on how much expertise is needed/wanted and what PvE items to replace champ/BM sets with.


Exphryl you rock with 395 expertise according to the screenshot and doing great with it, but i also see many above 650 expertise and just wonder what the benefit/downside is ?


1) max. expertise in all champ/BM items

2) less expertise but still 4 piece bonus, and rest in Rakata for more aim/end

3) 4 piece Rakata, rest in champ/BM


What are peoples experience?


4-piece Combat Tech PvE gear = 8% Rail Shot damage

4-piece Combat Tech PvP gear = 15% Rocket Punch and a bugged Carbonize

4-piece Eliminator PvP gear = 15% Rail Shot crit and a useless 2-piece bonus(because it's for Mercs)


The Aim/Endurance + secondary stats are superior on the PvE gear, too. I prefer the PvE set.


So pretty much, I'll be wearing 4-piece PvE gear, with the rest PvP, aside from PvP items with Accuracy that can't be modded, but their PvE equivalent has power/crit/surge.

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Thanks for the replies :)

I'm still a bit uncertain on how much expertise is needed/wanted and what PvE items to replace champ/BM sets with.


Exphryl you rock with 395 expertise according to the screenshot and doing great with it, but i also see many above 650 expertise and just wonder what the benefit/downside is ?


1) max. expertise in all champ/BM items

2) less expertise but still 4 piece bonus, and rest in Rakata for more aim/end

3) 4 piece Rakata, rest in champ/BM


What are peoples experience?


I lost about 3% Damage from the expertise loss.

Gained 5% over what it was original from the 4PC Bonus.

Gained a bit more in Aim and Endurance. So it overall ends up being better, for me. (Seriously, it's stupid how much Aim/endurance T2 PvE has base over Battlemaster Gear...)


Some people might just want to rely on crits though so obviously my set up wouldn't work on them.

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see im tempted to go power/surge rather than my current crit/surge setup on my vanguard.. just concerned that im just not going to see as many crits..


and if youre not criting as much youre not making that surge stat work for you...


decisions decisions.

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see im tempted to go power/surge rather than my current crit/surge setup on my vanguard.. just concerned that im just not going to see as many crits..


and if youre not criting as much youre not making that surge stat work for you...


decisions decisions.


Just for screenshot potential, a Civil War I did earlier this morning


5.4K Crit Post Surge Nerf


That was to Kazguard in the SS. He was a Guardian, I am not sure what spec though (He could've easily gotten all the protection he did from AOE Taunts that match). But at the very least his armor was higher then a sorc for instance.


The way I get around the lower crit is just by juggling my trinkets/fuel


First Usage: Power Trinket, Power Adrenal, Explosive Fuel

Second Usage: Crit/Surge Trinket (Since this gets put on a 30 second cooldown after using the Power Trinket).


So Uptime on clickie crits are pretty good. The small time in between (about a minute and a half give or take) I still manage to get enough crits to supplement those times when I get jumped by 2 people. Otherwise with all the +Power the Dots and regular abilities hit hard enough to throw the opposing player off quite a bit.


BM Gear isn't a huge jump over Champ so these values are very attainable even in T2 PvP/PvE Gear. (I can't see this ever happening with T1 Cent/tionese gear though).


And obviously since people like to complain about any class doing damage that might be reading this, this damage comes with retard-idly low survivability. Like, we are easy to kill with any amount of focus...(Sadly even with probably being the best Pyro on our server and people send me hate tells I never get focused...makes no sense. I'm squishy as hell)

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Battlemaster Eliminator's Gun, it's also because i'm near 500 +Power on items...


interesting.. im using the same gun.


now ive got 1543 aim / 257 power and my dmg(pri) is 6738-8268


if i pop a 450 attack adrenal that gives me 707 power (200 more than yours?)


that gives me a dmg(pri) of 7773-9303


so at that point my high end dmg(pri) matches yours.. but why does it take an extra 200 power to do so.


something weird is going on. am i missing something spec or buff wise that inflates top end dmg?


i presume you are using the 4 piece PVE combat tech set.. as your railshot tooltip is vastly higher than mine.. even when i pop my 450 power adrenal.


EDIT: its because vanguard and powertech weps arent identical...


PT BM elim pistol is 268-497

VG BM elim rifle is 306-459


so BH will always have a higher achievable max dmg than vanguards..

Edited by Sandzibar
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Just you want to aim for 500-550 expertise. Basically you can go 4 pc PVE rest BM or 3pc PVE (2 rakata crited belt/bracer and then the matrix relic). It depends how you want to go. I personally go All PVP elim with the crited rakata belt/bracer and the matrix cube.


Both are viable, they say the 3pc is a tad better but not by very much at all.


The reason you don't wear all PVP is the DR on expertise and the extra stats on the PVE gear.

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  • 1 month later...

That was to Kazguard in the SS. He was a Guardian, I am not sure what spec though (He could've easily gotten all the protection he did from AOE Taunts that match). But at the very least his armor was higher then a sorc for instance.



Looks like I was messing around with tactics spec at that time and my dps gear was pretty bad (full centurion). All the protection I did is indeed from aoe taunts.

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Looks like I was messing around with tactics spec at that time and my dps gear was pretty bad (full centurion). All the protection I did is indeed from aoe taunts.


Ha. Hi :)


Yeah this was an old thread so your gear isn't near what it is now. (Think you were 22k? HP or so in the warzones this morning). Also, now that you quoted that, I have no idea why I said you were a Guardian >_< I feel retarded. Thanks for making me realize that. :(


Good to see other DT players around these parts.


As an added note, I'm going full AP (Tactics) for a few days now to do something different. So hopefully some of your republic friends stay alive longer :)

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