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Why did they even bother with a beta for this game?


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Really? Because I re-subbed 2 days ago based on comments like this and they hadn't fixed ****.


Playing a marauder and my abilities don't stutter. they go off when I hit them and they don't misfire. My abilities are very predictable now. Same with my smuggler...must be your connection or computer. It's fixed on my end.

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No one is arguing other games don't get patched.


We're compaining that these issues were pointed out in Beta and UNLIKE other AAA MMO's, the devs never addressed them, and here we are going into the third month and the same issues persist.


Agreed, because every other MMOG that has had a complaint in beta has had it fixed by the third month of release.

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Again, read what's been already posted. I'm tired of repeating myself.


Okay. Done.


You're not a programmer.


You've never worked on a video game or shipped a finished title.


You have absolutely, positively no idea what you're talking about. None.

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I was invited into the general beta testing in late September and really after all the builds we testers played through and with each new announcement that a new build was coming out most of us said, "oh finally! this crap will be fixed. we wont have to fall through the planet and die, x npc will have actual pants instead of shimmering pixel blue skin legs, my boots wont look like pink glitter glue is covering them or hey maybe my female BH can finally get off Hutta!'


Sadly what seemed to happen is not only did these issues get addressed painfully slow if at all before release but we found more and more options and flavor of the game removed. What was supposed to be a build closer to release seemed like steps back. Huge amounts of varied skinned armors: gone. Titles: gone (what is the point of finishing up the over kill of quests on each planet if you cant even get the title that was made for it?), PvP gear besides lvl 20, 40 and 50: gone, they even changed the looks of various npcs and 9 times out of 10 they were horrible changes.


For my experience, the first beta build I played in was a great and fun time even with the bugs and glitches. There was an actual community to play with, there were more reasons to finish quests and explore. A plethora of titles to choose from. Sadly ever step the devs have taken have all been backwards from then on. I just cancelled my sub today with a heavy heart :(


So true. That's what the beta really felt like. Here's a bunch of stuff you guys could have, but we're actually going to be removing it all for launch. Enjoy!

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i think the point here is that yes its obviously clear that mmos can and will continue to always have bugs months even years after their release.



But I think its also true that alot of what we are seeing now is the result of a rushed released where they were under so much financial pressure to get the game out the door that they were obligated to just get the core game working and had to fix all of this basic stuff after it was out. Sadly this is the nature of the beast when the money men want their money if you tell them no they simply take their money elsewhere.



I can pretty much guarantee you that the lead developers on this game wanted to keep it "in the oven" for a bit longer, even another 2-3 months longer would of probably of done wonders for this game instead it came out and they are now doing damage control. Things like kaon under siege and such are great and alot of fun but honestly instead of having a "content" team and a "bug" team why dont they just merge the two and get this **** up and working as well as i know it can be 2x as fast.





The PR guys will always put a positive spin on things but they are not retarded over at bioware and are not blind to the current state of things. 300 million dollars or not if something is simply not ready it is simply not ready and it was really close. I am willing to hang in there for a bit longer i trust bioware i know they have the talent and the means to make this great.

Edited by Tersidre
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And again, I'll ask for you to put up. Bold claims demand bold proof, not empty statements. If you can't provide, then you should know the other part of that saying.


If you want to see how a company should handle a game before and after launch, I suggest you look to Trion with Rift. Smaller budget and they fixed things at a remarkable rate. Not to mention their customer service was outstanding.


Puts BioWare and their budget to shame.

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Okay. Done.


You're not a programmer.


You've never worked on a video game or shipped a finished title.


You have absolutely, positively no idea what you're talking about. None.


Nope. But I've played every major MMO for the past 12 years and know when one's a bigger POS than all the others. Times 10 when you consider what they spent.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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If you want to see how a company should handle a game before and after launch, I suggest you look to Trion with Rift. Smaller budget and they fixed things at a remarkable rate. Not to mention their customer service was outstanding.


Puts BioWare and their budget to shame.


Ummm... Rift is like 1/10th the size of this game. Makes digging for bugs just a wee bit easier.

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If you want to see how a company should handle a game before and after launch, I suggest you look to Trion with Rift. Smaller budget and they fixed things at a remarkable rate. Not to mention their customer service was outstanding.


Puts BioWare and their budget to shame.


Rift is probably the most sterile boring MMO I have ever played. It is so generic.

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Nope. But I've played every major MMO for the past 12 years and know when one's a bigger POS than all the others. Times 10 when you consider what they spent.


And we are to take your word for it? This game is leagues ahead of any game I have played at launch. You must not remember some of those monstrosities.

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If you want to see how a company should handle a game before and after launch, I suggest you look to Trion with Rift. Smaller budget and they fixed things at a remarkable rate. Not to mention their customer service was outstanding.


Puts BioWare and their budget to shame.


I dunno, Rift's franchise was brand new, SW can't be cheap to get (I'm assuming part of that 200million people talk about went to that). No one I've seen so far has said that the leveling experience in Rift is better than what we have here. They put their budget on different things for sure and it shows in a lot of area where I find SWTOR more fun.

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