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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

new patch = FAIL


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Just went in to a warzone and guess what ........the imperails had so may players I couldnt keep count !!!




im like what the hell we got a full team of 8 !! how many players they got ?let me see? 8 on middle turret , 4 on left and 2 attacking right ....... they were the ones i could see lol

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Just went in to a warzone and guess what ........the imperails had so may players I couldnt keep count !!!




im like what the hell we got a full team of 8 !! how many players they got ?let me see? 8 on middle turret , 4 on left and 2 attacking right ....... they were the ones i could see lol


Max is 12

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yes their is an easily exploitable bug to get more people on your team.


and sadly (on my server at least) it favours the imperials , since the reps are lucky if we actualy get 7 players let alone more than 8

Edited by pondz
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Max is 12


And its so commonplace an exploit that EVERYONE has seen it yet nothing has been done. Meanwhile the Empire just keeps exploiting and getting better and better gear with NO reprecussions. I, for one, have cancelled. I will come back and play this game sometime in the future when Bio gets their s%^# together. 300 million dollar game and they cant spare 15 bucks an hour per server to monitor cheating in the guise of an actual person watching random WZ's and ban hammering cheaters?

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I really enjoy the random crashes which seem to prefer to happen in WZs. 16pages in Customer support about it already.

I am really wondering if BW tests the patches in earnest before deploying them.


Can't say much about the numbers in the game- because I have yet to see an endgame screen without the game crashing before...

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*Ahem* both sides are doing it there skippy.


true , but the worst offenders will always be the ones with larger number of players which in 95% of the time is Imperials ....... i mean hell ......for all i know maybe the got no real intentions to cheat , they just found themselves a way to get into a warzone quicker instead of queing for ages.

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>.> Is this your first time stepping into a bugged warzone? This has been a known "bug" for awhile. There's an exploit that lets you get more players on your team (not sure how to do it personally), but sometimes it happens by accident.


Side note: This is not a bug on Empire only. I've seen it happen on my Republic team, but again, not sure how they're doing it. It may just be an innocent bug that happens randomly, but I've heard otherwise.

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>.> Is this your first time stepping into a bugged warzone? This has been a known "bug" for awhile. There's an exploit that lets you get more players on your team (not sure how to do it personally), but sometimes it happens by accident.


Side note: This is not a bug on Empire only. I've seen it happen on my Republic team, but again, not sure how they're doing it. It may just be an innocent bug that happens randomly, but I've heard otherwise.


been playing warzones since early access , this has been going on way too long and should have been fixed ..... I and many people know exactly how it is done , the reason in most cases it favours the empire is because they have soo many more players , like i said we are lucky if we got 7 on our team let alone finding another 6 or 7 players to exploit with

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The bug definitely sucks. But to all the Pubs that think only IMPs use this... Consider it payback for the Pub only exploit of climbing up on your dropship and jumping the gate for almost 2 months in every single Voidstar match.


every single voidstar match? must have been big on your server ........ i didnt see it happen that often and when i did it was the one time i got fed up and quit the WZ , ok i was pre 50 so their was no dailys be well......

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been playing warzones since early access , this has been going on way too long and should have been fixed ..... I and many people know exactly how it is done , the reason in most cases it favours the empire is because they have soo many more players , like i said we are lucky if we got 7 on our team let alone finding another 6 or 7 players to exploit with


Yeah, I guess. I don't really have that problem on my server, but Republic usually win because the Empire are so cocky with their numbers. It's only a bad scenario if we're guarding Voidstar first. Otherwise the Imps are running around herping and derping, they don't realize as soon as we get the first objective done within those 2 minutes, we win. Personally, I think the outnumbered should win by default. Might cut down on exploiters if they don't know how to fix it.

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And its so commonplace an exploit that EVERYONE has seen it yet nothing has been done. Meanwhile the Empire just keeps exploiting and getting better and better gear with NO reprecussions.


This seems to be the way with Bioware, which is pissing off a lot of people. After the whole Ilum debacle, people expected a rollback, or at least some mass bans or character deletions. Nothing happened. A guildie of mine basically exploited all day that day. He still laughs about it. Nothing was ever done about it.


Now these other exploits I've seen. Like people standing on top of turrets (way up 30m above). People standing inside doors. Other exploits. At least in WoW when you reported someone for hacking, they would disappear after a few games, presumably with a ban or a suspension. But in SWTOR people can cheat away sure in the knowledge that nothing will ever be done about it.


Really decimated the confidence players have in the game.

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