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New patch thoughts


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Well first of all, they didn't make the graphics like Skyrim. So that makes EVERYONE UNHAPPY.



Second, they didn't add 10 more planets and 300 more XP levels all with crazy awesome new story content. So that makes people more unhappy.




They didn't fix <THIS IMPORTANT ISSUE NAO> so everyone else is unhappy!





Personally I like the new patch. I don't have problems with this game like people on the forums do.

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Currently I am not happy. I am one of the many people who cannot play after this last patch because the game keeps crashing. Check the CS forums-this is a known issue at this point and I am not the only one experiencing issues. Once they come out with a patch to fix the patch, like they do every week I may feel better about the game.
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Im just waiting for the to unbind the stupid \ key from the damned ticket window.


You'd think it'd be one of the easier tasks for the dev team, but apparently its one of those "bugs" that require them to go through books worth of code just to change a key bind. :rolleyes:


Amen brother.


It might not be so bad if customer service wasn't that Pegi guy from the tundra.

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Im just waiting for the to unbind the stupid \ key from the damned ticket window.


You'd think it'd be one of the easier tasks for the dev team, but apparently its one of those "bugs" that require them to go through books worth of code just to change a key bind. :rolleyes:



Bind the /-key to Minimap Zomm In or Out and you will be a happy panda.

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Currently I am not happy. I am one of the many people who cannot play after this last patch because the game keeps crashing. Check the CS forums-this is a known issue at this point and I am not the only one experiencing issues. Once they come out with a patch to fix the patch, like they do every week I may feel better about the game.


cant blame Bioware for cheap and not buying or building a good pc. i never crash eh=/

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i haven't found a patch i didn't like. but then again, i'm one that will look for the good in anything. now i must say this not everyone has cheap pcs that have crash to Desktop issues. but also to those having this, if you are unhappy with that problem and you think they aren't working on it you are wrong, though not everyone is having this issue (I am not) it probably isn't a majority of players.. maybe a majority of players that post on the boards. but i am sure they are working at it, but there are things you can try yourself. just think and help them out as much as possible because their systems may not be doing this so they can't find where the issue is and with what part of the code to fix.


Darth Freki

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cant blame Bioware for cheap and not buying or building a good pc. i never crash eh=/


My systems been bad arse in a good way as well. Remember a couple years ago it was pissing me off crashing to desktop in WOW which is not the most PC hungry game in terms of hardware. Switched out memory, power supply, reformatted hard drive, reinstalled windows, updated firmware, added after market cooler to my cpu, etc etc. All to no avail.


In the very end as a last ditch effort I went and ordered a Gigabyte motherboard....to this day all my games have been crash free and stable, haha. Even PC hungry ones like Skyrim on full ultra.

Edited by scootshoot
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Everyone happy? I know you can't please all the people all the time but is anyone pleased?? Seems like each patch more and more people are getting disheartened....


well let's see ilum is still pretty terrible(in my opinion), one of my wins still didnt count, most of the warzones have 15 opponents to my 8 allies, it takes 5 mins to load into tat or any of the bigger planets, i still cant link my rakata bracers in chat, and when i use tab to target it targets the person i want it to maybe one in fifteen times


But hey they nerfed surge rating and made shockwater consumable! Let's all go celebrate they fixed something important! EDIT: O Ya! they also made it so i have to confirm every time i try to buy mercenary comms(you know, that thing they removed the ability to get without trading warzone creds in beta)



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cant blame Bioware for cheap and not buying or building a good pc. i never crash eh=/


I just built a pc last November. I have an i5-2500k and 560ti and still could not play due to the code 9000 error. Kept getting 24k ms and disconnecting. I need to build a 2k pc to be able to play this game? Come on.

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