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Teach me how to Sentinel


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Please, not basic tips like kick and L2zen, I do this. I hit 50, I got my centurion/champion gear, and I still find I can't solo Sorcerers, Agents 3-4 shot me, and I just can't kill healers. The only time I feel I'm doing my job is when I have a team supporting me... I've heard stories that the class is supposed to be amazingly good one on one, but I can't manage it alone.


I'd appreciate it if someone could show me a guide or give me some true advice to help me improve my level 50 game so I can be a useful and productive member of the teams I join, rather then just tearing my hair out in frustration failing to grasp how to push myself to be a better Sentinel.

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use pacify on your target whenever its up... Use your defensive cool downs correctly....


Also i find use guarded by the force, THEN using your health potion works wonders (i get to 10% pop guarded, pop potion and i am sitting back up at like 20-30% health by the end of guarded)



if you are watchmen pop valours call before u go into a fight so you can open with zen active, you should be able to get him down to about 75% health and u will still be near 100%.



another thing is you may be vs guys that just out gear you... i know just hit BM so no BM gear yet and vs fully BM gear is a tough fight that i can sometimes win sometimes lose.

Edited by Dagimpster
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force kick




force leap


force stasis


these can all function as interrupts, which will go a long way towards neutralizing mercs and sorcs.


when facing a sniper force camo can bail you out of taking a huge induction to the face


force camo, when playing as a watchman, negates 100% of dmg for the duration. if you time it well then you can avoid the big aoe from rage specced juggs.

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You may not like it but a Sentinel should never be the first into a fight. You're just begging to get focus fired and torn apart. Wait until the fight has started then pick your targets. You need to act like a predator and attack when the time is right not charge into the herd and get trampled.


I often wait with the ranged characters or behind a pillar and observe the flow of the fight before making a move. It allows me to both protect the healers and see chances to enter the fray more clearly and more easily than if I just charge in

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As some of the other posters stated its about timing and proper ability usage. First off its important to know and understand your ccs as a watchman. A word of warning though, when done properly your burst damage is low but survivability is high. The first thing to remember is leg slash/crippling throw are extremally effective at mitigating movement and healing. Leg slash can also proc a overload saber charge so should be a priority in your rotation. The second thing is proper usage of zen, dont just pop it when its available, wait until your dots are up. Also i tend to go rebuke at start, saber ward at 75% guarded by the force at 20% force camo dependent on whether you need to close the gap or if your almost dead. Save awe when your dots are on cooldown and use force stasis if hes channeling. I also typically get pacify on after my dots are up because its usually at that part of a rotation that enemies are at there heavy damage output abilities, so that 6 second diminish is overwhelmingly powerful. Finally force kick... way to many sentinels do not utilize this properly or understand what it does. It interrups a targets ability and causes it to be unusable for 4 seconds... thats huge! You have to remember that everything has a cooldown and if you forcekick something with a long cooldown that ability is wasted. Your more pro pvpers wait specifically for certain abilities to force kick because they know by heart all the abilities in the game and there cooldowns, but alot of us are not at that level. I simply just spam it when its up and surprisingly damage and healing is greatly mitigated.
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Firstly watchman burst is pretty insane... Full dots, zen and merc deliver a ton of damage over not very much time at all.


Secondly you do not need to be a "pro pvper" to have an idea about enemy abilities... You should have learnt a lot of them from gold NPCs whilst levelling if nothing else.

For example it's alays better to interupt a heal or crushing darkness than lightning..

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