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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Population is GROWING!


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How's the server growth going now? It's been two weeks since your original post. I'd love to hear an HONEST view on how you feel the growth has gone.


How many of those new faces are gone? or even better how many of those older server names are gone now?


I'm sure by 'honest' you mean 'agrees with my point of view'.

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1 month ago my server was listed as heavy at prime and had about 80 ppl at fleet prime-time.


Most servers when I signed on were standard-heavy-very hevay-full.


1 month later my server is either light or standard with 35-40 ppl at fleet prime-time. 10-25 players most hours.


When signing on and checking servers they are all either light or standard. Maybe one exception or two that are heavy.


You have to be extremely deluded and have some sort of weird attachment to this game if you can't see/admit that the game is losing subs.


It's like some ppl feel their lives will collapse if they are forced to admit that this game that they identify their whole existence with is not doing better than WoW:P


I'll freely admit that fewer people are playing and most are playing less but, I think many who defend the game and realize this do so out frustration with those who equate that with SWTOR's death. The trumped-up "SWTOR is dying" threads crop up and if refuted in the same overblown style, every comes off as a defensive fan boy.


The likely reality is that the game has plenty of subs to maintain it and is still seeing some growth to offset those who bought the wrong game as BioWare continues to dial in and improve the game. There server load thresholds got changed so they can be a bit of a moving target as a comparative measure as too would be the populations on fleet. As I have settled into the game and more of my real life, my playtime has tapered off but, I also know as I understand where I am going and have less need to shop on the auction terminals for gear that would improve me, I am spending less and less time on fleet. It only makes sense that would show up as fewer people on fleet.


The end product is that there are fewer people spending fewer hours than at release but, the game is far from dying and it's not a one-way line out the front door.

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Here's a hint, named after a big fat worm looking dude.




Ok, I think I am going to have to call you on that then, there is one server where the population is growing. Canderous Ordo. Which is not a big fat worm looking dude. Which means I don't believe you.

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Ok, I think I am going to have to call you on that then, there is one server where the population is growing. Canderous Ordo. Which is not a big fat worm looking dude. Which means I don't believe you.


I didn't ask you to believe me.


I have shown supporting evidence that the population is fine.


The game is in the top 10 for sells on Amazon for the past 200+ days.


I see new faces all the time.


My guild numbers are going up.


Feel free to hate the game on the forums (I'm betting you really like the game, otherwise, why would you waste your time and energy here?)

Edited by Azzras
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I didn't ask you to believe me.


I have shown supporting evidence that the population is fine.


The game is in the top 10 for sells on Amazon for the past 200+ days.


I see new faces all the time.


My guild numbers are going up.


Feel free to hate the game on the forums (I'm betting you really like the game, otherwise, why would you waste your time and energy here?)


You also said WoW has no day/night cycles. Everything you say I can disregard as dishonest.

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I am a new player, well a two week old player and I also had two more friends pick up the game.


So far we all really dig it, the crafting is really great....yea yea I know end game crafting beyond boichem is supposedly pointless.....but that will not deter me from becoming a master cyber-technician....but seriously even if all the other crafts are a bit pointless I totally dig the system and will continue to use it.


My small band of rebels chose Nathema as our server. Due to when we were choosing a server it was one of the ones that had low population.


Got to love the "Chicken Littles" on the the forums, go to any game and look at posts about 2 or 3 months after it's release.


Yea the newness of the game wears off after a few weeks/months so people tend to not be on all day and all night. The way of the vidiot right. Go Hardcore to try n be first then chill after you fail or succeed. Just my two cents.



Just wanted to throw in there that Bioware has earned a reputation of being one of the best game producers in the industry at this time. This being their first shot at an MMO I think they have done a solid job....and expect the game to just get better as it goes along.


Just a voice to say hey I am a two week old player. So do I and my band of rebels count as population growth?

Edited by HerbM
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I'll freely admit that fewer people are playing and most are playing less


Honestly, on the two servers I play on (one heavy/very heavy, one standard/heavy at prime time), I don't see much trend one way or the other. Populations are pretty stable, maybe a bit of an uptick looking at lower zones. But lots of activity going on at all levels of game play, and new players are clearly present in the lower zones (obviously not rerolls because they are asking newbie questions in /general).


On the light servers, which frankly in NA have been light since launch day, I do believe there are declining play because people are taking their fate ito their own hands and rerollng to higher pop servers. Some are of course impaient and unwilling to reroll so they unsub instead.


The likely reality is that the game has plenty of subs to maintain it and is still seeing some growth to offset those who bought the wrong game as BioWare continues to dial in and improve the game. There server load thresholds got changed so they can be a bit of a moving target as a comparative measure as too would be the populations on fleet. As I have settled into the game and more of my real life, my playtime has tapered off but, I also know as I understand where I am going and have less need to shop on the auction terminals for gear that would improve me, I am spending less and less time on fleet. It only makes sense that would show up as fewer people on fleet.


I agree.


The end product is that there are fewer people spending fewer hours than at release but, the game is far from dying and it's not a one-way line out the front door.


Very much agree. The fact is that now days, when a new MMO launches the MMO player base jump it like a fat kid on cake. A good number of them over play the new MMO and gorge themselves on it until they run out of cake. Then they whine and demand more cake, or leave in anger driven by sugar withdrawal. Depending on the MMO, this takes anywhere from 30-60 days. After that, the anxious angry impatient folks leave and hunt for their next sugar fix. The rest stay and continue to play and enjoy the game.


It takes 3-4 months before a game company knows what their stable population is, and opening character transfers or server consolidations before this makes little sense from a business standpoint.


General Note: the trend in newer MMOs is to develop character transfers and then issue vacate orders on dead servers and shut them down, NOT merge servers. Servers merges is kind of old school for MMOs.

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I am a new player well a two week old player and I also had two more friends pick up the game.


So far we all really dig it, the crafting is really great....yea yea I know end game crafting beyond boichem is supposedly pointless.....but that will not deter me from becoming a master cyber-technician....but seriously even if all the other crafts are a bit pointless I totally dig the system and will continue to use it.


My small band of rebels chose Nathema as our server due to when we were choosing a server it was one of the ones that had low population pve.


Got to love the "Chicken Littles" on the the forums, go to any game and look at posts about 2 or 3 months after it's release.


Yea the newness of the game wears off after a few weeks/months so people tend to not be on all day and all night. The way of the vidiot right. Go Hardcore to try n be first then chill after you fail or succeed. Just my two cents.


Just a voice to say hey I am a two week old player. So do I and my band of rebels count as population growth?


Crafting is getting some major love next month in patch 1.2



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there is one server where the population is growing.




You are making that up because you simply have no way of knowing this unless you data farmed 200+ servers on their daily populations (which would be a tedious manual exercise). And frankly if you did have the data, your hate for the game would demand that you paste it all over every thread in the forum. :)

Edited by Andryah
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You are making that up because you simply have no way of knowing this unless you data farmed 200+ servers on their daily populations (which would be a tedious manual exercise). And frankly if you did have the data, your hate for the game would demand that you paste it all over every thread in the forum. :)


links abound around these forums telling you what I just said to be accurate. people need to stop arguing this because it is counter productive.


Instead of arguing the FACT that subs are dropping, try contributing to fix the problem. Why is it dropping? What can be done to bring in fresh meat?


Arguing this kinda of nonsense does nothing to help the game improve or subs rise.

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Arguing this kinda of nonsense does nothing to help the game improve or subs rise.




Note: the title of this thread is "Server Population is GROWING" and plenty of annecdotal evidence has been shared by many here to support this claim.


Hoenstly, you need to be posting over in the population is dropping thread, because you have contributed nothing productive to this thread IMO. You are off-topic in this thread. You simply keep stating the same doom and gloom propaganda over and over again.

Edited by Andryah
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links abound around these forums telling you what I just said to be accurate. people need to stop arguing this because it is counter productive.


Instead of arguing the FACT that subs are dropping, try contributing to fix the problem. Why is it dropping? What can be done to bring in fresh meat?


Arguing this kinda of nonsense does nothing to help the game improve or subs rise.


These 'facts' you are talking about have been debunked countless times...even by the people who created the sites.



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Note: the title of this thread is "Server Population is GROWING" and plenty of annecdotal evidence has been shared by many here to support this claim.


Hoenstly, you need to be posting over in the population is dropping thread, because you have contributed nothing productive to this thread IMO. You are off-topic in this thread. You simply keep stating the same doom and gloom propaganda over and over again.


I would like destroy this thread because it is HARMING the future of this game. I am helping, you are not.

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links abound around these forums telling you what I just said to be accurate. people need to stop arguing this because it is counter productive.


Instead of arguing the FACT that subs are dropping, try contributing to fix the problem. Why is it dropping? What can be done to bring in fresh meat?


Arguing this kinda of nonsense does nothing to help the game improve or subs rise.


They'll still refuse to admit short comings of the game and insult you and call you troll. Stop trying to be productive!!! What are you thinking??? :D


They have something (dunno what) to defend at all costs...


BTW - To the guy playing for 2 weeks. I was like you, it was all shiny and new, and I took my time going through each planet, finding datacrons, doing bonus series, some flashpoints, but after a month or so the luster wore off and I could see flaws in the foundation. I play with a smaller tight group of individuals and when they left, disappointed, the game really lost it for me.

I come here to see if improvements are being made, offer suggestions to what I think would make the game more fun for me and my friends, only to be attacked by others in a personal fashion. Truly wonderful!

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Also, taken from torstatus:


population index: light = 1, standard = 2, heavy = 3, very heavy = 4, full = 5

accumulated population index has nothing to do with the number of players!

overview - left-click and drag on the small graph to select time period

reset selection - selects and displays data for only last 7 days

maximum displayable history is 60 days






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