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Server Population is GROWING!


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If Bioware doubled the server capacities that site would show that the populations dropped in 1/2 in one day. There is no evidence of this happening. If Bioware added servers then this would have no effect on the overall population charts since they are being counted on another server instead of a different one.


So even though they flat out said that they doubled the server capacity in their earnings call, you don't believe that? Are you calling them liars?

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People love to use this site to bash TOR so guess it is fair game to use it: http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats


Take note of the Population change column. Significantly more +x.xx than -x.xx


Thanks for the link. Not sure when you checked this last, but it's pretty much -x.xx across the board. hehe


My server used to have the second longest login queue among U.S. servers. Now we appear to just be a middle of the pack pop server.


I'm not complaining. My server is still hopping and we are still having fun. However, there was clearly a population decrease for Dark Reaper.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Thanks for the link. Not sure when you checked this last, but it's pretty much -x.xx across the board. hehe


My server used to have the second longest login queue among U.S. servers. Now we appear to just be a middle of the pack pop server.


I'm not complaining. My server is still hopping and we are still having fun. However, there was clearly a population decrease for Dark Reaper.

Wouldn't put too much faith in their numbers. But as long as you're enjoying the game and there's players to group with that's all that really counts. :)
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because the game is diein and the fanbois think not, but the torstatus says otherwise.
Torstatus and server pop status sites like it are a crock whether the numbers are up, down or sideways. Their stats are conjecture (granted slick looking mathmatically calculated conjecture) because BW won't let them plug into their servers. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Thanks for the link. Not sure when you checked this last, but it's pretty much -x.xx across the board. hehe


My server used to have the second longest login queue among U.S. servers. Now we appear to just be a middle of the pack pop server.


I'm not complaining. My server is still hopping and we are still having fun. However, there was clearly a population decrease for Dark Reaper.


ya, he is blind,

pretty much -x.xx across all servers.

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So even though they flat out said that they doubled the server capacity in their earnings call, you don't believe that? Are you calling them liars?


Yes I am.


They also said that they were almost to their absolute maximum and once they reached that you would have to wait. So were they lying about them being at the absolute maximum or were they lying about doubleing the server capacity. Either way they had to be lying about something right.


They will say anything to make the game seem like its booming in subs but dont realize that when they something it just points out what they said before was a lie.

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Thanks for the link. Not sure when you checked this last, but it's pretty much -x.xx across the board. hehe


My server used to have the second longest login queue among U.S. servers. Now we appear to just be a middle of the pack pop server.


I'm not complaining. My server is still hopping and we are still having fun. However, there was clearly a population decrease for Dark Reaper.


One thing I would like to know about sites like that is whether or not server downtime counts for 0.00 in their metric. This week most of the servers are reading in the red, but the overall server uptime over the last 30 days is lower than it was 7-10 days ago, when most of the servers were in the green.

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Was a figure of speech. My apologies.


A figure of speech? What it was was a flat out lie you used to try and show that those sites are useless because they show a population drop. The reasons you give to show they are useless, you even just admitted to that those sites dont show it, so does that now mean since they dont show that they are acceptable now?

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One thing I would like to know about sites like that is whether or not server downtime counts for 0.00 in their metric. This week most of the servers are reading in the red, but the overall server uptime over the last 30 days is lower than it was 7-10 days ago, when most of the servers were in the green.


Last week most of the servers were in the red also. There were more green servers than this week but still more were in the red.

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You just proved his second point was correct in that the fanboiz think not but the only proof you guys have is insulting people. Those are great points.


So let me get this straight...


The people who are using Bioware as proof actually don't have any proof because, in your opinion, Bioware lies....


....but you have yet to show any credible source of proof to your argument?


And it's funny that you try to insult players who defend the game....then go on to claim that those are the folks insulting people.

Edited by Skoobie
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You just proved his second point was correct in that the fanboiz think not but the only proof you guys have is insulting people. Those are great points.


If you consider tumbleweed an insult. You on the other hand like to avoid confrontation so lets do this here huh? In a previous thread you were trolling you stated it never took blizzard more than 3 months to fix bugs, i pointed out that the orc shoulder bug during tbc lasted over 3 months in addition to things that have lasted for years such as hunter / warlock pet bugs and falling through the world after being feared bugs.


Respond to that i know you've got alot of threads to troll as it's all you seem to do lately but surely you can find time to answer what i just posed to you. As for calling me a fanboy, nice job i'm anti hater i've opposed people like you over at WoW aswell, people who are all talk and no action, you bash the game yet thats all you do, i dont see you trying to constructively change the game for the better instead you bash the game at every opportunity you get.


If i'm a "fanboy" for opposing stupid people then whatever.

Edited by Berazad
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If you consider tumbleweed an insult. You on the other hand like to avoid confrontation so lets do this here huh? In a previous thread you were trolling you stated it never took blizzard more than 3 months to fix bugs, i pointed out that the orc shoulder bug during tbc lasted over 3 months in addition to things that have lasted for years such as hunter / warlock pet bugs and falling through the world after being feared bugs.


Respond to that i know you've got alot of threads to troll as it's all you seem to do lately but surely you can find time to answer what i just posed to you. As for calling me a fanboy, nice job i'm anti hater i've opposed people like you over at WoW aswell, people who are all talk and no action, you bash the game yet thats all you do, i dont see you trying to constructively change the game for the better instead you bash the game at every opportunity you get.


If i'm a "fanboy" for opposing stupid people then whatever.


I never said WoW fixed all the bugs in less than 3 months. I asked what bugs and I didnt see your reply. Yes there are bugs in WoW but most get fixed very quickly. If people have problems with not logging on they are fixed quickly.


Dont remember the orc sholder bug but was that when they were tiny and looked stupid? Thats not a major bug and only deals with appearance. So maybe it wasnt on their top priority to fix. I dont know.

I also dont remember a fallying through the world bug when feared. Not saying it didnt happen but I dont recall it.


I am not all talk when I say something I have something to back it up most of the time. So dont say im all talk and no actio.

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Unfortunately for us EU players, EU version of the server stats (http://www.torstatus.net/shards/eu/stats) show significantly more servers with negative movements than positive ones. So for EU servers, torstatus suggests that server populations are declining overall.


Also http://www.mmo-junkies.net/statistics/search?app=statistics&module=servers&section=list&game=SWTOR&region=eu shows a steady decline.

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So let me get this straight...


The people who are using Bioware as proof actually don't have any proof because, in your opinion, Bioware lies....


....but you have yet to show any credible source of proof to your argument?


And it's funny that you try to insult players who defend the game....then go on to claim that those are the folks insulting people.


Guess you dont read my posts.


Bioware has stated that some of their servers( the heavy populated ones) were almost to their maximum capacity. Which also means that all the servers have the same capacity but since some were not full they were not close to reaching the max capacity.


I dont know where but it was stated by someone that they increased thier server capacities (think they said double).


When something is almost at the maximum capacity it cant be doubled. So when did they lie? saying it was close to maximum capacity and once it reach it you would have to wait in Q, or when they said they increased it? Your call you can pick either one, but either way they lied about one just to look good.

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I never said WoW fixed all the bugs in less than 3 months. I asked what bugs and I didnt see your reply. Yes there are bugs in WoW but most get fixed very quickly. If people have problems with not logging on they are fixed quickly.


Dont remember the orc sholder bug but was that when they were tiny and looked stupid? Thats not a major bug and only deals with appearance. So maybe it wasnt on their top priority to fix. I dont know.

I also dont remember a fallying through the world bug when feared. Not saying it didnt happen but I dont recall it.


I am not all talk when I say something I have something to back it up most of the time. So dont say im all talk and no actio.


The orc shoulder bug was minor huh? I'm sure that was a minor issue to people playing orcs, one of the anti swtor arguements i see is that the armor sets in this game are terrible, i'm sure you'll jump all over that hyping it into a major issue if you had half the chance then double standard back here to claim that armor looks/bugs arn't a major issue.


Bugs fixed quickly huh? I suppose the ol'warlock/hunter pet bug in which your pet would run a mile with the mob resulting in you having to chase after it was fixed, right? That was present for years in that game. Falling through the world wasn't fixed either. Did you ever play a mage? If you blinked near freya's room you'd fall down into yogg sarons brain room, that was still present a few months ago. If you also got feared in the passage way of the upper entrance to the horde base in WSG there was also a chance of going through the wall and falling to your death.


You speak of having something to back up your arguements, i could copy paste all your comments as proof you have nothing to back up your arguements. You're a forum troll nothing more, your arguements are as weak as paper being put into water.

Edited by Berazad
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You're right - that site should have shown that the populations dropped. But it didn't. Their numbers never reflected all those servers being added. That's the whole point. This a perfect example of why anyone who is pointing to these sites as their proof of server populations dropping, rising or staying the same are pointing to thin air. :)


All the servers were added on 12/20 so all the servers were added on the first day of public sales. How can something that is added at the start be used as a reason that server populations are dropping?


So that just removes any excuse that them adding more servers as to why it looks like less people are playing. Those servers were there on the 12/20 and lots of them were full back then, they are not full now and you cant say its because they added servers since no servers have been added since then.

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The orc shoulder bug was minor huh? I'm sure that was a minor issue to people playing orcs, one of the anti swtor arguements i see is that the armor sets in this game are terrible, i'm sure you'll jump all over that hyping it into a major issue if you had half the chance then double standard back here to claim that armor looks/bugs arn't a major issue.


Bugs fixed quickly huh? I suppose the ol'warlock/hunter pet bug in which your pet would run a mile with the mob resulting in you having to chase after it was fixed, right? That was present for years in that game. Falling through the world wasn't fixed either. Did you ever play a mage? If you blinked near freya's room you'd fall down into yogg sarons brain room, that was still present a few months ago. If you also got feared in the passage way of the upper entrance to the horde base in WSG there was also a chance of going through the wall and falling to your death.


You speak of having something to back up your arguements, i could copy paste all your comments as proof you have nothing to back up your arguements. You're a forum troll nothing more, your arguements are as weak as paper being put into water.


Please do. If you like you can start with the one right before your last post.

Edited by Emeda
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Guess you dont read my posts.


Bioware has stated that some of their servers( the heavy populated ones) were almost to their maximum capacity. Which also means that all the servers have the same capacity but since some were not full they were not close to reaching the max capacity.


I dont know where but it was stated by someone that they increased thier server capacities (think they said double).


When something is almost at the maximum capacity it cant be doubled. So when did they lie? saying it was close to maximum capacity and once it reach it you would have to wait in Q, or when they said they increased it? Your call you can pick either one, but either way they lied about one just to look good.


It's almost sad how hard you are trying.


Maximum capacity...at that cap. Then...they raised the cap! So then...there's a new maximum capacity!


You go see a basketball game, and it's sold out....at maximum capacity! But then you go to the same place for a concert, and suddenly the floor is available space and there's a new maximum capacity!

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Please do. If you like you can start with the one right before your last post.


Trying to debate with you is like trapping someone in a corner with a gun to there head, the person knows they will most likely die and will attempt to do anything to avoid that certainty. You speak of things as if it was fact yet i see nothing of fact in your posts it's simply you drawing conclusions yourself and assuming it as fact then procceding to post it over and over in different threads until it becomes absolute in your mind.

Edited by Berazad
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It's almost sad how hard you are trying.


Maximum capacity...at that cap. Then...they raised the cap! So then...there's a new maximum capacity!


You go see a basketball game, and it's sold out....at maximum capacity! But then you go to the same place for a concert, and suddenly the floor is available space and there's a new maximum capacity!


But it was the absolute maximum and they even stated that they would not be able to go above this as by saying if it reached it you would just have to wait. You cant raise something about the ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM. :rolleyes:

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But it was the absolute maximum and they even stated that they would not be able to go above this as by saying if it reached it you would just have to wait. You cant raise something about the ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM. :rolleyes:


Link please.


Show us where Bioware said they were at the absolute max.


And even if you can provide a link, you'll have to prove that they weren't talking about the absolute max of that particular cap.


You're really stretching.

Edited by Skoobie
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Trying to debate with you is like trapping someone in a corner with a gun to there head, the person knows they will most likely die and will attempt to do anything to avoid that certainty. You speak of things as if it was fact yet i see nothing of fact in your posts it's simply you drawing conclusions yourself and assuming it as fact then procceding to post it over and over in different threads until it becomes absolute in your mind.


Did bioware not state in writing that some servers were reaching their absolute maximum and if they reached it they would not increase it?


Was the servers increased for all the new players entering on these servers to remove the 1 hour+ waiting times?


Yes or No answers only. If both your answers are yes then they lied about one.

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