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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Population is GROWING!


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From the FEBRUARY 01, 2012 / 10:00PM GMT, EA - Q3 2012 Electronic Arts Inc. Earnings Conference Call transcript:So relax paople. And you are right, brunch is over so it's time to go online and play.


That will include ME and DA as well and a slew of other games. All that shows is Bioware/EA have strong performance with other products and makes it entirely irrelevant to SWTOR.

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I've mentioned that same thing to her before, funny that this time she dropped them whereas last time she just plainly ignored the comments.


The claims she is making are false, most servers are NOT full, most are light or standard. Also, she is using the server labels as the basis for her arguments when we know that it's commonplace in MMOs for the developers to manipulate them to show populations are better than they really are.


I proved my claims last night with screenshots taken and confirmed to be true.


Why are you so upset and dead-set on this game to fail?


I provided proof...what do you have other than being hurt and angry.


Wait, don't bother to answer.



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It is not failing. There are issues to be fixzed. Some of them are serious (end game PvP is horrendous) but they are doing a great job with getting patches in. Every game has issues......it is part of the industry. They are well aware of how many cry babies are here on the forums. They see the same names boo-hoo-hooing every day.
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I proved my claims last night with screenshots taken and confirmed to be true.


Why are you so upset and dead-set on this game to fail?


I provided proof...what do you have other than being hurt and angry.


Wait, don't bother to answer.



No need to post a /ignore ... works better if you just quietly do it. I've put 5 on ignore and all no longer have accounts in these forums and their posts were deleted. If enough do it then it'll send flags. Take solace in knowing that some have little else to do than rain on people's parades. It's fun for them I guess. Has to be or they'd be doing something else. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I proved my claims last night with screenshots taken and confirmed to be true.


Why are you so upset and dead-set on this game to fail?


I provided proof...what do you have other than being hurt and angry.


Wait, don't bother to answer.




those links are dead...

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No need to post a /ignore ... works better if you quietly do it. I've put 5 on ignore and all no longer have accounts in this forum. Enough do it and it'll send flags. Take solace in knowing that some have little else to do than rain on people's parades. It's fun for them I guess. Has to be or they'd be doing something else.


Maybe their subs ran out as to why they dont have accounts anymore :eek:.


So there is 5 more people who have quit.

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Maybe their subs ran out as to why they dont have accounts anymore :eek:.


So there is 5 more people who have quit.


Well, it is good to know that some people who didn't like the game actually stopped playing and moved on, instead of hanging out in the forums trying desperately to get others to share their opinion.

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those links are dead...


They worked the other day. Dont know what caused them to be removed (free acount maybe that only lets them stay there for a day? dont know). They showed 3 very heavy servers and I though I counted about 15 but someone said 20 or so heavy servers the rest standard with about 10-15 light servers.


This was about 10PM EST I think and 2 of the 3 very heavy servers were the aussies temp home servers.

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Well, it is good to know that some people who didn't like the game actually stopped playing and moved on, instead of hanging out in the forums trying desperately to get others to share their opinion.


Dont worry I wont be posting anymore in 6 days.

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Fleet used to only have about 50-60 republic players, but now during prime time has over 100!


As BW releases more copies of the game, more players log in.


Tis a good day.




I added these screenshots from the thread: NA Server Status 9:48 EST: Population Thriving!


That thread was created on February 18, 2012.


There are almost more Heavy populated servers than there are Standard now!

Quite a few are Very Heavy.










This game is basically new and still getting found by people who havnt heard anything about it.


Once the game has reached every market then the incline of new subs will slow down.


If you were to do a poll of how many people from beta into early release are still playing this game ,that would be a strong indication of Swtors real longevity.


The burnout and frustration with this game and the companies lack of competent handling of it has led me to lose faith in it and personally, I just lost interest with it and cancelled my subscription

Edited by GothicSaint
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The burnout and frustration with this game and the companies lack of competent handling of it has led me to lose faith in it and personally, I just lost interest with it and cancelled my subscription


Actually the nice thing about this MMO is it enables the extreme players to burn out quickly, quit, and allow the larger and more relevant segment of the customer base to continue to thrive without the extremes hanging on and ranting for months and months.

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So I can see them again and we have


3 - very heavy servers


19- heavy servers (I said 15 before sorry for being off 4 servers)


76- standard server (could be off a bit)


14- light servers (OMG off 1 server)


Those are the numbers and you said most were heavy?


Those numbers to me on a sat night are much lower than they were in Dec and Jan and actually prove that less people are playing the game

Edited by Emeda
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So I can see them again and we have


3 - very heavy servers


19- heavy servers (I said 15 before sorry for being off 4 servers)


76- standard server (could be off a bit)


14- light servers (OMG off 1 server)


Those are the numbers and you said most were heavy?


Those numbers to me on a sat night are much lower than they were in Dec and Jan and actually prove that less people are playing the game


So the amount of people playing at one time is less now then they were over the holidays.



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So the amount of people playing at one time is less now then they were over the holidays.




The month of Jan is a holiday?


Remember on Feb 1st they said 1 million people were playing each day for an average of 4 hours.


That means over 1/2 of the people were playing every day from Dec 20-Jan 31.

Edited by Emeda
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You know this is lame..sorry but.. since we are posting we ALL can just check how many servers show how full - light. There are no servers ..no ONE that is better now then at launch. I picked 4 and then EU side. No one of them EVER get FULL now.. yeah they all moved to LIGHT servers? lol


But we all new this would happen. Its not going to get better. The word on the street so to speak is not how GREAT SWTOR is. Come 1.2 yep those that are paying yet not playing will log in to see whats changed and then make the choice to stay or leave. Out of 3 friends 2 still pay.. not playing but once a week at best.

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