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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Population is GROWING!


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Warning: This post contains basic math. If you are offended by math, or have difficulty grasping its simple elements, please skip ahead to find a plethora of opinion based posts.


Referencing data from http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats, which compiles the output of the official server status page on an hourly basis:


If you sum up the change from last week to this week for all US servers, you get a drop of 8.18 units. This is equivalent to the four most heavily populated US servers not logging in at all, or a drop of 3.2% in US population logged in.


The results from the European servers are about the same. -7.11 units, approximately equivalent to the four most heavily populated servers not logging in, or a drop of 11.4% in European population logged in.


This is all of course a very rough approximation, since all the site can do is measure the percentage of time each server spends in each population state (population index: light = 1, standard = 2, heavy = 3, very heavy = 4, full = 5). This is also a time averaged measure of population and not necessarily indicative of the total number of people per server. It could be that there where actually more players, but they collectively spent less time logged in.


Two data points (last week vs this week) does not a trend make. If you are interested in the trend over time, it is available in graphs through the link.

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you're entire post is moot since you're claiming your personal experience equates into facts.


All things aside - your experience is the opposite of my personal experience. However i'm not going on the forums going - my server population has gone through the roof(easily twice as many people in fleet now as was in fleet 2-3 weeks ago) ergo the entire population of the game is skyrocketing and people love the game.


Your personal experience is not fact. As soon as you realize that the sooner you'll understand cheerleading for the server population to slump so you can feel right about sonmething is silly and childish.


I'm not saying you are wrong - I am saying you are clueless about actual population numbers. It sucks there are less people on when you're playing than there were 3 weeks ago. I'm sure it effects your gameplay.


It in no way is evidence that the entire game population, let alone your own server population, is decreasing.


This week has been a school holiday in england, thus numbers should have been higher than normal - not the case. Where as you say Im clueless about population numbers, maybe - I've been saying its different on every server. But when you speak to people on MY server, you ask them how the servers doing, they will say people are quitting, their friends are quitting, people are moving to other servers. As a whole my population has declined alot.


"It in no way is evidence that the entire game population, let alone your own server population, is decreasing."


Haven't said the whole game population is dying, its just very noticeable on my server. I mean who's right? No one, can't be proved they are dropping or increasing as a whole, but certain servers are suffering. Log onto them, do the numbers every so often to see whos on / when, and you would have seen a decline in people.


Theres having school, work and real life, and then there's just a lack of people who want to play on that server.


Edit: I really don't care what other people have to say if I'm wrong or not - All I am saying is on my server, Uthar Wynn, population has decreased alot, activity has decreased alot. If you were on it from day 1. I don't want the game to fail, I want it to work because I like many others have put alot of time and money into the game.


The games good, needs work, but some servers need to be addressed.

Edited by Mysquine
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I'm looking more at well over 2 million plus with the release in Asia Pacific soon.


Not to mention more and more people are picking it up every day.


If only by meaning bioware fixes it then i hope you're right. other wise they are only making money off of a poorly made game

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how can we have two threads, one saying dropping and the other say raising?


Maybe its because some people play in quiet hours !!


If you look at the OP, most servers were heavy last night.


There were a lot of people playing.

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My fist thought was; people abandoning their low-pop servers and rerolling somewhere.


There were only about 8 Light servers last night out of around 120 servers total. The majority (or close to) of the servers were Heavy.


Rerolling could account for some of it, but the fact is there were a lot of people online.


It's a good game, so I can see why.


BW does need to fix quite a few issues before I'll say it's a great game, but they are working on it.

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I'm looking more at well over 2 million plus with the release in Asia Pacific soon.


Not to mention more and more people are picking it up every day.


More and more every day? What about those that will be dropping the game? Because I think this time around, it's going to be significant number doing just that. There are only a couple of days left until those that subbed from the start have to make a decision on whether to pay for a second time. I know plenty that have decided against it (myself included).


In terms of Asia Pacific, I don't think it's going to be as big as you think. Most people from those regions that wanted to play, are already playing.


In terms of the server labels, they cannot be trusted. It's common in MMOs for developers to adjust the labels so that a smaller number would trigger a larger label. This is done when population is falling and the devs want to disguise it from the people that are actually playing.


I wouldn't base your whole argument on those server labels. I know for a fact that the server I play on (Frostclaw EU) is dwindling in numbers yet the label still shows as heavy.

Edited by Mandrax
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There were only about 8 Light servers last night out of around 120 servers total. The majority (or close to) of the servers were Heavy.


Rerolling could account for some of it, but the fact is there were a lot of people online.


It's a good game, so I can see why.


BW does need to fix quite a few issues before I'll say it's a great game, but they are working on it.



The MAJORITY is NOT heavy, do you work for bioware or just a biodrone?

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Ya, this is a the genuine article. :rolleyes: It's another end user forum post from another forum thread that references and tracks back to a SWTOR discussion thread that a mod closed for flaming and bad behavior. The DH post is probably his. Dude ... need to do better than this or keep the rhetoric on Darth Hater. Not even a nice try. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I was wondering that also. Was funny when I asked her why her only 2 friends were bioware employees she dropped them and added 2 different friends.


I've mentioned that same thing to her before, funny that this time she dropped them whereas last time she just plainly ignored the comments.


The claims she is making are false, most servers are NOT full, most are light or standard. Also, she is using the server labels as the basis for her arguments when we know that it's commonplace in MMOs for the developers to manipulate them to show populations are better than they really are.

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The MAJORITY is NOT heavy, do you work for bioware or just a biodrone?


The person you quoted was talking about last night, and they also said "close to".


Can you now prove that the majority, or close to it, of servers last night were not heavy?

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The person you quoted was talking about last night, and they also said "close to".


Can you now prove that the majority, or close to it, of servers last night were not heavy?


To be fair, the majority (or close to it) were only been heavy in the initial stages of launch. They haven't come close to most being heavy (or better) for weeks and weeks. So unless last night was a complete anomaly, it's BS.

Edited by Mandrax
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OP sadly you are not allowed to post anything remotely positive, no one will believe you they will continue to say the sky is falling all the while paying for the game they hate to play.


Hey but on the upside long as the haters (sorry disgruntled players) are subbing its all good!

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