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do you regret your legacy name?


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No regrets. If I recall correctly the dialog where you got to put in the legacy name explained exactly what it was, and that it couldn't be changed once chosen (not sure). Anyway, for some reason I was clear about the consequences when I put in: Oldwedge
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I don't regret mine. I just used the same last name for my character that I do in any other MMO. I find it kind of silly that people choose other names like "IMHUGEDOWNTHERE" or the likes. They may be good for a chuckle at first but only in a sense that they're kind of dumb.


The Legacy option clearly stated everything about your Legacy though so it would be someones own fault if they did not bother reading prior to choosing their Legacy name.

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I'm very happy with Dunraven.


I still chuckle when I come across silly ones because you know they will be regertted at some point. The ones that make me laugh for real are probably the ones ppl will regret the most.


Occassionaly I'll come across people who did this


Mcmagicman Mcmagicman


and I dont get it

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Yes and I changed servers. Then used the samething again. Looks like Ill be chagning servers again. I have yet to see this end game stuff. How about having an option of not using a Legacy name, that would be nice.


If you mean to not show it, you can do it in preferences. If you mean to not have it, you can ignore it for a while but the game will keep 'reminding' you.

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Ha! Ahahahaha! God yes, I do.


Always name my character Jamsandwich. Thought I'd make legacy name Jamsandwich too. I dunno, thought it was meant to provide some sort of visible link for characters and not much more.


So now I have Ham Jamsandwich, Spam Jamsandwich, Thebigcheese Jamsandwich....and Jamsandwich Jamsandwich.




And I know I can change how it's displayed, but it doesnt look so cool.


So yeah, I need to change my original character to just Jam and then Sandwich. Which I will do! Whether they like it or not.

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I chose one that would go with both light and darkside characters of both factions and could be used as either a surname or title. I'm very happy with it and nave it on multiple servers. I took them at their word when they said I wouldn't be able to change it.
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My only regret is that I had to modify it.


Many years ago (jeez, can it really be nearly 2 decades?) I played a Captain Zani Jaxx in an awesome GURPS campaign. I *had* to name my Smuggler Zani, and I just could not wait until she got high enough to claim her surname...

...only to find out by then that Jaxx was taken. Jax was, too. But I was determined, and so I shoved an apostrophe in there to get J'axx.


So, I'm not as happy with the surname as I'd like to be, but it's not regret in the choice of the name, just regret that I couldn't get it exactly how I wanted it.

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Mine isnt horrible but not good either. Dont care. Never really cared for the legacy stuff or the surname. I just wrote whatever to get rid of the stupid pop up and just hid it.


Just need to remember to hide it every time I roll a toon on that server.

Edited by MasterKayote
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I like mine - but, I didn't decide on it until lvl 50 on my first character. That annoying screen bothered me non-stop but I was afraid to rush into anything and get stuck with something I didn't like.


I'm glad I waited. :)

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