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Give me a legitimate reason to NOT have a LFD tool.


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I just realized another thing...


If LFD or to a certain extent, LFR gets implemented, content gets nerfed! Sorry guys but I'm signing off on this. It's too good to pass up. I get to be a douche, and content gets nerfed making it easier for me to use my dice philosophy. (If the dice is white, it's alright).


That also means I don't have to try as hard as I do right now. If I land a group with two sorcerer's, I can easily let those two carry me and act like I'm doing something. Even a healer sorcerer does decent damage anyway.


Content doesn't get nerfed. In fact a third, easier than Normal mode is added ONLY for LFR so everyone can at least SEE and EXPERIENCE the content, which IMO for a heavy story-driven MMO is great. Normal and Hard modes will be there and be the same during current Patch's lifecycle until the next tier of content and a new step in difficulty is added.

Edited by Orisai
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I just realized another thing...


If LFD or to a certain extent, LFR gets implemented, content gets nerfed! Sorry guys but I'm signing off on this. It's too good to pass up. I get to be a douche, and content gets nerfed making it easier for me to use my dice philosophy. (If the dice is white, it's alright).


That also means I don't have to try as hard as I do right now. If I land a group with two sorcerer's, I can easily let those two carry me and act like I'm doing something. Even a healer sorcerer does decent damage anyway.


Again, this is a you problem, not a game mechanic problem.

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LFD is the greatest tool ever and most likely on of the reason WOW kept this many suscruber for that long.Noone want to play a game when you are stuck on a low pop realm with your max level character and there is no one to play with when you are on.
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You...really think Blizzard's staffed, designed, engineered and marketed by an autistic goldfish?


You'd have to if you believe that they were somehow unaware that in their gear-driven game wherein loot acquisition is the be-all and ultimate end-all of character progression, that people wouldn't be using LFR and LFD alike for loot.


Yeah, it's definitely easy mode. It's so easy that the people that haven't been motivated by the loot-lure to raid before can get in there, get some loot, maybe pick up a fondness for raiding while they're at it and want to stick around for X more years doing what WoW does best; raidy gear-grindy game stuff.


It's so easy that the people that have been howling for years that they couldn't see the content for reasons A through Z now have very little left to gripe about; there it is. There's the Cataclysm raid; more will come in the future and be LFR'd. Have some gimped down tier gear for your trouble, thanks for paying and playing.



Seriously, they're not nearly so stupid as you must believe them to be if you honestly think they didn't both expect and -count on- that.


BRAVO!!! well said!

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Well if she sells that many then clearly a lot of people think her music is good enough to buy. Its not my style of music i am a country western fan. But i am not going to go ranting that lady gaga sucks just because its not the type of music i like.


Instead of going to a country western bar, would you go to every jazz club in town and demand they add country western venues? Thats really more of whats happening.

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I heard a new argument today - that lfg "inherently nerfs" content.



This is so silly it doesnt really deserve a response but I will state the obvious.


The content is not being nerfed. More people are getting geared to do content. This is just typical of hardcore players who want to have higher gear scores and are judging their self-worth in comparison to other peoples gear score. It's childish.


I made the statement that I'm casual. In the past I refrained from doing many dungeons/raids because as a single father I am often not able to commit to being online at certain times or being able to commit to a total amount of time online. I'm also on-call quite a bit and have other obligations.


I refrained from grouping out of respect for other players and their time.


In just a regular group server if I get a call from work, or the little one wakes up and I need to devote my time to that, I am holding up the group and potentially ruining the entire run. If I have to go on a server group it isn't simple to pick someone else up.


The same guy who stated the above suggested I "do research" on the forums and find people who play the same time I do. It is clear he is a youngster with no real life responsibilities. I don't hold that against him but a statement like that just doesn't make sense and shows willful ignorance.


When the WoW LFG tool was implemented I was able to do dungeons. No, in reply to a response he made, I do not feel like as much of a d bag when I leave a lfg group simply because it does not ruin the entire dungeon for the group. They simply re-queue and find another player, fairly quickly, who is ready to play.


If you willfully ignore the advantages of quickly being able to pick up someone quickly in your dungeon group when a player drops - thats a you problem not a lfg problem. Since you don't seem to have an issue with it I suggest if an lfg group is not implemented that this guy lets me join his groups every single time. See how pissy he gets when I have to leave half way through a raid or a dungeon and they have to stop and take 30 minutes or however long to find another person to fill the slot.

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Content doesn't get nerfed. In fact a third, easier than Normal mode is added ONLY for LFR so everyone can at least SEE and EXPERIENCE the content, which IMO for a heavy story-driven MMO is great. Normal and Hard modes will be there and be the same during a give Patch lifecycle until the next tier of content and a new step in difficulty is added.


Content gets nerfed all the time...

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Oh, that must be why WoW died and they had to shut the doors.


Nah but a lfg tool doesnt have to teleport you to the instance or to be cross server.


I think just a simple tool that help you find group/match you in a group would be alright for most of the player.

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You mean assorted personal opinions misconstrued as sweeping facts by some that think their armchair degrees in macrosociology and game development give them credibility and validity of authority upon such matters beyond that of a shoebox full of cat litter?


You have no facts evidencing LFG systems as being anything other than LFG systems that exist. The mere fact that so many of us have had largely positive experiences with such tools also throws an implaccable wall in front of whatever distortion of reasoning you're trying to lean on with these nebulous 'facts'.


Well we could very well say show us your facts that it DOESN'T exactly what we say it has been. Facts work both ways otherwise this pointless conversation will just keep going.


As for facts, just look at the numbers for WoW before, and after the LFD system was put into the game. They had a strong 11 million, heading for 12 before it was introduced and things have slowly ebbed away to 10 million. You talk about no facts to support our argument yet some of us have first hand knowledge of what that game in particular has become.


Care to show us your facts? Or are you simply trying to dru the same old lack of facts argument when you have none of your own.

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They need to streamline finding a group yes. Adding a feature to help you group with people on your server, no matter what planet, or what instance of that planet they were in, would solve almost every problem anybody has currently, with the exception of empty servers (who should probably get some kind of character transfer and then that too, will be fixed).


I'll agree that anything would be better than what they have now, however I liked the LFG mechanic, so I'm fine with it.


Cross server anything is one of the most toxic things i've ever had the misfortune of experiencing in an mmo. To use WoW as an example, the people who like cross-server, probably didn't play WoW before and after its release, and are used to the convenience, without knowing what they're trading for that.


The cold hard fact of the matter, is that server's DO grow communities (outside of your own guild even! /gasp). If you played vanilla WoW you can relate. You knew by name that enemy player who played circles around everybody else in the battleground. You recognized players who ran battlegrounds often and you knew you could trust to play their role properly (and probably invited them to premades at some later point). That guild being the only ones to have completed a certain encounter on your server gave you a certain respect for people wearing that tag. If you were in a PvP guild, you would learn the names of other PvP guilds by which tags you saw constantly in warzones, so you could expect a harder fight against people wearing those tags since you knew they PvP'd often.


None of that is possible with cross-server LFG or warzones. You don't learn anybody's name, you don't care about their guild, and you don't form lasting connections. Why should you? Odds are, you'll never see that person again anyways.


TL,DR: Add a system to group with people from your own server, no matter what planet or instance of a planet they are on and voila, problems solved.


If you need recognition for your Star Wars playing ability, create a leaderboard.

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Nah but a lfg tool doesnt have to teleport you to the instance or to be cross server.


I think just a simple tool that help you find group/match you in a group would be alright for most of the player.


I'm yet to read any reason why people seem to have a problem or hate the auto-teleport. It's already done in PvP, so why the hate on PvE?

Edited by Orisai
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You...really think Blizzard's staffed, designed, engineered and marketed by an autistic goldfish?


You'd have to if you believe that they were somehow unaware that in their gear-driven game wherein loot acquisition is the be-all and ultimate end-all of character progression, that people wouldn't be using LFR and LFD alike for loot.


Yeah, it's definitely easy mode. It's so easy that the people that haven't been motivated by the loot-lure to raid before can get in there, get some loot, maybe pick up a fondness for raiding while they're at it and want to stick around for X more years doing what WoW does best; raidy gear-grindy game stuff.


It's so easy that the people that have been howling for years that they couldn't see the content for reasons A through Z now have very little left to gripe about; there it is. There's the Cataclysm raid; more will come in the future and be LFR'd. Have some gimped down tier gear for your trouble, thanks for paying and playing.



Seriously, they're not nearly so stupid as you must believe them to be if you honestly think they didn't both expect and -count on- that.



LFR was a band aid solution to a problem THEY CAUSED whent they limited raid lockouts to 1 per week. Don't pretend like their gaming gurus sitting on a cloud predicting the future. They make mistakes and they fix them. Same for every developer.

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Oh I am sorry. Here: No it doesn't mean her music is inherently good. But it certainly would go against the argument that everyone hates her music and it's ruined the music industry. That better?


Why are you telling me? Try telling the person you were responding to the first time.



And without the red text. It makes you seem ranty and upset.

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For the longest time and well now ive been against a LFD tool in any game. Left LOTRO because they brought up they wanted to bring one in which im sure is there by now this was last fall. But after the amount of time i have played this game on 5 different servers. I must say there really isnt much of a friendly community anyways.

It doesnt seem to matter if its a group quest/flashpoint/pvp i think maybe at most ive had 10people to speak with in about 2 months. The rest might say hey while most never utter a single word. The game being set up so much as a offline RPG just helps that mindset.

Edited by Girwen
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Well we could very well say show us your facts that it DOESN'T exactly what we say it has been. Facts work both ways otherwise this pointless conversation will just keep going.


As for facts, just look at the numbers for WoW before, and after the LFD system was put into the game. They had a strong 11 million, heading for 12 before it was introduced and things have slowly ebbed away to 10 million. You talk about no facts to support our argument yet some of us have first hand knowledge of what that game in particular has become.


Care to show us your facts? Or are you simply trying to dru the same old lack of facts argument when you have none of your own.


It's a fact that LFG will improve my enjoyment of this game.

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Here to make it wasier for you.


What was the reason for LFR? So players could see content


What was it used for? An easy way to get loot


People did not run it to see content because you could actually ignore most of the mechanics of the fight and have 5-10 people afk and still kill it.


So in conclusion it was not used for what it was intended for but instead was ran because it was a fast easy way to get loot.


Free epics for all was the only reason people ran it. IF 10 million people bought SWTOR to make a huge bonfire then you would say that the game was great because 10 million copies sold?



do you even realize that WoW had content you could not queue for? the LFR only gives you certain gear and in order to get the best you had to queue with a same-server group. Unless this changed in the last month(which it hasnt) the LFR was dumbed down. The best gear and the most challenging content was only doable by same-server groups.


Even if you got the best possible gear from heroics and LFR you couldnt queue up for the highest level content.


I'm beginning to think a lot of people anti-lfg either did not actually play WoW and are regurgitating garbage they hear a few whiners say or just falt out did not know there was additional un-queueable content.

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I'm yet to read any reason why people seem to have a problem or hate the auto-teleport. It's already done in PvP, so why the hate on PvE?


I'll never use X-LFG and even I don't understand the teleport hate. I wish there was something like summoning stones right now.

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do you even realize that WoW had content you could not queue for? the LFR only gives you certain gear and in order to get the best you had to queue with a same-server group. Unless this changed in the last month(which it hasnt) the LFR was dumbed down. The best gear and the most challenging content was only doable by same-server groups.


Even if you got the best possible gear from heroics and LFR you couldnt queue up for the highest level content.


I'm beginning to think a lot of people anti-lfg either did not actually play WoW and are regurgitating garbage they hear a few whiners say or just falt out did not know there was additional un-queueable content.


I did since vanilla. I farmed EVERY SINGLE HEROIC KEY in tbc when it still required REVERED without the assistance of LFD. People lived without it in the past they can do it again. Having said that the cat is out of the bag at this point. It's coming and the best we can hope to do is mitigate it so that HARD MODES are still HARD MODES.

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Their programmers suck and don't know how to implement it.

Sheesh. Body type 3 and 4 can't get through the hole for a datacron, and they can't move a triangle to fix it.

It's poor programmers, and EA cutting corners.


Bioware has not given reasons for not doing it, they just don't know how.

There is no cross server WZs either.

Edited by tormeanted
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Well we could very well say show us your facts that it DOESN'T exactly what we say it has been. Facts work both ways otherwise this pointless conversation will just keep going.


As for facts, just look at the numbers for WoW before, and after the LFD system was put into the game. They had a strong 11 million, heading for 12 before it was introduced and things have slowly ebbed away to 10 million. You talk about no facts to support our argument yet some of us have first hand knowledge of what that game in particular has become.


Care to show us your facts? Or are you simply trying to dru the same old lack of facts argument when you have none of your own.



Are you actually suggesting this had something to do with the implementation of the LFG tool?


I can only believe you are passionate about this and typed this out without thinking.


To pin erosion of subscriptions on this is crazy. A major patch was released, boosted subs, and inevitably as with all patches subs began to erode along with the release and anticipated release of this very game. Yet you are suggesting 2 million people were so fed up with LFG that they left wow?


The only argument anyone has on either side of this debate is personal experience - not factual information they can in anyway validate(I can't factually say 2million people did NOT leave but I can use common sense and historical data on what happens after patch releases - ie the same thing happened post-lich king and post-tbc with a sharp increase followed by slow decline)


Your personal experience with LFG is apparently bad. Thats fine. Say that, dont try to state facts that are not true- that would be called lying.


My personal experience with LFG is good - it allowed me to play content I was not able to play pre-lfg. I am not here saying things like FACT-MORE PEOPLE LOVE LFG THAN HATE IT< THATS A FACT!!!

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I'm beginning to think a lot of people anti-lfg either did not actually play WoW and are regurgitating garbage they hear a few whiners say or just falt out did not know there was additional un-queueable content.


I played WoW from release through WoTLK. WoTLK was soo bad that I quit and never bothered with cataclysm.


You're really on top of your ad hominem game.

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