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Give me a legitimate reason to NOT have a LFD tool.


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You get them to add LFG because you cant supposidly find a group on your own.
No, it's for convenience, since it takes long enough so that it's not worth finding a group currently.


Then once you get the system you complain about the system by saying that it doesnt work because you get 3 idiots in your group and you cant complete it (while the original excuse you used was to just find a group),You will complain that you are wasting all your time in fail LFG groups and that they need to make it easier so you can finsih the flashpoints and not waste all your time in failed group.
Speculation, and false.


You did it in the other game and you want to do it here also
false statement. I'm pretty sure that I've never asked for content nerfs.


Well, except for that one fight in GoD; it needed to be retuned so that non-raid geared paladins and shadowknights could tank it.; heck, even many raid geared paladins and shadowknights were having problems with him...

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You will complain that you are wasting all your time in fail LFG


in fact i find it funny enough to run dungeons in that_game, i can run into incompetent party of total noobs and guess what?


challenge accepted


It will allow you to make groups just as fast as the wow version of LFG
me? hah i'm dual-spec dps-tank so

if i want group fast it will be instant, do you really think that any of your "tools" can match this time? of zero seconds? really?

Edited by navarh
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It will allow you to make groups just as fast as the wow version of LFG, it will find people that fit your group (you can check all them if you wanted to) and all you have to do is invite them. So your right its not as fast, you have to invite 3 people (thats about 10 secs max) if your leader.


Make some friends and then you can get groups even faster than a LFG if your so worried about time.


You mean looking for raid in wow. That was useless too.

Edited by zarnakrider
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Because it a response to something we were talking about earlier. It is taken completely out of context now.
I kind of thought so... but it wasn't quoted in a way that made any sense.


I just wanted to double check and make sure I wasn't ignoring something...

Edited by ferroz
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You mean looking for raid in wow. That was useless too.
for sure. I was doing a lot of raid pugging in wotlk, and using that tool was worthless. The only way to be sure to get a raid spot was to sit in dalaran (or be in wintergrasp when we won)
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It won be now and then, it will be 80-90% of your groups. Youed be better off bringing a companion.


Entirely disagree with that.


I've been playing WoW since launch and I can say with 100% certainty that I enjoy being able to quest, play the AH, chat with friends, or whatever else I fancy while I wait for a Random Dungeon Finder group to pop. Same goes for LFR (Looking For Raid).


The feature, for me, is an absolute success in that it saves me the headache of spamming trade chat (or general chat) for a group. Anyone else remember how hard it was to find a group for Magister's Terrace as a DPS when you weren't a mage? I do.


I've played for years and have fallen into every category of gamer at one point or another: newb, casual, PvPer, raider, hardcore raider, altaholic, you name it. A "Flash Point Finder" would be an excellent addition to SW:ToR. Sure you'll get the odd "troll" now and then, but the amount of time you'll save by having access to the FPF would, in my case at least, more than compensate for a "ninja'd" item or two.


May the Farce be with you




PS: My current WoW incarnation can be found bellow :)



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Never played it so I dont know what it does, have a link?


You start a group in the LFG tool with a message ("LF2M Fire Temple. Need heals").

That message can then be broadcast in the LFG channel with clickable links.

Players can click on the message to see the current group composition/classes/levels.

Players can click to request access to the group.

The group leader can accept or deny the request.

The group is removed from LFG when filled.


And this is all server-wide.


It's a fantastic system.

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needs to extend beyond its "current zone only" limitation
it's not zone-only


all you need open tab…


claer zone-name…


type LFG…


get the list of players who search different stuff…


and browse it, read comment (if it exist) or whisper to ask what they LFG and what role are they…



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It does if you type LFG in the search box. It will show everyone on sever who are flagged LFG.
LOL. I missed the memo about typing LFG in the search box. I was typing the name of the flashpoint in the search box and thought that, plus having LFG checked, was enough to match them up. Oops... Thanks! Edited by GalacticKegger
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I don't see an objective reason against the lfd tool in this.


You do but you want to ignore it instead because denial makes your point right :rolleyes:


This is speculation. It might get it nerfed. It might be nerfed for totally different reasons. It might not be nerfed.


Did I forget to mention that the ones that want this will say its not what they want until they get the LFG in place. How about Bioware make a public statement that id they install a LFG and people start to complain its to hard and it needs to be nerfed because you dont want to waste all your time in a failed LFG that they will revert back to no LFG instead of nerfing it and if they dont then they will give refund everyone who is unhappy with this their sub cost from when they added the LFG originally. You get your LFG we dont get nerfed content and Bioware gets to keep their money or else we get our money back and you get your nerfed content and Bioware loses their money for putting in the LFG that we told them why you wanted it.

It's not an objective reason to not have an lfd tool.


No, that's a false statment. I want lfg so that I can easily get groups, not so that the content will get nerfed. I'm fine with difficult content. Love it.


I said that I couldn't... since, you're referencing it by page number, which is configurable.


No Bioware we just want a LFG so we can play your game really, we dont want if for any other reason. Yeah right you used that line so many times in wow so only complate idiots would fall for it a 200th time.

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Anyone else remember how hard it was to find a group for Magister's Terrace as a DPS when you weren't a mage? I do.
fury warrior here


i feel you pain (=


in my case i don't even look, just no point trying

only one way: go to trainer, say hi to him and respec in prot

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So.. It appears you are looking for convenient and easy.. Perhaps an MMO is not your cup of tea.. Convenient and easy is not what an MMO is about.. Unless of course you want to ruin it.. See WOW.. It is losing subscriptions for a reason..



Ok, I understand it's the cool thing to do to bash WoW here, but let me give you a little wake up call.


SWTOR will never be as successful as WoW. It will never run as long, it will never have as many players.


That doesn't mean it's a bad game, that doesn't mean it can't be successful, but trying to claim that you should just do the opposite of WoW in everything is beyond stupid.


Here is painful fact number two:


EA would sell their souls to have SWTOR or ANY of their games be as successful as WoW


WoW is the ultimate cash cow and it has a massive user base over seven years after launch. Eight? Who knows.


So, why do so many players like WoW? It's not the first MMO, but it's the first one with market penetration anything like this.


1. They understand that the majority of their players are casual. They will play a couple hours a night at most.

2. They understand that people want to feel like they've gotten something done in that hour or two. The feeling of accomplishment and progression is absolutely required to maintain that player.

3. They understand that people want to play with their friends and if their friends start quitting they quit too. This goes for even the ultrahardcore raiders.

4. They have devised ways in which you can log in, do cool stuff and log out feeling good.

5. They have made it so even casual players can see all the content and yet the hardcore players still have better stats so they're happy too.


So you ask, how does this apply to a LFD tool.


Lets assume that Jane Casual plays 2 hours a night, when she logs in she throws a quick LFG in general in her fleet. Unless she's a healer odds are nobody wants her and so she wanders off to go questing. The alternative is sitting there in the fleet spamming general, it's not all that likely to work and if she doesn't get a group in the first hour or so she wouldn't be able to finish anyway. In the former case she is moderately happy, she's bothered a little that she didn't get to see what the Red Reaper looked like but hey she finished her class quest and now she's Darth Jane the Sorcerer. In the latter she's very unhappy as she wastes half her playtime and doesn't find any groups that want her and her lightning then goes out and finishes a couple of quests and has to log out for the night.


Not a real good experience.


So how does a LFD tool help? She logs in, she clicks that she's interested in doing the level appropriate instances and then runs off to do quests, space combat, pvp or whatever while she waits. Best case it pops quickly and she meets a group of people and they do a couple of runs together. She logs out happy with a few new shiney pieces of loot. Worst case it never pops, in this case she is in the same shape as if she had never even tried from the previous example, and far better off than the one where she hangs around for an hour lfg. Average case might be takes 30 minutes to find a group, she finishes one FP and then goes on her way to try out the shiny new loot.


All of those are much better experiences than not having that tool.


There was a game that used to like to make things as painful as possible, it was called Everquest. When WoW came out it died. You may be ultra ****** hardcore game ninjas (in your own mind) and enjoy the pain of trying to put together a group on a low pop server off prime time, but guess what... for every one of you there are HUNDREDS of Joe/Jane Casual. If you quit, EA doesn't even notice. If they quit, the game shuts down and they lose you too.


Convenience and quality of life is critical to keeping the casual, keeping the casual is critical to staying profitable.

Edited by sithgrizley
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for sure. I was doing a lot of raid pugging in wotlk, and using that tool was worthless. The only way to be sure to get a raid spot was to sit in dalaran (or be in wintergrasp when we won)


THey didnt have LFR in wrath. It was instroduced in Cata.

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Ok, I understand it's the cool thing to do to bash WoW here, but let me give you a little wake up call.


SWTOR will never be as successful as WoW. It will never run as long, it will never have as many players.


That doesn't mean it's a bad game, that doesn't mean it can't be successful, but trying to claim that you should just do the opposite of WoW in everything is beyond stupid.


Here is painful fact number two:


EA would sell their souls to have SWTOR or ANY of their games be as successful as WoW


WoW is the ultimate cash cow and it has a massive user base over seven years after launch. Eight? Who knows.


So, why do so many players like WoW? It's not the first MMO, but it's the first one with market penetration anything like this.


1. They understand that the majority of their players are casual. They will play a couple hours a night at most.

2. They understand that people want to feel like they've gotten something done in that hour or two. The feeling of accomplishment and progression is absolutely required to maintain that player.

3. They understand that people want to play with their friends and if their friends start quitting they quit too. This goes for even the ultrahardcore raiders.

4. They have devised ways in which you can log in, do cool stuff and log out feeling good.

5. They have made it so even casual players can see all the content and yet the hardcore players still have better stats so they're happy too.


So you ask, how does this apply to a LFD tool.


Lets assume that Jane Casual plays 2 hours a night, when she logs in she throws a quick LFG in general in her fleet. Unless she's a healer odds are nobody wants her and so she wanders off to go questing. The alternative is sitting there in the fleet spamming general, it's not all that likely to work and if she doesn't get a group in the first hour or so she wouldn't be able to finish anyway. In the former case she is moderately happy, she's bothered a little that she didn't get to see what the Red Reaper looked like but hey she finished her class quest and now she's Darth Jane the Sorcerer. In the latter she's very unhappy as she wastes half her playtime and doesn't find any groups that want her and her lightning then goes out and finishes a couple of quests and has to log out for the night.


Not a real good experience.


So how does a LFD tool help? She logs in, she clicks that she's interested in doing the level appropriate instances and then runs off to do quests, space combat, pvp or whatever while she waits. Best case it pops quickly and she meets a group of people and they do a couple of runs together. She logs out happy with a few new shiney pieces of loot. Worst case it never pops, in this case she is in the same shape as if she had never even tried from the previous example, and far better off than the one where she hangs around for an hour lfg. Average case might be takes 30 minutes to find a group, she finishes one FP and then goes on her way to try out the shiny new loot.


All of those are much better experiences than not having that tool.


There was a game that used to like to make things as painful as possible, it was called Everquest. When WoW came out it died. You may be ultra ****** hardcore game ninjas (in your own mind) and enjoy the pain of trying to put together a group on a low pop server off prime time, but guess what... for every one of you there are HUNDREDS of Joe/Jane Casual. If you quit, EA doesn't even notice. If they quit, the game shuts down and they lose you too.


Convenience and quality of life is critical to keeping the casual, keeping the casual is critical to staying profitable.

Should have used a bullhorn - much more effective.
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You start a group in the LFG tool with a message ("LF2M Fire Temple. Need heals").

That message can then be broadcast in the LFG channel with clickable links.

Players can click on the message to see the current group composition/classes/levels.

Players can click to request access to the group.

The group leader can accept or deny the request.

The group is removed from LFG when filled.


And this is all server-wide.


It's a fantastic system.


Close to the same system I explained. Find the players and let the players invite them. Win Win for everyone.

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Why you dont like lfg guys if you dont want one of the players in your group you can kick him and requeue. Simple as hell


Stop making up fake fixes to get it. You know they will add a kick timer so after you kick 4 people in your LFG you are forced to play with the 5th one and everyone after that because you cant kick for 4 hours.


I didnt say me I said you. The ones that want it so you can find a group.

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your suggestion though was that guilds/players would flock to servers with no lfg tool. That suggests LFG hinders those guilds.

no, you are suggesting that. Remember, we are talking about Cross-Server lfg, not intra-server. Elite players and/or those interested in player accountability and community would be very likely to transfer to a closed lfg server. Since the best, most hardcore players often share this sensibility, we can postulate that they would make up the balance of the population. This would make for a highly progressed server, which would then likely attract many other players interested in progression. Elite guilds would still be exclusive, but every hardcore player I've ever known runs alts. They would be much more likely to round out their groups with lfg.



That would mean a lot of ppl would have a choice to make - join a server that does not have LFG and risk not being accepted into a guild right away and having your ability to experience content(and get better gear in the process to show your capable of being in a good guild) curtailed or join an LFG server so if you cant/dont find a guild that fits your time etc. you can at least still experience content via LFG.

Sounds like a very easy choice for someone like you. Or me, for that matter.
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