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Give me a legitimate reason to NOT have a LFD tool.


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So after spending all this time complaining about the prospect of Bioware dumbing down the game, you tell me that you actively avoided running the more difficult content? Effing Brilliant. I guess it's my fault for taking you seriously for as long as I did though.


I wouldn't be able to tell you how I'd usually have to wait for several people to leave in the begining of a HoR run if I were avoiding it now would I? Again, you're just amazing.

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I'll take a LFD tool and I'll be very happy about it. I skipped many a FP on my way to 50 because I wasn't about to stop questing so that I could sit on the station for 30-40 minutes trying to find a group and then stop out of frustration from not having found one. Also, I hit 50 about two weeks ago and I have yet to do a single FP because in my 1 hour of play a day, I want to be doing things, so I PvP and do dailies instead of sitting around spamming for a group that may never form.
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That's your problem: there's no such thing as a "wait time per server", because there isn't a server queue. There's only a wait time per group, or a wait time per person.

Actually we both made an error with assuming an average wait time of 15mins equates to 4 groups per hour.

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I wouldn't be able to tell you how I'd usually have to wait for several people to leave in the begining of a HoR run if I were avoiding it now would I? Again, you're just amazing.


misread the post, apologies.


They ran them to get the rewards at the end, and felt compelled to run them over and over and quickly became both jaded and with zero patience or tolerance for newer or lesser geared or skilled players. In short, it started making pretty much everyone miserable.


Among people who feel that way that's going to be the case regardless. Certainly LFD facilitates it to an extent, but the behavior is still there, even in TOR. Even right now.

Edited by Sylriana
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The math failure was in your initial theorycraft post.
These are the queues and the times from that theorycraft post. Where are you saying there is a math error?


To me, it just looks like you're dodging the question because you can't answer it.

Edited by ferroz
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These are the queues and the times from that theorycraft post. Where are you saying there is a math error?


To me, it just looks like you're dodging the question because you can't answer it.


You're asking me to scroll up and repeat, whos dodging?

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If a loser is on same server you stuck with them.


When a "loser" is on your server and you don't use a lobby tool, the only way you're ever going to find yourself playing with them is by sending or accepting an invite. Using the lobby tool is when you're stuck with them.

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When a "loser" is on your server and you don't use a lobby tool, the only way you're ever going to find yourself playing with them is by sending or accepting an invite. Using the lobby tool is when you're stuck with them.
No, with a lobby tool you kick them and replace them.


You're asking me to scroll up and repeat, whos dodging?
The person who won't answer the question... I can repost it is you really need me to.
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People aren't forming full groups of people they've never played with everyday. Theyre running with people they ran with days if not weeks before. That invalidates all your theorycraft from the get go.
becourse you say so?

becourse all can't manage dungeon on pug group?

why you think all people are so bad and helpless as you?

Edited by navarh
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The person who won't answer the question... I can repost it is you really need me to.


You're holding people hostage to repeating themselves and even to repeating what you're saying you over and over to the point of ad nauseum because you lack the humility to ever admit to being wrong about anything.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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The classic "thats not what I meant" defense.
i'm not sure what you mean. I meant those words; he's just misusing them


  • him: Just like we are saying now but being that 2 previous games did exactly that there is no basis to form the same opinion.
  • me: Oh you can feel free to form an opinion. Just don't expect anyone to agree that your opinion is fact, when it's not.


That make sense. He's talking about whether it's ok to use his experience to form an opinion, and I agree, that's fine. Just that he shouldn't expect other people to accept his opinion as fact.


On the other hand... when he parroted it back at me, that doesn't really make any sense; I'm not talking about forming an opinion on anything. I'm not actually talking about an opinion in any way.


So, either he's trolling, or he doesn't understand what he's parroting.

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i'm not sure what you mean. I meant those words; he's just misusing them


  • him: Just like we are saying now but being that 2 previous games did exactly that there is no basis to form the same opinion.
  • me: Oh you can feel free to form an opinion. Just don't expect anyone to agree that your opinion is fact, when it's not.


That make sense. He's talking about whether it's ok to use his experience to form an opinion, and I agree, that's fine. Just that he shouldn't expect other people to accept his opinion as fact.


On the other hand... when he parroted it back at me, that doesn't really make any sense; I'm not talking about forming an opinion on anything. I'm not actually talking about an opinion in any way.


So, either he's trolling, or he doesn't understand what he's parroting.


This is where you deliberately misconstrue what someone says and build a strawman to knock down. Does that somehow redeem your ego?


You said to the other guy that he doesen't understand what your saying, yet you're constantly changing the definition of what you've said. Maybe that would work if the people you're talking to are younger than six years old. Better luck next time.

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You're holding people hostage to repeating themselves and even to repeating what you're saying you over and over to the point of ad nauseum because you lack the humility to ever admit to being wrong about anything.
I'm not holding anyone hostage.


I made a statement. Your response was equivalent to "lol, math error" ... I asked you what the error was, and you have repeatedly refused to answer the question.


I'll reiterate, and make everything as clear as I can.


In queue A: 4 groups form every hour; the average group formation wait time is 15 minutes.

In queue B: 3 groups form every hour; the average group formation wait time is 20 minutes.

In queue C: 2 groups form every hour; the average group formation wait time is 30 minutes.

In queue D: 9 groups form every hour; the average group formation wait time is 6 minutes, 40 seconds.


Scenario 1: Single server queues

  • server A (queue A): wait time = 15 minutes
  • server B (queue B): wait time = 20 minutes
  • server C (queue C): wait time = 30 minutes

overall average wait time = 21:40 minutes. (edit: fixed 65/3 ~= 21.667)


Scenario 2: cross server queues

one cross server queue (queue D). Wait time = 6:40


Individual wait times are directly proportional to the group formation wait times.



feel free to actually pick it apart. But bear in mind that "lol math error" doesn't actually constitute picking it apart.

Edited by ferroz
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I'm not holding anyone hostage.


I made a statement. Your response was equivalent to "lol, math error" ... I asked you what the error was, and you have repeatedly refused to answer the question.


I'll reiterate, and make everything as clear as I can.


In queue A: 4 groups form every hour; the average group formation wait time is 15 minutes.

In queue B: 3 groups form every hour; the average group formation wait time is 20 minutes.

In queue C: 2 groups form every hour; the average group formation wait time is 30 minutes.

In queue D: 9 groups form every hour; the average group formation wait time is 6 minutes, 40 seconds.


Scenario 1: Single server queues

  • server A (queue A): wait time = 15 minutes
  • server B (queue B): wait time = 20 minutes
  • server C (queue C): wait time = 30 minutes

overall average wait time = 20 minutes.


Scenario 2: cross server queues

one cross server queue (queue D). Wait time = 6:40


Individual wait times are directly proportional to the group formation wait times.



feel free to actually pick it apart. But bear in mind that "lol math error" doesn't actually constitute picking it apart.



Why do you keep spamming this? Its already been proven wrong.

Edited by Amiracle
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This is where you deliberately misconstrue what someone says and build a strawman to knock down. Does that somehow redeem your ego?
Where did I do that?


You said to the other guy that he doesen't understand what your saying,
That seems likely

yet you're constantly changing the definition of what you've said.
Where did I do that?
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