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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

STOP the excuse making!


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So what if this is a new game. I played both FFXI and LOTRO from launch, and both games kept me busy for a lot longer than a month after launch. No way on earth unless you murdered yourself playing would you have reached max level on FFXI in four weeks. So comparing this game to other games that may have launched in the past is very misleading.


The leveling up process on games released a decade ago wasn't near as quick as it is on this game, so there was less of a need to have an extensive endgame upon launch. I don't know why this simple concept is so hard for people to understand, and why this comparision SWTOR defenders typically make is so inaccurate.


Simple truth is this game simply moves too quick. Reaching level 50 can be done in the span of a month easily, even for casuals - and that reality puts far more pressure on this game to have an extensive endgame to keep players busy than did the games of the past.


Bottom line:


This is a great game for players who like to roll alts.


This is a boring game for players who don't.


It really is that simple.


So instead of making these stupid comparisons to games released a decade ago in a completely different era when players expected completely different things - let's move past that nonsense and all chip in on ways Bioware can make this game more fun after 50 so everyone isn't either bored or rolling an alt.


All of this excuse-making gets us NO WHERE.

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I think it's arguable that this game is fun for those who like alts. I love making alts in WoW, getting bored by lvl 43 on your main doesn't say much for making alts. I have an 11 bounty hunter and a lvl 44 Sith Jugg. I struggle to login to either.. I just end up logging into WoW instead..
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This is a great game for players who like to roll alts.


How is rolling an alt on the same faction great? You'll be doing the same stuff you did previously 90% of the time in the same order with very little variation in dialogue. The only difference are the class quests you have per zone, which are five or six and most of them are fillers until you're at the plot of the zone.


As for the comparisons. People do that because this game lacks in certain areas compared to what is on the market. If you want to compete you don't release a product that offers less for the same money. This game really lacks a lot for a 2011 game with such a huge budget.

Edited by Fixiooo
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I like strawberry ice cream ! If you don't like strawberry Ice cream than you have no taste!




There can be stuff for everyone, not just one small type of playerbase. That's where WoW went right and BioWare went wrong. There's something for EVERYONE in WoW. I don't care about 2004 WoW, I care about 2012 WoW and 2012 TOR.

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How is rolling an alt on the same faction great? You'll be doing the same stuff you did previously 90% of the time in the same order with very little variation in dialogue. The only difference are the class quests you have per zone, which are five or six and most of them are fillers until you're at the plot of the zone.


As for the comparisons. People do that because this game lacks in certain areas compared to what is on the market. If you want to keep compete you don't release a product that offers less for the same money. This game really lacks a lot for a 2011 game with such a huge budget.


I'm running 8 toons all up, i'd have more but that's the server limit. It's great for me. I take it you simply don't understand those of us who alt, we even do it in MMORPGs where the story is exactly the same.

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I'm running 8 toons all up, i'd have more but that's the server limit. It's great for me. I take it you simply don't understand those of us who alt, we even do it in MMORPGs where the story is exactly the same.


How do you possibly manage to the do the same exact quest 8 times and listen to the same story and do the same planets 8 times in 6 weeks.


You know you're the absolute 100% minority, right? Like.. an incredibly small portion of the 1mil subscribers play like you.

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How is rolling an alt on the same faction great? You'll be doing the same stuff you did previously 90% of the time in the same order with very little variation in dialogue. The only difference are the class quests you have per zone, which are five or six and most of them are fillers until you're at the plot of the zone.


As for the comparisons. People do that because this game lacks in certain areas compared to what is on the market. If you want to compete you don't release a product that offers less for the same money. This game really lacks a lot for a 2011 game with such a huge budget.


There are 8 completely different story lines Yes the secondary quests will be then same and it would be up to you to do them or not.


Most MMOs when you roll an Alt you will have a main storyline and then identical side quests, really no different then here.


If you dont like Alts that is your choice. As for myself and others we like them, each persons taste is different.

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How is rolling an alt on the same faction great? You'll be doing the same stuff you did previously 90% of the time in the same order with very little variation in dialogue. The only difference are the class quests you have per zone, which are five or six and most of them are fillers until you're at the plot of the zone.


As for the comparisons. People do that because this game lacks in certain areas compared to what is on the market. If you want to keep compete you don't release a product that offers less for the same money. This game really lacks a lot for a 2011 game with such a huge budget.


Fixiooo, almost everyone who sings praises about this game are people who enjoy rolling alts. So while you may not enjoy it, obviously a lot of people do.


In any case, I was just trying to be fair in my analysis. I personally don't like rolling alts, not on this game or any other to be honest. So you are talking to the wrong person if you want someone to explain to you why so many others like to do it. You'll have to go ask one of them.

Edited by JeremyDale
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How is rolling an alt on the same faction great?


Same reason people install aimbots...

People get entertainment value from different means. I have a 50 sage and a 26 Vanguard and I'm still enjoying my Vanguard doing the exact same missions over again. I prefer that over running the same FPs over and over again or playing PvP over and over again.


Just depends on who you are.

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So what if this is a new game. I played both FFXI and LOTRO from launch, and both games kept me busy for a lot longer than a month after launch. No way on earth unless you murdered yourself playing would you have reached max level on FFXI in four weeks. So comparing this game to other games that may have launched in the past is very misleading.


The leveling up process on games released a decade ago wasn't near as quick as it is on this game, so there was less of a need to have an extensive endgame upon launch. I don't know why this simple concept is so hard for people to understand, and why this comparision SWTOR defenders typically make is so inaccurate.


Simple truth is this game simply moves too quick. Reaching level 50 can be done in the span of a month easily, even for casuals - and that reality puts far more pressure on this game to have an extensive endgame to keep players busy than did the games of the past.


Bottom line:


This is a great game for players who like to roll alts.


This is a boring game for players who don't.


It really is that simple.


So instead of making these stupid comparisons to games released a decade ago in a completely different era when players expected completely different things - let's move past that nonsense and all chip in on ways Bioware can make this game more fun after 50 so everyone isn't either bored or rolling an alt.


All of this excuse-making gets us NO WHERE.


FFXI kept you busy because it was the hardest, most difficult grind EVER.

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I'm running 8 toons all up, i'd have more but that's the server limit. It's great for me. I take it you simply don't understand those of us who alt, we even do it in MMORPGs where the story is exactly the same.


The point is; Every time prior to launch I heard how it would be great to level an alt. It would be a whole new experience. Then I tried to level an alt...


But they, if you'd like to repeat the same stuff four times per faction, power to you.

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How do you possibly manage to the do the same exact quest 8 times and listen to the same story and do the same planets 8 times in 6 weeks.


You know you're the absolute 100% minority, right? Like.. an incredibly small portion of the 1mil subscribers play like you.


No need for you to change the subject. I don't give a nub of goat crap if i'm a minority, that has nothing to do with what I was talking to him about.


EDIT: responding to different person.

Edited by Cormey
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You like strawberry, but I like chocolate. Why do they force us to only have strawberry?


100% correct !


I hate when people have opinions and push them of has facts ! like the OP , when are people going to understand one man's garbage is another man treasurer!

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Can't help but "LOL" at comparing FF XI's paper thin story and mountain of mindless mob grinding to TOR's hundreds of hours of content. Especially at launch but heck, add in all three nation storylines, Zilart, CoP, Aht Urhgan, And Wings of the goddess and your still left with less content then TOR at launch.


Just because BW wasn't lazy/cheap enough to force players to grind off the same mobs for month after month with no story/purpose or any semblance of content, doesn't mean there was more to do in FF XI.


And just because gear doesn't take years to gather like XI doesn't mean it had a deeper endgame. Heck XI didn't even have endgame until they released the Zilart expansion one year post launch. And that was just one zone, "Sky".


Moral of the story: Mindless cost cutting time sinks /=/ "Things to do."

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Roll Alts to enjoy an MMO.


Am I really reading that argument? That's the answer to the games issues?


Roll Alts?


No, the answer is to not blow through content in two months and then complain about not having anything to do. That's for a new game, for new content patches, for new expansions, whatever. I've seen it happen every single time in WoW when there was a new patch or expansion, and we're seeing it here. Realize that the game you are playing isn't solely meant for those who burn through content faster than the vast majority of the population and stop burning yourself out.

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