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Everything posted by jdrake

  1. 2GB max on a 2006 machine? I think not... Don't waste so much money on a brand name next time, those specs should have been $2000 tops. 2GB is low for Win7 (I imagine you are using XP) and won't manage this game very well forcing your system to use a lot of pagefile on your insanely slow 5400rpm HDD. Next time: 64bit OS, 8GB RAM min (I use 16GB and turn off pagefile; which a lot of people suggest against), SSD if you want to drop the money, but at the very least go for 7200rpm with decent cache. Video cards change favor based on the season, so just pick up what people like at the time.
  2. Same reason people install aimbots... People get entertainment value from different means. I have a 50 sage and a 26 Vanguard and I'm still enjoying my Vanguard doing the exact same missions over again. I prefer that over running the same FPs over and over again or playing PvP over and over again. Just depends on who you are.
  3. RSA keys aren't cheap, most likely they are not making any money off them
  4. IF I knew how to, I would switch his sound files wit that guy from Ord Mantell.... you know the one that goes "WOMAN, i TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP! /backhand"
  5. Also, a thought: What if they opened up addon development on the test server only, then the community could develop code and bioware can pick and choose code snippets of what they like and implement it much quicker.
  6. I propose that if api is opened up, it goes off the principle of explicitly denying all api and opening it up as needed, not like wow did where you could do anything. This would allow for a lot of UI customization without potential exploits.
  7. Thinking about it, I would like some third party support; I hope to god that bioware does not try to implement in game voice chat.
  8. "Why not?" is the balance of the fights. These fights are not being developed for addons in mind. A fight is released, then addons are released to further dumb them down. There are creative ways to work around UI implementation using boss mechanics. One idea for replacing threat meters would be to have the boss use a secondary attack on second threat.
  9. You missed my point completely... I'm not fearing harder content... I welcome it. I just don't want the encounters to be reliant on third party code.
  10. I never said it made the fights trivial, I said that the addons were required. I quite WoW before LK but did all BC content up to w/e the one was that they released after BT. Probably most of the fights could be done without addons, but the only ones to complete would be few. My favorite fight was Archimonde and if I remember right, it didn't require any addons. Vashj was also fun, but I can't remember if the addons were needed.
  11. Programming is fun in of itself as long as there is motivation. Addon development was already implemented and the raids required them, so why not have some fun developing them? Just because I like developing addons does not mean that I support the implementation of the api.
  12. Are you trying to say that people who cleared Nightmare are credible enough to claim to be a QB in the super bowl?
  13. I have plenty of raid experience. Early encounters in WoW (like MC) can be done without bossmods, but since the development of bossmods, the raids became more complicated expecting players to have the addon. This game can make a complicated fight without requiring third-party interface; they will just need to provide tidbits via their own interface.
  14. I did some addon development for WoW and I agree, there are some great addons that would help this game without affecting the content. If its opened up in this game, I plan to create a few addons (starting with a navigation menu for your ship). It is possible to limit what the addons can do so that you don't have any "combat" mods, but I know the devs wont do that. Kinda like when WoW started and you had addons that could literally do everything for you. I guess my point is that I'd rather have none over easy mode addons.
  15. Most addons are for ****** players. If addons made the ops that much easier, then the content will start being developed based on available addons much like what happened in WoW.
  16. No one was clearing MC with all blues and greens. Hell, getting 40 people in a raid that are not half retarded is a task in of itself unless you transferred to WoW with a guild from a previous MMO.
  17. Hard Mode and Nightmare mode is more of a gear check than a skill check.
  18. Isn't comparing every RPG aspect of BF3 to a few from SWTOR kinda working against your argument? Stop skipping classes and learn how to spell "then" and the proper structure of a statement to prevent repetitive arguments that are read like a 5 year old wrote them. Regardless, this game is lacking difficulty, but I attribute that to early release. I imagine later operations will be more sophisticated. If not, I will be disappointed.
  19. I haven't used him in combat, but i know he can heal you. As far as I've read, there is no way to raise his affection meaning that there is no companion quest for him. Personally, I wish I could install a mouth on him so that I can punch it each time I enter the ship. Most annoying game character ever. I hate his scripted lines and the voice that speaks them. I especially hate the voice when you send him on a mission because it drops the droid talk filter and it ends up sounding like some DBAG that should have been aborted.
  20. Gotta have love for Qyzen... he molts and eats it! Wish there was a romance option...
  21. I think one of the major flaws is the lack of description used to describe the test. The easiest test would be to have 2 level 10s (one sage, one sorc), naked, unbuffed, and attacking the same mob. Their stats should be the same and ability rank would be the same (not getting into the "level to acquire" arguments).
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