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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Giant maps...why?


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I think the parts that are too big are certain space ports. The long around the Coruscant or Nar Shadda space port. Or the silly way that Dromund Kaas has you running through that plaza because the two taxis aren't connected.

Or how speeders cannot be used in space ports.


They make you jog through dead areas just to have you running through them without anything there to do. Spaces that just exist so they can claim their game world is big.

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The problem is most of them feel empty, especially now where there are only 30-50 peeps in each world past Coruscant and Dromand Kaas. The worlds look pretty bad when there are no other players running around. Making them larger only compounds the problem.


Like someone else mentioned, the worlds also feel like giant mazes with artificial boundaries. WoW did a much better job making a contiguous world that flowed from one zone to the next minus loading screens.

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Do you consider WOW big because i think WOW has a good map size.


They also put it together nicely, you get a quest and its all the way in the bottom corner of the map and you gotta walk there. They need someone with design sense on these maps.


Never felt like i was just running all of the place in WOW, layout made sense.

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I really believe he wants quests where the questgiver gives him a quest he turns 90 degrees, shoots 1 person, turns back to questgiver and gets rewards. No real moving.


Never once had a problem with wow, its just designed poorly so you feel like you running around in an empty box.

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Do you consider WOW big because i think WOW has a good map size.


They also put it together nicely, you get a quest and its all the way in the bottom corner of the map and you gotta walk there. They need someone with design sense on these maps.


Never felt like i was just running all of the place in WOW, layout made sense.




WoW kept things connected and fresh in the maps and the zones. The breadcrumbs quests.. everything just flows so nicely. Every zone was vastly different than the last, you have options of where you want to go to level.


This game is nothing but the same boring planets with the same boring world maps with the same linear quests and the exact same pulls everytime. So far offbase..

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Voss is a good example of how swtor world design sucks compared to WoW. Just click on M and you see that it's the same hub-fly to each separate zone BS. It literally looks like Nar Shaddaa except the background art is different. You can't actually travel to each zone except through the flightpaths.


The ship-orbital station-spaceport loading mess is awful.

Edited by grueber
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Giant maps.. why not?


They are pretty perfect. They take enough time to travel across that you feel as if you're exploring a new world (if you don't run about with the map up... in that case you're ruining it for yourself).


They ARE big maps, and not all of them are mazes. Hoth and Tatooine in particular seem to be open and free. I loved Hoth. But I have been impressed with all of the planets, really.


I can see how people who aren't fans of scale or RP would object to the worlds, but really, if this is what we're complaining about we've gotten to the unimportant trivialities quickly...

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They are just way to big, particularly before you get a vehicle. What were they thinking. It's to big with to much space for no reason.


Nice one - I thought you were serious until you said other stuff about great maps in WoW that didn't make you run around too much. I have one word for you - Felwood.

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