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27/2/12 - 16 medals.


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this is my hybrid darkness/madness spec:




works well for me. especially the insta whirlwind. very useful when you get into some 1v2's. deathfield i find very useful. pulls players out of stealth when the vanish has a 30m range to stop cappers. does decent damage. all in all, a very good ability to have.

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ah yea, my bad indeed, but It wont be me choice anyway, since HD with 3 ticks (still 3 shocks away) is still interruptable by knockbacks and other CCs...only immune to jolt and stuff.


It's not 3 shocks away. Wither gives 1, Shock gives other. Then you Thrash, once or twice for Electrify to reset the cooldown on Shock, which is only 6 seconds to begin with, and you get the 3 stack.


As for interrupting, that's why just below Harnessed Darkness you have neat little Spike out of stealth. Spike them, and THEN channel it with Recklesness up, and then use up the remaining charge of Recklesness with another Shock.


You build up the 3-stacks INCREDIBLY fast.

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I played all day with this spec yesterday and my survivability went through the roof!!! most matches I had 10+ medals, and did the objectives, captured the ball, defused bombs, planed the bombs and all that stuff. Granted im in the 10-49 bracket and can see this turning aroudn once im 50, but you gotta start at the bottom and work your way up, I have no doubt ill suck in the 50 bracket.
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I played all day with this spec yesterday and my survivability went through the roof!!! most matches I had 10+ medals, and did the objectives, captured the ball, defused bombs, planed the bombs and all that stuff. Granted im in the 10-49 bracket and can see this turning aroudn once im 50, but you gotta start at the bottom and work your way up, I have no doubt ill suck in the 50 bracket.


Can you put your finger on exactly what changed?


I mean, with this build, compared to 31/0/10. What you lose is basically Wither. What you gain is 50% bigger crits on Thrash, and for 6 seconds after coming out of stealth you have INSANE force regen. That's pretty much it though, right?


So why are we seeing better performance? Unless of course you were Deception before, that would explain it.

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Can you put your finger on exactly what changed?


I mean, with this build, compared to 31/0/10. What you lose is basically Wither. What you gain is 50% bigger crits on Thrash, and for 6 seconds after coming out of stealth you have INSANE force regen. That's pretty much it though, right?



Thats pretty much an assassin, mate...coming out of the stealth bursting as much as you can. Wither is a top skill, getting to it makes it wasting a lot of skill points for some crappy AOE dmg and a snare.

Imho there should be no assassin without skills in dark embrace, thats what this class is about.

And yes...i chose Thrash crits over Wither anytime with 80% more force regen when coming out of stealth practically spamming skills! And remember you have in combat stealth also...which you can use in middle of fights to avoid more dmg or getting more force again if depleted. If those are played correctly cycling/spamming thrash + shock + maul + spike + single/aoe threat spam, etc you're a god damn annoying beast.

My tip: keep the mods with defense, replace the shield mods/accuracy with surge/crit and you'll survive/hit hard and not only that even turn the tides of every fight.

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Thats pretty much an assassin, mate...coming out of the stealth bursting as much as you can. Wither is a top skill, getting to it makes it wasting a lot of skill points for some crappy AOE dmg and a snare.

Imho there should be no assassin without skills in dark embrace, thats what this class is about.

And yes...i chose Thrash crits over Wither anytime with 80% more force regen when coming out of stealth practically spamming skills! And remember you have in combat stealth also...which you can use in middle of fights to avoid more dmg or getting more force again if depleted. If those are played correctly cycling/spamming thrash + shock + maul + spike + single/aoe threat spam, etc you're a gosh darn annoying beast.

My tip: keep the mods with defense, replace the shield mods/accuracy with surge/crit and you'll survive/hit hard and not only that even turn the tides of every fight.


Your using tank gear, but replacing some mods? Please tell me I'm reading this wrong or your credibility just went right out the window.

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I think you misunderstand my point. I meant that people overvalue the medals in regards to your contribution to a win or loss in a warzone, and often act accordingly.


It's sad how many times a healer is berated by some fool because they "only" got 4 medals.


This. I look at the SS, notice the top healer has 4 medals and 0 votes and shake my head. They are directly responsible for enabling you run amok and rack up 150K protection yet they earn barely 1/2 of the valor reward and zero recognition. Not cool.

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Champion survivor gear modded with crit/surge + stalker weap / power generator


Yup that's what I thought. Why would you run that build using survivor gear? Also why a power generator they are crap for PVP you should be using a Focus.


Tip: Instead of saying L2P I will give you advise, dump all your survivor gear and get the stalker set, swap worthless mods with the agent head piece mod, ditch the power generator and get the focus even if its cent its still better than a champion power generator.


Secondly try the 31/0/10 build you build HD so fast and Force lighting will wreck people with Recklessness up and heal you at the same time makes you a complete beast and you can do 300k damage plus protect 100k+ and get the 75k healing medal. Why I do like SynapseX build for a change I think you personally will have better luck with a 31/0/10, but please ditch the tank gear in PVP :eek:

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Yup that's what I thought. Why would you run that build using survivor gear? Also why a power generator they are crap for PVP you should be using a Focus.


Tip: Instead of saying L2P I will give you advise, dump all your survivor gear and get the stalker set, swap worthless mods with the agent head piece mod, ditch the power generator and get the focus even if its cent its still better than a champion power generator.


Secondly try the 31/0/10 build you build HD so fast and Force lighting will wreck people with Recklessness up and heal you at the same time makes you a complete beast and you can do 300k damage plus protect 100k+ and get the 75k healing medal. Why I do like SynapseX build for a change I think you personally will have better luck with a 31/0/10, but please ditch the tank gear in PVP :eek:


Mate, instead of trolling go to a champion vendor and see *** is a Champion stalker power generator (its a fkin focus). And no, tank gear gives the -10 sec spike which is a gem+the 5% dmg add when guarding (which you most likely always do). Thats what i chose, its not an L2P. Im not running for healing medals so thanks for the advice, noted!

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Mate, instead of trolling go to a champion vendor and see *** is a Champion stalker power generator (its a fkin focus). And no, tank gear gives the -10 sec spike which is a gem+the 5% dmg add when guarding (which you most likely always do). Thats what i chose, its not an L2P. Im not running for healing medals so thanks for the advice, noted!


My bad, at work and was thinking shield generator. The 2 pieces for spike is ok, but the other 2 pieces for the guard damage is a waste.


You would do much better filling those spots with stalker gear and modding pieces with the agent head piece mod then you would getting your 5% extra guard damage! More Willpower is > than your 5% guard damage.

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This. I look at the SS, notice the top healer has 4 medals and 0 votes and shake my head. They are directly responsible for enabling you run amok and rack up 150K protection yet they earn barely 1/2 of the valor reward and zero recognition. Not cool.


The screenie doesn't tell a whole story.


One match I had a Sorc sit in the fire, then heal himself, then sit in the fire again, then heal himself. He had something like 750k healing done by the end of the match. And none of it was in any way combat-related.

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Can you put your finger on exactly what changed?


I mean, with this build, compared to 31/0/10. What you lose is basically Wither. What you gain is 50% bigger crits on Thrash, and for 6 seconds after coming out of stealth you have INSANE force regen. That's pretty much it though, right?


So why are we seeing better performance? Unless of course you were Deception before, that would explain it.


Actually I was madness before and was very squishy, granted the DPS was phenomenal but my survivability was not the greatest. With this new spec I do a bit less dps but stay alive alot longer. I opted out of wither only cause the spec called for it, i didtn pickup the force regen out of stealth yet so right now its just normal force regen, but the thrash dps and constant shocks are hitting like a truck. I do miss Death Field a bit though so I may pick that up instead of the force regen out of stealth.

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The screenie doesn't tell a whole story.


One match I had a Sorc sit in the fire, then heal himself, then sit in the fire again, then heal himself. He had something like 750k healing done by the end of the match. And none of it was in any way combat-related.


How does this relate in any way to the presented screenshot? Are you suggesting that the Operative in question is somehow padding his stats in a Voidstar match? I am simply pointing out that the healing support who in this case almost certainly played their role well is getting massively under rewarded for equal contribution to the success of the team.

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How does this relate in any way to the presented screenshot? Are you suggesting that the Operative in question is somehow padding his stats in a Voidstar match? I am simply pointing out that the healing support who in this case almost certainly played their role well is getting massively under rewarded for equal contribution to the success of the team.


I dont think anyone disagrees with you that healers get shafted, I even made a point of this in my original post.

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How does this relate in any way to the presented screenshot? Are you suggesting that the Operative in question is somehow padding his stats in a Voidstar match? I am simply pointing out that the healing support who in this case almost certainly played their role well is getting massively under rewarded for equal contribution to the success of the team.


I'm saying it's a double-edged sword if medals are changed to favour healers. Instead of healing the team, they'll just stand in fire/acid and heal themselves and rake up insane amount of medals. That's the difference between tank/DPS and healer. A tank/DPS requires a hostile target, a healer only requires himself to rake u p the score.


Which is exactly what so many people do. On the server I'm on, it's very common to see a Sorcerer at the start of the match, regardless of spec, use Consumption and then heal himself. By the time the match starts, he's already sitting on 1-2 medals, and well on his way to a third. Before the doors even open. How did that help the team? It didn't.


I'm not saying healers don't get shafted on medals. They do. But Bioware has to be REALLY careful what they do about it. Because they could easily give any class with healing capability a license to print medals.


Personally, I feel medal/MVP system is pretty idiotic to begin with and encourages killfarming and other stuff. It has to be objective-based, and same medals should be available to all classes. But I guess it made too much sense for them, so they came up with the current system.

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I'm not saying healers don't get shafted on medals. They do. But Bioware has to be REALLY careful what they do about it. Because they could easily give any class with healing capability a license to print medals.


Personally, I feel medal/MVP system is pretty idiotic to begin with and encourages killfarming and other stuff. It has to be objective-based, and same medals should be available to all classes. But I guess it made too much sense for them, so they came up with the current system.


PvP healing is such a difficult, thankless job that I don't really see a problem if healers got 1-3 more medals than other roles. Maybe it would convince more people to heal.

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Broke my 15 medal record last night, the only two medals I didnt get were 3k defender points and 300k total healing.




Inb4 "shockfrozen water" and also I think its total BS that someone heals for nearly half a million and gets only 4 medals, that needs changing asap.


What charge do you use since the change? Dark with guard up?

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Since I've finally got some expertise, deception has been fun with the big numbers but man I die real fast.


I think I am going to try this out, the survivability of darkness mixed finally with some pvp gear sounds tantalizing.


Do you use discharge at all? It seems like discharge takes a low priority since the dmg is weak, and thrash is so good... especially once I get 4pc PVE

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Since I've finally got some expertise, deception has been fun with the big numbers but man I die real fast.


I think I am going to try this out, the survivability of darkness mixed finally with some pvp gear sounds tantalizing.


Do you use discharge at all? It seems like discharge takes a low priority since the dmg is weak, and thrash is so good... especially once I get 4pc PVE


I dont use discharge in pvp.

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