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27/2/12 - 16 medals.


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Broke my 15 medal record last night, the only two medals I didnt get were 3k defender points and 300k total healing.




Inb4 "shockfrozen water" and also I think its total BS that someone heals for nearly half a million and gets only 4 medals, that needs changing asap.

Edited by SynapseX
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can you post a link of your exact spec, just curious of a few things i know most are probably pretty cookie cutter.


Also how is your gear modd/enehanced? you using the tank pvp gear or stalker? and in what combination of mods etc?

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can you post a link of your exact spec, just curious of a few things i know most are probably pretty cookie cutter.


Also how is your gear modd/enehanced? you using the tank pvp gear or stalker? and in what combination of mods etc?




4 piece tier 2 pve gear, rest is stalker battlemaster, all accuracy mods taken out and replaced with power/crit/surge. 500 expertise, 390 melee bonus, 30% crit, 90% surge, self buffed.

Edited by SynapseX
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Curious build. Keep Harnessed Darkness but ditch Wither...hmm...I kinda like Wither, but those Thrash crits are probably monstrous.


Question - do you really need Dark Ward? I mean are you even wearing a shield generator?


I dont use a shield gen, but there really isnt much better to put it into, and I do use it for pve.

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I dont use a shield gen, but there really isnt much better to put it into, and I do use it for pve.


Yep, just what I thought too. Just tried one match with the spec, pretty nifty. I do miss the slow on Wither, actually had to use Force Slow from time to time, but definitely playable.

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ive hit 14 medals a couple times with a similar build... what did you use to hit that 5k hit medal? its been elusive for me and im working with 580 expertise


Honestly, I didnt see the 5k hit and it was my first time getting a 5k hit medal... it had to have been an assassinate since I dont use maul.. I have seen shocks crit for 4200-4300 though.

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Honestly, I didnt see the 5k hit and it was my first time getting a 5k hit medal... it had to have been an assassinate since I dont use maul.. I have seen shocks crit for 4200-4300 though.

I've had a few 5k Assassinates as well, though naturally I've never ever received the 5k medal for those since players <30% HP usually have less health than that...


But I've had a few insane Force Lightning crits with HDx3, my highest yet is 2222 though it was only 1 tick, the highest full duration one was 2023 or similar, that'd be some insane burst if it was applied at once :<

Edited by Nohkron
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looks like someone is altering their mods after todays surge nerf.


I only have surge on my enhancement slots and there is nothing else you can substitute in besides accuracy, which is still bad. Find me an end+power+crit enhancement and we'll talk.

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Im using the same spec since like 1 month or so ...except that Im using Maul and no shield skills (since 3 ticks oh lightning is kinda hard to get and shield in pvp = 0). Its a really good spec indeed if combined with Champion Survivor gear modded with crit+surge.
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Would it be better instead of putting 2 points in Dark Embrace and 1 point in Dark Ward to use those 3 points in Death Field and Fanaticism?


You cant take the point out of the darkness tree, if you do you wont be able to go up the tree it seems.


PS, im totally gonna try this when I get home, but to be sure, you are doing this in all DPS gear right and Im guessing survivability would go up even more if you used a shield right?

Edited by Sherbatsky
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Well i am using this build since 1.1.2 and this was always the only viable build for me.


- high suvilability

- decent burst

- crap load of damage

- enough utility


i get usaly 10-12 medals. if i am trying to get more i can get sometimes up to 15.


my build is a little bit different.




but i have tested madness and deception but with none of them i can get the survilabitliy i need. also the damage output is not higher for me with madness and deception only the burst a little bit more with deception,

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Surprised to see so many builds skipping out on Wither, it seems like such an incredibly useful ability in group PvP. I would think you'd at least get Death Field if you're gonna skip Wither and go up Madness that far?


Obviously you're doing well with the spec though, so it works...just thinking out loud. =D

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