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The End of the Game


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Why do people always say this ? wow had this much time bla bla


How hard is it for any other company to leanr from WoW's good and bad points.. yet they just make the same mistakes right from the start..


There is just no excuse for such a shoddy game.


Hey what if SWTOR had everything wow did? Would people then say ....HEY BW you cant come up with something original? You had to copy WOW?


People are never happy with everything all of the time..


Lets just make it simple...

If you like it stay and play.

If you dont LEAVE..

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I agree that the Customer Service is atrocious. Especially when the competing product on the market has pretty much set the standard for the industry in that department, and has much larger customer volumes to deal with.


There's also the fact that for better or worse, WoW has learned to communicate often and well, and be actively involved with the community. Getting a yellow post that doesn't sound like it got run by PR and legal 20 times in this forum these days is really really rare, and it feels like getting a straight or candid answer on big community requests is next to impossible.


I disagree that it will be the end of the game, but it'll certainly create negative buzz about it if nothing changes. And sometimes, word of mouth and perception can be more important than facts and reality (and I'm not talking about the forums, those are almost always full of negativity and light on useful feedback).


I think BW has a real opportunity here to up their game before WoW puts out new content and is in a strong position to try and lure people away from here. Which, despite what the apologists say, is a real possibility; lots of folks are here because WoW is in a pre-expansion lull. Once the cap is raised and new raids come about, I've no doubt that some people will consider going back, pandas or no pandas.

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I played Vanilla WoW, and TOR is much better.


Having a long boring grind to 60 did not make WoW good. Having a fire resist gear grind did not make WoW better.




For me leveling in WoW was an epic, unforgettable experience. It was not boring at all for me, but it was long. That is what made level cap so rewarding. Level cap is just handed to people now.


I died so many times leveling a mage in Vanilla..it was tough. Died like 2 times leveling in SWTOR...

Edited by justregularjoe
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Hey what if SWTOR had everything wow did? Would people then say ....HEY BW you cant come up with something original? You had to copy WOW?


People are never happy with everything all of the time..


Lets just make it simple...

If you like it stay and play.

If you dont LEAVE..


Lol yeah.


According to the forums, TOR fails because:


1. It should have been Everquest.

2. It should have been Star Wars Galaxies.

3. It is WoW with lightsabers.

4. It should have been WoW with lightsabers.

5. They add content instead of fixing bugs.

6. They fix bugs when there's nothing to do in endgame.

7. The game is too easy and it's boring.

8. They made class quests impossible to beat and it's unfair.


And it goes on and on...

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The LFG made it so that people with jobs could fit instances into their lives.


The x-server LFG tool was made for the same primary reason people want it here as well and it's got nothing to do with having a job or not: not all realms have the same population ratio, same demographics and size. In order to reduce the need of people transferring away from their realm they introduced the tool which worked x-server within the same realm group.


I have a job, I have been playing WoW, alot of my former guildies were people with families and jobs and still we have raided all kinds of demanding high-tier content since vanilla. People who wanted to do things while still having a family/jobs always found a way to fit in their hobby. The majority did at least. If the x-server LFG tool helped them then it was an effect we call killing two birds with a stone.


Now onto two things, x-server LFG and its adverse effects made me quit WoW once. While contained on their own server people have to stand up for reputation they have earned and cannot dodge the side effects of being a loud-mouthed tool so easily. The bigger the crowd the bigger the anonymity effect and thus feeling less compelled to care for your reputation.

It is inevitable that it will happen and secondly a rating system won't help either because exactly for the same reason and raging nerds never being fair judges. The other one won loot over you in a fair roll? Rank him down! He's got a name you don't like? Rank him down! He told you not to stick to your targets? Rank him down!

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This. I'm sick of these damn kids acting like everyone has all the time in the world just because they can afford to sit on a game 10 hours a day. I hope Bioware realized that an MMO in this day and age that doesn't have an LFG tool is as good as dead.


If you cant find enough time to play this game you are doing something wrong. Few advices - deepen your knowledge to get a better job so you dont have to work 2 shifts, stop making children so you have more free time, stop expecting you can achieve everything with limited play time.

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If you cant find enough time to play this game you are doing something wrong. Few advices - deepen your knowledge to get a better job so you dont have to work 2 shifts, stop making children so you have more free time, stop expecting you can achieve everything with limited play time.


so do you have a job or are you one of the "kids" he speaks of?


If you're looking for a "sandbox" MMO, with long dungeon runs, deep crafting, long travel times, minimal load screens...then go play Vanguard. Good luck finding people to group with though.

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The x-server LFG tool was made for the same primary reason people want it here as well and it's got nothing to do with having a job or not: not all realms have the same population ratio, same demographics and size. In order to reduce the need of people transferring away from their realm they introduced the tool which worked x-server within the same realm group.


I have a job, I have been playing WoW, alot of my former guildies were people with families and jobs and still we have raided all kinds of demanding high-tier content since vanilla. People who wanted to do things while still having a family/jobs always found a way to fit in their hobby. The majority did at least. If the x-server LFG tool helped them then it was an effect we call killing two birds with a stone.


Now onto two things, x-server LFG and its adverse effects made me quit WoW once. While contained on their own server people have to stand up for reputation they have earned and cannot dodge the side effects of being a loud-mouthed tool so easily. The bigger the crowd the bigger the anonymity effect and thus feeling less compelled to care for your reputation.

It is inevitable that it will happen and secondly a rating system won't help either because exactly for the same reason and raging nerds never being fair judges. The other one won loot over you in a fair roll? Rank him down! He's got a name you don't like? Rank him down! He told you not to stick to your targets? Rank him down!


Did you even stop to think that they could easily add a feature of checks and balances. Such as anyone that has a lot of votes is watered down whether they are good or bad. Players with bad ratings will end up being paired with like minded players to the best of the queues ability at the time.

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Lol yeah.


According to the forums, TOR fails because:


1. It should have been Everquest.

2. It should have been Star Wars Galaxies.

3. It is WoW with lightsabers.

4. It should have been WoW with lightsabers.

5. They add content instead of fixing bugs.

6. They fix bugs when there's nothing to do in endgame.

7. The game is too easy and it's boring.

8. They made class quests impossible to beat and it's unfair.


And it goes on and on...


The forums do say these things yet the forums have a point on all accounts. This game should have been in development for another 6 months. Good game companies have learned not to rush content unless it is ready, E.I. the push back on the Star Wars Kinect Game ( Not that this will be tuned for every type of gamer).

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I was in 9th grade when Wow came out and played up to AQ 40 Princess Huhuran


And that is why you fail on a bunch of aspects of endgame, and what a game needs. Most likely got carried there too.


Honestly I have no idea why I respond to idiotic threads like these, because well just like IRL, there is that 0.01% like me that are not bad.


Try coming up with original suggestions, and think outside the box, like well, for the very best gear, you need to find someone with a trade skill to make them, with the materials you get off a boss. Or, like a guy previously stated, LFG within the server (or have server clusters, where you can teleport temporarily to another server to group with a buddy or something) and have some sort of global rating system for different players, so you can rate the players you group. Granted, some people will be kids, like 90% of everyone on this forum and rate players they dont like down, but theres always a fix for that (rating a guy down or up in masses needs to be looked at by a mod or maybe a person designated by the server's playerbase community). Maybe a Republic Council, Jedi Council, something like that. Keep it in the lore.


Enough wall of text, enjoy.

Edited by DoogeeX
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I had no idea that WOW had implemented all of these features two months after their initial launch! They must have been way ahead of the curb man! It's interesting that WOW has had 3 xpacs but it was so good after the first two months they never had to update it. People only bought the xpacs so they could change their loading screens.


Remember how cool it was when wow had add ons/lfd tool at release? It was incredible!

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So long story short you want Bioware to carbon copy everything Wow has... right >.>


Old Republic is already a carbon copy of WoW but Bioware couldn't even get basic things right like a good UI, targeting options, combat log etc. Your kidding yourself if you think TOR isn't another WoW clone and for *********** hell I know Everquest was first.

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Old Republic is already a carbon copy of WoW but Bioware couldn't even get basic things right like a good UI, targeting options, combat log etc. Your kidding yourself if you think TOR isn't another WoW clone and for *********** hell I know Everquest was first.


WOW doesn't get anything right either, especially the UI and they have had about 8 years to fix their ****. WOW is infamous for putting on a bandage (in UI's case addons) and hoping to god it doesn't get infected.

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In regards to ticket number 3188109 ( I opened a ticket asking if I could get my items restored. The support took longer than 24 hours so I was unable to get them back because the policy is that if the action was taken 24 hours ago they will not do it. ) that I was not able to respond back to due to the Game Master closing the ticket . It did not deliever what was promised in the hearts and minds of gamers and star wars fans a like. No words can sum up the disapointment I have recieved with playing this game but I will try.


The Customer Support is awful for a video game that had the most amount of money backing them we should have one day live response from Game Masters at least, like World of Warcraft. I don't know how BioWare expected the game to launch without a good customer support; the service was not adequate. I am mainly disappointed that they did not hire more for their support team after realizing they were going over 1.5 million players.


End game for Swtor is worse than World of Warcrafts ever was. When you can't even assign loot or pass on loot you don't want to go to you over another person it just seems like you guys are not trying. Bosses that you only wipe on because they are bugged makes everyone annoyed with the game. None of this would be a problem if you guys had premades in the test servers so that end game would get tested along side the early stage of the game.


Friends system should have been taken right from wow because people are use to it and it works very well. Real ID is very useful for friends to group up together and talk even if they are on an alt.


Flashpoint finder should have been put into the game cross-server. If you were worried about people being rude to each other I would have suggested making a player rating system that everyone can check. If you get a lower player rating then you will be stuck with other players with that nature. Not having this in the game makes the flashpoints seem like a lot more work than they should be; mainly because most of them do not have a special location so they don't feel like an adventure like going to deadmines or shadowfang keep.


Ilum has to be the worst world pvp area I have ever seen in the history of MMOs. From the guys who made Warhammer Online and Dark Age of Camelot, I was thinking we would atleast have some kind of amazing world PvP zone.


Add-ons are one of the main things that makes World of Warcraft so much fun. To redesign your User Interface after 6 years into a game is a lot of fun and invigoration game play. They can pick and choose what add-ons to approve if they are worried about making the game to easy such as Deadly Boss Mods or Bigwigs.


In closing the defenders of Swtor may say that the game is still early and give it time, but Swtor is not competing in a vacuum. So I won't give them any breaks when it comes to things that other games have already come up with. The things we didn't get from Swtor almost seems like the game developers were banking on this being a Star Wars MMO rather than caring about the game and putting in the things that matter.


I guess this proves that money thrown at a game can't create success. Its the same for movies and now it is shown the same for video games.


Took 14 days for them to return an item to me but they did eventually. Have you followed the correct procedure?


With regards to the rest of your post, is there a colour code going on, you seem to have used red for 2 of your points, is this a level of your rage with this particular point?


Are you aware that some of the points you have made will be addressed in just a few weeks with content patch 1.2?


This feels like a rage post by a child with some pretty colours splashed over it and very little thought behind the actual content.


Anyway, cya (if your quitting, i got bored halfway through and stopped reading as i suspected it would end with the standard unhappy ending of "i'm quitting")

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so do you have a job or are you one of the "kids" he speaks of?


If you're looking for a "sandbox" MMO, with long dungeon runs, deep crafting, long travel times, minimal load screens...then go play Vanguard. Good luck finding people to group with though.


I am 38. After reading your post i wonder why you are sending me to play Vanguard when i prefer Star Wars. You probably know that there is a place with cross server LFG and other such features. Hasnt a thought of going to wow crossed you mind?


To be honest im not a fan of super long dunbgeon runs but this game already is as far, as you can get from MMOG. They only need to add market, dungeon and warzone browser working in internet explorer to complete mmorpg genre demise. It makes me sad when i recollect my hopes for the genre when i read UOs first impressions from some game exposition.

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Two rebuttals and one fact:


1.) It sounds like you have only run normal Operations. This is not endgame. Get more experience before you try to speak about something. Hardmode and NM do not auto assign loot.


2.) Cross-server LFG tool killed WoW's sense of community and is destroying it slowly. Same server LFG tool would be fine.


3.) WoW developers have made ZERO, ZILCH, 0, NADA addons for that game. It is all community built and maintained using LUA. You are ignorant.

1. What do they give over normal Operations? Bragging rights? To show to who and where?


2. Look around carefully, what community does your server have outside your guild or outside the fleet (lobby game, much?). There's nothing to lose and everything to gain.


3. WoW developers made LUA. Without LUA there wouldn't be any add-ons. They actually did the wise decision and let the experts do the dirty and timeconsuming work in making the add-ons work and be useful. And benefit the entire gaming community.


You are the one that is ignorant.

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Did you even stop to think that they could easily add a feature of checks and balances. Such as anyone that has a lot of votes is watered down whether they are good or bad. Players with bad ratings will end up being paired with like minded players to the best of the queues ability at the time.


"Easily" is a term I wouldn't use so...easily in that context because social engineering can go wrong in many ways especially with so many unpredictable factors involved in player behaviour. :p


It would still require that players with a bad ranking would have one justifiably so and that the player in question would ever have a chance of getting out of the valley and in similar fashion a good ranked player may fall randomly out of favour or just have a bad day and drop down into the other league.


Checks and balances may work for stuff like forums or discussion boards where you have to add an explanation for your -/+ ranking however in a game such a thing wouldn't work the same way, for once the initial ranking will dominate and players may prejudge because they don't see how many successful group runs he's actually finished and whilst you could add a reason for your ranking as well - and I assume it would be a pretty big list to read eventually - you can't unlike in a forum not make a reference to the one bad incident unless you keep recordings of each run to verify it.


Player ranking based on good/bad behaviour would require a neutral point of view to be absolutely reliable and if that is not present then any matchmaking attempt would fail to be reliable as well.


Now what could work is a system based on recommendations (aka plus points) only with reasons attached to see for all and the number of accomplished runs. If something like that would be implemented then maybe I won't be as opposed to it at all even if that would still have some issues to iron out first as well. :)

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You didn't hear it in the first month WOW was released--or even the first six months. Molten Core and BWL took months, not hours to clear.


Blackwing Lair came out July 12th, 2005. The game had been out for 9 months when BWL came out, and you had no idea. Im betting you didnt even play wow vanilla.


I was realmfirst with every kill in vanilla, and i assure you, we had less to do then than we have in swtor right now.


I know it was 2004 vs 2012, but the fact is, wow release sucked compare to this, no bg's for 7-8months, only one raid and no, absolutely no challenging instances, even with lvl 55gear.


And the "Wow was packed with content and no bugs" talk can just shut it, warrior charge was bugged for about 1½-2months, rendering in you falling through the world 60% of the time you used it. One amonst alot of things.

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So long story short you want Bioware to carbon copy everything Wow has... right >.>


Well, now it's just a mediocre clone of WoW anyway. And since Bioware wanted it to be like WoW in all other aspects except the class-stories, maybe they should try to do better?

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Blackwing Lair came out July 12th, 2005. The game had been out for 9 months when BWL came out, and you had no idea. Im betting you didnt even play wow vanilla.


I was realmfirst with every kill in vanilla, and i assure you, we had less to do then than we have in swtor right now.


I know it was 2004 vs 2012, but the fact is, wow release sucked compare to this, no bg's for 7-8months, only one raid and no, absolutely no challenging instances, even with lvl 55gear.


And the "Wow was packed with content and no bugs" talk can just shut it, warrior charge was bugged for about 1½-2months, rendering in you falling through the world 60% of the time you used it. One amonst alot of things.


This. A thousand times this. People need to stop putting WoW on a pedestal. It has become a great MMO over time but giving credit where it isn't due is only stifling ToR.

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This. A thousand times this. People need to stop putting WoW on a pedestal. It has become a great MMO over time but giving credit where it isn't due is only stifling ToR.


No, and a thousand times no!

People like you need to wake up and realize swtor is competing with WoW 2012, not 2004....

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