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PvP is a disaster


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What else is new? Did you really expect any MMO to have a balanced PvP experience launch? I'm getting really sick of all of the whining. Go back to FPS or something.


Thank you JBB...you read my mind. All the qq'ing and the game has been live for just about 72 hours?


Are people missing the big picture....they fixed the single orange pixel. Man that thing was annoying:D

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Balance is one thing, and should be balanced at 50. But with that said I still believe it can be sorted better at lower levels if you really wanted.


In this case that was just minor point of OP's post, that you guys seem to have missed...


He's got several good points where this almost by now classic bugs and misses from the betas are listed. Things that been pointed out for a very long time but just been ignored. For example how Items are listed and categorised at vendors and how you can't sort them properly. The unlogical placing of NPC's and so on.


The whole procedure of grouping is for example a huge joke, along side with the UI and how the bolster work. Guild window can't still be sorted by rank either to mention another one. And there's tons of these small little annoying things thats been ignored through the whole beta.

Edited by Ajeee
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OP - I am not having the issues that you are describing. I play a Sith Jugg, and most of my abilities work as they should. Occasionally I get a bit of a delay <1s between keying and the skill actually firing, but its never been as bad as you describe.


The problem with this issue, I think, since its not being experienced by everyone, it could be network related. It may not be, it could be a lot of things, but thats also part of the problem. You and someone else can have the exact same symptoms, caused by 2 different things.


If it is a network issue, anything beyond BioWare's LAN or their WAN connection, they have very little control over. They can look into issues and work with the ISP's to get issues resolved, but its not always within their power to do anything about it.


May I suggest you ensure that its not your home network, also try speedtest.net and pingtest.net just to get some more info about your actual connection. Additionally, you could run some ping tests and/or a traceroute to the server you connect to. You won't be able to fix that part, but at least you'll know where a problem lies.


I am not trying to say that BioWare is not at fault here, I am just saying we dont know for sure. You have an issue that needs to be addressed and coming here is a good idea, I just am just trying to open the thought process up to other possibilities as well, and maybe help a few folks out trying to identify their issues.



on issue I have with pvp is it is always huttball. It seems there is very little republic on the server.



Pfft, every time I have been in huttball on my server, I feel like the team that plays against the Globetrotters.

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The only thing I don't like is the fact that I have no stun as a Jedi Guardian besides the channeled one that's "OK" at 24.


So you hate all of SWTOR PvP because you don't have a stun? lol


Just move along...or go play Sith so my Shadow can make easy meat of you...



Anybody who is familiar and competent at MMO style PvP (yes, I'm talking WoW ARENA and RBG's and not BF3) will notice that the game, when it comes to PvP has some serious "smoothness" issues and bugs.


Did you just combine "competent MMO style PvP" and "WoW Arena" in the same sentence...muhahahaha...please excuse me while I ROFLMAO!!!


You trollin' kid...



If these issues aren't at least acknowledged by launch I'm going to have to cancel my preorder.


There are no gamebreaking or severe problems. I can attest to this since I have actually played the game.


And we won't miss you if you cancel your pre-order. Last night all of the Open PvP Servers were FULL with a 30-minute wait queue. But I'm sure that's because the PvP is the suxors and the game is broken amirite?? lawl


Seriously...anyone with any misgivings at all about the gameplay, please don't waste the rest of our queue-times. Just move along and don't play the game. The rest of us absolutely will not be bothered in the slightest if you play something else...



Is it just me...is it just me or does ever player who starts one of these whine threads have a Jedi as a avatar...


Sad, but true...so far. Unfortunately, I have to play with these clowns in the WZs too. Baddies will be baddies...



Thursday 15th Des at 23:00 h: all the pvp issues this guy comment are TRUE. The lag has increased hardly. 2 or 3 seconds delay on key response. Players teletransportating. When someon dies, two seconds of delay, true. The pvp experience decreases a lot.


Well I've played everyday so far. Last night on a FULL server with a wait queue, no less. I did notice a little lag hitching a couple times, but nothing gamebreaking. Lag, by the way, is an issue in pretty much every game, especially one where servers get stressed and there are large populations of peeps playing it. That problem is not SWTOR specific and what lag I've seen wasn't frequent or extended.


By my own anecdote last night, my Shadow had a blast in the WZs, with twelve awesome side 1v1s, losing only one to an IA. I'm certain more good times are ahead so I'm not sweating the nit-picking. I've been pleasantly impressed with how smooth and polished the PvP has been so far, and the game isn't even in full launch yet and I'm still relatively low level.



Lag on abilities? Have you tried lowering the Ability Action Queue Window? It defaults to .05 seconds, I play with 0.0 and it makes gameplay smoother.


Great spot. First thing I did when I entered the game was set my preferences, and set this to 0.0. This may be why I've never experienced any skill lag. If so, it's even more of a lawl since these clowns don't even know how to adjust their preferences.



For example how Items are listed and categorised at vendors and how you can't sort them properly. The unlogical placing of NPC's and so on.


And this is a PvP problem why? Sorry bud, but that's a carebear issue. I don't give a squat about the vendors. lol


The whole procedure of grouping is for example a huge joke


This is the one legit PvP problem in WZs mentioned in this entire thread. However, can't you create a group ahead of time and then enter the WZ? I only solo queue so I honestly don't know, but it would seem you could create a group of 4 and then enter the WZ that way, in which case you would have total freedom to determine the class and level composition for at least half the group.

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In case people didn't notice. EVERYONE in warzones in TOR is level 50, but you still only have the abilities for your actual level. OFC it's not going to be perfectly balanced unless everyone is the same level...


All pvp needs is the ability to pick which warzone to queue for. Because clearly Huttball is miles better than the others :p

Edited by NasherUK
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Maybe a little off topic, but does any1 know if there is even gonna be a "endgame pvp"? i mean, the lvl range seems to be 10-50? thats just sad


The planet of Ilum is what you are looking for. I think it is a level 50 planet and is dedicated to world-pvp and is very much objective based. Over time BioWare will add more warzones, but they are only 1/2 of the possible PvP you can engage in.

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There is so many things wrong with PvP it's embarassing.


First of all, Jedi Guardian is trash in low levels because you don't get a single stun, so basically you're forced to be defense specced or you won't be successful at all. Even then, you still blow mainly because you're just a target that everyone wants to wack while dishing out pathetically low damage. Don't even get me started on healers.


The PvP vendors are so unorganized it just baffles me to see how lazy the developers were on giving us proper filters. "Filter by usable" - oh, except it's showing me level 40 gear when i'm level 20, therefore it is currently NOT USABLE. On top of that, level 20 gear is mashed in the middle of level 40 gear and it's like they tried to list it by like Level 40 Light, Level 20 Light, Level 40 Medium, etc. So you have to literally move one by one until you can find the gear that you need. I'm a Guardian, why the hell do I need light and medium gear? I don't and it's stupid.


There's a player death delay of at least 2-3 seconds. So after you kill someone, technically, they don't actually die until 2-3 seconds later so you're busy trying to kill them when they're already dead when you could be already focusing on your next target.


There is a major lag in abilities. I literally have to break my keyboard trying to interrupt a spell because for some gosh darn reason Force Kick doesn't want to go off and when it does it usually interrupts 1-2 seconds later then when I wanted it to go. So sometimes I can actually MISS an interrupt even though I SHOULD HAVE interrupted.


Force Leap is a disaster. If you leap at someone on a ledge, sometimes you glitch to a ledge or slope halfway between where you were and your target then about 1-2 seconds later you just suddenly appear next to them. It's so glitchy it's pathetic.


I love this game but PvP is something that was completely overlooked and I feel like an idiot for even having thought that this game's PvP was going to be good.


EDIT: In case you don't feel like reading this, your statements about max level pvp mean nothing because I posted nothing here that has anything to do with dictating pvp based off of low levels. These are all glitches and annoyances that make PvP terrible the way it is.



+1 The ability lag is the worst.......

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There is so many things wrong with PvP it's embarassing.


First of all, Jedi Guardian is trash in low levels because you don't get a single stun, so basically you're forced to be defense specced or you won't be successful at all. Even then, you still blow mainly because you're just a target that everyone wants to wack while dishing out pathetically low damage. Don't even get me started on healers.


The PvP vendors are so unorganized it just baffles me to see how lazy the developers were on giving us proper filters. "Filter by usable" - oh, except it's showing me level 40 gear when i'm level 20, therefore it is currently NOT USABLE. On top of that, level 20 gear is mashed in the middle of level 40 gear and it's like they tried to list it by like Level 40 Light, Level 20 Light, Level 40 Medium, etc. So you have to literally move one by one until you can find the gear that you need. I'm a Guardian, why the hell do I need light and medium gear? I don't and it's stupid.


There's a player death delay of at least 2-3 seconds. So after you kill someone, technically, they don't actually die until 2-3 seconds later so you're busy trying to kill them when they're already dead when you could be already focusing on your next target.


There is a major lag in abilities. I literally have to break my keyboard trying to interrupt a spell because for some gosh darn reason Force Kick doesn't want to go off and when it does it usually interrupts 1-2 seconds later then when I wanted it to go. So sometimes I can actually MISS an interrupt even though I SHOULD HAVE interrupted.


Force Leap is a disaster. If you leap at someone on a ledge, sometimes you glitch to a ledge or slope halfway between where you were and your target then about 1-2 seconds later you just suddenly appear next to them. It's so glitchy it's pathetic.


I love this game but PvP is something that was completely overlooked and I feel like an idiot for even having thought that this game's PvP was going to be good.


EDIT: In case you don't feel like reading this, your statements about max level pvp mean nothing because I posted nothing here that has anything to do with dictating pvp based off of low levels. These are all glitches and annoyances that make PvP terrible the way it is.



so much wrong with you out look on this game i dont have time to tell you and how to fix it all.


i will say like me and many other have done for the last year keep playing the game you will learn a lot and began to understand things you don't understand yet.

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There is so many things wrong with PvP it's embarassing.


First of all, Jedi Guardian is trash in low levels because you don't get a single stun, so basically you're forced to be defense specced or you won't be successful at all. Even then, you still blow mainly because you're just a target that everyone wants to wack while dishing out pathetically low damage. Don't even get me started on healers.


The PvP vendors are so unorganized it just baffles me to see how lazy the developers were on giving us proper filters. "Filter by usable" - oh, except it's showing me level 40 gear when i'm level 20, therefore it is currently NOT USABLE. On top of that, level 20 gear is mashed in the middle of level 40 gear and it's like they tried to list it by like Level 40 Light, Level 20 Light, Level 40 Medium, etc. So you have to literally move one by one until you can find the gear that you need. I'm a Guardian, why the hell do I need light and medium gear? I don't and it's stupid.


There's a player death delay of at least 2-3 seconds. So after you kill someone, technically, they don't actually die until 2-3 seconds later so you're busy trying to kill them when they're already dead when you could be already focusing on your next target.


There is a major lag in abilities. I literally have to break my keyboard trying to interrupt a spell because for some gosh darn reason Force Kick doesn't want to go off and when it does it usually interrupts 1-2 seconds later then when I wanted it to go. So sometimes I can actually MISS an interrupt even though I SHOULD HAVE interrupted.


Force Leap is a disaster. If you leap at someone on a ledge, sometimes you glitch to a ledge or slope halfway between where you were and your target then about 1-2 seconds later you just suddenly appear next to them. It's so glitchy it's pathetic.


I love this game but PvP is something that was completely overlooked and I feel like an idiot for even having thought that this game's PvP was going to be good.


EDIT: In case you don't feel like reading this, your statements about max level pvp mean nothing because I posted nothing here that has anything to do with dictating pvp based off of low levels. These are all glitches and annoyances that make PvP terrible the way it is.


You stirred the bees nest with this little post. As you may be aware the new car smell is still on Swtor so all the new buyers think it's great and are thrilled with it.


Over time it will show its problems even to the most oblivious (but it's new) person.


I agree with you 100%. I have tanked every major game that had Pvp in it for the last ten years and this one for PvP tanking has the tank hopelessly deadlocked into ...Tank= Meatshiled -damage + absorb hitpoints for ally for big commendations.


It is a dull, improperly thought out class for PvP.As a tank in swtor or any direct melee class for that matter you have to be up in everyones face , while the other 75% of the classes here in Swtor are ranged and have cc's early on, so the old SSK (snare ,stun, kill) is easy to pull off.


The primary function of a tank early on in Swtor seems to be to grant easy kills for all the ranged classes . Huttball especially, it is one big gun platform and tanks have one closer that is easily defeated by stepping out of LOS so every other ranged class gets to stand at a safe distance and nuke you down.


For the nitwits that keep parrotting "ALL MMOS ARE MADE FOR END GAME BALANCE AND CANT BE BALANCED UNTIL THEN "are ,well, nitwits.


Tweaks of all sorts can be made to a class to make it more comparable or evened out to other classes. Such as force leap, the tanks one and only closer can be shortened on it's duration,remove the minimum distance for example.


I have played every class so far in PvP here.The ranged classes are fun and easy Bh's,Imp agents,Commandos are killing machines. Assassins are fun and easy also Sorcs are dps cannons but the melee classes juggy, Sentinel's and their good guy counterparts are just easy kills in warzones.


If I'm wrong why is it that once passed 20 the Tanks and dps tanks almost disappear in Pvp and all the Imp agents,commandos,Bh's,sorcs and assassins are all you see.


Could it be they are easy to get kills with and melee is just spent in a warzones being snared 50% of the time until killed?


A few die hards (like me) will rage over it but keep playing it BECAUSE it's not an easy class and maybe after 30% more deaths than any other class will get to be damn near unkillable at 50.


I havnt seen one juggy or guardian level 50 yet so I'm guessing they very well may suck even then.

Edited by GothicSaint
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I always love to read the replies to an OP before posting- however, after two pages of simply pathetic responses...I gave up.


Most of the posters spouted garbage in defense of ONE quick sentence of the OP- likely, it was all they could read...


I however, read the whole post and agree with the OP on the bugs and lack of proper filters- I noticed within my first hour of gaming the annoyance of checking for gear at a vendor.


Also, the abilities and animations ARE glitched for pvp...I have seen some buggy games in all my MMOrpg years but can only compare the difficulties to that of Anarchy Online during launch.


Certain aspects that I have come over the years to take for granted in other mmo's....just do not function in a proper manner.


Taking a blind eye is neither ignorance or arrogance - it is just simply negligent....camera pivot, filters, ability lag that is beyond gcd, death delay, animation/ability glitches that bring back rubberbanding flashbacks. It is not a good home for PvP in THIS state- I really hope that they DO work on these issues since the game does have great aspects....and not continue to drop the ball to let these flaws tarnish a good game.

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PvP in this game is really bad. The objectives in the warzones actually detract from the PvP in my opinion. I wonder which of the designer's kids got to design huttball because that map is just a mess.


how do the objectives detract from pvp? or do you think pvp should be one huge deathmatch, if so MW3 is that way --->

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Worst PVP I have ever seen.




50's and 10's in the same game (because they need warm bodies)


Horrible class balance.


Absolutely NOTHING fun about it.


BTW Chic-Filet (owned by Mormons so never gonna be open on Sunday) has the BEST lemonade in the world. FYI

Edited by Gildonbuc
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Worst PVP I have ever seen.




50's and 10's in the same game (because they need warm bodies)


Horrible class balance.


Absolutely NOTHING fun about it.


BTW Chic-Filet (owned by Mormons so never gonna be open on Sunday) has the BEST lemonade in the world. FYI


about the xserver ques, i keep stating this but for every ****tard who cant add 2 + 2 and get four I will say it again. Cross server ques do not reduce que time if your entire population pool is biased. If the entire population of swtor is about 3 to 1 empire republic, which the last time i saw any numbers it was, then adding cross server ques will just make it where you spend the same amount of time to get put in a battleground with people you have 0 chance of meeting otherwise. Expanding your pool does not fix que times if your entire pool is biased.

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If so, you'd know that there tend to be issues, even with the most polished games from the most competent developers, at launch.


This game is far from "Polished" infact the base mechanics are so badly designed that it would take a complete redesign of the majority of the game to fix. There is absolutely no flow to combat at all, and some of the classes feel like they had been thrown togather with little to no thought behind them.

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Well, since this thread is pretty old now since I started it, are people finally realizing that PvP is a deadbeat in this game? Yeah, i was raging when I made the thread and sounded pretty ignorant but the points still stand and I still fight with them today. Although, they seemed to have reduced the PvP lag, however.


Now, there is some buttons my sentinel just doesn't want to cast. Like saber ward for example. I hit and hit that button 100 times but it WILL NOT cast even if I'm standing there doing nothing. It will cast after I attack something but in the most opportune times it just doesn't want to go. Same goes for Master Strike, but in a different way. The animation will be going, the ability will have been cast but it actually never activated. It is showing that I am but it's not doing any damage, therefore it's a really annoying bug and can literally cause you many deaths which aren't even your fault.

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about the xserver ques, i keep stating this but for every ****tard who cant add 2 + 2 and get four I will say it again. Cross server ques do not reduce que time if your entire population pool is biased. If the entire population of swtor is about 3 to 1 empire republic, which the last time i saw any numbers it was, then adding cross server ques will just make it where you spend the same amount of time to get put in a battleground with people you have 0 chance of meeting otherwise. Expanding your pool does not fix que times if your entire pool is biased.


Sigh....having cross server ques would allow them to have 10-25 26-50 pvp. Having a 50 with a full tree spec against a 10 with no tree spec is kind of silly. In addition the cross server does help in the off hours when the pvp gets thin.


Before you call someone a retard which is really ugly and childish you should read the post. It says nothing about faster que times. Perhaps you should read first say stupid things second.

Edited by Gildonbuc
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