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Realm transfers even planned?


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So the server I joined is cool and all but my brother told me to join it because: "We're all playing on it" and in the time it took me to hit like 25 I noticed my guild was abandoned, friends list inactive, and contacting anyone else only brought up weird excuses for not getting on.


My problem is that my work friends are ACTUALLY on all the time and even though my main character is only level 39 I would really prefer not to have to start over again. While I don't mind the storyline I don't want all my effort well... wasted.


So are realm transfers even kinda sorta planned? I wouldn't mind paying a fee or anything I'd just prefer to have the option to go to one where the friends who invited me to it are actually PLAYING as opposed to not being around.

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So the server I joined is cool and all but my brother told me to join it because: "We're all playing on it" and in the time it took me to hit like 25 I noticed my guild was abandoned, friends list inactive, and contacting anyone else only brought up weird excuses for not getting on.


My problem is that my work friends are ACTUALLY on all the time and even though my main character is only level 39 I would really prefer not to have to start over again. While I don't mind the storyline I don't want all my effort well... wasted.


So are realm transfers even kinda sorta planned? I wouldn't mind paying a fee or anything I'd just prefer to have the option to go to one where the friends who invited me to it are actually PLAYING as opposed to not being around.


If Bioware charges for transfers that would be shameful.


They made a serious problem and they need to fix it, not us!

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I'd anticipate merging (being free of course) and transfers costing a fee.


Whatever it takes. Right now they could close half of the servers immediatly and then re evaluate after that.


The dead servers are a very serious problem and needs to be fixed like yesterday.

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My first toon i created on a server that still is on a very heavy load every day. Of course back then I had to wait in a queue and so i created 3 more toons on a light server. That light server is still light and i only see 3 or 4 people on any given planet. I guess that was my fault.


But I second that (merge the light servers already to have more populated planets, or let me transfer my toons)

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to the OP, I'd suggest making an Alt on the server you want to be on, with the hopes that player transfers are coming sooner than later, then you can move your main over.


I wouldn't wait on BW, though.


Yep, don't hang around waiting on BW to do anything. Just bite the bullet and reroll, the OP would be lvl 39+ again on the new server way before server transfers ever came in.

Edited by Vinge
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Merging doesn't seem like it would be a major issue from the player perspective, though can't talk about the technicals, as we don't know what is involved.


As long as they put entire servers together, so that people don't get orthaned from guilds and friends, I don't se it being a problem.


Now, whether there is a valid reason to merge servers, being as more subs are still coming online daily, is another question...

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to the OP, I'd suggest making an Alt on the server you want to be on, with the hopes that player transfers are coming sooner than later, then you can move your main over.


I wouldn't wait on BW, though.


This is what i did, droped my Vanguard at 37 on a dead server and made my Commando where friends confirmed was a busier server. I am hoping to Xfer the Vanguard as it is my absolute fav class so far, but until then, i will keep playing my million other chars.

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I started out on a EU server and noticed that any time of the day the population was low to put it mildly. Peak times there was about 40 people on the fleet, tatooine 7, belsavis 4, hoth 8. Trying to find people to join heroics was frustrating, but I managed to get to level 43 before I finally cracked.


I then made the decision to move to a US server and I have to say I havent looked back. Fleet has about 120 people on it, tatooine 26, hoth 24, belsavis 18. I was impressed from the start as coruscant had 100 people on it, before it was 35.


I've had no trouble in getting groups together, doing flashpoints etc. It's been great so far. I've experienced no lag either. Only gripe is that I can't take my level 43 with me...yet.

Hopefully in the future they will allow it and even if I have to pay I gladly will.

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I started out on a EU server and noticed that any time of the day the population was low to put it mildly. Peak times there was about 40 people on the fleet, tatooine 7, belsavis 4, hoth 8. Trying to find people to join heroics was frustrating, but I managed to get to level 43 before I finally cracked.


I then made the decision to move to a US server and I have to say I havent looked back. Fleet has about 120 people on it, tatooine 26, hoth 24, belsavis 18. I was impressed from the start as coruscant had 100 people on it, before it was 35.


I've had no trouble in getting groups together, doing flashpoints etc. It's been great so far. I've experienced no lag either. Only gripe is that I can't take my level 43 with me...yet.

Hopefully in the future they will allow it and even if I have to pay I gladly will.


it's BW's fault,

why should we pay for it?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

it's a wrong game design since EQ.

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