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East/West or Right/Left?


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why add any element of thought to it? Snow side and grass side. It's that simple. No one needs to check maps or pay attention to direction.


Snow side, grass side. Middle.


Never Eat Shredded Wheat...



North East South West...



I learned that in grade school, If looking at your minimap is hard.. playing mmos should be the least of your worries.....


Funny how mmo communities try to dumb themselves down... ( and usually pull it off )

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Am I the only one who never has issues with this?

Unless you have three capped and someone is calling for help it's usually from the other side. If you have two nodes you should not be in mid. If you are dead you just peek at left and see if their are enemies there. If you are at left or right and hear incoming and dont see them, it's a good bet its the other side. If you are at mid and hear East, well, you only have one other side so go there.




Because nobody EVER calls out "right" or "left" when we control only the two side turrets and I'm rezzing.

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If you hover your mouse over the turrets in your top right corner of the screen you'll see that each turret actually has a name. Rep is the crash site, Imp side is the generator. What more do you need to know :p


There's a "Republic side" and an "Imperial side" in Civil War?

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I don't like this so much, because if you're sitting in the mid guarding the turret, you can't see the snow or the grass until you pick a direction and run that way, so you still have to remember which direction is snow and which is grass. Might as well just call the directions to save time, and make it clearer for anyone else, too.


Not knowing which side is snow and which side is grass is as excusable as not knowing the only way up to the opposing team's goal line in huttball is through the rafters.

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It is not about seeing the side, it is about knowing which side. On my server, Left / Right and East / West get confused constantly by pugs. Yesterday I had 2 pugs spamming they needed help on Right, when I got there (from mid) it was empty. They had their perspective on Right / Left backwards.


We have started to utilize a very WoW like naming convention (Think AB).


For Imperial

GT (Grass Turret) = Right / East

ST (Snow Turret) = Left / West

MT (Mid Turret) = Middle


You may not like the naming, but it worked in WoW, so I will be damned it can't work here in SW.

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Yes, the north side of the map is always empire and the south side is always republic. Coming from the north spawn going left will make you go right on the map.


I thought I noticed this as well during my short time as an Imp in Beta testing. It was very bizarre after having played so many WZ's on the Republic side.


Unless I'm confused, though, east and west are still east and west. Right? I mean, correct?



If that's the case, using "Grass" or "Snow" is just re-naming the cardinal directions, which seems pointless.

Edited by Buckit
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If you hover your mouse over the turrets in your top right corner of the screen you'll see that each turret actually has a name. Rep is the crash site, Imp side is the generator. What more do you need to know :p


Aye, this is how we tend to refer to them on my server as I mentioned earlier in the thread. Sure for a newbie it might be a bit confusing but after a couple of WZs hearing people calling it that (or having looked at the map and seen) it's fine.


Had brand new, that-very-day 50s calling "inc 2 gen". I guess it only works if your server embraces it the way mine has though. I've no idea what the Pubs call them.

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If that's the case, using "Grass" or "Snow" is just re-naming the cardinal directions, which seems pointless.


Yep and it was stupid that people said "Mine" in Arathi Basin. People obviously should have yelled "North".


I can notice I am fighting on snow side and how to get there a hell of a lot easier than I can compare my position to something as arbitrary and abstract as a mini-map. If someone yelled East I would know where to go, but only because I know Snow is on the East side of the map and I know how to get to Snow.

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To the people who say using east/west adds an element of thinking, I'm truly concerned. There's a reason why north , south, east, and west are used, instead of "up, down, left right" when giving directions, it's to keep things uniform and simple.


I guess I forgot that the majority of people playing this game are from a certain country known for poor education, everyone knows they can't tell directions without GPS. Like one of the first posters said, if you really have a hard time using east/west, stop playing games and go back to school.


EDIT: Removed certain "inflammatory remarks", leaving it now open to interpretation.

Edited by archzai
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To the people who say using east/west adds an element of thinking, I'm truly concerned. There's a reason why north , south, east, and west are used, instead of "up, down, left right" when giving directions, it's to keep things uniform and simple.


I guess I forgot that the majority of people playing this game are Americans, everyone know they can't tell directions without GPS. Like one of the first posters said, if you really have a hard time using east/west, stop playing games and go back to school.


That's what I'm puzzled over. If snow = east, why would you bother using "snow"? We learned cardinal directions years, if not decades, before we started playing warzones in TOR. You're adding a superfluous level of information.


People new to the warzones can be reasonably expected to know east and west but may not know what snow or grass means.

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If you hover your mouse over the turrets in your top right corner of the screen you'll see that each turret actually has a name. Rep is the crash site, Imp side is the generator. What more do you need to know :p


Never noticed that. And I'm pretty sure if I would write "inc gen 2+" nobody on my server would know what I was talking about. They should put those descriptions on the map and under the icons on the top right corner. Only showing the turret names on mouseover means 99% of the playerbase doesn't know they even have names.

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To the people who say using east/west adds an element of thinking, I'm truly concerned. There's a reason why north , south, east, and west are used, instead of "up, down, left right" when giving directions, it's to keep things uniform and simple.


I guess I forgot that the majority of people playing this game are Americans, everyone know they can't tell directions without GPS. Like one of the first posters said, if you really have a hard time using east/west, stop playing games and go back to school.


Your insults of Americans was not called for here. Simply put, n00bs in general will join and have no idea (for whatever reason). Giving them a visually recognizable que such as Snow / Grass makes it easy for them to figure it out. The one with Snow is called Snow, the one with Grass is called Grass. We all know (except maybe you in this case) what Snow / Grass look like.

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Your insults of Americans was not called for here. Simply put, n00bs in general will join and have no idea (for whatever reason). Giving them a visually recognizable que such as Snow / Grass makes it easy for them to figure it out. The one with Snow is called Snow, the one with Grass is called Grass. We all know (except maybe you in this case) what Snow / Grass look like.


How does being a noob have anything to do with not knowing how to look at a map and recognize simple cardinal directions like east and west? I can't believe people even have to argue about NOT using east and west. There's nothing COMPLICATED about it, east and west should come as natural as 1 + 1. It should take zero time to process.

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