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DOTs and preventing player from capturing point


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Uh... does that mean every time we want to cap a point you have to send 2 people? That makes it less dynamic doesn't it? Less tactical? yea... ok. Again, you're missing the point.


You can send a stealther, or a healer, or 2 people.


Kamikazeing your way up to the node all by yourself because you think you're a WZ hero and trying to take it from defenders is a bad tactical decision in most people's books.


It doesn't make it less dynamic, it makes it more dynamic in that you have to prepare for such strategies beforehand, imo.


Kill guy > take node every time = less dynamic.

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Lol, as a healing-spec medic one of the few things I have going for me is to spam poison dart a few times if I'm getting focused. I have to work my tail off for my healing medals, doing usually 1/2 to 1/3 the heals of a decent sorc.


It's quite funny watching someone interact with the door and wonder why they are being denied. Timed right, I can hold someone off a door for 15 seconds after I die.


That, of course, is two handfuls of win (and one of the limited things healing operatives, or operatives overall, bring to a WZ).

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DoTs dont interrupt normal actions. Why should they interrupt a node capture?


Its a Damage Over Time. Not an Interrupt Over Time.


You make no sense. Go cap a turret and have someone hit you. Tell me you didn't get interrupted.


Is it the action that interrupts you? Or the damage? According to pretty much every MMO on the market it is the damage. According to the history of MMOs it is the damage.


Damage taken does interrupt normal actions, period. Personally I don't care if it was applied right there on the spot by having someone hit you physically, over time or by shoving a fist up your arse.


Welcome to the wonderful world of MMOs.

Edited by darthtoph
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Dots should only prevent cap on the intial tick. After that it takes no real skill or strategy to tab, dot, tab, dot, tab, dot, die, respawn spam.


I see inferior ops forcing ties in void or winning civ war simply because they have enough classes that can spam dots en en masse and zerg the respawn. Its silly and terrible design. Especially in Alderaan where the east cap point is bugged and gives the imperials a 5 tick advantage if capped at the same time as west.


Inferior to what? To the group that does not dispel the DoTs?

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Earnestly, I think this needs to be changed and that dots do not prevent players from capping a point. This makes VoidStar and Alderaan such a stagnant affair and plays a huge factor in how difficult it is to capture a point. It is stupid how a single player can defend a point forever with this.


I think the WZs would be more dynamic and more fun if this was changed.


I disagree, capturing a point should "mean" you have "clearly" maintained control. In my book that would mean you have clear out the area and the person capping it is not under "any" attack during the capping.


If you are having issues, then we need to work more on communication in PVP WZs so you have enough people to actually capture a point. Not try and sneak in and ninja cap it.


Basically you are saying you want it to easier to ninja cap.


More teamwork


Less getting developers to change mechanics to cover up the lack of teamwork to defend a capping attacker.

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Damage taken does interrupt normal actions, period. Personally I don't care if it was applied right there on the spot by having someone hit you physically, over time or by shoving a fist up your arse.


Welcome to the wonderful world of MMOs.


Thanks for throwing out that completely inaccurate statement.


"Damage taken does interrupt normal actions, period." Are you frikkin serious? "Period."??


When does damage ever interrupt any action? Have you even played the game before? This is not Everquest.


Maybe when you said welcome to MMOs you thought we were still playing EQ?

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DoTs interrupting caps is lame. It is anti-heroic.


If I sneak off to the side and take out 2 enemies in a 1 on 2, I should be able to cap the node. I should be the hero for winning the skirmish.


But as it stands, if I get dotted before one dies I just stand there all alone...but still can't cap the node. Its just dumb.


At the very least they should only cause pushback on the cap, not interrupt it completely.


Killing 2 bads is not heroic.

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Dots also interupt you from chanelling your class healing ability after a fight for a good 10 sec, if they use the speeders (or in voidstar you're near their respawn area for eg.) you're as good as dead.


I heard there was an item that used to heal you instantly (ooc) for 50% of your max hp ?


Ah, someone just whispered me this was nerfed to the ground baby. Guess what, dot classes are even more powerfull than before for defensive nodes/doors purposes :rolleyes:


(that is until we see competent dispell classes players that l2use their ability :rolleyes:)

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I hate, HATE, the L2P people. "You suck, learn to play". But to the OP, you might want to do this. There are more ways to win a war than to charge in and destroy a line. It didn't really work well for anyone who invaded Russia. Nor did trench warfare really do anything to "win" in WWI. You have to change tactics to beat the other guy. Not just try the same move over and over. If your only idea to "win" a war is to charge forward until the other guy is dead your idea of fighting is limited and you need to expand. Edited by Retillin
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Did we met on battlefield ? :p I was under impression that every class can remove at least 2 negative effects on them. Poison etc included. DOT is for delaying you so we can bring help. Trick is to negate DOT effect AFTER enemy is killed and then capture point.


Some people don't know that and I had a match when I ALONE defend 1 point for 3 minutes against 3 oponents just because they didn't try to negate poison effect :-)

It was fun to watch all that blue lights dissapear and all that swearing on chat :p

Hey Sherlock, Sith Warrior (Juggernaut & Marauder) and their Rep mirror CANNOT DISPELL dots, kthxbye.


Cheap strategy is cheap.

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Please remove HoT effects from teammates after the healer dies. It is unfair that he can heal people after death. Seee where I can take this?


Entirely irrelevant post , no one is asking for the dots to be removed , simply not preventing the capping of the objective for the full 21seconds.

Edited by Fugitivelama
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I think DOTs should prevent people from capturing points. your taking damage. unlike in WoW you can have 50 dots on you and still take the point, I really don't want to see ToR go the route of WoW. then PvP would be even more boring.


on that note, if dots should not prevent players from taking a point then, direct damage from melee aoe's or w/e the case should not prevent players from taking a point, should be fair straight across the board.

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DoTs dont interrupt normal actions. Why should they interrupt a node capture?


Its a Damage Over Time. Not an Interrupt Over Time.


This is invalid because all damage interrupts the progress of taking an objective. Try suggesting that any damage should just slow down the capping process. I'll argue against that, too.

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on that note, if dots should not prevent players from taking a point then, direct damage from melee aoe's or w/e the case should not prevent players from taking a point, should be fair straight across the board.




you think someone who's dead should be able to prevent the person who killed them from capping an objective? this makes no sense at all.

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I love it... i have in multiple games held a single turret against 6 attackers using a balance shadow giving us easy 3 caps with the new 0 cooldown force breach which applies a 18 second dot...i can just tab target and dot over and over then die and take the speeder right back and rinse and repeat. Same goes for voidstar doors. lol 2 good shadows could defend both doors duo against a full 8 man squad with good defensive cooldown/cloak usage.
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