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Think i'm done


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Compare WoW A month and a half in to SWTOR now.

Battlegrounds were not in. LFG Tool was not in. To this day, World PVP may be in WoW, but it's not something I want to be on eithe side of... the 85 terrorizing Booty Bay, or Honor Hold is world PVP?


It doesn't matter.


These features have all become standard for MMORPGs in the time that TOR was developed. To launch without them is like releasing a new car without anti-lock brakes or fuel-injection saying that "we'll get to it, we just wanted to make sure it rolled ok first". Consumers would universally pan such a car.


There's a little bit of wiggle room to allow, but it's starting to look that players are going to have to wait years for TOR to "mature" and I think that's a price too steep for many to pay. That's the input I'm getting.

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Shouldn't a game be complete when released and new content added in as time goes on? Try again.


I guess it depends on your definition of finished, sure there are bugs, and all major software has these. but things like LFG tools are often debated, some people like them some hate them, so to roll one out straightway is a waste of time, you might as well skip it and wait for the opinion of your players.


Same with the UI, some want a very versitile UI, others want less and no scripting. so what do you release, it would never be right for everyone.


Then there are the few problems that should have been fixed, I grant you them, but I ask you, what do you do, do you hold back the game and not release until they are fixed or do you release a game 90% resolved? If you dont release, when do you release..and remember you have investor pressure as well.


All MMOs go through this, its part of the life cycle, and unlike console games these things are meant to evolve and become what the gamers ask for. so like so say they are never finished.


To quit on a new MMO shows more about your own personality than the problems of the game.

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Wow on it's release had Upper black rock ONLY. It took 3 months to create an original pvp system. remember warzones were not the normal for mmo's. warzones were never heard of ..they had to actually think about it...calling it "simple" is a slap in the face when they essentially created it ..


Onyxia, Molten Core and all of Blackrock Spire were in on Day One.

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it's been done ..look at rift ..with 1/5th of a budget of swtor ..>_> ...i guess i really hate the coding of this game


Yeah we've no idea the complexity of the code etc ... just look at Bethesda ... they've yet to release a recent game in the Elder Scrolls / Fallout style that isn't a nightmare of bugs and they've been going at it a long while.


I'm just in the camp that says don't join an MMORPG in the first few months if you don't want to feel like a software tester ... you may be pleasantly surprised on the rare occasion but it's unlikely.

Edited by spoonguy
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No not another one!!!!!


I don't care... what I am curious about though is why people feel the need to come here and announce it like the random people they find on here are really concerned with you leaving or going to another game.


I started playing Rift and Aion at launch... couldn't really get into either and quit long before I got anywhere near lvl cap. I was disappointed but never did I go to the forums and announce "I'm quitting, bye guys!"


Nobody cares. Have a nice day.


I think people should care ..we are having a discussion about a game and a company that's not doing much. Remember potential buyers go on the forums to see how the game is. You can tell alot by the community. The forums are a place for change and venting problems with the game that Devs read. yes they Read ...they will read this too. So if you want to stay ignorant well ..go ahead

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Yeah we've no idea the complexity of the code etc ... just look at Bethesda ... they've yet to release a recent game in the Elder Scrolls / Fallout style that isn't a nightmare of bugs and they've been going at it a long while.


I'm just in the camp that says don't join an MMORPG in the first few months if you don't want to feel like a software tester ... you may be pleasantly surprised on the rare occasion but it's unlikely.


I played the beta tests for blade and soul ..and am playing korean tera ..man these koreans know how to code lol. Hire some of these guys ..cuz they are nailing it

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I think people should care ..we are having a discussion about a game and a company that's not doing much. Remember potential buyers go on the forums to see how the game is. You can tell alot by the community. The forums are a place for change and venting problems with the game that Devs read. yes they Read ...they will read this too. So if you want to stay ignorant well ..go ahead


These threads do reoccur frequently, but you know what you're getting from the title, so if you're not in the mood to rehash ... I'd just skip by the thread.

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well they don't need an imagination ....wow released with nothing, but EQ to go on. Wow invented Battle grounds 3 months down the line. Every mmo has a server lfg tool .and stable coding ..too many errors on bw's part


3 months down the line, more like 7-8 months.

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I played the beta tests for blade and soul ..and am playing korean tera ..man these koreans know how to code lol. Hire some of these guys ..cuz they are nailing it


Yeah but here games tend to be bot heavy and very very grindy ... Aion for example ... put me off MMORPGs for a while that did.


I like the direction Bioware have taken, but EA as a partner was always going to drag them down. I don't see myself playing this for more than 6 months as it goes right now.

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I played the beta tests for blade and soul ..and am playing korean tera ..man these koreans know how to code lol. Hire some of these guys ..cuz they are nailing it


I can code, so can all the people sitting around me at presnt ( I am writing this at work on my coffee break ). There are no countries better at writing code than others, the problems are often related to the underlying engine and how to interface with it.

Also I do believe that the mentality of the Koreans makes them ideal for testing, they just seem to love to persist at repetative tasks like gold farming and quest grinding. Take that sort of person and put them on a test team they are perfect, most Western kids given jobs like that would soon get bored and QQ.

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I can code, so can all the people sitting around me at presnt ( I am writing this at work on my coffee break ). There are no countries better at writing code than others, the problems are often related to the underlying engine and how to interface with it.

Also I do believe that the mentality of the Koreans makes them ideal for testing, they just seem to love to persist at repetative tasks like gold farming and quest grinding. Take that sort of person and put them on a test team they are perfect, most Western kids given jobs like that would soon get bored and QQ.


Sounds like the Koreans beat your team in a coding competition. why you fail america ?

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Not only are they wrong, why dont they just try googling these instances and looking at the problems players had with them, they had many faults just as all other MMOs.


Sorry again. They were all in the game on day 1. Not sure where you're getting your misinformation from, but you certainly weren't playing the game then.

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Oh wow and the amount of people comparing swtor to wow at release...wow


You don't compare a game now to a game made 7 years ago...it just makes no logical sense whatsoever.


If you thought swtor wouldn't be held up alongside it's current competitors such as rift btw which shipped with more features then this game is likely to see for a few months if we're all very lucky.


Take note features, not content. I don't expect 7 years of content I do expect the many features that have become standard now.


A decent lfg system/pvp pve cross server and many others.

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