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Bioware fails at developing PVE content

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use 1 tank


if Soa mind traps the tank, he will bug out and disappear, using 2 tanks can cause it to happen a lot more frequently, so if you generally roll with 2 tanks, have one switch into his dps stance and you should suddenly get a lot further


it's an *** having to play against bugs, but it makes it more interesting.

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use 1 tank


if Soa mind traps the tank, he will bug out and disappear, using 2 tanks can cause it to happen a lot more frequently, so if you generally roll with 2 tanks, have one switch into his dps stance and you should suddenly get a lot further


it's an *** having to play against bugs, but it makes it more interesting.


Im sorry but wiping on bugs is disappointing.


I rather have a encounter with no bugs but hard as hell. I dont care wiping on bosses, but on bugs thats another thing...

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No MMO that has ever come out before SWTOR has had bugs. Never happened. C'thun was working as intended when it spawned more tentacles than was mathmatically possible to be dpsed. SWTOR is the first MMO to have bugs and that is why Bioware fails.


Comments like these make me chuckle. Yes we know all mmos have bugs we get it your cool lets move on from that.


The point being the bugs that are currently in game should have been fixed well before launch of the patch. Seems with every patch they release more pointless stuff is fixed and more important stuff is seemingly shrugged off to the side.


As some one said earlier " Its one thing to wipe to a boss, another to wipe to a bug". ( or along those lines). I would really like to sit back and watch their internal testers actually test this game. Im really curious as to what they tested.


I know the QA team and the "bug" Team are seperate. but they should be working very closely with each other to iron this game out. Even more some on a freshly released game.


To EA/ Bioware- If you need more testers please feel free to email me and i can send a resume of my testing accomplishments.

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The point being the bugs that are currently in game should have been fixed well before launch of the patch. Seems with every patch they release more pointless stuff is fixed and more important stuff is seemingly shrugged off to the side.


I know the QA team and the "bug" Team are seperate. but they should be working very closely with each other to iron this game out. Even more some on a freshly released game.


To EA/ Bioware- If you need more testers please feel free to email me and i can send a resume of my testing accomplishments.


FACT: Bioware hasn't fixed any bugs in the game... It's obvious they don't care.



* Corrected a server-side issue that caused some game systems (such as Companion Missions) to behave incorrectly.


* Fixed an issue that could cause the game client to crash under some circumstances.


* Corrected an issue that could cause degraded performance or client crashes for some players on Taris.


* Fixed a bug that could prevent players from accepting pending mission rewards.


* Fixed an issue that caused some pre-assigned guild names to display incorrectly.


* Fixed a bug that could cause the global cooldown to display incorrectly in the UI.


* Abilities that require Companion Characters now always correctly require a companion.


* NPCs no longer attempt to engage vanity pets in combat.


* Companion Character dialogue now plays at the correct volume.


* Corrected an issue that could cause some gathering nodes to appear as unharvestable.


* All players in a group who have a daily Flashpoint mission now get credit for completing that Flashpoint.


* Fixed incorrect item rewards from PvP leveling lockboxes.


* Targeting a friendly player no longer occasionally displays incorrect text for the character's name.


* Corrected an issue that could cause some auction expirations to behave incorrectly.


* The splash screen no longer displays longer than the "accept changes" dialogue when changing resolutions on some computers.


* Master Looter now works correctly for items being looted from chests.


* The server select screen no longer displays over the character select after being disconnected for being away.


* Corrected an issue that could cause mission mapnotes to disappear when a new mission is obtained.


* Corrected an issue that could prevent players from taking cover when targeting large NPCs.


* Fixed a bug that caused some abilities with activation times to be interrupted when used from cover.


* Fixed an issue that could cause choosing Nightmare Mode to not set enemies to Nightmare difficulty.


* Corrected several PvP items that were Bind on Equip. They are now Bind on Pickup.


* PvP vendors on Capital Planets now offer the correct PvP items.


* Commendations received via in-game mail are now correctly added to the Currency tab.


* Corrected mission steps on several planets that could cause client instability.


* Fixed an issue that caused a client crash if a space station was destroyed in Space Combat.


* Group members no longer appear on all planets on the Galaxy Map.


* Corrected an issue that could cause map notes to disappear after logging out and back into the game.


* Corrected some map notes that referenced the incorrect map.


* Group members outside of a player's phase are no longer prompted to roll on items.


* The In-Game Customer Service Portal no longer appears to hang while the "updating" message is displayed.


* The "Show Sith Corruption" option no longer toggles off when transitioning between areas.


* Taxi rides are no longer occasionally interrupted, causing the player to be dropped from the taxi.


* Using the /dismiss command now correctly dismisses a vanity pet.


* Corrected some issues that could cause players to become stuck on the loading screen when logging into a character.


* Fixed a bug that prevented some text-only mail messages from being received.


* Corrected an issue that caused poor performance on some machines in indoor areas with shadows enabled.


* Fixed an issue that could prevent players from being logged out for inactivity.


* Fixed an issue that could cause players to crash to desktop after selecting a character.


* Fixed an issue that could cause in-game chat channels to stop functioning for some players.


* Social emotes (like /getdown) can no longer interfere with combat.


* Fixed an exploit that could allow players to receive more items than intended via in-game mail.


* Fixed an exploit that allowed the removal of Armoring item modifications that were not intended to be available for removal on Artifact quality items.


* Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented players from resetting their active Flashpoint.


* Tooltips for abilities modified by skill points now display correct damage values.


* Companions will now sell trash items when requested, regardless of group size.


* Companion healing abilities no longer apply a permanent green effect on the character.


* Fixed an issue that caused Companion Characters to sometimes have the incorrect appearance in cinematics.


* Companion abilities that have been disabled by the player no longer toggle back on when the companion is re-summoned.


* Corrected an issue that caused the indicator that a companion wants to talk to you to disappear.


* Companions no longer need to be re-summoned after selling trash items if the player mounts a vehicle after dispatching them.


* Traveling from a Contested Area to a Contested Region now causes companions to be unsummoned correctly.


* Corrected an issue that prevented recently completed Crew Skill missions from showing up in the next list of available missions.


* Fixed a bug that could cause Crew Skills a character didn't have to appear in the Crew Skills window.


* Players can no longer loot harvesting nodes they do not have the appropriate Crew Skill for after a group member harvests (but does not loot) a node.


* Corrected an issue that prevented some enemy NPCs from spawning in Flashpoints.


* The correct error message now displays when a player attempts to enter a different Flashpoint than the rest of the group.


* Flashpoint gateways no longer display as orange in incorrect circumstances.


* Fixed an issue that prevented Flashpoint difficulty from being set properly.


* Fixed an issue that caused mapnotes directing players to some Flashpoints to not appear correctly.


* Corrected map issues that made locating mission objectives on the Gav Daragon difficult.


* Fixed an issue preventing some players from opening a chest after a boss fight if the group was previously defeated by the boss.


* Removing a modification from an item and then re-inserting it no longer causes that modification to be lost upon area transitions.


* Jilcoln Cadera's abilities now correctly take into account whether a player is immune from knockbacks.


* The "Primal Destroyer" World Boss on Belsavis is now "Overwhelming" as intended.


* The World Boss "The First" on Dromund Kaas no longer inhibits Bounty Hunter's Rapid Shots, and Imperial Agents will no longer be knocked out of cover during combat with it.


* Fixed a bug that could cause specific NPCs to appear miniature-sized in conversations.


* The scoreboard value for "Highest Protection Per Single Life" now functions correctly.


* Your PvP status will now be toggled automatically upon leaving a PvP region.


* Corrected a rare issue that could cause the Frogdogs to be declared the winner in a 0-0 match even if the Rotworms held the ball last.


* Fixed a bug that would not grant proper credit to the first player to interact with a mission loot chest in Ilum.


* Players will now receive proper Valor and mission credit when defeating another player in Ilum.


* Armor Upgrade 2 now has the correct armor value.


* Fixed the tooltip display for ability cooldowns over one hour in length.


* The interface for splitting stacks of items now displays correctly.


* Players nearby a player who achieves a new Legacy level no longer receive the Legacy level-up notification.


* Legacy name display preferences now persist when travelling between planets.


* Sorting now works correctly in the Guilds tab.


* Opening the Inventory Panel with the button on the Menu Bar now always correctly displays the reverse engineering button.


* Inviting a new player to a guild no longer causes the member list to display incorrectly.


* The owner of a holocall conversation is no longer shown in the last frame of the cinematic.


* Players can no longer teleport to the location of a player whose conversation they are spectating.


* Players can no longer prevent others from using a mission-related item in the world by refusing to close its loot window.


* The spacebar button is now recognized when a player presses it to progress after a loading screen even if the spacebar button has been re-bound.


* Additional issues that could impact performance on Taris have been addressed.


* Players who spectated conversations no longer unleash an initial massive critical social roll in their next multiplayer conversation.


* Corrected an issue that could cause some preferences to reset to defaults upon area transitions.


* An Aim Datacron on Ilum is now accessible and no longer repeats its initial cinematic once used.


* A Datacron on Coruscant is no longer blocked by unintentional collision.


* Corrected an issue with older ATI cards that could cause the game to render as a black screen.


* Falls on the Republic and Imperial Fleets that should lead to death now properly do so. Players who die on the Fleets now respawn at the appropriate med center.


* Corrected an issue that could cause the game to crash during area transitions.


* Fixed a bug that could cause players to fall through the world during or after a conversation or cinematic.


* Loading screens no longer appear when other players spawn nearby.


* Significantly improved the delay when activating player abilities, particularly when in lower framerate situations. This allows for improved ability responsiveness in hectic combat situations.


* Fixed an issue that could cause graphical inconsistencies, which most often manifested as random screen "flickering.


* Operations will no longer allow more than 16 Operations Group members to enter concurrently.


* Fixed a bug that could cause the Global Cooldown to appear as if it has been cancelled when it is actually still in effect, resulting in a feeling of unresponsiveness to input.


* Corrected an issue that could cause an ability icon to appear usable but be unresponsive to clicks or keypresses for several seconds.


* Fixed an issue that prevented some players in Operations Groups from receiving credit for the missions "[WEEKLY] Deadly Operations," "[WEEKLY] Galactic Operations," and "Journey to the Belsavis Depths." The entire Operations Group now receives credit when the objective is completed.


* Comparative tooltips for researched items no longer have their stats reversed.


* Players are no longer able to climb out of the attacking team spawn area in Voidstar before the match starts.


* The leader of an Operations Group will no longer receive an incorrect message informing them that their companion has been dismissed.


* Made a configuration change to resolve hitching/freezing issues seen on some clients after patch 1.1.1.


* Crafting skills no longer inform the player that no missions are defined for the Crew Skill.


* Rakata weapons are now correctly rating 140 and are fitted with mark 25 modifications. These items were previously less powerful than intended


* Resetting a mission that is dependent on completing other missions no longer prevents players from receiving mission credit.


* Class abilities that pull a hostile target (like Grapple, Harpoon, and Force Pull) can no longer be used to pull enemies onto the spawn shelf.


* Players standing in the spawn area no longer catch the Huttball when it is thrown, and will no longer immediately be killed for having the ball in an illegal position.


* The reverse engineering button no longer occasionally disappears after a crafting skill is initially learned.


* Loading screens no longer appear in low resolution if the player selects the low-resolution texture option in preferences.


* Facial animations no longer fail to play correctly in some instances.


* During brief teleports, the splash screen does not appear incorrectly over loading screens.


* Players will no longer experience limited audio, black portraits, or the inability to initiate conversations when they reconnect after being disconnected.


* Fixed a rare crash when updating inventory items when the player loads into the game.


* The loading screen no longer appears during "fade to black" sequences.


* Killing players on Ilum will now consistently grant Valor and mission credit as intended.





Eternity Vault


* Fixed an issue that could cause players to instantly die when affected by Soa's knockback.


* Turrets in Normal Mode no longer behave as turrets from Hard Mode.


* Players are now able to properly obtain loot from chests.


* The Ancient Pylons now spawn enemies at the correct intervals.


* Using "Reset All Active Operations" no longer causes Soa and the Ancient Pylons to respawn even if the player is currently locked out of these encounters.


* Players are now able to successfully loot the chest after defeating the Infernal Council.


* The Ancient Pylons now reset correctly if not solved within the allotted time.


* Soa's mind traps unintentionally had 200k health in Nightmare Mode. This amount has been reduced significantly


* Players are now released from Soa's mind traps in the correct location after the encounter.


* Players no longer randomly die in this Operation after being in Gharj's lava.


* Soa no longer resets if he uses Mind Trap on the main tank.


* Soa now frees all players in mind traps before transitioning to his platform phase. Players will no longer be stuck in mind traps during the platforming

sequence as a result.


* Players released from Soa's mind trap after he is defeated are now teleported to the appropriate location, allowing them to claim their loot.





Karagga's Palace


* Players no longer need to reset this Operation if they do not defeat Bonethrasher.


* Corrected an issue that caused some players to become stuck at the throne room door.


* Fixed an issue that prevented players from entering the Operation.


* Players no longer get stuck attempting to exit the Karagga's Palace phase.


* Fixed an issue that caused assigned loot bags in Karagga's Palace to distribute items with class inappropriate stats.


* G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator will no longer respawn more than once if players have not defeated Karagga.


* Fixed an exploit that would allow players to repeatedly loot the chest after defeating Jarg and Sorno.


* Fixed an issue that prevented the Materials Disposal Unit's main control station from becoming useable again after the Operation Group is defeated by the G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator on 16-man Hard Mode.


* Fixed an issue that prevented the G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator from deploying the correct number of Proximity Pulse Mines and Security Stun Drones during combat.


* The damage from G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator's sticky pulse grenade will scales appropriately for the selected Operation difficulty level.


* Karagga no longer fires his Unstable Energy twice in a row.


* Taking the shuttle after defeating Karagga no longer transports players to the incorrect hangar.


* Walls that were missing in Karagga's Palace are now in place.


* The chest that is awarded for defeating Karagga on Nightmare Mode no longer appears partially inside a wall.


* Foreman Crusher's Perforating Rend now correctly applies itself to targets caught within the conical attack.


* Jarg & Sorno: The Carbonizer Probe no longer disappears if all of the players who attacked it died before the Carbonizer Probe was destroyed.


* Karagga no longer appears above portions of the walls during the fight.


* Karagga's chest no longer spawns after defeating Bonethrasher in Nightmare Mode.



Not even a full list... just the ones easily scraped from the patch notes (which in and of themselves aren't the full list of bug fixes.


Just because you don't feel like progress has been made to stamp out bugs in the game doesn't make it true.

Edited by mechintel
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Our tank wasn't the one who got mind trapped it was a healer who was trapped in our last fight and he despawned right after we got the healer out.


when he enrages you have one more shot to pop his bubble adn kill him. if you dont and he bubbles up he usually resets. his enraged dmg is weaksauce in normal and doesnt actually kill anyone.

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FACT: Bioware hasn't fixed any bugs in the game... It's obvious they don't care.



* Corrected a server-side issue that caused some game systems (such as Companion Missions) to behave incorrectly.


* Fixed an issue that could cause the game client to crash under some circumstances.


* Corrected an issue that could cause degraded performance or client crashes for some players on Taris.


* Fixed a bug that could prevent players from accepting pending mission rewards.


* Fixed an issue that caused some pre-assigned guild names to display incorrectly.


* Fixed a bug that could cause the global cooldown to display incorrectly in the UI.


* Abilities that require Companion Characters now always correctly require a companion.


* NPCs no longer attempt to engage vanity pets in combat.


* Companion Character dialogue now plays at the correct volume.


* Corrected an issue that could cause some gathering nodes to appear as unharvestable.


* All players in a group who have a daily Flashpoint mission now get credit for completing that Flashpoint.


* Fixed incorrect item rewards from PvP leveling lockboxes.


* Targeting a friendly player no longer occasionally displays incorrect text for the character's name.


* Corrected an issue that could cause some auction expirations to behave incorrectly.


* The splash screen no longer displays longer than the "accept changes" dialogue when changing resolutions on some computers.


* Master Looter now works correctly for items being looted from chests.


* The server select screen no longer displays over the character select after being disconnected for being away.


* Corrected an issue that could cause mission mapnotes to disappear when a new mission is obtained.


* Corrected an issue that could prevent players from taking cover when targeting large NPCs.


* Fixed a bug that caused some abilities with activation times to be interrupted when used from cover.


* Fixed an issue that could cause choosing Nightmare Mode to not set enemies to Nightmare difficulty.


* Corrected several PvP items that were Bind on Equip. They are now Bind on Pickup.


* PvP vendors on Capital Planets now offer the correct PvP items.


* Commendations received via in-game mail are now correctly added to the Currency tab.


* Corrected mission steps on several planets that could cause client instability.


* Fixed an issue that caused a client crash if a space station was destroyed in Space Combat.


* Group members no longer appear on all planets on the Galaxy Map.


* Corrected an issue that could cause map notes to disappear after logging out and back into the game.


* Corrected some map notes that referenced the incorrect map.


* Group members outside of a player's phase are no longer prompted to roll on items.


* The In-Game Customer Service Portal no longer appears to hang while the "updating" message is displayed.


* The "Show Sith Corruption" option no longer toggles off when transitioning between areas.


* Taxi rides are no longer occasionally interrupted, causing the player to be dropped from the taxi.


* Using the /dismiss command now correctly dismisses a vanity pet.


* Corrected some issues that could cause players to become stuck on the loading screen when logging into a character.


* Fixed a bug that prevented some text-only mail messages from being received.


* Corrected an issue that caused poor performance on some machines in indoor areas with shadows enabled.


* Fixed an issue that could prevent players from being logged out for inactivity.


* Fixed an issue that could cause players to crash to desktop after selecting a character.


* Fixed an issue that could cause in-game chat channels to stop functioning for some players.


* Social emotes (like /getdown) can no longer interfere with combat.


* Fixed an exploit that could allow players to receive more items than intended via in-game mail.


* Fixed an exploit that allowed the removal of Armoring item modifications that were not intended to be available for removal on Artifact quality items.


* Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented players from resetting their active Flashpoint.


* Tooltips for abilities modified by skill points now display correct damage values.


* Companions will now sell trash items when requested, regardless of group size.


* Companion healing abilities no longer apply a permanent green effect on the character.


* Fixed an issue that caused Companion Characters to sometimes have the incorrect appearance in cinematics.


* Companion abilities that have been disabled by the player no longer toggle back on when the companion is re-summoned.


* Corrected an issue that caused the indicator that a companion wants to talk to you to disappear.


* Companions no longer need to be re-summoned after selling trash items if the player mounts a vehicle after dispatching them.


* Traveling from a Contested Area to a Contested Region now causes companions to be unsummoned correctly.


* Corrected an issue that prevented recently completed Crew Skill missions from showing up in the next list of available missions.


* Fixed a bug that could cause Crew Skills a character didn't have to appear in the Crew Skills window.


* Players can no longer loot harvesting nodes they do not have the appropriate Crew Skill for after a group member harvests (but does not loot) a node.


* Corrected an issue that prevented some enemy NPCs from spawning in Flashpoints.


* The correct error message now displays when a player attempts to enter a different Flashpoint than the rest of the group.


* Flashpoint gateways no longer display as orange in incorrect circumstances.


* Fixed an issue that prevented Flashpoint difficulty from being set properly.


* Fixed an issue that caused mapnotes directing players to some Flashpoints to not appear correctly.


* Corrected map issues that made locating mission objectives on the Gav Daragon difficult.


* Fixed an issue preventing some players from opening a chest after a boss fight if the group was previously defeated by the boss.


* Removing a modification from an item and then re-inserting it no longer causes that modification to be lost upon area transitions.


* Jilcoln Cadera's abilities now correctly take into account whether a player is immune from knockbacks.


* The "Primal Destroyer" World Boss on Belsavis is now "Overwhelming" as intended.


* The World Boss "The First" on Dromund Kaas no longer inhibits Bounty Hunter's Rapid Shots, and Imperial Agents will no longer be knocked out of cover during combat with it.


* Fixed a bug that could cause specific NPCs to appear miniature-sized in conversations.


* The scoreboard value for "Highest Protection Per Single Life" now functions correctly.


* Your PvP status will now be toggled automatically upon leaving a PvP region.


* Corrected a rare issue that could cause the Frogdogs to be declared the winner in a 0-0 match even if the Rotworms held the ball last.


* Fixed a bug that would not grant proper credit to the first player to interact with a mission loot chest in Ilum.


* Players will now receive proper Valor and mission credit when defeating another player in Ilum.


* Armor Upgrade 2 now has the correct armor value.


* Fixed the tooltip display for ability cooldowns over one hour in length.


* The interface for splitting stacks of items now displays correctly.


* Players nearby a player who achieves a new Legacy level no longer receive the Legacy level-up notification.


* Legacy name display preferences now persist when travelling between planets.


* Sorting now works correctly in the Guilds tab.


* Opening the Inventory Panel with the button on the Menu Bar now always correctly displays the reverse engineering button.


* Inviting a new player to a guild no longer causes the member list to display incorrectly.


* The owner of a holocall conversation is no longer shown in the last frame of the cinematic.


* Players can no longer teleport to the location of a player whose conversation they are spectating.


* Players can no longer prevent others from using a mission-related item in the world by refusing to close its loot window.


* The spacebar button is now recognized when a player presses it to progress after a loading screen even if the spacebar button has been re-bound.


* Additional issues that could impact performance on Taris have been addressed.


* Players who spectated conversations no longer unleash an initial massive critical social roll in their next multiplayer conversation.


* Corrected an issue that could cause some preferences to reset to defaults upon area transitions.


* An Aim Datacron on Ilum is now accessible and no longer repeats its initial cinematic once used.


* A Datacron on Coruscant is no longer blocked by unintentional collision.


* Corrected an issue with older ATI cards that could cause the game to render as a black screen.


* Falls on the Republic and Imperial Fleets that should lead to death now properly do so. Players who die on the Fleets now respawn at the appropriate med center.


* Corrected an issue that could cause the game to crash during area transitions.


* Fixed a bug that could cause players to fall through the world during or after a conversation or cinematic.


* Loading screens no longer appear when other players spawn nearby.


* Significantly improved the delay when activating player abilities, particularly when in lower framerate situations. This allows for improved ability responsiveness in hectic combat situations.


* Fixed an issue that could cause graphical inconsistencies, which most often manifested as random screen "flickering.


* Operations will no longer allow more than 16 Operations Group members to enter concurrently.


* Fixed a bug that could cause the Global Cooldown to appear as if it has been cancelled when it is actually still in effect, resulting in a feeling of unresponsiveness to input.


* Corrected an issue that could cause an ability icon to appear usable but be unresponsive to clicks or keypresses for several seconds.


* Fixed an issue that prevented some players in Operations Groups from receiving credit for the missions "[WEEKLY] Deadly Operations," "[WEEKLY] Galactic Operations," and "Journey to the Belsavis Depths." The entire Operations Group now receives credit when the objective is completed.


* Comparative tooltips for researched items no longer have their stats reversed.


* Players are no longer able to climb out of the attacking team spawn area in Voidstar before the match starts.


* The leader of an Operations Group will no longer receive an incorrect message informing them that their companion has been dismissed.


* Made a configuration change to resolve hitching/freezing issues seen on some clients after patch 1.1.1.


* Crafting skills no longer inform the player that no missions are defined for the Crew Skill.


* Rakata weapons are now correctly rating 140 and are fitted with mark 25 modifications. These items were previously less powerful than intended


* Resetting a mission that is dependent on completing other missions no longer prevents players from receiving mission credit.


* Class abilities that pull a hostile target (like Grapple, Harpoon, and Force Pull) can no longer be used to pull enemies onto the spawn shelf.


* Players standing in the spawn area no longer catch the Huttball when it is thrown, and will no longer immediately be killed for having the ball in an illegal position.


* The reverse engineering button no longer occasionally disappears after a crafting skill is initially learned.


* Loading screens no longer appear in low resolution if the player selects the low-resolution texture option in preferences.


* Facial animations no longer fail to play correctly in some instances.


* During brief teleports, the splash screen does not appear incorrectly over loading screens.


* Players will no longer experience limited audio, black portraits, or the inability to initiate conversations when they reconnect after being disconnected.


* Fixed a rare crash when updating inventory items when the player loads into the game.


* The loading screen no longer appears during "fade to black" sequences.


* Killing players on Ilum will now consistently grant Valor and mission credit as intended.





Eternity Vault


* Fixed an issue that could cause players to instantly die when affected by Soa's knockback.


* Turrets in Normal Mode no longer behave as turrets from Hard Mode.


* Players are now able to properly obtain loot from chests.


* The Ancient Pylons now spawn enemies at the correct intervals.


* Using "Reset All Active Operations" no longer causes Soa and the Ancient Pylons to respawn even if the player is currently locked out of these encounters.


* Players are now able to successfully loot the chest after defeating the Infernal Council.


* The Ancient Pylons now reset correctly if not solved within the allotted time.


* Soa's mind traps unintentionally had 200k health in Nightmare Mode. This amount has been reduced significantly


* Players are now released from Soa's mind traps in the correct location after the encounter.


* Players no longer randomly die in this Operation after being in Gharj's lava.


* Soa no longer resets if he uses Mind Trap on the main tank.


* Soa now frees all players in mind traps before transitioning to his platform phase. Players will no longer be stuck in mind traps during the platforming

sequence as a result.


* Players released from Soa's mind trap after he is defeated are now teleported to the appropriate location, allowing them to claim their loot.





Karagga's Palace


* Players no longer need to reset this Operation if they do not defeat Bonethrasher.


* Corrected an issue that caused some players to become stuck at the throne room door.


* Fixed an issue that prevented players from entering the Operation.


* Players no longer get stuck attempting to exit the Karagga's Palace phase.


* Fixed an issue that caused assigned loot bags in Karagga's Palace to distribute items with class inappropriate stats.


* G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator will no longer respawn more than once if players have not defeated Karagga.


* Fixed an exploit that would allow players to repeatedly loot the chest after defeating Jarg and Sorno.


* Fixed an issue that prevented the Materials Disposal Unit's main control station from becoming useable again after the Operation Group is defeated by the G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator on 16-man Hard Mode.


* Fixed an issue that prevented the G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator from deploying the correct number of Proximity Pulse Mines and Security Stun Drones during combat.


* The damage from G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator's sticky pulse grenade will scales appropriately for the selected Operation difficulty level.


* Karagga no longer fires his Unstable Energy twice in a row.


* Taking the shuttle after defeating Karagga no longer transports players to the incorrect hangar.


* Walls that were missing in Karagga's Palace are now in place.


* The chest that is awarded for defeating Karagga on Nightmare Mode no longer appears partially inside a wall.


* Foreman Crusher's Perforating Rend now correctly applies itself to targets caught within the conical attack.


* Jarg & Sorno: The Carbonizer Probe no longer disappears if all of the players who attacked it died before the Carbonizer Probe was destroyed.


* Karagga no longer appears above portions of the walls during the fight.


* Karagga's chest no longer spawns after defeating Bonethrasher in Nightmare Mode.



Not even a full list... just the ones easily scraped from the patch notes (which in and of themselves aren't the full list of bug fixes.


Just because you don't feel like progress has been made to stamp out bugs in the game doesn't make it true.




They put out an article called Bugs and Exploits or something like that. Go find it and read it. It explains everything everyone cries about.



found it




you're welcome :)

Edited by Alchropie
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FACT: Bioware hasn't fixed any bugs in the game... It's obvious they don't care.



* Corrected a server-side issue that caused some game systems (such as Companion Missions) to behave incorrectly.


* Fixed an issue that could cause the game client to crash under some circumstances.


* Corrected an issue that could cause degraded performance or client crashes for some players on Taris.


* Fixed a bug that could prevent players from accepting pending mission rewards.


* Fixed an issue that caused some pre-assigned guild names to display incorrectly.


* Fixed a bug that could cause the global cooldown to display incorrectly in the UI.


* Abilities that require Companion Characters now always correctly require a companion.


* NPCs no longer attempt to engage vanity pets in combat.


* Companion Character dialogue now plays at the correct volume.


* Corrected an issue that could cause some gathering nodes to appear as unharvestable.


* All players in a group who have a daily Flashpoint mission now get credit for completing that Flashpoint.


* Fixed incorrect item rewards from PvP leveling lockboxes.


* Targeting a friendly player no longer occasionally displays incorrect text for the character's name.


* Corrected an issue that could cause some auction expirations to behave incorrectly.


* The splash screen no longer displays longer than the "accept changes" dialogue when changing resolutions on some computers.


* Master Looter now works correctly for items being looted from chests.


* The server select screen no longer displays over the character select after being disconnected for being away.


* Corrected an issue that could cause mission mapnotes to disappear when a new mission is obtained.


* Corrected an issue that could prevent players from taking cover when targeting large NPCs.


* Fixed a bug that caused some abilities with activation times to be interrupted when used from cover.


* Fixed an issue that could cause choosing Nightmare Mode to not set enemies to Nightmare difficulty.


* Corrected several PvP items that were Bind on Equip. They are now Bind on Pickup.


* PvP vendors on Capital Planets now offer the correct PvP items.


* Commendations received via in-game mail are now correctly added to the Currency tab.


* Corrected mission steps on several planets that could cause client instability.


* Fixed an issue that caused a client crash if a space station was destroyed in Space Combat.


* Group members no longer appear on all planets on the Galaxy Map.


* Corrected an issue that could cause map notes to disappear after logging out and back into the game.


* Corrected some map notes that referenced the incorrect map.


* Group members outside of a player's phase are no longer prompted to roll on items.


* The In-Game Customer Service Portal no longer appears to hang while the "updating" message is displayed.


* The "Show Sith Corruption" option no longer toggles off when transitioning between areas.


* Taxi rides are no longer occasionally interrupted, causing the player to be dropped from the taxi.


* Using the /dismiss command now correctly dismisses a vanity pet.


* Corrected some issues that could cause players to become stuck on the loading screen when logging into a character.


* Fixed a bug that prevented some text-only mail messages from being received.


* Corrected an issue that caused poor performance on some machines in indoor areas with shadows enabled.


* Fixed an issue that could prevent players from being logged out for inactivity.


* Fixed an issue that could cause players to crash to desktop after selecting a character.


* Fixed an issue that could cause in-game chat channels to stop functioning for some players.


* Social emotes (like /getdown) can no longer interfere with combat.


* Fixed an exploit that could allow players to receive more items than intended via in-game mail.


* Fixed an exploit that allowed the removal of Armoring item modifications that were not intended to be available for removal on Artifact quality items.


* Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented players from resetting their active Flashpoint.


* Tooltips for abilities modified by skill points now display correct damage values.


* Companions will now sell trash items when requested, regardless of group size.


* Companion healing abilities no longer apply a permanent green effect on the character.


* Fixed an issue that caused Companion Characters to sometimes have the incorrect appearance in cinematics.


* Companion abilities that have been disabled by the player no longer toggle back on when the companion is re-summoned.


* Corrected an issue that caused the indicator that a companion wants to talk to you to disappear.


* Companions no longer need to be re-summoned after selling trash items if the player mounts a vehicle after dispatching them.


* Traveling from a Contested Area to a Contested Region now causes companions to be unsummoned correctly.


* Corrected an issue that prevented recently completed Crew Skill missions from showing up in the next list of available missions.


* Fixed a bug that could cause Crew Skills a character didn't have to appear in the Crew Skills window.


* Players can no longer loot harvesting nodes they do not have the appropriate Crew Skill for after a group member harvests (but does not loot) a node.


* Corrected an issue that prevented some enemy NPCs from spawning in Flashpoints.


* The correct error message now displays when a player attempts to enter a different Flashpoint than the rest of the group.


* Flashpoint gateways no longer display as orange in incorrect circumstances.


* Fixed an issue that prevented Flashpoint difficulty from being set properly.


* Fixed an issue that caused mapnotes directing players to some Flashpoints to not appear correctly.


* Corrected map issues that made locating mission objectives on the Gav Daragon difficult.


* Fixed an issue preventing some players from opening a chest after a boss fight if the group was previously defeated by the boss.


* Removing a modification from an item and then re-inserting it no longer causes that modification to be lost upon area transitions.


* Jilcoln Cadera's abilities now correctly take into account whether a player is immune from knockbacks.


* The "Primal Destroyer" World Boss on Belsavis is now "Overwhelming" as intended.


* The World Boss "The First" on Dromund Kaas no longer inhibits Bounty Hunter's Rapid Shots, and Imperial Agents will no longer be knocked out of cover during combat with it.


* Fixed a bug that could cause specific NPCs to appear miniature-sized in conversations.


* The scoreboard value for "Highest Protection Per Single Life" now functions correctly.


* Your PvP status will now be toggled automatically upon leaving a PvP region.


* Corrected a rare issue that could cause the Frogdogs to be declared the winner in a 0-0 match even if the Rotworms held the ball last.


* Fixed a bug that would not grant proper credit to the first player to interact with a mission loot chest in Ilum.


* Players will now receive proper Valor and mission credit when defeating another player in Ilum.


* Armor Upgrade 2 now has the correct armor value.


* Fixed the tooltip display for ability cooldowns over one hour in length.


* The interface for splitting stacks of items now displays correctly.


* Players nearby a player who achieves a new Legacy level no longer receive the Legacy level-up notification.


* Legacy name display preferences now persist when travelling between planets.


* Sorting now works correctly in the Guilds tab.


* Opening the Inventory Panel with the button on the Menu Bar now always correctly displays the reverse engineering button.


* Inviting a new player to a guild no longer causes the member list to display incorrectly.


* The owner of a holocall conversation is no longer shown in the last frame of the cinematic.


* Players can no longer teleport to the location of a player whose conversation they are spectating.


* Players can no longer prevent others from using a mission-related item in the world by refusing to close its loot window.


* The spacebar button is now recognized when a player presses it to progress after a loading screen even if the spacebar button has been re-bound.


* Additional issues that could impact performance on Taris have been addressed.


* Players who spectated conversations no longer unleash an initial massive critical social roll in their next multiplayer conversation.


* Corrected an issue that could cause some preferences to reset to defaults upon area transitions.


* An Aim Datacron on Ilum is now accessible and no longer repeats its initial cinematic once used.


* A Datacron on Coruscant is no longer blocked by unintentional collision.


* Corrected an issue with older ATI cards that could cause the game to render as a black screen.


* Falls on the Republic and Imperial Fleets that should lead to death now properly do so. Players who die on the Fleets now respawn at the appropriate med center.


* Corrected an issue that could cause the game to crash during area transitions.


* Fixed a bug that could cause players to fall through the world during or after a conversation or cinematic.


* Loading screens no longer appear when other players spawn nearby.


* Significantly improved the delay when activating player abilities, particularly when in lower framerate situations. This allows for improved ability responsiveness in hectic combat situations.


* Fixed an issue that could cause graphical inconsistencies, which most often manifested as random screen "flickering.


* Operations will no longer allow more than 16 Operations Group members to enter concurrently.


* Fixed a bug that could cause the Global Cooldown to appear as if it has been cancelled when it is actually still in effect, resulting in a feeling of unresponsiveness to input.


* Corrected an issue that could cause an ability icon to appear usable but be unresponsive to clicks or keypresses for several seconds.


* Fixed an issue that prevented some players in Operations Groups from receiving credit for the missions "[WEEKLY] Deadly Operations," "[WEEKLY] Galactic Operations," and "Journey to the Belsavis Depths." The entire Operations Group now receives credit when the objective is completed.


* Comparative tooltips for researched items no longer have their stats reversed.


* Players are no longer able to climb out of the attacking team spawn area in Voidstar before the match starts.


* The leader of an Operations Group will no longer receive an incorrect message informing them that their companion has been dismissed.


* Made a configuration change to resolve hitching/freezing issues seen on some clients after patch 1.1.1.


* Crafting skills no longer inform the player that no missions are defined for the Crew Skill.


* Rakata weapons are now correctly rating 140 and are fitted with mark 25 modifications. These items were previously less powerful than intended


* Resetting a mission that is dependent on completing other missions no longer prevents players from receiving mission credit.


* Class abilities that pull a hostile target (like Grapple, Harpoon, and Force Pull) can no longer be used to pull enemies onto the spawn shelf.


* Players standing in the spawn area no longer catch the Huttball when it is thrown, and will no longer immediately be killed for having the ball in an illegal position.


* The reverse engineering button no longer occasionally disappears after a crafting skill is initially learned.


* Loading screens no longer appear in low resolution if the player selects the low-resolution texture option in preferences.


* Facial animations no longer fail to play correctly in some instances.


* During brief teleports, the splash screen does not appear incorrectly over loading screens.


* Players will no longer experience limited audio, black portraits, or the inability to initiate conversations when they reconnect after being disconnected.


* Fixed a rare crash when updating inventory items when the player loads into the game.


* The loading screen no longer appears during "fade to black" sequences.


* Killing players on Ilum will now consistently grant Valor and mission credit as intended.





Eternity Vault


* Fixed an issue that could cause players to instantly die when affected by Soa's knockback.


* Turrets in Normal Mode no longer behave as turrets from Hard Mode.


* Players are now able to properly obtain loot from chests.


* The Ancient Pylons now spawn enemies at the correct intervals.


* Using "Reset All Active Operations" no longer causes Soa and the Ancient Pylons to respawn even if the player is currently locked out of these encounters.


* Players are now able to successfully loot the chest after defeating the Infernal Council.


* The Ancient Pylons now reset correctly if not solved within the allotted time.


* Soa's mind traps unintentionally had 200k health in Nightmare Mode. This amount has been reduced significantly


* Players are now released from Soa's mind traps in the correct location after the encounter.


* Players no longer randomly die in this Operation after being in Gharj's lava.


* Soa no longer resets if he uses Mind Trap on the main tank.


* Soa now frees all players in mind traps before transitioning to his platform phase. Players will no longer be stuck in mind traps during the platforming

sequence as a result.


* Players released from Soa's mind trap after he is defeated are now teleported to the appropriate location, allowing them to claim their loot.





Karagga's Palace


* Players no longer need to reset this Operation if they do not defeat Bonethrasher.


* Corrected an issue that caused some players to become stuck at the throne room door.


* Fixed an issue that prevented players from entering the Operation.


* Players no longer get stuck attempting to exit the Karagga's Palace phase.


* Fixed an issue that caused assigned loot bags in Karagga's Palace to distribute items with class inappropriate stats.


* G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator will no longer respawn more than once if players have not defeated Karagga.


* Fixed an exploit that would allow players to repeatedly loot the chest after defeating Jarg and Sorno.


* Fixed an issue that prevented the Materials Disposal Unit's main control station from becoming useable again after the Operation Group is defeated by the G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator on 16-man Hard Mode.


* Fixed an issue that prevented the G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator from deploying the correct number of Proximity Pulse Mines and Security Stun Drones during combat.


* The damage from G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator's sticky pulse grenade will scales appropriately for the selected Operation difficulty level.


* Karagga no longer fires his Unstable Energy twice in a row.


* Taking the shuttle after defeating Karagga no longer transports players to the incorrect hangar.


* Walls that were missing in Karagga's Palace are now in place.


* The chest that is awarded for defeating Karagga on Nightmare Mode no longer appears partially inside a wall.


* Foreman Crusher's Perforating Rend now correctly applies itself to targets caught within the conical attack.


* Jarg & Sorno: The Carbonizer Probe no longer disappears if all of the players who attacked it died before the Carbonizer Probe was destroyed.


* Karagga no longer appears above portions of the walls during the fight.


* Karagga's chest no longer spawns after defeating Bonethrasher in Nightmare Mode.



Not even a full list... just the ones easily scraped from the patch notes (which in and of themselves aren't the full list of bug fixes.


Just because you don't feel like progress has been made to stamp out bugs in the game doesn't make it true.


^ This


Also, I would like you to go play WoW when a new patch roles around. There has never been an end boss in WoW that was totally free of bugs when it was released. Nor have they been fine a month down the line. The difference is that since they have been doing this so long they can now fix the problems faster.


Bioware has been doing this for a total of 2 months and some change. Beta etc don't count as there are bugs you cannot produce until millions of people are playing the game. Give it a rest already, just because something like this happens doesn't mean they aren't trying to fix it.


Things like this may seem easy to you, but I guarantee that you could not fix it without being very knowledgeable about different codes. The smallest of bugs could be the most complicated thing to fix in the code. Once you realize that then you learn to live with it and let the developers do their jobs. Quit bringing up the same bugs over and over again as well, this is starting to look like the WoW forums again; and that is something we do not want.

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FACT: Bioware hasn't fixed any bugs in the game... It's obvious they don't care.



* Corrected a server-side issue that caused some game systems (such as Companion Missions) to behave incorrectly.


* Fixed an issue that could cause the game client to crash under some circumstances.


* Corrected an issue that could cause degraded performance or client crashes for some players on Taris.


* Fixed a bug that could prevent players from accepting pending mission rewards.


* Fixed an issue that caused some pre-assigned guild names to display incorrectly.


* Fixed a bug that could cause the global cooldown to display incorrectly in the UI.


* Abilities that require Companion Characters now always correctly require a companion.


* NPCs no longer attempt to engage vanity pets in combat.


* Companion Character dialogue now plays at the correct volume.


* Corrected an issue that could cause some gathering nodes to appear as unharvestable.


* All players in a group who have a daily Flashpoint mission now get credit for completing that Flashpoint.


* Fixed incorrect item rewards from PvP leveling lockboxes.


* Targeting a friendly player no longer occasionally displays incorrect text for the character's name.


* Corrected an issue that could cause some auction expirations to behave incorrectly.


* The splash screen no longer displays longer than the "accept changes" dialogue when changing resolutions on some computers.


* Master Looter now works correctly for items being looted from chests.


* The server select screen no longer displays over the character select after being disconnected for being away.


* Corrected an issue that could cause mission mapnotes to disappear when a new mission is obtained.


* Corrected an issue that could prevent players from taking cover when targeting large NPCs.


* Fixed a bug that caused some abilities with activation times to be interrupted when used from cover.


* Fixed an issue that could cause choosing Nightmare Mode to not set enemies to Nightmare difficulty.


* Corrected several PvP items that were Bind on Equip. They are now Bind on Pickup.


* PvP vendors on Capital Planets now offer the correct PvP items.


* Commendations received via in-game mail are now correctly added to the Currency tab.


* Corrected mission steps on several planets that could cause client instability.


* Fixed an issue that caused a client crash if a space station was destroyed in Space Combat.


* Group members no longer appear on all planets on the Galaxy Map.


* Corrected an issue that could cause map notes to disappear after logging out and back into the game.


* Corrected some map notes that referenced the incorrect map.


* Group members outside of a player's phase are no longer prompted to roll on items.


* The In-Game Customer Service Portal no longer appears to hang while the "updating" message is displayed.


* The "Show Sith Corruption" option no longer toggles off when transitioning between areas.


* Taxi rides are no longer occasionally interrupted, causing the player to be dropped from the taxi.


* Using the /dismiss command now correctly dismisses a vanity pet.


* Corrected some issues that could cause players to become stuck on the loading screen when logging into a character.


* Fixed a bug that prevented some text-only mail messages from being received.


* Corrected an issue that caused poor performance on some machines in indoor areas with shadows enabled.


* Fixed an issue that could prevent players from being logged out for inactivity.


* Fixed an issue that could cause players to crash to desktop after selecting a character.


* Fixed an issue that could cause in-game chat channels to stop functioning for some players.


* Social emotes (like /getdown) can no longer interfere with combat.


* Fixed an exploit that could allow players to receive more items than intended via in-game mail.


* Fixed an exploit that allowed the removal of Armoring item modifications that were not intended to be available for removal on Artifact quality items.


* Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented players from resetting their active Flashpoint.


* Tooltips for abilities modified by skill points now display correct damage values.


* Companions will now sell trash items when requested, regardless of group size.


* Companion healing abilities no longer apply a permanent green effect on the character.


* Fixed an issue that caused Companion Characters to sometimes have the incorrect appearance in cinematics.


* Companion abilities that have been disabled by the player no longer toggle back on when the companion is re-summoned.


* Corrected an issue that caused the indicator that a companion wants to talk to you to disappear.


* Companions no longer need to be re-summoned after selling trash items if the player mounts a vehicle after dispatching them.


* Traveling from a Contested Area to a Contested Region now causes companions to be unsummoned correctly.


* Corrected an issue that prevented recently completed Crew Skill missions from showing up in the next list of available missions.


* Fixed a bug that could cause Crew Skills a character didn't have to appear in the Crew Skills window.


* Players can no longer loot harvesting nodes they do not have the appropriate Crew Skill for after a group member harvests (but does not loot) a node.


* Corrected an issue that prevented some enemy NPCs from spawning in Flashpoints.


* The correct error message now displays when a player attempts to enter a different Flashpoint than the rest of the group.


* Flashpoint gateways no longer display as orange in incorrect circumstances.


* Fixed an issue that prevented Flashpoint difficulty from being set properly.


* Fixed an issue that caused mapnotes directing players to some Flashpoints to not appear correctly.


* Corrected map issues that made locating mission objectives on the Gav Daragon difficult.


* Fixed an issue preventing some players from opening a chest after a boss fight if the group was previously defeated by the boss.


* Removing a modification from an item and then re-inserting it no longer causes that modification to be lost upon area transitions.


* Jilcoln Cadera's abilities now correctly take into account whether a player is immune from knockbacks.


* The "Primal Destroyer" World Boss on Belsavis is now "Overwhelming" as intended.


* The World Boss "The First" on Dromund Kaas no longer inhibits Bounty Hunter's Rapid Shots, and Imperial Agents will no longer be knocked out of cover during combat with it.


* Fixed a bug that could cause specific NPCs to appear miniature-sized in conversations.


* The scoreboard value for "Highest Protection Per Single Life" now functions correctly.


* Your PvP status will now be toggled automatically upon leaving a PvP region.


* Corrected a rare issue that could cause the Frogdogs to be declared the winner in a 0-0 match even if the Rotworms held the ball last.


* Fixed a bug that would not grant proper credit to the first player to interact with a mission loot chest in Ilum.


* Players will now receive proper Valor and mission credit when defeating another player in Ilum.


* Armor Upgrade 2 now has the correct armor value.


* Fixed the tooltip display for ability cooldowns over one hour in length.


* The interface for splitting stacks of items now displays correctly.


* Players nearby a player who achieves a new Legacy level no longer receive the Legacy level-up notification.


* Legacy name display preferences now persist when travelling between planets.


* Sorting now works correctly in the Guilds tab.


* Opening the Inventory Panel with the button on the Menu Bar now always correctly displays the reverse engineering button.


* Inviting a new player to a guild no longer causes the member list to display incorrectly.


* The owner of a holocall conversation is no longer shown in the last frame of the cinematic.


* Players can no longer teleport to the location of a player whose conversation they are spectating.


* Players can no longer prevent others from using a mission-related item in the world by refusing to close its loot window.


* The spacebar button is now recognized when a player presses it to progress after a loading screen even if the spacebar button has been re-bound.


* Additional issues that could impact performance on Taris have been addressed.


* Players who spectated conversations no longer unleash an initial massive critical social roll in their next multiplayer conversation.


* Corrected an issue that could cause some preferences to reset to defaults upon area transitions.


* An Aim Datacron on Ilum is now accessible and no longer repeats its initial cinematic once used.


* A Datacron on Coruscant is no longer blocked by unintentional collision.


* Corrected an issue with older ATI cards that could cause the game to render as a black screen.


* Falls on the Republic and Imperial Fleets that should lead to death now properly do so. Players who die on the Fleets now respawn at the appropriate med center.


* Corrected an issue that could cause the game to crash during area transitions.


* Fixed a bug that could cause players to fall through the world during or after a conversation or cinematic.


* Loading screens no longer appear when other players spawn nearby.


* Significantly improved the delay when activating player abilities, particularly when in lower framerate situations. This allows for improved ability responsiveness in hectic combat situations.


* Fixed an issue that could cause graphical inconsistencies, which most often manifested as random screen "flickering.


* Operations will no longer allow more than 16 Operations Group members to enter concurrently.


* Fixed a bug that could cause the Global Cooldown to appear as if it has been cancelled when it is actually still in effect, resulting in a feeling of unresponsiveness to input.


* Corrected an issue that could cause an ability icon to appear usable but be unresponsive to clicks or keypresses for several seconds.


* Fixed an issue that prevented some players in Operations Groups from receiving credit for the missions "[WEEKLY] Deadly Operations," "[WEEKLY] Galactic Operations," and "Journey to the Belsavis Depths." The entire Operations Group now receives credit when the objective is completed.


* Comparative tooltips for researched items no longer have their stats reversed.


* Players are no longer able to climb out of the attacking team spawn area in Voidstar before the match starts.


* The leader of an Operations Group will no longer receive an incorrect message informing them that their companion has been dismissed.


* Made a configuration change to resolve hitching/freezing issues seen on some clients after patch 1.1.1.


* Crafting skills no longer inform the player that no missions are defined for the Crew Skill.


* Rakata weapons are now correctly rating 140 and are fitted with mark 25 modifications. These items were previously less powerful than intended


* Resetting a mission that is dependent on completing other missions no longer prevents players from receiving mission credit.


* Class abilities that pull a hostile target (like Grapple, Harpoon, and Force Pull) can no longer be used to pull enemies onto the spawn shelf.


* Players standing in the spawn area no longer catch the Huttball when it is thrown, and will no longer immediately be killed for having the ball in an illegal position.


* The reverse engineering button no longer occasionally disappears after a crafting skill is initially learned.


* Loading screens no longer appear in low resolution if the player selects the low-resolution texture option in preferences.


* Facial animations no longer fail to play correctly in some instances.


* During brief teleports, the splash screen does not appear incorrectly over loading screens.


* Players will no longer experience limited audio, black portraits, or the inability to initiate conversations when they reconnect after being disconnected.


* Fixed a rare crash when updating inventory items when the player loads into the game.


* The loading screen no longer appears during "fade to black" sequences.


* Killing players on Ilum will now consistently grant Valor and mission credit as intended.





Eternity Vault


* Fixed an issue that could cause players to instantly die when affected by Soa's knockback.


* Turrets in Normal Mode no longer behave as turrets from Hard Mode.


* Players are now able to properly obtain loot from chests.


* The Ancient Pylons now spawn enemies at the correct intervals.


* Using "Reset All Active Operations" no longer causes Soa and the Ancient Pylons to respawn even if the player is currently locked out of these encounters.


* Players are now able to successfully loot the chest after defeating the Infernal Council.


* The Ancient Pylons now reset correctly if not solved within the allotted time.


* Soa's mind traps unintentionally had 200k health in Nightmare Mode. This amount has been reduced significantly


* Players are now released from Soa's mind traps in the correct location after the encounter.


* Players no longer randomly die in this Operation after being in Gharj's lava.


* Soa no longer resets if he uses Mind Trap on the main tank.


* Soa now frees all players in mind traps before transitioning to his platform phase. Players will no longer be stuck in mind traps during the platforming

sequence as a result.


* Players released from Soa's mind trap after he is defeated are now teleported to the appropriate location, allowing them to claim their loot.





Karagga's Palace


* Players no longer need to reset this Operation if they do not defeat Bonethrasher.


* Corrected an issue that caused some players to become stuck at the throne room door.


* Fixed an issue that prevented players from entering the Operation.


* Players no longer get stuck attempting to exit the Karagga's Palace phase.


* Fixed an issue that caused assigned loot bags in Karagga's Palace to distribute items with class inappropriate stats.


* G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator will no longer respawn more than once if players have not defeated Karagga.


* Fixed an exploit that would allow players to repeatedly loot the chest after defeating Jarg and Sorno.


* Fixed an issue that prevented the Materials Disposal Unit's main control station from becoming useable again after the Operation Group is defeated by the G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator on 16-man Hard Mode.


* Fixed an issue that prevented the G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator from deploying the correct number of Proximity Pulse Mines and Security Stun Drones during combat.


* The damage from G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator's sticky pulse grenade will scales appropriately for the selected Operation difficulty level.


* Karagga no longer fires his Unstable Energy twice in a row.


* Taking the shuttle after defeating Karagga no longer transports players to the incorrect hangar.


* Walls that were missing in Karagga's Palace are now in place.


* The chest that is awarded for defeating Karagga on Nightmare Mode no longer appears partially inside a wall.


* Foreman Crusher's Perforating Rend now correctly applies itself to targets caught within the conical attack.


* Jarg & Sorno: The Carbonizer Probe no longer disappears if all of the players who attacked it died before the Carbonizer Probe was destroyed.


* Karagga no longer appears above portions of the walls during the fight.


* Karagga's chest no longer spawns after defeating Bonethrasher in Nightmare Mode.



Not even a full list... just the ones easily scraped from the patch notes (which in and of themselves aren't the full list of bug fixes.


Just because you don't feel like progress has been made to stamp out bugs in the game doesn't make it true.


I never said they had not fixed bugs. The fact still remains that bugs are preventing people from doing end game content to its fullest. Soa yes his floor fixed now he doesnt lose his shield in p3 properly or will just randomly despawn at 3%. Pylons after finishing 2 matches, the turners become unclickable thus eventually triggering the enrage and only fix is to exit area and reset the ops. I can confirm this in hard mode. Have not tried that section on nitemare.


Karaggas, Fabricator boss about half the time the first flame jet does nothing to him and that jet is usless till you blow another one.


I do notice that BW is hireing for QA Testers so maybe they are just really short testers and they dont have time to properly test the boss's before the patch is slated to drop.

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^ This


Also, I would like you to go play WoW when a new patch roles around. There has never been an end boss in WoW that was totally free of bugs when it was released. Nor have they been fine a month down the line. The difference is that since they have been doing this so long they can now fix the problems faster.


Bioware has been doing this for a total of 2 months and some change. Beta etc don't count as there are bugs you cannot produce until millions of people are playing the game. Give it a rest already, just because something like this happens doesn't mean they aren't trying to fix it.


Things like this may seem easy to you, but I guarantee that you could not fix it without being very knowledgeable about different codes. The smallest of bugs could be the most complicated thing to fix in the code. Once you realize that then you learn to live with it and let the developers do their jobs. Quit bringing up the same bugs over and over again as well, this is starting to look like the WoW forums again; and that is something we do not want.


Well if people are bringing up the same bugs over and over agian then they are not getting fixed. I have toons across multiple servers and already i have seen a drastic drop in players on at one time just from sitting in fleet. I like this game but i dont expect people to continue to pay for a game they cant play half the time due to either Ops bugs or broken pvp due to many factors.

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The point being the bugs that are currently in game should have been fixed well before launch of the patch. Seems with every patch they release more pointless stuff is fixed and more important stuff is seemingly shrugged off to the side.


To EA/ Bioware- If you need more testers please feel free to email me and i can send a resume of my testing accomplishments.


I'd really like to see that resume since you're clearly clueless. I work in game development and there are simply bugs that cannot be sorted out before launch because you simply cannot simulate certain factors back in indoor testing process. And I would point out that you shouldn't even start imagining the amount of bugs they actually fixed during indoor testing (it's HUGE for sure).


Go QQ somewhere else please.


Karaggas, Fabricator boss about half the time the first flame jet does nothing to him and that jet is usless till you blow another one.



This has never happened to my guild.


Well if people are bringing up the same bugs over and over agian then they are not getting fixed.


And don't even make me start on how stupid this quote is. Since you "certainly have a lot of testing accomplishments" sure you understand what priorities/milestones/massive amounts of bugs are. And of course you know that it doesn't matter how many times a bug is reported (whined about) - it won't change the timing of the fix.

Edited by Tholrien
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FACT: Bioware hasn't fixed any bugs in the game... It's obvious they don't care.



* Corrected a server-side issue that caused some game systems (such as Companion Missions) to behave incorrectly.


* Fixed an issue that could cause the game client to crash under some circumstances.


* Corrected an issue that could cause degraded performance or client crashes for some players on Taris.


* Fixed a bug that could prevent players from accepting pending mission rewards.


* Fixed an issue that caused some pre-assigned guild names to display incorrectly.


* Fixed a bug that could cause the global cooldown to display incorrectly in the UI.


* Abilities that require Companion Characters now always correctly require a companion.


* NPCs no longer attempt to engage vanity pets in combat.


* Companion Character dialogue now plays at the correct volume.


* Corrected an issue that could cause some gathering nodes to appear as unharvestable.


* All players in a group who have a daily Flashpoint mission now get credit for completing that Flashpoint.


* Fixed incorrect item rewards from PvP leveling lockboxes.


* Targeting a friendly player no longer occasionally displays incorrect text for the character's name.


* Corrected an issue that could cause some auction expirations to behave incorrectly.


* The splash screen no longer displays longer than the "accept changes" dialogue when changing resolutions on some computers.


* Master Looter now works correctly for items being looted from chests.


* The server select screen no longer displays over the character select after being disconnected for being away.


* Corrected an issue that could cause mission mapnotes to disappear when a new mission is obtained.


* Corrected an issue that could prevent players from taking cover when targeting large NPCs.


* Fixed a bug that caused some abilities with activation times to be interrupted when used from cover.


* Fixed an issue that could cause choosing Nightmare Mode to not set enemies to Nightmare difficulty.


* Corrected several PvP items that were Bind on Equip. They are now Bind on Pickup.


* PvP vendors on Capital Planets now offer the correct PvP items.


* Commendations received via in-game mail are now correctly added to the Currency tab.


* Corrected mission steps on several planets that could cause client instability.


* Fixed an issue that caused a client crash if a space station was destroyed in Space Combat.


* Group members no longer appear on all planets on the Galaxy Map.


* Corrected an issue that could cause map notes to disappear after logging out and back into the game.


* Corrected some map notes that referenced the incorrect map.


* Group members outside of a player's phase are no longer prompted to roll on items.


* The In-Game Customer Service Portal no longer appears to hang while the "updating" message is displayed.


* The "Show Sith Corruption" option no longer toggles off when transitioning between areas.


* Taxi rides are no longer occasionally interrupted, causing the player to be dropped from the taxi.


* Using the /dismiss command now correctly dismisses a vanity pet.


* Corrected some issues that could cause players to become stuck on the loading screen when logging into a character.


* Fixed a bug that prevented some text-only mail messages from being received.


* Corrected an issue that caused poor performance on some machines in indoor areas with shadows enabled.


* Fixed an issue that could prevent players from being logged out for inactivity.


* Fixed an issue that could cause players to crash to desktop after selecting a character.


* Fixed an issue that could cause in-game chat channels to stop functioning for some players.


* Social emotes (like /getdown) can no longer interfere with combat.


* Fixed an exploit that could allow players to receive more items than intended via in-game mail.


* Fixed an exploit that allowed the removal of Armoring item modifications that were not intended to be available for removal on Artifact quality items.


* Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented players from resetting their active Flashpoint.


* Tooltips for abilities modified by skill points now display correct damage values.


* Companions will now sell trash items when requested, regardless of group size.


* Companion healing abilities no longer apply a permanent green effect on the character.


* Fixed an issue that caused Companion Characters to sometimes have the incorrect appearance in cinematics.


* Companion abilities that have been disabled by the player no longer toggle back on when the companion is re-summoned.


* Corrected an issue that caused the indicator that a companion wants to talk to you to disappear.


* Companions no longer need to be re-summoned after selling trash items if the player mounts a vehicle after dispatching them.


* Traveling from a Contested Area to a Contested Region now causes companions to be unsummoned correctly.


* Corrected an issue that prevented recently completed Crew Skill missions from showing up in the next list of available missions.


* Fixed a bug that could cause Crew Skills a character didn't have to appear in the Crew Skills window.


* Players can no longer loot harvesting nodes they do not have the appropriate Crew Skill for after a group member harvests (but does not loot) a node.


* Corrected an issue that prevented some enemy NPCs from spawning in Flashpoints.


* The correct error message now displays when a player attempts to enter a different Flashpoint than the rest of the group.


* Flashpoint gateways no longer display as orange in incorrect circumstances.


* Fixed an issue that prevented Flashpoint difficulty from being set properly.


* Fixed an issue that caused mapnotes directing players to some Flashpoints to not appear correctly.


* Corrected map issues that made locating mission objectives on the Gav Daragon difficult.


* Fixed an issue preventing some players from opening a chest after a boss fight if the group was previously defeated by the boss.


* Removing a modification from an item and then re-inserting it no longer causes that modification to be lost upon area transitions.


* Jilcoln Cadera's abilities now correctly take into account whether a player is immune from knockbacks.


* The "Primal Destroyer" World Boss on Belsavis is now "Overwhelming" as intended.


* The World Boss "The First" on Dromund Kaas no longer inhibits Bounty Hunter's Rapid Shots, and Imperial Agents will no longer be knocked out of cover during combat with it.


* Fixed a bug that could cause specific NPCs to appear miniature-sized in conversations.


* The scoreboard value for "Highest Protection Per Single Life" now functions correctly.


* Your PvP status will now be toggled automatically upon leaving a PvP region.


* Corrected a rare issue that could cause the Frogdogs to be declared the winner in a 0-0 match even if the Rotworms held the ball last.


* Fixed a bug that would not grant proper credit to the first player to interact with a mission loot chest in Ilum.


* Players will now receive proper Valor and mission credit when defeating another player in Ilum.


* Armor Upgrade 2 now has the correct armor value.


* Fixed the tooltip display for ability cooldowns over one hour in length.


* The interface for splitting stacks of items now displays correctly.


* Players nearby a player who achieves a new Legacy level no longer receive the Legacy level-up notification.


* Legacy name display preferences now persist when travelling between planets.


* Sorting now works correctly in the Guilds tab.


* Opening the Inventory Panel with the button on the Menu Bar now always correctly displays the reverse engineering button.


* Inviting a new player to a guild no longer causes the member list to display incorrectly.


* The owner of a holocall conversation is no longer shown in the last frame of the cinematic.


* Players can no longer teleport to the location of a player whose conversation they are spectating.


* Players can no longer prevent others from using a mission-related item in the world by refusing to close its loot window.


* The spacebar button is now recognized when a player presses it to progress after a loading screen even if the spacebar button has been re-bound.


* Additional issues that could impact performance on Taris have been addressed.


* Players who spectated conversations no longer unleash an initial massive critical social roll in their next multiplayer conversation.


* Corrected an issue that could cause some preferences to reset to defaults upon area transitions.


* An Aim Datacron on Ilum is now accessible and no longer repeats its initial cinematic once used.


* A Datacron on Coruscant is no longer blocked by unintentional collision.


* Corrected an issue with older ATI cards that could cause the game to render as a black screen.


* Falls on the Republic and Imperial Fleets that should lead to death now properly do so. Players who die on the Fleets now respawn at the appropriate med center.


* Corrected an issue that could cause the game to crash during area transitions.


* Fixed a bug that could cause players to fall through the world during or after a conversation or cinematic.


* Loading screens no longer appear when other players spawn nearby.


* Significantly improved the delay when activating player abilities, particularly when in lower framerate situations. This allows for improved ability responsiveness in hectic combat situations.


* Fixed an issue that could cause graphical inconsistencies, which most often manifested as random screen "flickering.


* Operations will no longer allow more than 16 Operations Group members to enter concurrently.


* Fixed a bug that could cause the Global Cooldown to appear as if it has been cancelled when it is actually still in effect, resulting in a feeling of unresponsiveness to input.


* Corrected an issue that could cause an ability icon to appear usable but be unresponsive to clicks or keypresses for several seconds.


* Fixed an issue that prevented some players in Operations Groups from receiving credit for the missions "[WEEKLY] Deadly Operations," "[WEEKLY] Galactic Operations," and "Journey to the Belsavis Depths." The entire Operations Group now receives credit when the objective is completed.


* Comparative tooltips for researched items no longer have their stats reversed.


* Players are no longer able to climb out of the attacking team spawn area in Voidstar before the match starts.


* The leader of an Operations Group will no longer receive an incorrect message informing them that their companion has been dismissed.


* Made a configuration change to resolve hitching/freezing issues seen on some clients after patch 1.1.1.


* Crafting skills no longer inform the player that no missions are defined for the Crew Skill.


* Rakata weapons are now correctly rating 140 and are fitted with mark 25 modifications. These items were previously less powerful than intended


* Resetting a mission that is dependent on completing other missions no longer prevents players from receiving mission credit.


* Class abilities that pull a hostile target (like Grapple, Harpoon, and Force Pull) can no longer be used to pull enemies onto the spawn shelf.


* Players standing in the spawn area no longer catch the Huttball when it is thrown, and will no longer immediately be killed for having the ball in an illegal position.


* The reverse engineering button no longer occasionally disappears after a crafting skill is initially learned.


* Loading screens no longer appear in low resolution if the player selects the low-resolution texture option in preferences.


* Facial animations no longer fail to play correctly in some instances.


* During brief teleports, the splash screen does not appear incorrectly over loading screens.


* Players will no longer experience limited audio, black portraits, or the inability to initiate conversations when they reconnect after being disconnected.


* Fixed a rare crash when updating inventory items when the player loads into the game.


* The loading screen no longer appears during "fade to black" sequences.


* Killing players on Ilum will now consistently grant Valor and mission credit as intended.





Eternity Vault


* Fixed an issue that could cause players to instantly die when affected by Soa's knockback.


* Turrets in Normal Mode no longer behave as turrets from Hard Mode.


* Players are now able to properly obtain loot from chests.


* The Ancient Pylons now spawn enemies at the correct intervals.


* Using "Reset All Active Operations" no longer causes Soa and the Ancient Pylons to respawn even if the player is currently locked out of these encounters.


* Players are now able to successfully loot the chest after defeating the Infernal Council.


* The Ancient Pylons now reset correctly if not solved within the allotted time.


* Soa's mind traps unintentionally had 200k health in Nightmare Mode. This amount has been reduced significantly


* Players are now released from Soa's mind traps in the correct location after the encounter.


* Players no longer randomly die in this Operation after being in Gharj's lava.


* Soa no longer resets if he uses Mind Trap on the main tank.


* Soa now frees all players in mind traps before transitioning to his platform phase. Players will no longer be stuck in mind traps during the platforming

sequence as a result.


* Players released from Soa's mind trap after he is defeated are now teleported to the appropriate location, allowing them to claim their loot.





Karagga's Palace


* Players no longer need to reset this Operation if they do not defeat Bonethrasher.


* Corrected an issue that caused some players to become stuck at the throne room door.


* Fixed an issue that prevented players from entering the Operation.


* Players no longer get stuck attempting to exit the Karagga's Palace phase.


* Fixed an issue that caused assigned loot bags in Karagga's Palace to distribute items with class inappropriate stats.


* G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator will no longer respawn more than once if players have not defeated Karagga.


* Fixed an exploit that would allow players to repeatedly loot the chest after defeating Jarg and Sorno.


* Fixed an issue that prevented the Materials Disposal Unit's main control station from becoming useable again after the Operation Group is defeated by the G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator on 16-man Hard Mode.


* Fixed an issue that prevented the G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator from deploying the correct number of Proximity Pulse Mines and Security Stun Drones during combat.


* The damage from G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator's sticky pulse grenade will scales appropriately for the selected Operation difficulty level.


* Karagga no longer fires his Unstable Energy twice in a row.


* Taking the shuttle after defeating Karagga no longer transports players to the incorrect hangar.


* Walls that were missing in Karagga's Palace are now in place.


* The chest that is awarded for defeating Karagga on Nightmare Mode no longer appears partially inside a wall.


* Foreman Crusher's Perforating Rend now correctly applies itself to targets caught within the conical attack.


* Jarg & Sorno: The Carbonizer Probe no longer disappears if all of the players who attacked it died before the Carbonizer Probe was destroyed.


* Karagga no longer appears above portions of the walls during the fight.


* Karagga's chest no longer spawns after defeating Bonethrasher in Nightmare Mode.



Not even a full list... just the ones easily scraped from the patch notes (which in and of themselves aren't the full list of bug fixes.


Just because you don't feel like progress has been made to stamp out bugs in the game doesn't make it true.



Best part is some of those things are actually fixed. Most of them sadly have been stated to be fixed and well aren't.....

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There are a couple of things you should be aware of when doin SOA hardmode.


1. Dont ever miss a shield-remover, tanks job.

2. When shield is removed, all other jobs takes 2nd place except mayby healing. EVERYONE should focus boss and screw traps.


If you do those two, and still dont down the boss with a full group(ppl not dyin), your dps is either not good enough or not geared enough.

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There are a couple of things you should be aware of when doin SOA hardmode.

1. Dont ever miss a shield-remover, tanks job.

2. When shield is removed, all other jobs takes 2nd place except mayby healing. EVERYONE should focus boss and screw traps.


If you do those two, and still dont down the boss with a full group(ppl not dyin), your dps is either not good enough or not geared enough.


Hey wizzkid, do you know about the bug where Soa's shield isn't removed after a full hit?

Happened to us 4 times yesterday. 4 wipes.

Edited by Tokosteef
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No MMO that has ever come out before SWTOR has had bugs. Never happened. C'thun was working as intended when it spawned more tentacles than was mathmatically possible to be dpsed. SWTOR is the first MMO to have bugs and that is why Bioware fails.

Welcome to 8 years ago.


Expectations have been raised.

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I'd really like to see that resume since you're clearly clueless. I work in game development and there are simply bugs that cannot be sorted out before launch because you simply cannot simulate certain factors back in indoor testing process. And I would point out that you shouldn't even start imagining the amount of bugs they actually fixed during indoor testing (it's HUGE for sure).


Go QQ somewhere else please.




This has never happened to my guild.




And don't even make me start on how stupid this quote is. Since you "certainly have a lot of testing accomplishments" sure you understand what priorities/milestones/massive amounts of bugs are. And of course you know that it doesn't matter how many times a bug is reported (whined about) - it won't change the timing of the fix.



Question for you, Mr. I work in game development.... what percentage of re-occuring bugs do you think could be addressed on the PTR if they had pre-mades or transfers enabled and the OPS open for testing? A majority of the game breaking 'new' bugs would be identified on day 1. Instead of learning from past MMOs, they've taken the stance that bugs will be hashed out on live servers.

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Question for you, Mr. I work in game development.... what percentage of re-occuring bugs do you think could be addressed on the PTR if they had pre-mades or transfers enabled and the OPS open for testing? A majority of the game breaking 'new' bugs would be identified on day 1. Instead of learning from past MMOs, they've taken the stance that bugs will be hashed out on live servers.


But this is a question of something completely different. You have to realize that the game has been running for just a bit over a month. They were fixing bugs - game breaking bugs. Why is there no PTR transfers? Probably the same answer as "why is there no cross server WZs". There simply may not be the infrastructure necessary for that to happen. QQing about bugs in a game this size shortly after launch is just dumb. Everyone must expect bugs to happen and it's not like they're just sitting on their asses, doing nothing.


Also by saying "OMG THIS AND THIS HAPPENS AND IT BREAKS THE GAME" cannot be addressed by the developers right away. They have to know what is causing what. The whole bug may be just one wrong character in 100000 line programming script and it may be something more complex. That's why during indoor testing the testers have to type out exact reproduction of the bug -what they were doing and when they did it - so that the people responsible for the fix can narrow down their hunt for the bug.


I'm just sick and tired of people being "OMG THIS BUG HAPPENS, YOU DIDNT FIX IT IN A WEEKLY PATCH, YOU SUCK!"

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some of you just have awful, terrible grammar and spelling. pathetic.


Some of us aren't native english speakers.

Some of us have messed up keyboards and sometimes miss out a letter or two.

Some of us don't bother spell checking

Some of us are tired of grammar nazis.


Also.. to that note.


Some of you just have awful, terrible grammar and spelling. Pathetic.


Check your spelling.


Now back on topic

Edited by Tholrien
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Look the stuff about the English language, spelling and grammar are EPIC FAIL!


HA I got both in one sentace I'm TRULY EPIC!


BTW what does any of this have to do with the topic?


Bugs happen, Bioware is working as hard and as fast as they can to fix them (this means money and the people's jobs) they are NOT sitting around laughing at the idiots who purchased the game and saying that you're a bunch of epic failures (NO MONEY IN THIS).


So why continue to have threads that say Bioware Sucks they aren't doing anything to fix bugs. That is just stupid, to many people have their livelyhoods on the line to take that attitude. Bioware will fix the bugs but no process is perfect and all things require two things, TIME AND MONEY. Bioware has plenty of the latter so they should be able to purchase the first.


In other words, report the bugs to Bioware and then wait for the fix. QUIT QQing and WHINING that is EPIC FAIL!

Edited by Unext
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