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At lvl 50 who owns what planets??


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Here is my estimation after the end of the Republic stories



Taris: I know Imps come here later and take over


Nar Shadda: Still in contention


Tatooine: No one really cares enough to fight for it that hard


Balmorra: Republic


Quesh: Not sure i think Imps have control


Hoth: Repub i think


Voss: the neutral weenies are still neutral


Belsavius: Republic owned but in contention



Im just trying to get a handle on where things stand in the galaxy now. If im missing any planets or have any wrong please feel free to correct me.



so do i have many of these right?

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Alderaan Republic

Balmorra Republic

Belsavis Republic

Corellia Republic

Coruscant Republic

Ord Mantell Republic

Quesh Republic

Taris Republic

Tython Republic


Hoth Contested

Ilum Contested

Tatooine Contested

Voss Neutral


Dromund Kaas Empire

Korriban Empire

Hutta Empire

Nar Shaddaa Empire


Edit: The thing is, depending on your faction, different things happen. Corellia is for example, from Republic point of view, 100% Republic.

Edited by Bionixx
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Alderaan Republic

Balmorra Republic

Belsavis Republic

Corellia Republic

Coruscant Republic

Ord Mantell Republic

Quesh Republic

Taris Republic

Tython Republic


Hoth Contested

Ilum Contested

Tatooine Contested

Voss Neutral


Dromund Kaas Empire

Korriban Empire

Hutta Empire

Nar Shaddaa Empire


Incorrect, Nar Shaddaa is not empire controlled, its controlled by cartels. Corellia is most definitely Empire owned, completely and fully. Taris is pretty much the Empires now.

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ppl should consider using spoiler tags



taris and balmorra, the two planets that changed places and have different versions of each other. the faction that has the planet at higher level will win the planet in the end.


meaning taris: republic driven off, further destruction of taris by empire achieved.

balmorra: means by which the empire is trying to destroy the resistance fail after help from the republic arrives. crop polluted by the empire (empire quest) is cleaned out again (republic quest).


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See Corellia confused me....from my trooper's point of view i just kicked the living snot out of the entire empire army



The class questlines are in a specific order that seems hard to figure out. We know though, that the Sith Warrior questline is the final one in the series. In previous ones, they were fighting for Corellia, but during the SW line, you find out that the empire scored a decisive victory. There are still rebels doing their whole rebelling thing, but it is most assuredly Empire controlled.


Edited by lunabaguna
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Yeah, my bad on the NarShaddaa. Corellia is however 100% Republic, as I said. And I got praise from the Supreme Chancellor.


Taris is Republic all the way, didn't even see any Imps. Tons of new settlements were created.


Read my spoiler to see you are incorrect.

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See Corellia confused me....from my trooper's point of view i just kicked the living snot out of the entire empire army


Exactly I was about to say the same thing... In the trooper story you do something very big to the empire and the empire is retreating from the planet as the story closes... Trying to avoid spoilers.

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Exactly I was about to say the same thing... In the trooper story you do something very big to the empire and the empire is retreating from the planet as the story closes... Trying to avoid spoilers.


Sith Warrior storyline happens post trooper, read my spoiler.

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See Corellia confused me....from my trooper's point of view i just kicked the living snot out of the entire empire army


Same thing happens if you're Imperial. You decimate and shame the Republic forces. From my agent's quest line this what I perceived


Hutta : Cartas strongly favor the Empire as Neem'ro rules

Korriban : Empire controlled

Kaas : Empire controlled

Balmorra : Imperial occupation, some resistance remains

Nar Shadda : Cartas favor Imperials, Repulic supporters diminshed

Tatooine : Imperials have a fortified occupation,

Alderaan : House Thul controls the planet and has Imperial connections

Quesh : Imperial controlled; Republic factories, mines destroyed

Hoth : Imperial occupation, strongly fortified. Republic and pirate presence greatly diminished

Belsavis : Loose Imperial control

Corellia : Imperial control

Ilum : Imperial occupation; Republic forces weakened but not destroyed

Edited by Mythicrose
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Sith Warrior storyline happens post trooper, read my spoiler.


In what order do the storylines go? This is something that has GREATLY confused me because everyone has different endings. So the Sith Warrior is the final version, so whatever happens after him is like "what happened" until new stuff is written?


Same thing happens if you're Imperial. You decimate and shame the Republic forces. From my agent's quest line this what I perceived


Hutta : Cartas strongly favor the Empire as Neem'ro rules

Korriban : Empire controlled

Kaas : Empire controlled

Balmorra : Imperial occupation, some resistance remains

Nar Shadda : Cartas favor Imperials, Repulic supporters diminshed

Tatooine : Imperials have a fortified occupation,

Alderaan : House Thul controls the planet and has Imperial connections

Quesh : Imperial controlled; Republic factories, mines destroyed

Hoth : Imperial occupation, strongly fortified. Republic and pirate presence greatly diminished

Belsavis : Loose Imperial control

Corellia : Imperial control

Ilum : Imperial occupation; Republic forces weakened but not destroyed


See in trooper...



House Thul is defeated, Corellia is won by the Republic, and the Imperials are kicked off Ilum but come back for an invasion (and its left at that).


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Read my spoiler to see you are incorrect.


That's the thing though...


For troopers (major spoilers, if at all interested in trooper story and haven't done it yet don't click the tag):


You capture the general in charge of all Imperial offensive troops, not just on Corelia, but everywhere (he is the main antagonist of the entire trooper Act 3)... But yeah, you capture him and the Imperial stronghold on Corelia (the government area) as well as the Corelian Council are all taken by the Republic and in the final scenes of the story, you are receiving praise and awards from the new Chancellor (Saresh, previous governor of Taris)... As well as the Corelian Security...


And even more to add to that is later, the primary Republic quest protagonist on Corelia, the pilot from CorSec is the same pilot who flies you to Darth Malgus' space station in False Emperor and he even says that things are still going very well on Corelia, and this is way after the fact...


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Same thing happens if you're Imperial. You decimate and shame the Republic forces. From my agent's quest line this what I perceived


Hutta : Cartas strongly favor the Empire as Neem'ro rules

Korriban : Empire controlled

Kaas : Empire controlled

Balmorra : Imperial occupation, some resistance remains

Nar Shadda : Cartas favor Imperials, Repulic supporters diminshed

Tatooine : Imperials have a fortified occupation,

Alderaan : House Thul controls the planet and has Imperial connections

Quesh : Imperial controlled; Republic factories, mines destroyed

Hoth : Imperial occupation, strongly fortified. Republic and pirate presence greatly diminished

Belsavis : Loose Imperial control

Corellia : Imperial control

Ilum : Imperial occupation; Republic forces weakened but not destroyed


Correction on this, in Alderaan, Thul is possibly next in the line of succession, but we leave off uncertain. It is possible that the republic allied house might take over (Organa I believe?)


Most of the rest seems correct. Its hard to tell where the IA storyline falls due to its weak connection with the sith line, I know for sure it happens before the sith inquis line due to what you learn about the dark council in that one.

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See, this is what I'm talking about. You will always think your faction controls the planet. That's how Bioware makes us think that we contribute. You think House Thul controls Alderaan, I think House Organa does. You think Voss is allied with the Empire, I know it's allied with the Republic. You claim Ilum, Tatooine, Hoth are all Imperial occupied, I say they are Republic.


Balmorra and Belsavis are not open for discussion though. I put a president in power on Balmorra and it's 100% Rep. Belsavis has always been Republic, with some Imps just stirring up trouble and releasing the prisoners.


Edit: HOLY BANTHA POODOO! I just realized the new Supreme Chancellor is the governor of Taris!

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Regarding Belsavis, and at least based on the options I choose as an Imperial Agent:



The Empire basically gives up on Belsavis and decides to build a brand new lab and research facility elsewhere.



Regarding Hoth, again based on my choices as an Imperial Agent:



The Empire's sole purpose on Hoth is to harass and tie up Republic forces. They have no interest in controlling the planet or devoting enough forces to seriously challenge Republic control. Many times it is implied that Hoth is under Republic control.


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