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1.1.3 Why nerf sniper/gunslinger damage?


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Is there any logical reasoning behind the developer's decision to nerf sniper's damage? Don't tell me that everyone'e else damage is nerfed as different classes have different mechanics for critting and only sniper is almost entirely build around critting.


For us crit damage is the normal damage. Sniper without the ability to to crit and multiply this damage with surge, is just a peashooter, especially when every possible damage mitigation system works against us.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Is there any logical reasoning behind the developer's decision to nerf sniper's damage? Don't tell me that everyone'e else damage is nerfed as different classes have different mechanics for critting and only sniper is almost entirely build around critting.


For us crit damage is the normal damage. Sniper without the ability to to crit and multiply this damage with surge, is just a peashooter, especially when every possible damage mitigation system works against us.


First of all, it's a nerf for everyone, some more than others. Particularly those with talents for so. And didn't you know? This is a pvp only game. The pathetically easy ops should be an indicator.

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It's not a nerf for non-crit reliant classes and definetely not tanks.


The logic behind lets nerf the damage of a few classes in all instances because in Ops it is too easy is to play is retarded, you will just take less snipers to an ops and you are in the same spot.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Classes built entirely around crit:










all republic equivalents


This is a nerf to everyone. Without high crit damage assassins have nothing, squishy, no roots stuns like snipers have, no immunity to charge/jump, no range, more crit built than snipers by a longshot.

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you just blindly listed all classes while many of them have specs that are not crit reliant for the role they perform. How is a shield/absorbtion tank powertech is going to be affected by this?


Sniper has ALL SPECS build around crit damage. Not just one. And benefiting from a crit <> being reliant on crit.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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what I find funny as hell is a BH/TP either one can out DPS a sniper?


playing a sniper since day one I watch BH/TP hit over 3k each 1.5 sec's


and then heal them selfs lol....


plus their gear gives them a 5% plus to pvp damage....


grav/tracer spam


oh did I forget that all of the sniper gear is crit and surg based almost....


this effect will make me play a diffrent class or just find a new game why should I have to pay a broken game or wait 4 to 6 months for some sniper love from the dev's

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what I find funny as hell is a BH/TP either one can out DPS a sniper?


nice. give me your dps meter plz, i wanna do some measurements aswell.


playing a sniper since day one I watch BH/TP hit over 3k each 1.5 sec's


and then heal them selfs lol....


yeah, bro, they all roll with a 100% crit chance and prolly alot of surge to make them 3k cirts with tracer. but if they do, as you say, crit every 1.5s, then this change is gonna affect them even more then poor snipers.


plus their gear gives them a 5% plus to pvp damage....


say what


grav/tracer spam


tracer spammers are easily kited/los'ed and killed, not by all classes, but who would balance the game around 1v1's?


just find a new game why should I have to pay a broken game or wait 4 to 6 months for some sniper love from the dev's


oh, you threatened to leave, now they gonna fix it fo sho!

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what I find funny as hell is a BH/TP either one can out DPS a sniper?


playing a sniper since day one I watch BH/TP hit over 3k each 1.5 sec's


and then heal them selfs lol....


plus their gear gives them a 5% plus to pvp damage....


grav/tracer spam


oh did I forget that all of the sniper gear is crit and surg based almost....


this effect will make me play a diffrent class or just find a new game why should I have to pay a broken game or wait 4 to 6 months for some sniper love from the dev's




plz learn what other classes are capable of before posting this dribble


gunslinger/sniper are the best pve dps...this nerf will effect the top 3 specs aswell...so dont go crying that its a sniper/gunslinger nerf

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Is there any logical reasoning behind the developer's decision to nerf sniper's damage? Don't tell me that everyone'e else damage is nerfed as different classes have different mechanics for critting and only sniper is almost entirely build around critting.


For us crit damage is the normal damage. Sniper without the ability to to crit and multiply this damage with surge, is just a peashooter, especially when every possible damage mitigation system works against us.


Except crit pushes shield off the table, so if "crit is normal", your attacks are never getting reduced by shield.


Try playing a tank class sometime and having approximately zero of your secondary ratings work in PvP but still be expected to protect a carrier.

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Classes and Combat





* Surge rating has been re-balanced. It now reaches diminishing returns the same way as other damage ratings, and its per point damage contribution has been reduced by approximately 10%.



Bounty Hunter








* Stabilizers: Correctly adds pushback resistance to Unload.










* Steadied Aim: Correctly adds pushback resistance to Full Auto.


Where is the nerf to Snipers? I'm not saying it isn't there, but I've read the 1.1.3 patch notes twice, and I see no nerf to Snipers, or to crit/surge. Can somebody be more specific as to what's actually being done?

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Where is the nerf to Snipers? I'm not saying it isn't there, but I've read the 1.1.3 patch notes twice, and I see no nerf to Snipers, or to crit/surge. Can somebody be more specific as to what's actually being done?


He's referring to the Surge nerf. OP is assuming that snipers are effected the most from the nerf and therefore specified the thread around snipers.


It will hurt us but its an all around nerf and it really won't effect gameplay that much. Perhaps a bit of a stat reevaluation. Nothing more.

Edited by Veoxess
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aaaw poor you....


i`m rage juggernaut and I go fully on surge stack.. think this wont affect me ? ;) my 6k crits will fall down to funny 5k~... do I complain ? no..



you should be happy you have that little child-proof gate you can pop up anywhere you want and get imunne to my charge from 360 degree which surely "works as intented"..

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Except crit pushes shield off the table, so if "crit is normal", your attacks are never getting reduced by shield.


Try playing a tank class sometime and having approximately zero of your secondary ratings work in PvP but still be expected to protect a carrier.


Careful. The ignorant masses will scream back at you, 'BLAH BLAH BLAH BUT TANKS HAVE GUARD! BLLLLARGH." You might want to take some aspirin, the headache can be tremendous.



Also to the guy above me. Uhm. I play a Guardian myself as well and it's pretty obvious that Sniper/Gunslinger are designed to make you walk to them, that's a part of the factor in their survivability. Difference between a good Sniper/Gunslinger and a bad one is the good one has enough sense to recognize their means of survivability extends beyond their root, knock back, barricade, and two stuns.


So yes, even if it's 360 degrees charge protection it still is very much so working as intended.

Edited by Obie_Wan
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Is there any logical reasoning behind the developer's decision to nerf sniper's damage? Don't tell me that everyone'e else damage is nerfed as different classes have different mechanics for critting and only sniper is almost entirely build around critting.


For us crit damage is the normal damage. Sniper without the ability to to crit and multiply this damage with surge, is just a peashooter, especially when every possible damage mitigation system works against us.


Don't be that guy. Seriously... dont... I am a sniper who literally has every single best in slot t3 pve gear and I think this change isn't that big of a deal (proving that I at least have an understanding how the game/class works). So yeah... don't be that guy.

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Is there any logical reasoning behind the developer's decision to nerf sniper's damage? Don't tell me that everyone'e else damage is nerfed as different classes have different mechanics for critting and only sniper is almost entirely build around critting.


For us crit damage is the normal damage. Sniper without the ability to to crit and multiply this damage with surge, is just a peashooter, especially when every possible damage mitigation system works against us.


Go look at the other threads about this. Someone did the math, even with 85% surge it's only like a 2.2% reduction in damage. So if you want to quit over 2.2% (probably way less because 85% is a LOT of surge) then I don't think anyone wants you here anyway.

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Funny thing, when defenses and tracer/grav spam are eventually looked at snipers/slingers will likely be top tier DPS.


Have a little patience. Sniper takes alot to play well but they can currently still dish out a good amount of punishment. When things get balanced out a little it'll likely be the best RDPS class for many/most things in PVP.

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what I find funny as hell is a BH/TP either one can out DPS a sniper?


playing a sniper since day one I watch BH/TP hit over 3k each 1.5 sec's


and then heal them selfs lol....


plus their gear gives them a 5% plus to pvp damage....


grav/tracer spam


oh did I forget that all of the sniper gear is crit and surg based almost....


this effect will make me play a diffrent class or just find a new game why should I have to pay a broken game or wait 4 to 6 months for some sniper love from the dev's



whats even funnier, I have yet to be out damaged by any BH/TP on ANY pvp match... ever...



But i dont play the conventional sniper, Im in crouch roughly 15-20% of the time.. I have 3 abilitys that require crouch, and all 3 have a cooldown... I can assure you, its the snipers you play with that suck



im 7/31/3, While this build is massively aoe based it dishes out a buttload of single target damage while retaining adrenaline probe every minute, which is 50% energy, I never run out of energy, and i can maintain high dps



300-500k dmg done per match, 50-60 kills 1-3 deaths per match....


and yes, i stack cunning/surge/crit, and with relic/adrenal im at 99% multiplier and over 50% crit





thats with almost full columi and some rakata pieces, i have no pvp armor what so ever

Edited by Tatsamaru
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whats even funnier, I have yet to be out damaged by any BH/TP on ANY pvp match... ever...



But i dont play the conventional sniper, Im in crouch roughly 15-20% of the time.. I have 3 abilitys that require crouch, and all 3 have a cooldown... I can assure you, its the snipers you play with that suck



im 7/31/3, While this build is massively aoe based it dishes out a buttload of single target damage while retaining adrenaline probe every minute, which is 50% energy, I never run out of energy, and i can maintain high dps



300-500k dmg done per match, 50-60 kills 1-3 deaths per match....


and yes, i stack cunning/surge/crit, and with relic/adrenal im at 99% multiplier and over 50% crit





thats with almost full columi and some rakata pieces, i have no pvp armor what so ever


Shenanigans on all accounts! I am in full rakata. Not a single piece of t2 and I dont have 99% multiplier or 50% crit.


Also, pvp is the worst way to judge raid dmg. Nothing raid like in pvp.


You may hit those values with adrenals and trinkets popped but not naturally. Even then, I am sure you are sacrificing a ton of other stats. Comes to wonder the actual trade off between consistent dmg and burst dmg... I digress.

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Shenanigans on all accounts! I am in full rakata. Not a single piece of t2 and I dont have 99% multiplier or 50% crit.


Also, pvp is the worst way to judge raid dmg. Nothing raid like in pvp.


You may hit those values with adrenals and trinkets popped but not naturally. Even then, I am sure you are sacrificing a ton of other stats. Comes to wonder the actual trade off between consistent dmg and burst dmg... I digress.



sorry, its 40% crit and 98% multiplier.. just looked, but i said with relic and adrenal


but im at 1700 cunning, 102% normal accuracy 112% special attacks accuracy


422 bonus damage


but again, im using the engineering tree not the normal marksman tree


tech specs say bonus damage 680

accuracy is 112%

chance is 34% unbuffed

multiplier is 78% unbuffed


buffed im at 40% chance, 98% multiplier



sorry, that 10% to chance was a big difference, my mistake... but yes, i **** on PVE as well... i threw up the PVP stats because thats really one of the only ways to show how much damage you do, aside from timing a mob and soloing it, then taking the hp and dividing that by the time it took to kill it.


alot of my attacks are dot based, which is why its useful to me to stack crit and surge, since accuracy is over 110%

Edited by Tatsamaru
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The irony of this is I'm shocked this wasn't mentioned. From what I've been told, the surge diminishing returns will also affect skills which have similar wording to "Increases Crit Damage by x%". If this is true, then as a marksman sniper, Yes, I am heavily effected by this because now the skill that I spent my points on to give my snipe crits more damage, is actually wasted points because of this "Re-balancing"


I could understand effecting surge by itself, but if the crit damage + skill tree are also effected, that would be why the OP is complaining about sniper/gunslinger nerfing with this is because we rely not only on surge, but also on the tree bonuses for crit damage.

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