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Unoffical Cross-Server is coming to town thread


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No cross server flashpoint finder is being implemented.


Cross server for warzones only.


Guild Summit.






Guild Summit doesn't represent my server or me.


Guild Summit isn't the end all of end alls.


/Guild Summit


The common folk shall rise up and overthrow tyrants and elitists every damn time.


/let them eat cake.

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If poeple really want to be with poeple they will see again in game just find those poeple in the chat. Other servers that are low populated and want to do FP's and don't want to reroll on a other server can use this to do FP's


The poeple who don't want this to happen are more selfish than they know. To ban out something that is actually needed for quite some low populated servers.

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Warzones. 2 dailies. 6 hours and I've still not completed both dailies. third time in a row this has been the case. How in Gods name is there supposed to be any hope of completing these dailies on a work night? 6 hours straight in front of the computer is passing my limit. Something needs to be done about this nonsense.


I don't even DARE try doing pve dailies as well, i simply couldn't do both. Not when its consuming this much of my day. I don't know if its server population being so low, (or crammed with just AWFUL pvpers..) Or dumb luck, but I'm pretty sure cross server ques for Flashpoints and Warzones would correct this issue for both reasons.

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Warzones. 2 dailies. 6 hours and I've still not completed both dailies. third time in a row this has been the case. How in Gods name is there supposed to be any hope of completing these dailies on a work night? 6 hours straight in front of the computer is passing my limit. Something needs to be done about this nonsense.


I don't even DARE try doing pve dailies as well, i simply couldn't do both. Not when its consuming this much of my day. I don't know if its server population being so low, (or crammed with just AWFUL pvpers..) Or dumb luck, but I'm pretty sure cross server ques for Flashpoints and Warzones would correct this issue for both reasons.


Exaclty my point! I'm telling you..i'm a few weeks away from reaching lvl 50. And after i do all the flashpoints i still !! havent done i'll probably cancel my subscription untill an LFG cross server tool is invented! It is pointless to spend hours doint nothing but waiting to form a group for a daily. Especially when these hours are paid.

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spent several hours tonight trying to get a group together. idiotic.


we NEED a cross-server LFG tool.


BioWare is shooting themselves in the foot if they refuse to implement it.


what I find HILARIOUS is those against it can't give any evidence or examples of it "ruining the community" (and no WoW wasn't "ruined" by it..WoW's community was ALWAYS like that)


while those of us for it can give examples and evidence of it doing good for the game and community (because it keeps more players.)


I played WoW far longer than I would have otherwise, making Blizzard ever-the-more richer with my sub $$, when they implemented the tool.


Queue up..and go about your business until it pops instead of standing around Fleet spamming general every two minutes for hours doing NOTHING.


I seriously don't get how those against it can claim it ruins community....people in guilds and with friends will still group with them first hand..queue second...you still have fleet gatherings..etc.


again..those against have no argument past "I don't want it nahnahnah"

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  • 2 weeks later...
Game needs a lfg group tool and cross server. Don't want to hear the join a guild crap. You don't need to be in a guild to run a pug dungeon. I don't want to know how your babies and your significant other is doing. Just need a better group formation tool. Edited by Sinron
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again..those against have no argument past "I don't want it nahnahnah"


Why do we need to have an argument when even the devs agree that it should be single-server to prevent "random AFK guy" from going afk?


There's one argument for you. Even the devs, and everyone at the guild summit agree. Pretty sure I rather listen to a group of people who can ask civilized intelligent questions than a group of people on the forums whose only argument seems to be that people who disagree with them are wrong.

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There's one argument for you. Even the devs, and everyone at the guild summit agree.
Meh, people cheered just as hard for the changes that were coming in cata at blizzcon.


You can't really expect anyone to put any weight on this argument even though you love cross posting it in any thread that's even vaguely related... people cheering when they light up the applause sign isn't really meaningful in any way.

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After the cross realm LFG tool came out in WOW, it was almost impossible to find a pug for a same server group, but that was mainly due to the travel time. SWTOR wouldn't have this issue with the FPs all being on fleet.


I don't really get why people are so against cross-realm FPs in this game. Most people are probably running them mostly in guilds right now anyway and again, with most of the FPs being on fleet, you could continue to do guild runs easily regardless.

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Meh, people cheered just as hard for the changes that were coming in cata at blizzcon.


You can't really expect anyone to put any weight on this argument even though you love cross posting it in any thread that's even vaguely related... people cheering when they light up the applause sign isn't really meaningful in any way.


Agreed. A small group of players who were chosen by Bioware to attend are not representative of the majority of players.


And did you see Blizzcon when they announced Mists Of Pandaria? There were massive cheers when people saw Pandas doing kung fu as well.


When in front of the creators of something, the public has a tendancy to cheer and praise them, whilst being honest once behind the safety of a computer.

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I left Wow before the X-lfd came into place, so i'm not familiear with the function, though i understand the concept. I can see the advantages: right now, finding groups can be hard if you're playing on an off night for your guild, and no one likes waiting around spamming that they're looking for a group. I can see disadvantages as well, namely that there would be little to no reputation reprecussions for bad behavior, as you're likely to never see the same group again. So loot ninja-ing and other obnoxious behavior would become rampant. I don't , however, understand the 'community breaking' argument. I would still talk to/run with my guild, I'd still help people I run into randomly, and I'd still have ridiculous star wars vs. star trek discussions in general. After all, a new mechanic doesn't change who I am. LFG would only be used in those off nights when no one else is on, right?
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Why do we need to have an argument when even the devs agree that it should be single-server to prevent "random AFK guy" from going afk?


There's one argument for you. Even the devs, and everyone at the guild summit agree. Pretty sure I rather listen to a group of people who can ask civilized intelligent questions than a group of people on the forums whose only argument seems to be that people who disagree with them are wrong.


Because those invited guilds represent the playerbase accurately right? You still have yet to explain why if Bioware is so sure of themselves they don't simply have an in-game poll to ask everyone what they think-is it because it's easier to cherry-pick hardcore fanbois with money to burn and have them come to Texas to cheer every little thing the company says?


I assume you are also opposed to cross server PVP as well? After all, facing the same premades over and over is good for the community, right?

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once again last night I could not find a group for either Athiss or the heroic 'pound of flesh' I tried for over an hour on my server in general to try to get one, I've been solo'ing this game and the only Flashpoint i've gotten a group for is the black talon, this is essentially becoming a single player game for me. if they do not implement a LFG tool for heroics or flashpoints or for anything, they are shooting themselves in the foot.
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I left Wow before the X-lfd came into place, so i'm not familiear with the function, though i understand the concept. I can see the advantages: right now, finding groups can be hard if you're playing on an off night for your guild, and no one likes waiting around spamming that they're looking for a group. I can see disadvantages as well, namely that there would be little to no reputation reprecussions for bad behavior, as you're likely to never see the same group again. So loot ninja-ing and other obnoxious behavior would become rampant.


I did play WoW after the X-LFD was implemented, and the "loot ninja" panic is a total red herring. It was not anywhere near as rampant as people would have you believe, and much of it could be fixed in SWTOR because gear itemization and the stats classes use are much simpler.


Blizzard used a specific loot system on groups formed by LFD to limit what you could roll for - you couldn't roll "Need" on items you couldn't equip, or had stats that weren't beneficial to your class. Yeah, there was some murky areas and room for improvement, especially for hybrid classes (where you'd get into the whole 'is it ok to roll need for off-spec') discussion.


A similar system could be implemented for SWTOR, and due to the way stats are setup and gear is itemized, there would be less room for overlap. I.e. - if an item has Aim on it, only Troopers and Bounty Hunters can roll Need. If a sniper rifle drops, only a Sniper can roll Need on it.


So I'm not really worried about "ninjaing". Sure you'll have people roll on gear that isn't really an upgrade, but that's almost impossible to avoid.


Yes, you had bad behavior in the WoW system. It wasn't unheard of for the tank to get pissy at someone and respond by pulling a mob and then immediately dropping group and teleporting out and causing a wipe. But there was bad behavior in groups before hand. And at least with the LFD tool, if someone leaves (or is kicked out) you could queue for a new person while remaining in the instance area.


Why do we need to have an argument when even the devs agree that it should be single-server to prevent "random AFK guy" from going afk?


Another red herring, since the system could allow people who go AFK to get kicked out. People going AFK in warzones is much easier and harder to spot (due to larger groups, and the faster pace of WZs), and they implemented a system there that automatically puts groups together (granted it's not cross-server, but the same principle remains).

Edited by amantheil
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Blizzard used a specific loot system on groups formed by LFD to limit what you could roll for - you couldn't roll "Need" on items you couldn't equip, or had stats that weren't beneficial to your class. Yeah, there was some murky areas and room for improvement, especially for hybrid classes (where you'd get into the whole 'is it ok to roll need for off-spec') discussion.


Paladins could still need on leather, cloth, and many other items they couldn't possibly want. Yes, it could stand to be improved.


A similar system could be implemented for SWTOR, and due to the way stats are setup and gear is itemized, there would be less room for overlap. I.e. - if an item has Aim on it, only Troopers and Bounty Hunters can roll Need. If a sniper rifle drops, only a Sniper can roll Need on it.


The deal with that is a trooper could roll need on his 7th exact same piece. If you actually knew the guy playing the trooper you would know its his 7th exact same piece.


So I'm not really worried about "ninjaing". Sure you'll have people roll on gear that isn't really an upgrade, but that's almost impossible to avoid.


Yes, its impossible to avoid that happening every once in awhile as you try playing with new people. Then you learn and don't invite those people to play with you next time With cross server LFD, its impossible to avoid it happening on a regular basis with nothing you can do about it. Yeah, I used the ignore feature in WoW but everyday I used x-server lfd I was using that ignore feature and it never lessened over time. We know you're not worried about it because its a fair trade off to you.


Yes, you had bad behavior in the WoW system. It wasn't unheard of for the tank to get pissy at someone and respond by pulling a mob and then immediately dropping group and teleporting out and causing a wipe. But there was bad behavior in groups before hand. And at least with the LFD tool, if someone leaves (or is kicked out) you could queue for a new person while remaining in the instance area. .


The behavioral issues inside serverbound groups and over cross server dungeons aren't even in the same ocean let alone the same boat. If that tank leaves that you mentioned with x-lfd you're waiting inside the middle of a dungeon for 20+ minutes in both WoW and Rift. Thats if the healer doesen't leave and the group falls apart.


We as in the people who don't want x-lfd in mmos get it. We understand why you want x-server. We know these other problems that arise from it are worth the benefits to you. Instead of holding that truthful position most people just try to explain away those other problems and pretend that theyre imaginary.


There needs to be a server based compromise. MMORPG makers need to at this point release their games with a server or two that doesen't participate in x-server. Then we could all be happy.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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There needs to be a server based compromise. MMORPG makers need to at this point release their games with a server or two that doesen't participate in x-server. Then we could all be happy.


The big problem is this - there are just too many servers with not enough people, which affects the entire game experience, not just finding a group. That needs to be addressed - through transfers, merges, or whatever. A cross-server LFD tool may or may not be part of the solution. But if that issue is addressed well, then you don't even really need cross-server LFD, you could improve the tools used to find groups on your server.


I'm not particularly in love with the idea of a cross-server LFD tool, and I realize potentially there are some flaws. But I also know that I'm tired of standing in fleet for over an hour trying to get groups for low-level flashpoints.

Edited by amantheil
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The big problem is this - there are just too many servers with not enough people, which affects the entire game experience, not just finding a group. That needs to be addressed - through transfers, merges, or whatever. A cross-server LFD tool may or may not be part of the solution. But if that issue is addressed well, then you don't even really need cross-server LFD, you could improve the tools used to find groups on your server.


The problem is deeper than that. The people are there, they just don't have incentive to do what you mentioned in another post "run the same dungeons over and over" because the dungeon content and related systems are too shallow to be satisfied with doing it over and over. Server merges at this point would help but what I really do feel that what I just mentioned is the real problem with getting groups in this game.


I would even say go ahead and add x-server at this point if you don't plan on really fixing the sad sad state of this game. At least then people who just bought this game can see it all before the fun runs out.

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If that tank leaves that you mentioned with x-lfd you're waiting inside the middle of a dungeon for 20+ minutes in both WoW and Rift.
lie, even tank replaced fast

and btw if tank leave now in tor how many time you will need to find replacement?

Thats if the healer doesen't leave and the group falls apart.

half-filled lfg group have priority over all other and re-filled very fast

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lie, even tank replaced fast

and btw if tank leave now in tor how many time you will need to find replacement?


No, you lie. It often took up to 30 minutes to replace the tank in those instances if you were willing to wait.




half-filled lfg group have priority over all other and re-filled very fast


An even more blatent and embarassing lie on your part. Though priority is true you were still often stuck waiting for longer than the healer would have to wait by leaving the group and requeing. This really simple for those who actually know what the deal was.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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lie, even tank replaced fast

and btw if tank leave now in tor how many time you will need to find replacement?


half-filled lfg group have priority over all other and re-filled very fast


Yeah, they clearly haven't used the system and are trying to draw fake personal experiences to refute our stronger argument that the X-LFD is needed/should be considered in SWTOR.

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Yeah, they clearly haven't used the system and are trying to draw fake personal experiences to refute our stronger argument that the X-LFD is needed/should be considered in SWTOR.


Yep and people who want what they want resort to calling people they don't know liars in hopes to get what they want because calling someone a liar is apparently "the stronger argument." It always has been ever since this discussion started.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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No, you lie. It often took up to 30 minutes to replace the tank in those instances if you were willing to wait.


Less then 1 minute, sometimes under a freak accident it make take 2-4 minutes but groups with a member dropping have priority. Thank you for bringing up one of the better features of the X-LFD, instant group fill-ins for drops.


An even more blatent and embarassing lie on your part. Though priority is true you were still often stuck waiting for longer than the healer would have to wait by leaving the group and requeing. This really simple for those who actually know what the deal was.


I don't really get what you mean here, however I think it makes you look like you don't know what you are talking about so I'll leave it up. Cheers!

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