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Star wars 3d 4th for weekend


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I saw Star Wars 3D on Saturday and was very disappointed in the quality of the 3D, but enjoyed watching the movie on the big screen again.


I think they did a good job, i'm impressed. Maybe your cinema was bad or your opinion about movie effect your opinion about 3D. I saw many new movies have worst 3D than Episode 1. And Episode 1 almost 15 years old. :eek:


With 15 years in mind, they made very good job. ;)

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It is because we are not the kids we were when we first saw the OT and can't relive that same child-like feeling with these new ones, therefore we dismiss them as being flawed when it is just us who have changed.



This. And by 'this', I mean, 'this is not the case at all'




True. We might have been children when we saw the original. And it might have been why we liked it then. But the reason I saw Star Wars in the theater in 1977 is because by father went about 20 times. And he took his just over a year old son with him almost every time. (so yeah, technically I didnt really see it when it came out, but I was there a bunch of times ). And even seeing the film so many times, my father is not a huge Star Wars fan. In fact, he never talks about, has no Star Wars products, etc. He is a normal dad.


Also, Star Wars holds up after time. Lots of films I loved as kid do not. Blackhole, anyone. (sure the end is still great/bad/awesome)


What's my point?


Some people who love Star Wars and don't like the prequels were not children when Star Wars came out. Some of those people are not giant fan nerds. And 30+ years later, Star Wars is a classic.


The Phantom Menace did not reignite the franchise (say, the way the Dr Who was reignited in 2005). It rides its coattails and pretends it matters. Its exists because of Star Wars, and I don't mean just because its a prequel. If Phantom Menace came out by itself, as a stand alone movie (promising a trilogy) and there had been no Star Wars. No one would give a **** about it. it would have been laughed into oblivion.

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I think they did a good job, i'm impressed. Maybe your cinema was bad or your opinion about movie effect your opinion about 3D. I saw many new movies have worst 3D than Episode 1. And Episode 1 almost 15 years old. :eek:


With 15 years in mind, they made very good job. ;)


Yes! Don't forget that they made the shots with normal cams and not with stereo cams. The recalculation to have two different angles is freaking hard. I must say that some scenes had like no 3D effect but some (especially on tatooine) were amazing. I really enjoyed the movie and I would watch it another time if theatres were not that expensive.


But I felt sad at the end when Darth Maul died :'(

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Again, give me an actual REASON why they all were horrible.


The vast majority of the plot in the prequels was pointless.

There was NO lead character.

Some of the characters were so wooden even Captain Scarlet facepalmed.

Lack of personality.

Love story that slapped cheesy across the face and then broke all records for absolute nonsense.

JarJar Binks.

Pointless dialogue.

Actor playing Jedi igniting Lightsaber by swinging it over her head and then waving to someone off to her left ... I assume it was a member of production that just yelled "oi, that made you look like a moron".

None of the films had any "life" or "grit" to them because it was ALL green screened and CGI.

No tension or build up of any excitement.

The main plot was so thin Lindsay Lohan was jealous.


And that is from someone who didn't mind them.

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I'll give you the main reason the movies suck, its because they took a character from our childhoods, our most favorite character ever as children and teenagers, a character who was the baddest, meanest, coolest, bad guy ever, and turned him into, first an annoying little kid who build C2PO (***????) flew spaceships at the age of 10 or something, and then into a really badly acted, (seen him in any films lately? no? didn't think so) whiney teenager, who I'd like to punch repeatedly, there was no anger or darkness, just stupidness and a stroppy little dickwad, what a total let down.


Vader was supposed to turn to the darkside and murder all the Jedi in epic battles until eventually Obi-Wan caught up with him and defeated him, instead, what we were served was a whiney little ***** who had a bad dream and killed some children and a poorly acted wife who just dropped dead because she'd 'given up', even though she'd just given birth to two children (*** again?) , talk about the almightiest epic fail ever in the human history of movie making.


Its like taking someones favorite thing of a certain era and covering it in crap, taking out everything that made it epic and replacing it with crap, then handing it back and telling them its the same thing but better.

Edited by Rilman
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even though she'd just given birth to two children (*** again?)


She really should of just given birth to Luke, Obi Wan takes him, then runs away. Or even him not being there and he only learns of Luke. Cause I mean, come on. He didn't know about Leia at first.

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Episode I was dissapointing.


I remember watching the trailer when it first came out, how epic it looked... but everything came together so poorly.


You can see where it all went wrong. Red letter media did a massive extensive review of the prequel trilogies which covers exactly where it went astray which in far more depth than I can possibly cover in a single forum post.


Even if we go past the confusing mish mash of battles where we have to keep track of 4 different fights at once. The terrible wooden acting, the fact that quotes from the original trilogy are still used and fondly remembered while the prequel trilogy is quoted for it's cheesiness and unintentional hilarity.


It was just all so... childish. I think I know why, the movie was being made to sell toys. We never managed to get attached to a character, a ship or a villain. They were wheeled onto the stage just long enough to make a new action figure then BAM! Dead, gone.


Still, despite all the badness there's a place where the prequel trilogy is awesome.


My own imagined version where a young adventurous Anakin Skywalker becoming frustrated by the Jedi code and the Republic's inability to act, slowly turns to the dark side as he commits, becoming the hero the Republic needs to win the war but losing himself, being cast out of order as a result, his lightsaber taken from him.


Then the order forbids him from rescuing Padme, as a result he believes she's dead. He takes matters into his own hands, with manipulation from Palpatine (who supplies him with the materials for his own red lightsaber) he helps take control of the Republic, killing the Jedi and reclaiming his original saber.


Obi Wan, who saved Padme's life. (She suffers poisoning but chooses to have her unborn children saved instead of her own life, meaning she has a year at best to live) catches up with Anakin on Mustafar. When confronted Anakin tells Obi Wan how he would have given his child his first saber, raised him to be a Jedi with pride, but the order took everything from him.


There comes a point where Obi-Wan wonders if he can bring him back to the light by telling him that Padme is still alive, but he adheres to a promise to Yoda that he cannot let Anakin know of the children... he tells Anakin there is nothing he can do to bring her back.


Anakin says the man he once was is now dead, there is only Darth Vader. Obi Wan will join him or die. Of course, they fight.


We know how it ends Obi-wan wins. Anakin is dying, Obi-Wan sees him suffering, takes his old Saber and is about to strike him down, when a volcanic explosion separates the two. Obi Wan flees as troopers and the Emperor arrive.


Padme gives birth to the Twins. Obi-Wan wracked with guilt, wondering if his old friend could have been saved if he had broken his promise takes it upon himself to perform Anakin's last wish, and teach his son to be a Jedi. Padme, knowing that her children are in danger with the rise of the Empire lets him take him as an apprentice to train when he's old enough, he's left with his relatives on Tatooine (who of course, try to prevent Obi wan from training him knowing what happened with his father)


Padme takes her daughter to Alderaan where she lives secretly with the Organas for a year before passing away quietly, never knowing the monster than Anakin became.


Darth Vader, enraged by the death of Padme sets out to slay every last vestige of the order. Fully corrupted by the dark side, but enslaved to Palpatine's will.


The sun sets on the trilogy, waiting for the adventure to come.


Ahh, awesome version of the prequel trilogy in my brain. George Lucas can't hurt you here.


I hope.

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So i watched 10 mnutes of the phantom menace 3d thing.


This guy got through the characters part.


I happen to like all 6 movies characters and think they all did a good job playing them.


Again, the guy has not given One reason to actually make me think that the movie was horrible.


Its entertainment, nothing more. Just as this game is.


You're not a very interesting person, are you?

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Being obnoxious won't change anyone's opinion that the films were rubbish.


We're sorry our opinion differs to yours, and that you obviously don't approve of people having a difference of opinion to yourself, even though there's millions of us that think 1-3 sucks about as badly as they ever could.

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57% on Rotten Tomatoes- that rating dropped from when the film originally ran in theaters. Feel free to start accepting reality.


23 million on opening weekend. #4 overall...for a 13 year old film!


Doesn't reality just make you so angry?

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23 million on opening weekend. #4 overall...for a 13 year old film!


Doesn't reality just make you so angry?

4th behind a lousy romance film (romance being one of the lowest grossing genres in all of film outside of art-house indie flicks), a lousy thriller, and a lousy adventure film. Keep in mind, that this is in one of the months traditionally considered a dumping ground for lousy flicks (February), which is likely why Lucas chose it to begin with. He's a smart enough person to know that if he had released it in, say, May, when films like The Avengers would be released, it would be utterly destroyed.


Yep, that reality sure can suck, can't it?

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4th behind a lousy romance film (romance being one of the lowest grossing genres in all of film outside of art-house indie flicks), a lousy thriller, and a lousy adventure film. Keep in mind, that this is in one of the months traditionally considered a dumping ground for lousy flicks (February), which is likely why Lucas chose it to begin with. He's a smart enough person to know that if he had released it in, say, May, when films like The Avengers would be released, it would be utterly destroyed.


Yep, that reality sure can suck, can't it?


All the way to the bank for Lucas, I'm sure. And all the way to the theater for me. Looks like 2 out of 3 of us are winners here.

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Not to beat a dead horse...


One reason why the first movies suck..Darth Vader Jazz Hands!


I could go on, but I think this is definitive. Darth Vader doesn't do Jazz Hands when he's angry. Darth Vader does fists of death and destruction, and certainly inspires fear in his enemies.


Instead of Jazz hands...Scene should have gone like this:


Vader rips out of his bindings, destroys everything in the room but palpatine, bows in submission with fists of rage.


Ewan McGregor was the only redeeming force behind the prequels.

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