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Qyzen Fess is smarter than the DPS I've seen...


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My own pet peeve tanking as a Juggernaut...


So I finally manage to round the mobs up into a tankable group, and if there's an Assassin, he will run right in the middle and pop his AoE knockback.


Every. Single. Time.


What the hell, assassins think overload is a DPS and not a utility skill? Sad but true. When I group with other assassins I see it all the time, just mind blowing.


On a side note, actually being a class with a CC assassins seem to be generally better about not breaking it as they are often the ones putting it up.


I honestly believe this is largely due to the fact that so many here are new to mmo's. They have no knowledge of classes other than their own, so people like juggernauts (who have no cc) are just oblivious to the fact that you are able to pull a mob out of the fight until you down the others.

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Position yourself to LOS the group of mobs.


Put him on passive.


Cast your CC on the mobs you need.


Run around a corner so the mobs you didn't CC have to follow.


Once there let the Gecko do his thing.


Reapply CC as needed and pull the mobs one by one.


Congratz on soloing heroics.


Oh yeah, I learned to use passive and turn off abilities pretty quickly once he got that aoe taunt. :)


As an aside, thank you for posting a constructive (and helpful) reply, whereas others just feel the need to be d-bags. :)

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So when I'm soloing I've noticed that I can CC a mob and Qyzen doesn't touch it until after I hit Ctrl1 or I attack it. However, no matter how many times I say it or try to explain why not to hit a CC'd mob every group I've been in for every fp has had either a tank or DPS person that couldn't grasp that damage breaks CC. Mini rant over.



I can direct you to tanks who don't know how to manage aggro, and healers who think dwindling health bars are pretty to look at, oh and have seen both break CCs before. Stupidity is not confined to a single class role.

Edited by Coiffio
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I can direct you to tanks who don't know how to manage aggro, and healers who think dwindling health bars are pretty to look at, oh and have seen both break CCs before. Stupidity is not confined to a single class role.


I made this thread last night right before bed and while my opinion hasn't changed... let me clarify. I'm not saying that stupidity is class specific. I'm sure when I start lvling a tank and a dps starts wondering why he's dying when he's attacking a different target than I am I'll be pissed, or when a piss poor healer doesn't realize that a shield is what you apply before the tank takes damage not afterwards I'll be annoyed.


I was simply commenting on my experience thus far... and so far what I've noticed is that the AI of my companion is smarter than the average pug dps or tank. As for the comment about his AoE taunt... as others have said, turn it off... if he is creating issues for you it's probably operator error lol.

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I've played all three roles and appreciate that each one has its own nuances. A good dps besides "dps" can offtank adds off a healer. I've played a marauder and sniper so far and both have abilities that will buy you a significant amount of time for the tank to regain aggro or simply kill the adds.


There are some players who are just foolish and careless. I make a quick judgment of whether they are bad enough where it's worth the gamble of doing a FP with them or not.

Edited by grueber
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As for the comment about his AoE taunt... as others have said, turn it off... if he is creating issues for you it's probably operator error lol.


Since apparently nobody reads anymore, let me clarify, for the third time... I do turn it off. The fact that I have to turn it off would in fact not make him smarter than any other player.

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Since apparently nobody reads anymore, let me clarify, for the third time... I do turn it off. The fact that I have to turn it off would in fact not make him smarter than any other player.


I think it does. No matter how many times I ask the BH not to open with Death From Above...

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What about when some guy you just met starts poking himself in the eye with his blaster while eating paint chips? What does the leader see that as?


that's the guy I make walk point, he will take the first round so somebody else doesn't have to. Either that trip over the trip wire and blow himself up. Either way my good troops are still alive and able to fight.


Being military that's exactly what I would do with somebody like that in a combat situation. Otherwise I would make there life horrible till they either went awol or requested an transfer.


And before you all get all upset about that attitude a trooper, like that will cost the rest of the platoon their lives and it is better to get rid of said soldier before that happens. In combat my options are limited to get rid of him.


As to the OP unfortunately there are a lot of players to this game that are new to the whole MMO concept. We are tasked to be the drill instructors and to teach them the right way. As far as those who have played games like this before and still can not grasp the concept well its time to put them on an ignore list and never group with them again.

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that's the guy I make walk point, he will take the first round so somebody else doesn't have to. Either that trip over the trip wire and blow himself up. Either way my good troops are still alive and able to fight.


Being military that's exactly what I would do with somebody like that in a combat situation. Otherwise I would make there life horrible till they either went awol or requested an transfer.


And before you all get all upset about that attitude a trooper, like that will cost the rest of the platoon their lives and it is better to get rid of said soldier before that happens. In combat my options are limited to get rid of him.


As to the OP unfortunately there are a lot of players to this game that are new to the whole MMO concept. We are tasked to be the drill instructors and to teach them the right way. As far as those who have played games like this before and still can not grasp the concept well its time to put them on an ignore list and never group with them again.


I'm not upset. I spent four years in the Marine Corps, which is how I know your statement was tongue in cheek and not an indicator of a terrible butterbar. :p

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My own pet peeve tanking as a Juggernaut...


So I finally manage to round the mobs up into a tankable group, and if there's an Assassin, he will run right in the middle and pop his AoE knockback.


Every. Single. Time.


As a Shadow tank (Assassin tanks too) we are literally designed to AoE tank efficiently...and yet any time I have to have a Shadow DPS that isn't from my own guild int he group...they do the same thing. I usually explode at themt he moment the fight ends and pointedly tell them fi they do it again they are gone (a threat I follow through with). I also boot Sages that are TK specced for doing the same thing... I fail to see why the mage class is running in to AoE int he first place but...morons will be morons...


I know your pain fellow tank, I know it very well.

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The problem is 2 of my classes best skills have some AOE.


I'm a focus Sentinel so my best damage is done by a sweep with 4 Singularity. Now I have other skills and it's easy enough to lay off sweep, but my dps contributions suffer dramatically.


For my vanguard, it's even worse because explosive charge which I pretty much spam solo (when I have enough ammo) is an AOE. So if you CC a mob, I either can't use it or I need to pick a target well away from the CC'd mob. Explosive Charge is one of my highest DPS abilities so again my dps contributions suffer dramatically.


CC'ing is important with multiple elites and I'll aways try not to break it but it should only be used when neccessary as it hamstrings some classes. Also if you aren't use to not using your AOEs, mistakes will happen. Especially when you have to change up your rotation because your in a group that likes to CC mobs.


Jerok I've reread your post 3 times now and I've yet to figure out what your point was.


You asid CC'ing is important with multiple elites and you always try not to break it and that's exactly what we are talking about.


Where is the argument here?


And of course having to lay off your AoEs is going to hurt your damage. That's common sense - but it's better than getting the group killed.

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Jerok I've reread your post 3 times now and I've yet to figure out what your point was.


You asid CC'ing is important with multiple elites and you always try not to break it and that's exactly what we are talking about.


Where is the argument here?


And of course having to lay off your AoEs is going to hurt your damage. That's common sense - but it's better than getting the group killed.


his point was simple. not all cc is needed. the fight will end quicker if you just allow dps to do their job which is dps. when you hamper ones ability to do their job its just as frustrating as when dps breaks cc. So stop cc for every fight. Use CC properly when needed. DPS properly by not using AOE when CC mob is near. Also you can pull a mob away from the rest b4 CC'ing them that way both are happy. It's called communication.

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I have Andronikus Revel kitted out to a truly crazy degree, everything is the highest end gear I can get him , and his DPS is absolutely psychotic. Running Foundry we're short a guy so I bring him out, and the tank (who did not suck by the way) is like "Holy crap, he keeps ripping the threat right off me".


This is after I let the tank build threat, btw. I've seen Revel drop elites when I didn't even realize the other mob was elite and still be standing. Yet I've seen people who swear "Revel sucks, no dps".


I've seen Khem Val tank stuff that I didn't think possible, and survive. And I've had Talos heal me through running right into an unexpected 120k HP champ on Corelia that nearly took my head off.


Companions, at least some of them, can surprise you. Comparing them to terribad facerollers in some PUG is an insult to them and to the design that created them. They aren't as good as a good player or, even really, an average one, but far too often we get stuck with people who try to dps as tanks, try to off heal with their non-specced healing talent instead of dpsing the trash down, trying to CC the wrong mobs or (and this is hilarious) CC a mob then attack it right afterwards, etc.


I'll take a companion I have some level of control over above a guy with his thumb up his behind rolling his face right across the keyboard any day.

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his point was simple. not all cc is needed. the fight will end quicker if you just allow dps to do their job which is dps. when you hamper ones ability to do their job its just as frustrating as when dps breaks cc. So stop cc for every fight. Use CC properly when needed. DPS properly by not using AOE when CC mob is near. Also you can pull a mob away from the rest b4 CC'ing them that way both are happy. It's called communication.


No that wasn't his point lol


He clearly stated in his post that CC'ing is important when fighting multiple elites and he tries not to break them, and that is exactly the type of situation we are talking about.


So basically he just agreed, said DPS shouldn't do it - but then tries to make excuses for why they should do it. It was a very odd post...so is your's for that matter.


And it's not a DPS's job to break CC, and no one said you can't pull mobs away from targets who have been CC'ed. You are just randomly making strange comments that were never challenged and for some werid reason attributing them to me lol


CC helps. Helps more than a DPS AoE damage. WHen I CC something I want it to stay that way, and if you break it well, I may just decide heals aren't needed either :)

Edited by JeremyDale
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As a Shadow tank (Assassin tanks too) we are literally designed to AoE tank efficiently...and yet any time I have to have a Shadow DPS that isn't from my own guild int he group...they do the same thing. I usually explode at themt he moment the fight ends and pointedly tell them fi they do it again they are gone (a threat I follow through with). I also boot Sages that are TK specced for doing the same thing... I fail to see why the mage class is running in to AoE int he first place but...morons will be morons...


I know your pain fellow tank, I know it very well.


Seen this in other games as well.


If your not the tank (and the mob your hitting isn't on the healer) Don't do anything that blows mobs away.

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There are some players who are just foolish and careless. I make a quick judgment of whether they are bad enough where it's worth the gamble of doing a FP with them or not.


that's why EQ start group so early,

that's why it dead today,

vets dont like noob,

hardcore players dont like casual players.

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