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If your An Empire player, DO you actually like the Empire?


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Do any other Imperials feel uncomfortable with this? Yes, I realize its just fiction. If I hadn't looked forward to playing a Bounty Hunter for the past four years I'd definitely rather play on the Republic side.


I think the point of the Empire is that it runs on fear. There's a certain amount of loyalty to the Empire based on analogues to nationalism, and there's a certain amount of professionalism that makes things tick along, and a lot of people are in it for the money and rewards that can be got by serving the Empire.


But mainly, it's all about fear and awe. That's the main tools the Sith use to rule.


Contrasting with the Jedi, who gain their power by earning respect and admiration, even love.


Two very different means of getting your way :)

Edited by gurugeorge
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im light 5. as I watch the evils that are perpetrated by the empire, it makes me a bit queasy. also, the stuff I wrote about in my OP really makes me detest them. How can you feel comfortable following a leader like the emperor?


The republic are the ones following leaders - they're conformists. I don't consider this to be Star Wars like at all. A real government with their ideology would be more like the Star Wars empire than the SWTOR empire is.

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I tend towards more light side decisions, but even playing Empire, I feel like the game let's me make the decisions I feel the best about. I like Empire better though because I like having evil quest givers for some reason, even if i tend towards light-side decisions. The republic quest givers tend to irritate me into dark side decisions, which actually causing me to make more decisions that I don't actually agree with lol
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The Republic isn't all sunshine and rainbows either though they are obviously far more moral than the Sith.


If my (LS) Jedi runs into just one more Republic general who wants to murder billions because he is just "trying to win this damn war" I am going to lightsaber him in the face, Dark Side points be dammed! :)

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The Empire seems to be less restrictive and flexible. Being loyal to the Empire means you have the authority and means to build your own private army should you choose to. In contrast, being loyal to the Republic means that at the end of the day, you are still just a minion who has to answer to some politician somehwere. This is not to mention that most politicians are just idiots motivated primarily by their own political survival. Funny how the Republic mirrors our own Congress.


Empire all the way.


I would say that the Republic Mirrors any democratic form of government. I am actually beginning to believe IRL that a democratic form a government is not the way to go, depending on who the Autocratic Authority is. If you get a good one then everyhtigs fine. If you get someone like Stalin, then you're screwed.


The Soviet Union was the closest thing we have had to the Empire. I know someone who grew up in the Soviet Union, the stories they tell....For one of the lighter examples is that if they were building a new apartment building, and you were assigned a unit by the GOvernment inside that building then you left your job to go help build that building.....basically slave labor. If it werent sad It would be funny

Edited by chakkar
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The Empire kills people just because.


This is exactly why i play Rep. I dont see the point in just random killings.

You could justify it by "Some of the story NPCs really annoy me. If i get the option to kill them, ill take it"

But you get to do that as Rep anyway.


The only advantage (imo) the Empire has is more players and the IA/BH classes.

And i dont really feel like playing what is essentially a renamed Nazi faction.

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In real life? Nope.


In character? Yes, but he thinks there's a lot wrong with it. He would probably join the republic if:


A) He wasn't a Sith and by doing so he'd endanger everyone he cares about.

B) He didn't completely disagree with Jedi philosophy.

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Do I actually like the Empire?


I'm playing through right now with two other friends all of us as Imperial Agents, purely light side choices; the story options so far have been brilliant. We decided that most of the Empire are basically just normal people trying to get on with their daily lives, there are some crazy folks (Sith) at the top but really the overwhelming majority of the Empire is just normal people. We can make the galaxy a better place, we can choose to be the types that dont "just follow orders" when those orders are wrong, we can take down terrorists that operate from within and we can oppose the evil Jedi who have a horribly mistaken belief that serenity and harmony are what we should all strive for, those guys just need to sit down a real family's dinner table one evening and see some passion, but instead they just want us all to be mindless zombies giving our will over to their interpretation of the force! We're further opposed to the Republic because they're a hopelessly failed democracy, whereas our Empire is (for the most part) a meritocracy.


Do we actually like the Empire, we love it and we're going to make it an even better place for all!


...Oh and then we're going to smash the Jedi down until there's nothing left of their idiotic mantras. :)

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I have to agree that the Empire is bad. The Empire is a well oiled machine that could actually do a lot of good if it wasn't for all the sith running around willy nilly being all "evil" and chaotic, messing things up.


Look at the mission where you have to poison the slaves at the big statue. Why cause lingering pain when you could just kill them directly and be done with it?


The Empire is needlessly burdened by the antics of the sith. I've read lots of Star Wars books and I still can't figure out exactly why the sith are so hot to destroy the jedi.

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This is exactly why i play Rep. I dont see the point in just random killings.

You could justify it by "Some of the story NPCs really annoy me. If i get the option to kill them, ill take it"

But you get to do that as Rep anyway.


The only advantage (imo) the Empire has is more players and the IA/BH classes.

And i dont really feel like playing what is essentially a renamed Nazi faction.


Far from it. Nor are the killings random, I have no problem killing NPC's trying to help the Jedi conformists. The writers screwed up the factions so bad, I'm sure they don't even realize they've essentially set up a battle between "collectivists" and "individualists". Easy choice to choose what side not to be on.


Imagine if BW really did introduce non-combat classes into the game - we Sith would have almost no one to fight. The republic would just be a collection of "noble" captives hell bent on enslaving themselves.


Lotro didn't have this problem providing a decent motivation to be a good guy, probably because they were painstakingly true to the lore, which was painstakingly created by its author to have a real understanding of the light and dark side, order and chaos. Swtor's lost that Star Wars feel.

Edited by Comfterbilly
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Let me start off by saying that I am an Empire player, a Bounty Hunter more specifically. I DOn't RP much but If I did I could justify this by saying that I am just in it for the money, but then I guess that answer would be morally corrupt as well.


The Empire kills people just because. In instances where they could be spared and taken as prisoner, they just slaughter them. More troubling is the fact that the Empire routinely kills its' own loyal people. IN some of the quests, they have killed their own. In many of the books they have killed their own, for example:


"Death StAR" ***SPOILER***


IN the novel "death star" the newly constructed death star was ready to test its main gun. Tarkin just nonchalantly decided to test it out on the prison planet which they were orbiting. He didn't bother evacuating the millions of prisoners....or even the Imperial personnel down on the planet. Just bam, the planet was gone.


In another instance related to SWTOR, From the novel "Revan":


"Revan" ****SPOILER****


The Emperor, the Emperor in TOR, rose to power by summoning all the Sith Lords to his home planet and then he consumed them to gain their power (YES, HE ATE THEM!). He then through some ritual absorbed every living being on the planet into him to gain immortality, Billions of people.


Not someone I'd want to be loyal to.


Do any other Imperials feel uncomfortable with this? Yes, I realize its just fiction. If I hadn't looked forward to playing a Bounty Hunter for the past four years I'd definitely rather play on the Republic side.


1. The Death Star was build by an empire more than 3500 years after the events of SWTOR. It's no necessarily a fair comparison as a lot could have changed. The other thing is that Lucas was very obviously alluding to real world topics through certain subjects in his films.


2. The sith emperor present during SWTOR was ******* crazy long before he consumed the planet of Nathema. Not to mention that the ritual is forbidden knowledge and travel to Nathema is punishable by death. Essentially, no one knows and those who do typically end up dead.

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I have to agree that the Empire is bad. The Empire is a well oiled machine that could actually do a lot of good if it wasn't for all the sith running around willy nilly being all "evil" and chaotic, messing things up.


Look at the mission where you have to poison the slaves at the big statue. Why cause lingering pain when you could just kill them directly and be done with it?


The Empire is needlessly burdened by the antics of the sith. I've read lots of Star Wars books and I still can't figure out exactly why the sith are so hot to destroy the jedi.


They want to destroy the Jedi because they want to dominate the light side of the force. The dark side guides them and manipulates them into corruption. Basically, every SIth is the real life equivalent of Joseph Stalin.

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I love the Empire. I feel affection for it. I look upon the imperial snowflake with pride. I even have an imperial snowflake decal on my car. I bought a cute black jacket at nordstroms that looks like the type of jacket an imperial navy officer would wear.


The Empire in SWG was where I made friends, who I hung out with, who showed me how to kill Exar Kun, and who taught me how to fly a tie-fighter. The Empire protected the city in which I lived, Bestine at first, but our player city later. I served the Emperor faithfully during my term as mayor. The Empire is in my blood.


The Rebels were terrorists. Killing, maiming, destroying, cheating, hacking, flaming, ganking, doing whatever they needed to to destroy me and my way of life. You could be in the cantina getting a custom buff, minding your own business and preparing to bring order to the galaxy with your daily terminal missions, when the rebels would pour in and shoot you. They care not for the Empire. They do not care that they interrupt your buff. They are destroyers, hoping to topple the entire government of the galaxy simply because they disagree with the spiritual choices of it's beloved Emperor.


I'm an Imperial, through and through.

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1. The Death Star was build by an empire more than 3500 years after the events of SWTOR. It's no necessarily a fair comparison as a lot could have changed. The other thing is that Lucas was very obviously alluding to real world topics through certain subjects in his films.


2. The sith emperor present during SWTOR was ******* crazy long before he consumed the planet of Nathema. Not to mention that the ritual is forbidden knowledge and travel to Nathema is punishable by death. Essentially, no one knows and those who do typically end up dead.


Yes, he was crazy from the get go. The emperor Killed his dad when he was six, then tortured his mother for months before he killed her. Then took over the planet town by town. After the great hyperspace war, which he did not participate in, the Sith were running for their lives. He invited them to Nathema for a summit of sorts. Once there he overtook their minds and....

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I sometimes think the Empire is ridiculously unrealistic - I mean, as someone said above, the Empire wouldn't be half so bad if it weren't for the fact that it allows all these nutter Sith to run around and create chaois based on their selfish whims.


But then I think - well, actually, that's what most dictatorships have been. Strictly ordered societies with lots of people living in fear of a few nutters at the top, who in fact tend to create chaos.

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I would say that the Republic Mirrors any democratic form of government. I am actually beginning to believe IRL that a democratic form a government is not the way to go, depending on who the Autocratic Authority is. If you get a good one then everyhtigs fine. If you get someone like Stalin, then you're screwed.


The Soviet Union was the closest thing we have had to the Empire. I know someone who grew up in the Soviet Union, the stories they tell....For one of the lighter examples is that if they were building a new apartment building, and you were assigned a unit by the GOvernment inside that building then you left your job to go help build that building.....basically slave labor. If it werent sad It would be funny


Heh, our own democratic system is starting to drift toward the hugely bureaucratic, highly corrupt, largely inefficent system that India has. Not quite there yet but definitely inching towards it. From a Star Wars standpoint, the Republic (whether it is the SWTOR time line or prequal trilogy time line) is already there.


In contrast, Singapore is ruled by a hybrid system with popularly elected officials but maintaining highly authoritarian characteristics due to its single party nature. Some international NGOs such as Freedom House doesn't even consider Singapore to be a electoral democracy. Yet, Transparency International consistantly ranks it among the least corruption nations in the world with its citizens enjoying a standards of living level surpassing most developed western nations. Funny how reality plays out when naive democratic ideologies (or political ideologies in general) are kept in check by common sense.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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when I play the empire I think of them as a warrior society that has extreme laws of conduct. death is the punishment for braking these laws. They do not think it is evil it is what is needed to keep order.

To them the republic is the real evil who seek to misguide the strong. seeking to weaken them and tern there well ordered society to chaos.

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I sometimes think the Empire is ridiculously unrealistic - I mean, as someone said above, the Empire wouldn't be half so bad if it weren't for the fact that it allows all these nutter Sith to run around and create chaois based on their selfish whims.


But then I think - well, actually, that's what most dictatorships have been. Strictly ordered societies with lots of people living in fear of a few nutters at the top, who in fact tend to create chaos.


Yeah, the EMpire would be awesome if it werent so evil. It is a well oiled machine. and they have cool ships. Just take out the back stabbing and indiscriminate killing and overall evil, I would then would want to live there.

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