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You guys all realise when Arenas come out


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Considering Blizzard has said over and over they regret adding arenas to the game due to the horrible balance issues it brought around I highly doubt we're going to be seeing anything more than rated WarZones, which are coming soon.


On top of that I believe BioWare even said they have no plans for an arena system.

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Considering Blizzard has said over and over they regret adding arenas to the game due to the horrible balance issues it brought around I highly doubt we're going to be seeing anything more than rated WarZones, which are coming soon.


On top of that I believe BioWare even said they have no plans for an arena system.


Arena's were not unbalanced. (coming from a Shadowpriest,mut rogue 2's) point of view :D

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2v2 and 3v3 arenas are a nightmare to balance. It's much easier to balance a game in terms of group pvp (5v5,6v6,8v8,etc...) and group pve. It becomes very difficult to balance 2v2 and 3v3 because 1-2 classes will always be more suited to smaller matchups--you can't balance around this unless every class essentially had the same tools.
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For 2s I can imagine some difficulties although single target damage and mortal strike are big assets,


For 3s however, teamed up with sorc and healing bh would work somewhat like wlp which is solid (at least it was when I was dropping wow). Both bring high damage and sorc would compliment marauder's inherent lack of major cc capabilities.


But yeah, hopefully no arena for swtor.

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Arena's were not unbalanced. (coming from a Shadowpriest,mut rogue 2's) point of view :D


It's not that arena itself was imbalanced or at all a bad idea, but the implementation of it and Blizzard's reluctance to balance abilities twice (around PvP and around PvE, similar to Colossus Smash) made it an absolute headache for them and caused certain specs to be completely worthless in one or both aspects of gameplay.



We really never designed WoW to be a competitive e-sports game; it was something that we decided to start tackling because there was such a desire and demand to evolve it in that direction, to introduce competitive arenas. I'm not sure that that was the right thing to do with the game.





There's a reason MLG dropped Arena and the only tournaments are Blizzard sponsored.


I'm pretty sure BioWare's already said they, depending on how it worked out, wanted to try to push the rated WarZones into the eSport scene and adding arenas would absolutely kill that.

Edited by Kibaken
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If you're going to implement a Arena system you either have to have secondary effects for the skills in PvE, so that you can balance them separately; or create 2 more skill trees specifically designed for pvp, and only usable in pvp. Edited by Selixx
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I'm just saying that Arena would be a good thing if people don't like them then don't do them... they can make rated Wz's the same reward as Arena's that way arenas are completely optional


If they can propose a balancing strategy beforehand that will insure it isn't completely comp based I'd be more than happy to see arenas. The main problem is that the innate balance issues small-comp PvP brings will just break it before it starts. At this time two Sorcs have enough utility to where it would be incredibly difficult to counter them. Not to mention a Sorc/Assassin to have a dps Sorc be able to heal and have guard.

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they are not doing arenas... they have said it over and over... arenas did nothing but hard to WoW and even the devs agreed with that.



No good or smart player want a gear/comp based PvP where skill means nothing. The people who want that are the basement dwellers that have the tome to grind for gear because they cannot earn gear based on skill.

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they are not doing arenas... they have said it over and over... arenas did nothing but hard to WoW and even the devs agreed with that.



No good or smart player want a gear/comp based PvP where skill means nothing. The people who want that are the basement dwellers that have the tome to grind for gear because they cannot earn gear based on skill.


Arena's could purely Distraction based with no reward.. It would still be fun...

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Arena's could purely Distraction based with no reward.. It would still be fun...


It's pointless. The kids a pve'r who seems very anti pvp anything, especially competitive pvp.

I'd love arenas in this game since the classes are more balanced than most games I've played. Just for something to do once raids and dailies are done.

I'd rather have 2v2, 3v3 etc over 8v8.

Edited by Kricys
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Arena's could purely Distraction based with no reward.. It would still be fun...


yeah but that's the problem...they wouldn't be "just" distraction based. they may start that way, but an extremely small portion of the populace would pick them up and whine incessantly about the class balance, and ultimately the devs would have to change the entire game just to please them.


very much like WoW did. they didn't have to mind you, but they decided that they were going to go in that direction with their PvP. And they even admit it was a mistake.


But Im not against fantasizing about the idea :) and mauraders would definitely have issues IMO. complete lack of solo survivability. but they're on a slippery slope. give them too much (as in longer defensive CD based skills, or perma-damage reduction), and you suddenly have a monster melee dps class that is unstoppable.


Im thinking like arms warriors were quite often. they were either worthless, or (excuse the pun) complete juggernauts.

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Considering Blizzard has said over and over they regret adding arenas to the game due to the horrible balance issues it brought around I highly doubt we're going to be seeing anything more than rated WarZones, which are coming soon.


Arenas didn't bring any imbalance into the game. That imbalance existed for years prior to Arena, since the game's launch. Arenas just made the imbalance GLARINGLY obvious, forcing Blizzard to act. And they suck at it.


In my humble opinion, Blizzard has some of the worst records when it comes to balancing. Look at SC2, they spent years balancing and polishing it, and it came out with the Zerg virtually broken and most professional competitive gamers flat out refused to play that race within a month of release. It just wasn't worth it.


Same with WoW, some classes like feral druids, were broken for YEARS. Other classes, like rogues, were godlike for years. And some classes, like shammies, had bloodlust which made them essentially mandatory in any 5v5. As in 98% of top rated 5v5 teams would have a shammy in it. By comparison, only about 23% had a druid in it, and 0% had a feral druid.


That's why Blizzard said that about arenas. They made their inept balancing glaringly obvious to anyone.

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