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Marauders are the most powerful pvp class in the game


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Great players on sentinels and marauders are doing well in battlegrounds?


Wait, is there a problem here?



edit: And while JT's videos are awesome, he's playing some pretty terrible players, sorcerers that stand in melee spamming force lightning and staring at him for 4 seconds when it's interrupted. 2v1ing... other Marauders.

Edited by Aidank
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I have no issue with a powerful class being hard to play, i only have issue with powerful classes that are easy to play.


99% of marauders i fight are completely hopeless anyway so the more hopeless WoW kids that try and play them the better.


I would rank myself as one of those hopeless players. Being fair to myself though, I am learning the class and getting better and better at it. Getting more and more kills. Only a matter of time before I master the class...and when I do, better watch yer keesters.

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i love it when a maurader runs in balls to the wall, they are uber squishy till they pop those insane dmg reduction cool downs, my favorite thing to do is just go woops stealth out buh bye.. then wait a few seconds spin kick em in dah face, oh hey look another one, stun, stun or look its gone. now u dead


but as OP said they are easily the most lethal class in PvP atm, and a good one will wreck anyones day in a matter of seconds but im glad those are few and far in between.

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Marauders are the most powerful class in the game. Luckily they're incredibly difficult to play so most people suck at them.


Their damage is the highest by a lot when performed properly, and their survivability is also the highest.


They have a 20% dmg reduction for 30 seconds (unless they aren't hit making it a 6 second invincibility) a 4 second invincibility and a vanish, they do the most dmg when played properly and they have an excellent gap closer.



They're also ridiculously hard to play, and most players are terrible.


No I didn't get killed by one in pvp and am now QQing, I'm lvling one up and my brother plays one, they are insanely difficult and easily best dps class in the game.



I agree to a point, Yes there hard to play, but they need a long time to master, but saying there the best DPS class in the game isnt saying much at the moment :p Do we Marauders need a nurf no, as you say most ( myself to a point ) are still lurning ( i wont say there bad or noobs as i dont think thats correct ) but trust me get to the mid 30's and your in for a world of pain, get to 46-50 and your in for a world of joy ( if you play the class and skill tree correctly )

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Replace marauder with any class in the game....and walla....you're still correct.


Anybody with a pocket healer wins fights. It's not a new concept.


That aside. Marauders are not difficult to master, they are not more rewarding than other classes, and they are not more powerful for their given role than anyone else who is playing their class competently.


From my perspective maras are right where they should be, underfoot.





Ya a mara/sent can win a 2vs1 or with a healer win a 4vs2. But so can any other class assuming the guy is a good player and his opponents are not.


I have won quite a few 2vs1s but thats against baddies. good players of any class can make a fight close, and if im fighting 2 of them they will make sure im CCd when my high defense abilities are up. and make sure i die without getting either of them close to death.

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Ya a mara/sent can win a 2vs1 or with a healer win a 4vs2. But so can any other class assuming the guy is a good player and his opponents are not.


I have won quite a few 2vs1s but thats against baddies. good players of any class can make a fight close, and if im fighting 2 of them they will make sure im CCd when my high defense abilities are up. and make sure i die without getting either of them close to death.


"Marauder/Sentinel" and "high defence" should not mix in any way. Oh wait, someone in BW screwed up.


Great players on sentinels and marauders are doing well in battlegrounds?


Wait, is there a problem here?


You just defend your OP class, you know nerf is coming and its inevitable.

Edited by GrandMike
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"Marauder/Sentinel" and "high defence" should not mix in any way. Oh wait, someone in BW screwed up.




You just defend your OP class, you know nerf is coming and its inevitable.



My class is a sorcerer, which I've never tried to defend. But tell me, when's the last time you mezzed a sentinel to keep rebuke from refreshing, or do you just let them keep 20% reduction for the entire fight every time you fight one?

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