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Marauders are the most powerful pvp class in the game


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You're out of your mind. Huttball is by far the worst map for Sentinels. Knockback off ledge -> leap -> knockback off ledge. /wrists


Until you experience it yourself, all your theorycraft nonsense doesn't mean a thing. Good ball carrier is a joke. A sick joke. I throw it away to someone else when I get it and cover them. A focused Sentinel lives for 5 seconds - the length of your "invulnerability." I do everything in my power to avoid being focused and holding the ball won't do it.


The Marauders that give me problem never fight anyone that isn't directly in the middle or on the sides where KB is not an issue precisely for that reason. You can say those guys aren't necessarily contributing to the team and I agree, but they sure feel powerful to most people.


Charge is for the surprise value. If there are no one to charge to then of course you hand it to someone else. People will rarely defend against charge perfectly and if they do, anyone else is going to have a lot of problem getting the ball anywhere too.

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Incredibly difficult to play? :D:D


I'm leveling one and I honestly don't see where the hard part kicks in. The amount of usable skills doesn't make a class hard to play.


It's not difficult per say. It just requires an active thinking process for the entirety of each fight, with fore-planning for each target.


On my Sorc I played for a bit, it was mind numbing to be honest. I was 31 Madness, and still rarely had to move. And if I did, it was never a big deal. Kiting with that tree was the easiest thing I've ever done.


On my Marauder, I have to watch for CD's to be over, plan out my Rage builders/users, and stay within a tight range all at the same time.


Switching targets isn't as easy on a Marauder (or Jugg) as other classes due to the lack of ranged attacks, and having to conserve our leaps for certain situations. All in all, not difficult, but more action-oriented and fun imo.

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I have to say I think Marauders are great for PVP, I run with one most of the time for WZ's and we duo'ed every flashpoint from lvl 20 and up to 50 when we were 1 to 3 levels below them, and know first hand much damage and utility they can bring when played well.



Reading some of the comments makes me laugh because it's obvious some of you haven't run into any Marauders/Sentinals who can play them well. The vast majority of them I can easily rip through (BH Merc Hybrid build) and I don't even really view them as a priority to take down most of time. However there are a few that will tear through me in a heart beat and I haven't really found out a real way of countering yet. Not saying it not possible , I think that Arsenal spec could work with the knock backs but what happens when you hit full resolve? Anyway I'm not to worried about it since It's rare to find well played ones at this point in the game. Unfortunately when I do though, they make a B line for me as a healer and tear me a new one.



I don't think that Marauders are OP or that they are harder to play than any other class for that matter, everyone likes to make it sound like their class is the bomb digity and complex lol I do envy the force leap though...

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Marauders are a class that frustrate me beyond words. That being said, I rolled an alt to learn their mechanics, and it's alot easier for me to beat them now.


I can't tell you how many marauders I've screwed over by not hitting them when they their little OP shield thingy, or by screwing them by exactly staying close enought to avoid a charge, and far enough not to get hit :p I swear they go mad as they try to charge you and you predict their moves :>

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Actually I think I figured out. Marauders on Huttball, when played with no concern for objectives, are the strongest class in the game. I've played all the so called overpowered classes and none of them are anywhere near as brtually frustrating to go against as a *good* Marauder who is only trying to pad his stats. You will never see one of those guys chase you up to a ledge because they know that's where they're weak at. Instead they'll always fight in flat terrain with a ledge above for healer support, and in this combination they're pretty much unstoppable.


Now of course to actually beat them you just throw the ball to the top path and they'll either chase you up there and lose horribly, or the more likely case is these guys will just ignore you since they know they can't pad their stats in high elevation areas. But try to tell the guy who gets killed 5 times in a row on the side who saw the Marauder escape with 10% health each time that they're not overpowered. I actually formed a pretty good strat against those guys, just send your weakest guy to their hunting ground and watch that guy die repeatedly while your ball carrier is completely ignored by a class that's actually pretty good at stopping the ball carrier.


This isn't like a Sorc padding stats (they will rarely actually kill a good player), or even a Merc spamming missiles since it's easy to avoid death on that too. You're not avoiding a death against a Marauder in their killzone on Huttball. You will likely die over and over again even if your team won 6-0. While it should be enough to win 6-0 (at least for me), I can understand why some people do take it personally.


You might say it's just one map, but to some people, especially on the Empire side, Huttball is PvP. I see premades with setup exactly tailored for Huttball and nothing else, and they always have a Marauder since they're unstoppable in their kill zone and you can leave the scoring to someone else. They're not necessarily the strongest teams (can be defeated by sending a fodder to eat the death against their Marauder) I've faced, but they're definitely the most frustrating to go against.

Edited by Astarica
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I have to say I think Marauders are great for PVP, I run with one most of the time for WZ's and we duo'ed every flashpoint from lvl 20 and up to 50 when we were 1 to 3 levels below them, and know first hand much damage and utility they can bring when played well.



Reading some of the comments makes me laugh because it's obvious some of you haven't run into any Marauders/Sentinals who can play them well. The vast majority of them I can easily rip through (BH Merc Hybrid build) and I don't even really view them as a priority to take down most of time. However there are a few that will tear through me in a heart beat and I haven't really found out a real way of countering yet. Not saying it not possible , I think that Arsenal spec could work with the knock backs but what happens when you hit full resolve? Anyway I'm not to worried about it since It's rare to find well played ones at this point in the game. Unfortunately when I do though, they make a B line for me as a healer and tear me a new one.



I don't think that Marauders are OP or that they are harder to play than any other class for that matter, everyone likes to make it sound like their class is the bomb digity and complex lol I do envy the force leap though...


Let's be perfectly clear. There are always good players of anything in any game. And I don't think that there is a single poster here who said that Marauders suck. What most people seem to agree on is the fact that the Marauder's performance is highly dependent on circumstance, and like some have said, it really depends on how much people allow the Marauder to perform. The Marauder player has to put a lot of forethought into his actions, perhaps even going for isolated targets to get an easy kill. But if the isolated target is on a ledge....you might even wanna reconsider that.

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I am valor rank 58 with champ equip (exp 500). 30 crit and 87 surge (remodified enhancements and mods to max up crit and surge)...


I dominate everysingle WZ, I prefer Huttball. In Hutball I always have to win the WZ by myself as other people are just hunting kills. I think here marauder excels as the best class. I use double sprint and keep my CC breaker ready to be stunned on fire and always use Force Charge to get to the line asap. And ofc to postiion yourself against a potential knockback is a must... (It is even possible to carry the ball while 7 ppl hunt you down and you still score... just time your defensive abilitites, sprint and undying rage and intimidationg roar...works like charm).


On defence, you just use slow and heal debuff and dot the carrier like mad. Helps a lot.


With regards to the dmg. Sometime only Sorc can outdps me and that is only when I carry the ball...


In 15 min WZ you can get easily over 500k dmg and 75k healing.


I never lost 1ono1 until now to any class. Annihilation is just awesome.


With regards to survability... I would say, that we are the best.... I rarely die in mass PVP fights on Ilum, merely only due to the lags... I can be up the frontline for dozens of seconds, and even though I am focused, if someone is healing you, you can last forever. Keeping Force Camo ready to get out.


I love the Marauder class. Too bad, they gonna nerf the surge rating :(((


And yes, marauder is the most skill dependant class... I rarely meet skilled sentinel or marauder in WZ, which is not bad for me, as I can outshine them all :)


PS: I am not trying to say, marauder is unbeatable, I am just saying, if you know how to play, use brain and positioning and in addition if you have a healer behind your back, you just rock !


Server: Legions of Lettow (In case someone wants to proof to me, that I am not unbeatable in 1on1) :D

Edited by VasekS
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Actually I think I figured out. Marauders on Huttball, when played with no concern for objectives, are the strongest class in the game. I've played all the so called overpowered classes and none of them are anywhere near as brtually frustrating to go against as a *good* Marauder who is only trying to pad his stats. You will never see one of those guys chase you up to a ledge because they know that's where they're weak at. Instead they'll always fight in flat terrain with a ledge above for healer support, and in this combination they're pretty much unstoppable.


Now of course to actually beat them you just throw the ball to the top path and they'll either chase you up there and lose horribly, or the more likely case is these guys will just ignore you since they know they can't pad their stats in high elevation areas. But try to tell the guy who gets killed 5 times in a row on the side who saw the Marauder escape with 10% health each time that they're not overpowered. I actually formed a pretty good strat against those guys, just send your weakest guy to their hunting ground and watch that guy die repeatedly while your ball carrier is completely ignored by a class that's actually pretty good at stopping the ball carrier.


This isn't like a Sorc padding stats (they will rarely actually kill a good player), or even a Merc spamming missiles since it's easy to avoid death on that too. You're not avoiding a death against a Marauder in their killzone on Huttball. You will likely die over and over again even if your team won 6-0. While it should be enough to win 6-0 (at least for me), I can understand why some people do take it personally.



I don't really consider it stat padding. Actually, if you can't hold down the middle of the field, then you're almost certain to lose because you'll never pick up neutral balls.


A Marauder chasing people (hopefully the ball carrier or the healers) up the ramps is either trying really hard to help the team, or just doesn't recognize that their class isn't meant to play that role.


If you can shred people in the mid and always grab the neutral ball for your team, then why not? It'll frustrate the heck out of the other team, and so long as you have people ready for passes, you're helping your team tremendously.

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Marauders are the most powerful class in the game. Luckily they're incredibly difficult to play so most people suck at them.


Their damage is the highest by a lot when performed properly, and their survivability is also the highest.


They have a 20% dmg reduction for 30 seconds (unless they aren't hit making it a 6 second invincibility) a 4 second invincibility and a vanish, they do the most dmg when played properly and they have an excellent gap closer.



They're also ridiculously hard to play, and most players are terrible.


No I didn't get killed by one in pvp and am now QQing, I'm lvling one up and my brother plays one, they are insanely difficult and easily best dps class in the game.


They indeed are really great if played well.

But imo they do need the damage, since they have like only one cc, and breaks on dmg.

And most other classes got like 4 cc they can use, if they use the cc it correct rotation and stuff they can be hard getting to, tho i dont have many problem with that. Just saying its fair.

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Actually I think I figured out. Marauders on Huttball, when played with no concern for objectives, are the strongest class in the game. I've played all the so called overpowered classes and none of them are anywhere near as brtually frustrating to go against as a *good* Marauder who is only trying to pad his stats. You will never see one of those guys chase you up to a ledge because they know that's where they're weak at. Instead they'll always fight in flat terrain with a ledge above for healer support, and in this combination they're pretty much unstoppable.


Now of course to actually beat them you just throw the ball to the top path and they'll either chase you up there and lose horribly, or the more likely case is these guys will just ignore you since they know they can't pad their stats in high elevation areas. But try to tell the guy who gets killed 5 times in a row on the side who saw the Marauder escape with 10% health each time that they're not overpowered. I actually formed a pretty good strat against those guys, just send your weakest guy to their hunting ground and watch that guy die repeatedly while your ball carrier is completely ignored by a class that's actually pretty good at stopping the ball carrier.


This isn't like a Sorc padding stats (they will rarely actually kill a good player), or even a Merc spamming missiles since it's easy to avoid death on that too. You're not avoiding a death against a Marauder in their killzone on Huttball. You will likely die over and over again even if your team won 6-0. While it should be enough to win 6-0 (at least for me), I can understand why some people do take it personally.


You might say it's just one map, but to some people, especially on the Empire side, Huttball is PvP. I see premades with setup exactly tailored for Huttball and nothing else, and they always have a Marauder since they're unstoppable in their kill zone and you can leave the scoring to someone else. They're not necessarily the strongest teams (can be defeated by sending a fodder to eat the death against their Marauder) I've faced, but they're definitely the most frustrating to go against.


This is basically exactly what I do now in Huttball. I stay in the center, because the catwalks are epic fail for Sentinels. If I'm at the catwalks, it's to kill one person (or try to), invis, jump off, grab the speed buff, grab a side heal, and head back to the center.


The class sucks at ball running so I don't do that. It sucks at ball chasing in the fire areas so I don't do that. It's great at killing that-guy-who's-always-in-the-center-waiting-for-the-ball-to-respawn.


I guess that's the kind of guy who comes crying to the forums that the class is overpowered.


Am I helping the team win? Sort of. But there's not really anything I can do better, so why not be the best at killing people who are near the middle?

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I don't really consider it stat padding. Actually, if you can't hold down the middle of the field, then you're almost certain to lose because you'll never pick up neutral balls.


A Marauder chasing people (hopefully the ball carrier or the healers) up the ramps is either trying really hard to help the team, or just doesn't recognize that their class isn't meant to play that role.


If you can shred people in the mid and always grab the neutral ball for your team, then why not? It'll frustrate the heck out of the other team, and so long as you have people ready for passes, you're helping your team tremendously.


Actually I think the Marauders that put up impressive stats tend to stay in the side areas near where you get out of the bottom ramp, since middle is likely contested so you can't rely on your healers hiding forever. I can usually kill a Marauder in the middle, but I almost always lose to them in the side area because I can't eliminate their support if I fought them there. Now, the sides are of very low strategic value (almost nobody runs the ball through that path), so they're not really helping the team much. But they sure are hard to kill in that stretch of land when properly supported.

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Actually I think the Marauders that put up impressive stats tend to stay in the side areas near where you get out of the bottom ramp, since middle is likely contested so you can't rely on your healers hiding forever. I can usually kill a Marauder in the middle, but I almost always lose to them in the side area because I can't eliminate their support if I fought them there. Now, the sides are of very low strategic value (almost nobody runs the ball through that path), so they're not really helping the team much. But they sure are hard to kill in that stretch of land when properly supported.


Yeah, it's always a bummer when a Sorc/BH stands on the catwalk and rains on my parade near the middle. That's when I generally do move to the sides to heal up, and then clean out any enemies there until someone deals with the casters on the catwalks. Then I can have my fun again :)

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A Marauder chasing people (hopefully the ball carrier or the healers) up the ramps is either trying really hard to help the team, or just doesn't recognize that their class isn't meant to play that role.


Depends on spec, there isn't really any class that worries me more when running the ball for just planting themselves on me than a carnage specced marauder.


Do you want more than 1? not really, but then right now, the only class thats useful in multiples are sorcs, and when they finally put a debuff to stop extricate bouncing (you know its coming), even they wont be that great in numbers.

Edited by Adzzy
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This is basically exactly what I do now in Huttball. I stay in the center, because the catwalks are epic fail for Sentinels. If I'm at the catwalks, it's to kill one person (or try to), invis, jump off, grab the speed buff, grab a side heal, and head back to the center.


The class sucks at ball running so I don't do that. It sucks at ball chasing in the fire areas so I don't do that. It's great at killing that-guy-who's-always-in-the-center-waiting-for-the-ball-to-respawn.


I guess that's the kind of guy who comes crying to the forums that the class is overpowered.


Am I helping the team win? Sort of. But there's not really anything I can do better, so why not be the best at killing people who are near the middle?


I don't know if the class is overpowered but like I said, they're the most frustrating 'overpowered' class I go against, with the possible exception of getting one shotted by Operatives before their nerf. It's definitely map specific but until same faction Alderran/Voidstar is possible, Huttball is what Empire gets 7 out of 10 games so we definitely care if a class seems overpowered for a specific map.


I have absolutely no problem with Marauders on Voidstar/Alderran. In fact they feel a bit weak there since they just get kited and ignored until the healers are down, and then they're just an average melee class. You might even catch them with Cloak of Pain down by ignoring them.

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OP is ridiculous. I suspect you got killed by a Mara who was better than you so you come here to complain. The Mara Carnage tree is awful for PvP and bugged for PvE. Rage is a gimmicky PvP set inferior to the Jugg counterpart and useless for PvE. Annihilation is basically the only viable spec and is negated by cleanse in PvP. Even in the absence of cleanse, Annihilation Maras are mediocre PvP class. They only have 1 charge and 0 knockbacks. If they didn't have the survivability CDs they have now they would be without a doubt the worst PvP class. Keep in mind, they are squishy melee DPS without stealth.



Hmmm, why people always forget carnage build, that build have the most burst, and the most CCs in the game, every ataru proc give you 100% crit on force scream, and with masacre you have 50% chance to proc it. Take the gore strike also with !00% armor penetrration. And also build give you 2 roots, and one root escape extra. Plus when you are in ataru form, with talents you can have 15% faster movement. And if you spec all other talents from carnage to anihilation, you can also have with dot attack slowed down target. That makes 3 extra semi CC, faster movement, and 1 more escape from roots.


I'm not saying that Maras are OP, but we are far from useless.

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Or most of the ones you go up against suck. Jugg/Guard should be cake for a Mara/Sent. I personally don't have any trouble against any class except for a WELL PLAYED dps specced powertech (and even then, there's only 1 of those on my server who can consistently beat me)


Pyro is the key part of the equation rather than if its a merc or powertech....there simply arent many well played Pyro mercs either ;)


I suspect we have one of the best Marauders in the game on our server (550k dmg is pretty common from this player)...and I always give them a run for their money on a BH/Merc/Pyro when its 1v1.. it usually comes down to who has their cooldowns up and who doesnt, if both do then its down to who crits who on the big attacks..


Definitely not a weak class when put in the right hands... its one of 3 classes that always gets my full attention if i see them, the others being concealment operative/smug and sniper/gunslinger.

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The 5second invincibilty removes 50% of your HP, so unless you know you are getting healed, it's primary use is to get one more kill, or deny a point, which in itself is very powerful, but it's effects can be entirely negated by any type of stun.


Saber ward-pleaes people read the damn description before throwing out 20% damage reduction for 30s.


Vanish if 4s, and if you have ever played a Sentinel or Marauder, you will know where they will appear 50% of the time.


Sentinels are very strong when played by competent people, but I am reduced to tears when baddies play them in Warzones.


Sentinels are one of the most powerful duelers, but their direct counters are 31 madness/balance sorcs. Vanguards and Powertechs also have very high success rates too.

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I totally agree that Sentinels are damn hard to play.

They also get medal shafted at low levels.


All a marauder/sent has to do in hutball is fight and spam speed or heal.

but As a ball carrier they instill fear.


People plan defense around force leaping ball carriers.


You just have to do it once and people will "yell" at their team mates to stay off the ramps.


The only draw back to these guys in PvP is their performance somewhere about under 30 or 40.


Here they dont have stealth.

they dont do burst enough to get 2.5k medals.

they dont have protection skills.


So they score subpar medals.


Any shadow spec will out medal a higher level sentinel easy.

Easier to play and more "free" medals.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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