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Epic Story?


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It really isn't, it lack so much impact, it's all to easy to space bar through.


Disagree, well watch Episode 1, Darth Maul fight, blaring music, such bad-assery, nothing even approaching that feeling, and this game was supposed to be huge on story?


Just watch this, anyone had this type of moment in SWTOR?






Fighting Kira was a great part, but so poorly implemented.


I dunno where Bioware are going with this, ME1 had better cutscenes?

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So your opinion = fact?


And I cant believe you are comparing a computer game that has 8 character stories + 45 companion mini stories which total more story than all 6 star wars films put together to a feature film that focused on 4 main characters and spent all of its budget making that sole story line utterly epic.


Seriously the story line of the phantom menace isnt even equvalent to the class story lines of 1 chapter of the game.

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So your opinion = fact?


And I cant believe you are comparing a computer game that has 8 character stories + 45 companion mini stories which total more story than all 6 star wars films put together to a feature film that focused on 4 main characters and spent all of its budget making that sole story line utterly epic.


Seriously the story line of the phantom menace isnt even equvalent to the class story lines of 1 chapter of the game.


So your rebuttal = fact, no.....


Why is music not used to such effect in SWTOR?

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So your rebuttal = fact, no.....


Why is music not used to such effect in SWTOR?


Erm, no, my rebuttal was that what you were asking for/expecting was compeletely unrealalistic.


And, again, the length of the phantom menace = hour and a half.


This game, class storylines alone per class, perhaps 3-5 hours. So that means they would need in excess of 45 hours of full orchestration just for the class storylines...



Not to mention the fact that the music in tpm is timed exactly to the action on screen, the game cant do that because you have control.

Edited by Maidel
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So your rebuttal = fact, no.....


Why is music not used to such effect in SWTOR?


Actually it is, if your looking for duel-like events.


On my Sith Warrior, in the last fight, duel of fates and battle of heroes plays, as well as the duel at the end of False Emperor. Those are just some too...


They make a good atmosphere for the type of game it is, you can't really be as cinematic while your actually in the mmo world and not in a cut scene, but this game probably pulls that off the best.


Other than that, I dont really know what your getting at, your expectations of cinema quality events are kind of big.

Edited by TheLonelyTusken
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It really isn't, it lack so much impact, it's all to easy to space bar through.


Disagree, well watch Episode 1, Darth Maul fight, blaring music, such bad-assery, nothing even approaching that feeling, and this game was supposed to be huge on story?


Just watch this, anyone had this type of moment in SWTOR?






Fighting Kira was a great part, but so poorly implemented.


I dunno where Bioware are going with this, ME1 had better cutscenes?

are you really suggesting that anything in Episode 1 was epic? Even the Darth maul fight was lame as can be.

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Of all the scenes in all 6 episodes of Star Wars you choose THAT scene?


The biggest impact from Star Wars, for me, was when Ben (as a ghost) explained Luke the truth about his father.


On a close second is the "I am your Father" scene. Any fighting in Star Wars is a bonus - the real beef is the convo (nomatter how corny they might be :p)

Edited by PanikSpreder
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Of all the scenes in all 6 episodes of Star Wars you choose THAT scene?


The biggest impact from Star Wars, for me, was when Ben (as a ghost) explained Luke the truth about his father.


On a close second is the "I am your Father" scene. Any fighting in Star Wars is a bonus - the real beef is the convo (nomatter how corny they might be :p)


I really like the last duel between Vader and Luke, the music really builds you up as it's finishing.


Second, probably the Obi Wan and Anakin duel.

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are you really suggesting that anything in Episode 1 was epic? Even the Darth maul fight was lame as can be.


I have to say that is the best fight scene in the entire series. Its been recognised by the industry (Wish I could find the link) as one of the greatest sword fight scenes in any film.

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Erm, no, my rebuttal was that what you were asking for/expecting was compeletely unrealitic.


And, again, the length of the phantom menace = hour and a half.


This game, class storylines alone per class, perhaps 3-5 hours. So that means they would need in excess of 45 hours of full orchestration just for the class storylines...



Not to mention the fact that the music in tpm is timed exactly to the action on screen, the game cant do that because you have control.



Why is it unrealistic, to add more dramatic cutscenes and use impactful music to make gameplay memorable? You a programmer?


Your points on film-making are totally irrelevant, as digital production costs <> live movie production costs, so let's not even argue that point, ridiculous.



You've gone to the total extreme of assuming that I wanted a full orchestrated piece through all gameplay the full length of every fight and conversation, didn't mention that bud, doesn't even do that in the movies....


My point is that were were no real 'awesome' points in the whole story, and those that did improve to an 'epic level' were totally let down by lack of production and felt anti-climatic.

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Erm, no, my rebuttal was that what you were asking for/expecting was compeletely unrealalistic.


And, again, the length of the phantom menace = hour and a half.


This game, class storylines alone per class, perhaps 3-5 hours. So that means they would need in excess of 45 hours of full orchestration just for the class storylines...



Not to mention the fact that the music in tpm is timed exactly to the action on screen, the game cant do that because you have control.


Then why did BW advertise 200 hours of gameplay per character?

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Why is it unrealistic, to add more dramatic cutscenes and use impactful music to make gameplay memorable? You a programmer?


Your points on film-making are totally irrelevant, as digital production costs <> live movie production costs, so let's not even argue that point, ridiculous.



You've gone to the total extreme of assuming that I wanted a full orchestrated piece through all gameplay the full length of every fight and conversation, didn't mention that bud, doesn't even do that in the movies....


My point is that were were no real 'awesome' points in the whole story, and those that did improve to an 'epic level' were totally let down by lack of production and felt anti-climatic.


By your profile here I suspect your talking about your Bounty Hunter. If your looking for a impacting climactic scene, play a Sith Warrior, or one of the lightsaber classes maybe, but I personally like the Bounty Hunter's story just as well.

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It really isn't, it lack so much impact, it's all to easy to space bar through.


Disagree, well watch Episode 1, Darth Maul fight, blaring music, such bad-assery, nothing even approaching that feeling, and this game was supposed to be huge on story?


Just watch this, anyone had this type of moment in SWTOR?






Fighting Kira was a great part, but so poorly implemented.


I dunno where Bioware are going with this, ME1 had better cutscenes?


I admit, I liked that scene too even if the rest of the movie was utter trash. I can see what you're saying here despite the trolls. It had a good use of music to set the mood for an engaging fight. However it had no story to speak of if you look at it all in context, whereas swtor tries to give you some substance about what's going on and who you're dealing with, the path of your character etc etc. Ep 1 didn't come close to that, it's more akin to the swtor trailer movies, it was all flash, devoid of real story, good for oohs but you can't center a game around that, or a movie, it just fails without support.

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Really?, I´d have time to take a nap + take the dog out for a walk and when I came back they would still be fightning. That duel must be one of the longest and most boring conclusions I've seen.


It's only 8 minutes, I don;t know where you get long from, it is a evenly matched battle, so it should be long and climactic. It has cuts in it too...


It's very emotional too, brothers fighting against each other, then he has to leave him there to die, it wraps up the whole circle to the originals nicely, well that's my opinion though, lol.

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Why is it unrealistic, to add more dramatic cutscenes and use impactful music to make gameplay memorable? You a programmer?


Well lets reverse that shall we - are you?


This game has more cut scenes than any game ever made, many people are complaning it has too many. I have to say the cut scene at the end of the second chapter of the JK storyline really annoyed me because it went on for so long, and there was quite a lot of action and I WANTED TO PLAY IT!


And I like the cut scenes in general.



Your points on film-making are totally irrelevant, as digital production costs <> live movie production costs, so let's not even argue that point, ridiculous.


Not at all. Music for films is the same as music for computer games. It costs just as much to get the orchestra in and the composer.


You've gone to the total extreme of assuming that I wanted a full orchestrated piece through all gameplay the full length of every fight and conversation, didn't mention that bud, doesn't even do that in the movies....


Did you miss the point where I said JUST the class story line, which is where all the 'epic' bits happen.


My point is that were were no real 'awesome' points in the whole story, and those that did improve to an 'epic level' were totally let down by lack of production and felt anti-climatic.


But thats just your opinion! You are again posting opinion as fact. I felt there were LOADS of epic bits in the story line and I havent even finished it yet. Valis was epic, kira being caputred was epic. Heck any time Doc opens his mouth (appart for his in combat comments) is utterly epic. He hit on my JK in the middle of a battle for crying out loud!.

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Then why did BW advertise 200 hours of gameplay per character?


No, I said the CLASS story lines, and I was talking about litterally the actual bits, not the conversations before hand and the running around and such like.


They said it would take 200 hours per class to level, thats a completely different thing.

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It really isn't, it lack so much impact, it's all to easy to space bar through.


Disagree, well watch Episode 1, Darth Maul fight, blaring music, such bad-assery, nothing even approaching that feeling, and this game was supposed to be huge on story?


Just watch this, anyone had this type of moment in SWTOR?






Fighting Kira was a great part, but so poorly implemented.


I dunno where Bioware are going with this, ME1 had better cutscenes?



so the phantom menace was an epic story? LOL


Jar Jar binks is we so epic masta!

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Ah - seeing that reminds me of my radical idea for SW:TOR back when I heard it was being made.



I thought; 'Wouldn't it be great if the fights were like in the movies? Where one blow wins it?

'Instead of a health bar, we could have a block bar, which would slowly wear down the more hits you take.

'While you fight, no hits or lazer shots get past your lightsabre. All you see is the clashing of blades and deflection of bolts.

'When it's gone, you've enough health to take one, maybe two hits. Then you're dead.

'Man, that would even work for troopers' armour as well, and smugglers and the like could have a 'dodge' bar where they sidestep blows and shots until they finally get downed.'



Meh - it was probably too hard to do from a technical standpoint. But a man can dream.


That said. I think some of the fights here do get pretty epic. And the best duel in the films is definitely Vader v Luke part II. Oh, the humanity!

Edited by UltimateKrucible
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It really isn't, it lack so much impact, it's all to easy to space bar through.


Disagree, well watch Episode 1, Darth Maul fight, blaring music, such bad-assery, nothing even approaching that feeling, and this game was supposed to be huge on story?


Just watch this, anyone had this type of moment in SWTOR?





you referenced the prequels in a positive light, your opinion doesn't matter

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Sith Inquistor, Assassin Story is freakin' awesome. I just became a Darth so you know where I'm at. I thought it was epic as hell.


To be fair the Empire classes have much better stories compared to the Republic. Consular and Knight being the worst imo. Bounty Hunter was fun at first and the more I played the more I hated it.

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I have to say that is the best fight scene in the entire series. Its been recognised by the industry (Wish I could find the link) as one of the greatest sword fight scenes in any film.


please find this link because I am curious as to who thought that was one of the greatest sword fights in any film.


They have to be on crack.

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