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So easy to level a JUGG


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I just dinged 50 a few days ago with a jugg and I am just utterly confused with all these posts about how this or that level 35 jugg cant kill an elite or is getting owned by 2 silvers. I'm really not sure what the hell you guys are doing wrong. I've had no problems up till now...really. Perhaps look into these things?


1. Look at your gear. Look at the level requirements. If the level requirement of the piece is about 5 levels underneath your current level. It may be time to look for a new piece. TBH, the game via random drops and quest rewards, should provide you with all the pieces you need. Always grab the commendation. Those commendations will allow you to buy mods to keep yourself well equipped for any pve situation. look to pick up guardian pieces. i always went for the bigger endurance boost. get defense. shield and absorption i dont think are all its banged out to be. remember, you get a small chance to shield, and if that happens, you only absorp half of that dmg. more if you have a lot of absorption. and thats only on regular physical dmg. no kinetic, no elemental, no nothing. defense increases chance to parry and deflect and absorb.


2. Look at your companion. I honestly dont think companion gear even matters. But the companion you pick does significantly. I used vette till level 40 basically. She does great aoe dmg. If you're fighting mobs of regulars, 4-5 in number, pick vette. she takes care of everything fast. just aoe taunt when you run in. at level 40-50, depending on the mob, use quinn or jaesa. if the mobs a boss, or elite+silver, or 2 silvers+regulars, use quinn. if the mob is a solo elite or silver + regulars, use jaesa. Jaesa's single target dps seems to be much better than vettes. broonmark and the guy who uses aim sucks. they're tanks that cant tank crap.

ive only had to use defensive cooldowns when i wasnt paying attention and patrols or other mobs were aggroed. and even then, it was a pretty easy fight.

obviously, with quinn you have less downtime, but youre doing all the dmg. with jaesa, you have to heal after every 2-3 fights. up to you which you prefer. also, i would pick the one i have a higher companion rating with because gifts get more expensive. comapnion rating gain via convos during missions are free.


3. skill rotation - retaliate everytime its up (to get the 6% defense). smash everytime its up(to get the opponents to miss 5%). force scream with the skill tree sonic barrier everytime its up (to instantly get a 100-1000 shield depending on your level). when 10 guys are on you, turn on saber ward. if its still looking bad, use that 20 min cd that refreshes saber ward. use saber ward again. if you think you can win, turn on endure pain and the 40% dmg reduce. use a stim pack at the very end. if its looking bad before using the last ditch effort stim pack, run....while running, aoe slow the mob behind you, let your comp die (sorry companion), every 5 secs, let an aoe slow loose. you'll get away guaranteed.

also, as you level, your companion gains more skills, but you have to manually put them on auto cast. and everytime i change companions, their stances seem to get turned off. turn them on to have them do extra dmg or cause less aggro.


4. awareness. be aware of mobs. their locations. be aware of patrols.


5. pommel strike and karate kick. use these skills. they are your most dmging skills. people tend not to use them because they require the enemy to have certain conditions. dont be a noob. your vicious slash does 700 cost 3 rage and pommel and kick do 1000 and cost none. you can bring the mob down that much quicker. force leap, instantly karate kick. use one of your 3 stuns, pommel strike. as theyre coming out of it, force scream, and mess them up. a good finisher i like to kill of strong opponents when theyre at like 15-20% is the force push, saber throw, force leap, and then the saber throw that you can do close up when theyre under 10% followed by maybe a scream and your talent tree 31 skill. during this entire time, you take no dmg, keep that in mind for the hairy fights. jaesa does the aoe freeze all the time, meaning thats a free karate kick for you. i love jaesa.


5.5 i didnt give this a real number because it really shouldnt even be mentioned. dont play with one hand. use your damn keyboard and key binds.


6. pick a world thats 1-2 levels beneath you. quests can still be predominantly yellow and you'll have an easier time. even green quests give nice chunks of exp.


7. if after this read youre still having problems with any of the mobs and theyre not 5 levels higher than you, quit this game, cause you probably suck. and dont come to the forums and write a noob post stating leveling a jugg was too hard and youre leaving. we dont care. just quit. go play doom2 with god mode on.

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Almost wrote something like this. I agree with you 100% I think that people playing the class and having issues just really don't fully grasp how to play the class. Another thing I find annoying is when people complain about getting focus fired in wz. You're a melee class. It's going to happen. That simple. Jugg isn't like a sorc or other easy class that you can faceroll the keyboard and win, you have to actually pay attention to what you're doing
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I just hit 47 and have done a few of the quests on Corellia. I agree with the OP on this one. I have a Marauder and a Sorceror at 50 and this jugg has been much easier to level. The Sorceror was great early on, but the Juggernaut has been hands down the best through the 40's.
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It all depends how you play. as Immortal, yes you can take on everything bar heroics. it's also quite easy if you run with Quinn.


The thing is.. Quinn's a tool and and the most boring companion I've encounted yet. I chose to level as Immortal so I had no problem leveling but some people might not want to run as tank or they hate quinn as much as I do. for them I'd imagine leveling is a pain.

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While my juggernaut was my first 50, I had an easy time. (Except that one area mission of Voss that requires to kill two strongs)


I was always at the minimum level required for the planet, used Immortal + Jaesa until 43ish then went to rage and used Quinn. Kept my gear mostly up to date and mostly never had a problem.


My rotation is: Charge, smash, click on random abilities. I'm a clicker without a rotation.

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Why is it so hard to understand that leveling a jugg as Immortal =/= leveling a jugg as DPS. It's just not the same.


I'm very happy that the OP had such an easy time leveling as a tank, your advice is next to useless for dps specced juggs. And no, having only one viable tree for leveling is not ok. Yes, it's true that you can level as a dps jugg, it's just incredibly painful compared to other classes.

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True, my jugg even took most of nar shadaa at level 17, so yeah its a matter of gear and correctly timing your skills, especially considering that juggs got quite a few life-saving skills that can turn the tide of any battle.


As for people complainig about juggs, well truth is that all moves lose when played by losers:p

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I agree with the TO...and yes, it's easy to level as a tank AND as Vengeance Jug, it's just a matter of choice which companion you should prefer and of course it's a matter of gear...your gear and the gear of your companion. I leveled in vengeance from 1 to 50. Some groups you have to down fast, because of their damage ouput and sometimes it is annoying to pull, control and kill groups with lots of ranged DDs, but everything is possible.


Leveling with a lvl 43 Quinn in lvl 20 green equivalent gear and without switching on medic stance is no good idea. Questing with a lvl 44 Jaesa wearing a lvl 24 double light sword is even worse. Neglecting to upgrade your own light sword and therefore your damage ouput is a bad idea too. Ignoring your interrupt skill is bad either.


The big "oh no!" will occur at 50, if you start to tank with a Jug, before everything is cake :-)


"Edited and corrected because of a fundamental and infamious description error, Midichlorien, 13.02.2012"

Edited by Midichlorien
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I just hit 47 and have done a few of the quests on Corellia. I agree with the OP on this one. I have a Marauder and a Sorceror at 50 and this jugg has been much easier to level. The Sorceror was great early on, but the Juggernaut has been hands down the best through the 40's.
While I didn't find levelling a Jugg particularly hard, for me levelling my Sorc was cakewalk in comparison at higher levels. All you really need to do for normal mobs is run in and spam your AoE's and for silver/elite DoT then spam lightning until something procs.
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In my experience, classes easier to level than Jugg(Guard) of any spec are: Sawbones Scoundrel, MM Sniper, Balance Sage, Pyro PT, Medic Commando, Darkness Assassin.


SWToR itself isn't very hard, but some classes definitely have it faster and easier than others.

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Why is it so hard to understand that leveling a jugg as Immortal =/= leveling a jugg as DPS. It's just not the same.


I'm very happy that the OP had such an easy time leveling as a tank, your advice is next to useless for dps specced juggs. And no, having only one viable tree for leveling is not ok. Yes, it's true that you can level as a dps jugg, it's just incredibly painful compared to other classes.



Leveling a DPS Jugg isn't hard either. I'm in the process of leveling one right now, and it's far from being hard. Yeah the OP's post has more to do with the Immortal spec, but a lot of the same tactics seemingly apply across the board.

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I agree with the TO...and yes, it's easy to level as a tank AND as Vengeance Jug, it's just a matter of choice which companion you should prefer and of course it's a matter of gear...your gear and the gear of your companion. I leveled in vengeance from 1 to 50. Some groups you have to down fast, because of their damage ouput and sometimes it is annoying to pull, control and kill groups with lots of ranged DDs, but everything is possible.


Leveling with a lvl 43 Quinn in lvl 20 green equivalent gear and without switching on medic stance is no good idea. Questing with a lvl 44 Jaesa wearing a lvl 24 double light sword is even worse. Neglecting to upgrade your laser sword and therefore your damage ouput is a bad idea too. Ignoring your interrupt skill is bad either.


The big "oh no!" will occur at 50, if you start to tank with a Jug, before everything is cake :-)



Laser sword???? I die a little inside everytime I hear stuff like that.

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Laser sword???? I die a little inside everytime I hear stuff like that.


hmm, I reread my post and indeed, I said "double light sword" and then "laser sword", sorry for that. I edited it :-)


No chance to excuse that fauxpas with the argument that the "blade" of a light sword is indeed made of polarised and coherent light waves aka: laser? :-)

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or 2 silvers+regulars, use quinn


thats the thing, the situation in where you encounter those two silvers in question disables companions, you cant use quinn... for offensive oriented juggerbuilds, especially rage, the situation in most cases goes like this: kill the padawan guy, wipe to the master, go back in, kill the master... despite the fact they are both silver mobs, the master is much tougher...


overall i agree tho...

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I gotta agree Juggernaut is beastly, and I was just over in the Jedi Sentinel forums complaining about how weak the class is.


I avoided warrior classes after my sentinel seemed to suck, but my Juggernaut is laughing at everyone. I saw two on-level Jedi elites hanging out on Taris and killed them for sport (with jaesa equipped in her starter greens.)


The two boss fights (sand-demon and jedis) on Tattooine are kind of an aberration, but those are tough.


Otherwise Juggernaut is almost more powerful than my sorcerer.

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hmm, I reread my post and indeed, I said "double light sword" and then "laser sword", sorry for that. I edited it :-)


No chance to excuse that fauxpas with the argument that the "blade" of a light sword is indeed made of polarised and coherent light waves aka: laser? :-)


Nah I know what you meant, I was just giving you a little grief cause it was there lol

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The big "oh no!" will occur at 50, if you start to tank with a Jug, before everything is cake :-)


I totally agree.


Levelling as a tank jugg was really easy. Well geared quinn and i could deal with some H4 (green) alone (almost all of them until Hoth).


I've just reached 50 this week end. And my first attempt to tank with DPS fully purple geared was a nightmare... really.


Even on one target, the BH could take threat on me just with his huge DPS, while i had to taunt/zone taunt each time. That was even harder on groups (3-5 mobs).


I hope that will be better soon with better gear (Belsavis daylies give good armoring and mod, and i bought a 22 purple gardian guard for my lightsaber)


But for now, i'm really frustrated.

Edited by razgamaziel
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I'm getting really tired of seeing these posts so let me clarify it for you.


Spec of people who think Jugg leveling was easy: Immortal


Spec of people who think Jugg leveling was hard: Vengeance/Rage


You could say "Well they should level as tank spec" but that's not really fair now is it? There is also the fact that Juggs have significantly less CC to control mobs and damage is lighter than other classes while leveling.

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I totally agree.


Levelling as a tank jugg was really easy. Well geared quinn and i could deal with some H4 (green) alone (almost all of them until Hoth).


I've just reached 50 this week end. And my first attempt to tank with DPS fully purple geared was a nightmare... really.


Even on one target, the BH could take threat on me just with his huge DPS, while i had to taunt/zone taunt each time. That was even harder on groups (3-5 mobs).


I hope that will be better soon with better gear (Belsavis daylies give good armoring and mod, and i bought a 22 purple gardian guard for my lightsaber)


But for now, i'm really frustrated.


Yeah starting out it is REALLY frustrating. I have basically just been doing HM BT and occasionally HM Foundry each day if it's with PuG groups. If I can get a full guild run I will do HM FE. I'm currently sitting at around 16.8k with my Rakata Fortitude Stim, single target I don't have issues anymore really unless the DPS are in like full Columi/Rakata. I'm currently in Orange Gloves/Boots/Lightsaber with a mixture of Tionese/Columi stuff so threat is getting a little better but still pretty frustrating. If your guild is clearing normals try getting in a EV normal run or KP normal run, they are easier then some of the HM FPs.

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I'm getting really tired of seeing these posts so let me clarify it for you.


Spec of people who think Jugg leveling was easy: Immortal


Spec of people who think Jugg leveling was hard: Vengeance/Rage


You could say "Well they should level as tank spec" but that's not really fair now is it? There is also the fact that Juggs have significantly less CC to control mobs and damage is lighter than other classes while leveling.


Let's agree with: Immortal is more easy to lvl as Vengeance, but Vengeance isn't that hard with a well equipped Quinn. Some mob groups in Vengeance are a damage race though.


...but the "juggernaut-is-hard-to-lvl-attitude" may have another reason too. I am leveling a Sith Sorcerer right now, lvl 26 and rising (just a mostly blue equipped Khem Val as tank right now) and I have to admit...THIS is easiness in leveling in its true form.


In compare to a sorcerer, leveling a vengeance Jug may be hard, yes. It depends - as always - on the colour of the piece of grass you came from and the sorcerer grass might be greener in this case:-)

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I am personally waiting for them to fix whatever is wrong with the jedi knight and sith warrior classes, since i need to put in 4x as much effort to do what the other classes can do with the least bit of effort.


Nah, it's not even close to that bad. Sith Jugg/Jedi Guardian may be weaker but they aren't much weaker than the rest.

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