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I used Vette from the moment i got her until hoth or so. And i did stop using her because it wasn't working, but because i wanted to use a different companion. Using Vette is completely manageable IMO. A lot of people are probably going to say use quinn, but to me having to channel hate for 3 seconds after a fight and taking down mobs twice as fast using Vette is more enjoyable than doing all the work yourself and getting heals from Quinn.
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Use Quinn. You will start loving the healing and you will really need it. Of course Vette is playable, but you will have a more easy time with Quinn. Also if you run Heroics together with 3 persons you can use Quinn as your fourth healer. Then he is ready to be used with the latest gear.
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Visit the AH and get Quinn some implants, an earpiece, and use any commendations you don't use to gear him out. Doing this I tear through enemies in PvE. Also, get your shockfrozen water. It significantly lowers downtime in-between mobs. Jet remember to remove the buff it gives you by right clicking so you alway get the heal
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I leveled, raid, and PVP as annihilation. As far as lvling goes, I used Vette until I got Jaessa, then used her exclusively for the remainder. I never used Quinn as some people would make you believe is a necessity.


Did you level as Carnage or Rage?

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Leveling with Quinn is definitely faster. You might lose out on some dps, however there is next to no downtime, and if you happen to pull bigger packs of mobs, you won't die horribly.


My marauder is currently level 26 and I've been using Quinn since I got him at 17. I like vette, too, because of her damage and humoristic comments during battles, but Quinn is just alot more powerful as a healer, in my opinion.


Also have a level 50 sentinel that I leveled with Doc only since I got him. (Sentinels get Doc (quinn equivalent) at level 33-36 so there's a huge advantage to Marauders right there.

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I use Quinn a lot. Make things easier, specially when I face mobs at my same level. I switch to other companions for some variety only.


I'm pretty sure you can get to 50 without ever using him, but you'll have to perform "better" and kill everybody real fast, otherwise you'll hurt. And that's a problem for me. There's so much fighting for everything, that combat gets tiresome sometimes. Combat is fun, but not THAT fun.

Cleaning up the same trash over and over, every step of the way, makes it boring for me. At least with Quinn things are more restful. I just try to keep his gear up to date.


Another reason for using him is that I want Vette and Jaesa available for crafting and missions. They have the highest affection level. Quinn, not so much.


Finally, with Quinn, I'm able to run the Heroics 2 only being 2, 3 levels above, maybe less if there are droids I can disable, like the Taris' one

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