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    Swoop da whoop
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    Firing Meh Lazor
  1. I used Vette from the moment i got her until hoth or so. And i did stop using her because it wasn't working, but because i wanted to use a different companion. Using Vette is completely manageable IMO. A lot of people are probably going to say use quinn, but to me having to channel hate for 3 seconds after a fight and taking down mobs twice as fast using Vette is more enjoyable than doing all the work yourself and getting heals from Quinn.
  2. +1 Signed. Desperately need a character transfer
  3. Thank you for the reply, Is there anyway you could link me to a starter build for it? That would be amazing
  4. Which spec are you using at the moment if you don't mind me asking? Like I said, I've been reading about rage for a leveling spec but I wasn't sure. And I wanted to give a little bit of evidence that it wasn't that sucky instead of just saying it.
  5. + 100 forum points for not being a ****head. BUT... you forgot the biggest CON... We need more hooded armor. That's the main thing I'd change. Oh and im tired of looking like I deeply enjoy S&M with my skin tight leather chest piece. That is the only thing I'd add to the list.
  6. If You aren't happy with the class don't play it and stop ************ about it?
  7. So before I go to work or when I've got some downtime I try to get on here and learn to play my class a little better, see what people have to speculate on each build and get a better overall idea of how my class is supposed to play. Every time I get on here though, I find myself search through pages of flame threads about how ****** our class is, and how we have to use Quinn, and how bioware is so stupid for blah blah blah, and I apologize how this semi-long introduction into my topic. I have played carnage and Anni specs for leveling (currently anni, switched about 21 when I could get deadly saber) and in my honest opinion, because with a damage meter and any hard numbers it's all I have, I have had no problem what so ever leveling as both carnage or anni, and I have used Vette the entire time and had no problems, and I have dabbled in pvp and done moderately well, and overall I LOVE this class, just the way it is. I'm not going to lie, pre level 20 it was rough, I was ending up with 25% health after taking on a silver and 2 weak mobs, I was having to duck and weave through patrols to make sure I never aggroed more than I could take, I DIED... quite a few times, but you know what, I enjoyed this class more because of it. The class quest was actually interesting, it kept me on my toes, and if I wasn’t paying attention, I got the crap kicked out of me. I like popping my CDs to have to beat a story elite, and I like the challenge they brought me when doing my main story mode. Also to clarify pre 20 I was a weird carnage anni hybrid that was supposed to maximize fury to I could constantly have berserk up, it would decently but not quite the way I had intended. Then I hit 21 and specced to anni, which is my current build, and it seems easier, I’ve also changed some key bindings and I believe have just gotten an overall better feel for my toon. The main problem I’m having is that mobs are dying too fast to get anything beneficial from myself heals. I'm currently level 30 and just hit alderaan. I will admit I did group with a sith assassin friend while on tatoonie, but I did play solo and I was not having much trouble taking down groups or even elites with 1 or 2 adds, but I never tried 1 elite with 2 silver adds. All in all though I’m very pleased with this class and the things I would think about changing are pretty negligible, primarily having an aoe stun I can use on silvers, or another aoe altogether. I'm sure this thread will inevitably turn into a flame war or whatever, but for people like myself who aren't sitting here complaining about how crap the class is and are actually trying to learn from the people who know what they’re doing, here's a thread to show that it’s not really the class as much as it is the people who are pissy because this class requires a decent amount of attention that are giving Mara a bad rep. Also, quick little thing, if any of the aforementioned "people who know how to play this class well, and aren't going to complain about how horrible Mara is" would like to help me, I’m leveling Anni right now, but I feel like I’m not reaping the benefits I should be from the DOT heals, is there a better way of going through a pull? Or I’ve read a couple places that Rage is more centered on AOE damage, mainly smash, would that spec be a bit more viable for questing leveling? And just some overall tips on how to improve would be greatly appreciated.
  8. I agree. or maybe her stats just arent cutting it? i usually make she she has as good of gear as me, but pulls shouldnt be living long enough to kill either of you. I have used Vette since the moment i got her, and she can solo pulls better than i can. That being said i usually open with a force charge then deadly saber then smash to keep the add's aggro on me and she may pull one off me occasionally. I'm level 30 now and for the most part have been leveling alone and i really dont see the big thing about having to use quinn.
  9. I want to take this time to thank you for giving an actual honest opinion about the class, and evidence to support it. I'm level 23 at the moment and am rolling carnage, and its not the easiest, but not the hardest. At what level did you switch from Carnage to Annihilation, out of curiosity? And which companion was your primary? I've heard many people talk about having to only use Quinn, but I'm using Vette and so long as she is decently gear she can kill mobs faster than I can.
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