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Cross Server WZ


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Why in the world would you cancel your sub? You don't like shorter Qs, and the ability to go do what you want while you wait for a group? I will never understand while some people enjoy spending all day in the fleet staring viciously at gen chat waiting for the words.... lfm dps.... Which on my server never happens. :p
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Why in the world would you cancel your sub? You don't like shorter Qs, and the ability to go do what you want while you wait for a group? I will never understand while some people enjoy spending all day in the fleet staring viciously at gen chat waiting for the words.... lfm dps.... Which on my server never happens. :p


a) cross server PVE isn't happening, qq.

b) how anyone that did a little bit of maths at school can think that in a game where EVERY server has a huge Empire population and a small Republic population that adding cross server is going to fix queue times in any way other than giving you EVEN more Huttball, is way over my head.


Frankly if you don't get why so many hate cross server PVE then it wouldn't shock me to hear that you're part of the problem.

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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a) cross server PVE isn't happening, qq.

b) how anyone that did a little bit of maths at school can think that in a game where EVERY server has a huge Empire population and a small Republic population that adding cross server is going to fix queue times in any way other than giving you EVEN more Huttball, is way over my head.


Frankly if you don't get why so many hate cross server PVE then it wouldn't shock me to hear that you're part of the problem.


a) Who said cross server PVE isn't happening?

b) Did I say anything about Republic population? My server has a very very small amount of 50's that pvp... Which results in very long wait times for even huttball

c) I listed the pros to cross-server lfg.. I failed to see your list of cons. All I saw was your condescending and hostile attitude.

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b) how anyone that did a little bit of maths at school can think that in a game where EVERY server has a huge Empire population and a small Republic population that adding cross server is going to fix queue times in any way other than giving you EVEN more Huttball, is way over my head.


Can't stress this enough. Most servers could have instant queues if they didn't put a threshhold on how long you should wait before starting a huttball game.


Queue length's won't be diminished at all outside of asking the game to specifically queue you for Huttball as an empire. "Oh you want to queue for Voidstar? Well get in line behind the other 400,000 empire waiting for republic to do the same thing."

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b) Did I say anything about Republic population? My server has a very very small amount of 50's that pvp... Which results in very long wait times for even huttball.


If your server doesn't have 16 people queuing for warzones, you should be begging Bioware for a server merge. You should not be asking for cross-server warzones.

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The Huttball threshold could be the problem... Either way 15min Qs for huttball is lame at best. The thing is before the 50 bracket we had 30s-1min Qs... So i don't know.


I'm sure the threshhold was a lot lower before people started ************ on the forums about "I would rather wait for Alderaan and Voidstar than constantly get Huttball" Of course forum posters never think things through when they demand Bioware do something about something they don't like.

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Considering I actually want to nurture a SERVER-specific community, I am not excited at all


Server merge before cross-server WZs, imo.


I half agree... I love demolishing the imps when we do, but I also hate the queue times if I'm queuing in a group. Hopefully cross server helps queue times and doesn't just force more Huttball.

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I half agree... I love demolishing the imps when we do, but I also hate the queue times if I'm queuing in a group. Hopefully cross server helps queue times and doesn't just force more Huttball.


In almost all cases grouping servers together will not alleviate the problems you mention, and in the instance where it will alleviate the problem a flat server merge is a better solution.

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I'm sure the threshhold was a lot lower before people started ************ on the forums about "I would rather wait for Alderaan and Voidstar than constantly get Huttball" Of course forum posters never think things through when they demand Bioware do something about something they don't like.


Like all the demands that people most likely just like the OP wanted too many servers at launch,i have seen this before in so many games,next they will want experience potions,one click travel to the group anywhere,double trade skill weekends,tone down World bosses,etc etc.

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I'm against it. It just kills the experience. People that are cross-realm queuing will be even more apt to quitting because they won't have anyone from their server holding them accountable for anything. I'm by no means saying it doesn't happen now, but I definitely make note and put people on ignore that leave within the first 2 minutes of a WZ. The other end of it is, I like fighting with and against the same people on MY server. It builds rivalries and camaraderie.


Like others said if your server is so terribly imbalanced, they should be doing server merging or offer free transfers. Of course they won't do that because people will then think the game is dying.

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Part of the fun of pvp is to actually battle imps and pubs that you recognize...for example I was on tat murdering lowbies and a certain sith sorc came along and wasted me and spammed his aoe on me so I couldn't rez....trust me I remembered his name...then one lucky day I came accross him in the voidstar and let my guild know what he had done to me. Needless to say we made his life miserale the whole match...that's a classic moment that we won't get anymore with cross server pvp...I'm against it...seriously its not the republics fault that everyone wanted to look super bad *** and roll a sith character...besides the point has been made its not gonna fix the que times....please merge servers!!
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There was nothing wrong with queues on my server.


Cross realm PvP is completely different than single realm PvP.


"So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss."


Can't know your enemies when you have so many. You may play a week straight and go up against the same people only a couple times. How can you know your enemy when you have so many? This is a move in the wrong direction. More faction vs. faction maps would have been a better idea. Cross realm PvP makes PvP seem more like gambling than war. Hit the queue button and hope you're fighting players you know how to fight.


I mean, seriously... What made Magic vs. Bird so exciting? They played against each other for the longest time and knew each other inside and out. It made the game that much more exciting. Cross realm PvP is like turning on your television to watch an NBA game and seeing the Los Angeles Lakers vs. some team from one of the Chinese leagues. There's no rivalry, it's two teams that have probably never seen each other play.. and over time the games would get more and more interesting, but they may never play each other ever again so you'll never see both teams fully prepared for each other and going at it like the Lakers & Celtics did with Magic vs. Bird.


If you want cross realm PvP, make it opt-in. That way realms with strong rivalries can still have their rivalries and only cross realm PvP during the dull hours (assuming there are any).

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If you want cross realm PvP, make it opt-in. That way realms with strong rivalries can still have their rivalries and only cross realm PvP during the dull hours (assuming there are any).


Letting people opt-out of the program counter-acts the solution to the problem it "supposedly" fixes. If you are arguing for cross-server battlegroups you are making the argument that one big player pool is superior to smaller player pools.


I see no evidence to suggest that is the case on any healthy server with a reasonable population. My server "Helm of Graush" is currently the 45th most populated realm. I see no problems with queue times. If your server is experiencing long queues because you can't get 16 people to queue for a warzone, you need a server merge.

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Tired off having level 10-49 all clumped together in warzones? Want more elaborate warzones in the future? Can you imagine having epic 50v50 and 100v100 warzones matches added to this game? Want to be able to que for these in under a minute at 3 am? Well stop wishing because cross server queing is coming and will make this all possible.


Don't worry about losing your sense of server community! You can still que with your buddies and that familiar arch nemesis of yours from the opposite faction will still be waiting for you in Ilum. Im positive BW will create more world pvp zones so you can get your server only, faction rumbles on!


Warzones are intended to give us fun pvp games in an instant. World pvp is intended to get your familiar faced grudge matches on.

Edited by OgKiller
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Tired off having level 10-49 all clumped together in warzones? Want more elaborate warzones in the future? Can you imagine having epic 50v50 and 100v100 warzones matches added to this game? Want to be able to que for these in under a minute at 3 am? Well stop wishing because cross server queing is coming and will make this all possible.


Don't worry about losing your sense of server community! You can still que with your buddies and that familiar arch nemesis of yours from the opposite faction will still be waiting for you in Ilum. Im positive BW will create more world pvp zones so you can get your server only, faction rumbles on!


Warzones are intended to give us fun pvp games in an instant. World pvp is intended to get your familiar faced grudge matches on.


World PvP is great. But most people prefer small, even numbers facing off against each other. Basketball is 5v5, baseball is 9v9 (10v10 with a DH), football is 11v11, hockey is 6v6, soccer is 11v11. How awful would these sports be if it were 100v100 or 50v50 or 40v12. I want to play PvP like its a sport, not like its a convention.

Edited by Semitote
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