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MMO Vets, What do you think?


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dont flame but this is what I think (sorry I just copy/paste this from my answer on a KoA:Reckoning forum)



played SWTOR for a month and I cancelled my subscription 5 days after my free month started.

a dumbed down **** MMO rpg with a Pvp/pve gear gap where everybodys running around looking the same and where when youre new 50 into pvp you crit for 500 while others kill you in 2 hits cause Biowares went with the stupidass Pvp gear formulae that killed WoW when Burning cruisade came out = a nono for me. sadly I thought the game was good until I hit 50 and realised how it was a **** boring mess and how I got myself into the same **** boat that made me quit WoW.


I miss good old Vanilla WoW and good old games where gear actually was an achievement,cool to get,and could make you unique from the others. KoA kinda has that feel,theres sooo much cool pieces of gear/weapons to find and unique stuff I just wish they didnt implant the gosh darn game-breaking Blacksmithing proffession FFS I swear Id punch whoevers the moron that started the ''Modern RPGs require you being a blacksmith gnuhhhhh duhhhhh,make the best gear reachable by being blacksmith muhhhhh'' YOURE A **** HERO/ADVENTURER NOT SOME OLD *** BEARDED MAN THAT SPENDS HIS DAY AT THE FORGE. GEAR IS MEANT TO BE FOUND VIA RANDOM DROPS/BOSS FIGHTS/CHESTS IN DUNGEONS.


anyway if you want my opinion: KoA> a boring Imba pay-per-month trash

Edited by OuTLaWzQC
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WoW did it because all the casuals cried foul play and unfair treatment. If they would have just told then to just suck it up and play the part of the game designed for you then it would have been just fine.


Dont blame a company (WoW) for doing something that another company (SWTOR) is doing the exact same thing.


The best thing for SWTOR to do is tell all the "casuals" to either play the game the way we design it or go play WoW. Grow some balls and use them. You give in to them once and they will just step all over you while destroying your game but they dont care because they can just move onto another one.


Get off your high horse

We all start out as casual players and if you carry on playing you will end up as a casual player


The whole point of these type of games is to cater for all playing styles and skill levels

They want mass appeal

How many casual players do hard modes ?

Are they on the forums asking for them to be made easier ?


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I've played a lot of MMOs, but compared to a real MMO veteran, I'm a newb. Nevertheless, MMOs are just games, they aren't required to be like other MMOs. In fact, they should innovate and change over time to survive.


SWTOR did what it says it would: be the MMO successor to KoTOR.


The MMO part still needs work, but the KoTOR parts are great, and the world is pretty cool.


Well designed for a casual player like me.

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I have played pretty much every AAA title, or any game claimed would kill WoW to give those games a chance. I have played many free mmos, and many other foreign mmos to. From WoW to Aion to WAR to DDO and many many others, my first mmo was infact UO(never got to far though) back in the day, and first mmo i hit max level in was CoH/V, i've playes so many various mmos each has own qwirks issues and high lights.


When comes to TOR the main hightlight is its story and in that regard it dominates any mmo, though its voice acting falls short of DCUO(sorry can't beat mark hamils joker, adam baldwin as super man ect) and in fact story of DCUO was pretty darn good! but TOR gets edge to do alignment and choices and how story can change in slight ways.


That said... TOR does absolutely NOTHING innovative aprt from there story, and could be argued that they don't do anything at all innovative do to fact it was all done in ME before. Only true thing added was multi-player aspect. Now some will argue don't need to change what works but...here is the issue and try and be blunt as possible...


TOR uses almost every mechanic in WoW as far as end game goes, BG focus, raids, commendations(badges) ect ect ect! done all of this before in fact done it all for 6+ years in WoW. Combat is not varied enough to justify doing it all over again in a differant setting and while i DO think TOR does some things right, over all does many other things very wrong. Resolve is a failure and instead of removing it they keep a broken mechanic when DR's are better, CC in general is broken atm and many classes have a samey feel when they are played. What i mean by samey feel is that every ranged class has almost exact same defenses, an aoe knock back, a 4 second stun, a snare, ect ect is no real variation in classes! heck even sorc and merc use same spam channel mechanic pretty much!


So what boils down to is fact that...while TOR tries its best to be unique it just fails terribly, does nothing new and i cant think of a reason to play it over WoW(other then fact i hate WoW). When have games like say Tera which has a fun new combat system, beatiful world, and generally feels fresh it is hard to justify staying with TOR. For me... i think old style MMO's are just a dead horse at this point... many will continue to enjoy them i'm not one of those people... and not even that i hate TOR in general i got my 80 bucks out of the game, i enjoyed my SI's story, i LOVED playing the story but it is just that everything else feels really bad...



-Bioware Fanboy since BG1-

-lvl 50 Sorc-

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My thoughts are in the link in my sig (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=216855). To that post, add this:


- No day/night cycle

- No swimming

- No housing

- No Pazaak, Sabacc, Dejarik, races, casino, etc...

- Dumbed down character creation

- No post-creation character customization

- No appearance tab/outfit system

- No high res textures

- No environmental interaction (chairs, walls, doors, etc...)

- Simple combat with static enemies

- Unconvincing and stiff animations

- Empty dead worlds with not enough NPCs moving around

- No collision detection

- No stats on resources

- No crafting customization

- Restriction in choice of starship

- No ship decoration

- Dumbed down space combat

- No multiplayer space combat

- Removal of many races

- No faction change/neutrality

- Restriction and instanced planets by faction

- Less planets than announced

- Planets rated by levels with no reason to go back

- No GM events

- Removal of choice to kill companion

- Removal of possibility to talk to other faction at all times

- No RP tools

- Nothing to do post-story

- Endgame consisting on waiting in fleet


Why not just say you want SWG2?

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That said... TOR does absolutely NOTHING innovative aprt from there story, and could be argued that they don't do anything at all innovative do to fact it was all done in ME before. Only true thing added was multi-player aspect. Now some will argue don't need to change what works but...here is the issue and try and be blunt as possible...


/signed and Amen.


It's not that it is an inherently bad game, it is that it does nothing different other than voice acting, and in fact does many thing worse than games that are currently F2P.


Cliffs fix pvp pls

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I troll the forums much less than I play (until something better comes out). I'll probably play for another 2 months and this one will go on the shelf like all of the other MMOs not meeting their potential.


Great, then you agree the game was a success for you? You are playing it for multiple months!


They aren't trying to sell an alternative to real life here, just a computer game.

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Great, then you agree the game was a success for you? You are playing it for multiple months!


They aren't trying to sell an alternative to real life here, just a computer game.


Not really. The big investment is already made, so its just realizing the opportunity cost already paid.

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Too spell it out more clearly for you MMOLootGrinders...


If you cannot keep players like me playing the game, it will go F2P, there is nothing else to say about it.


Once it goes F2P, you can kiss that handy dandy wish list goodbye, cause none of it will happen.

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Too spell it out more clearly for you MMOLootGrinders...


If you cannot keep players like me playing the game, it will go F2P, there is nothing else to say about it.


Once it goes F2P, you can kiss that handy dandy wish list goodbye, cause none of it will happen.


Ah, the "I'm part of a vast majority and you must cater to me or the game will go F2P" defense.


I'm not buying it, chief.

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Ah, the "I'm part of a group and you must cater to vast majority of groups or the game will go F2P" defense.


I'm not buying it, chief.


Fixed it for you champ. The only thing this game caters to currently are loot grinders who will enjoy their new helmet after the 50000th pvp match and casual players who will never finish the single player content.

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I was probably labeled "fanboy" in the early stages of the game (late beta, EGA and first weeks of release) as I really liked the initial feel of the game.


Lately I must say there is really nothing keeping my interest in the game, even though I log on every day, it's mostly to craft and do some trading.

First of all I must say that I do think that BW managed to bring the "feel" of Star Wars into the game, regardless of the many shortcomings. The first few weeks of leveling, with voice acting and settings that were familiar from the movies, really made it feel like I had hoped and expected.


Unfortunately BWs lack of understanding the MMORPG world has been made obvious the more I have played the game. Not gonna go into details, but I must say that itemization in this game is among the worst I have seen over the years. Has anyone at BW heard about balance ?


Too bad that there is nothing (else) worth playing on the market currently.

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Not really. The big investment is already made, so its just realizing the opportunity cost already paid.


I see, so you will spend 100s of hours over the next couple months doing something you don't want to do in order to feel Ok about spending $60 on this game?


Interesting. To me, that seems like making a bad thing worse. But it is your time and money.

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I see, so you will spend 100s of hours over the next couple months doing something you don't want to do in order to feel Ok about spending $60 on this game?


Interesting. To me, that seems like making a bad thing worse. But it is your time and money.


More like I will play this game for 100 hours instead of getting my hopes up about another crappy game, playing 100 hours, and pay another $60 for it as a cherry on top.

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Too spell it out more clearly for you MMOLootGrinders...


If you cannot keep players like me playing the game, it will go F2P, there is nothing else to say about it.


Once it goes F2P, you can kiss that handy dandy wish list goodbye, cause none of it will happen.


You are still not getting it...most people don't play the game this way!


The vast majority of WoW's subs in North America are casual. A large 5 of WoW players never got to 60. People come and go all the time in these games. Only a small % actually stick with the game for years on end.


SWTOR will appeal to a different group of people, and so it won't ever need to go F2P for that reason at least. The game will continuously grow like a single player game, not die in months from ultra-finicky MMO folks that want a life style, not a game.

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My thoughts are in the link in my sig (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=216855). To that post, add this:


- No day/night cycle - Each Planet has its own Cycle, So that would be nearly impossible

- No swimming - Doesnt need it

- No housing - Games been out for 2 months

- No Pazaak, Sabacc, Dejarik, races, casino, etc..., Thats cool, Was it ever promised?

- Dumbed down character creation, You wear a helm 95% of the time

- No post-creation character customization, Games been out for 2 months

- No appearance tab/outfit system, Does that really bother you?

- No high res textures, Textures are above 2k

- No environmental interaction (chairs, walls, doors, etc...)

- Simple combat with static enemies, Try doing raids

- Unconvincing and stiff animations, Show me better

- Empty dead worlds with not enough NPCs moving around, So you can do what? Right click them to do nothing?

- No collision detection, Collision is BAD in MMo's

- No stats on resources

- No crafting customization, LOL WRONG

- Restriction in choice of starship, At least it has one.

- No ship decoration, Game is 2 months old

- Dumbed down space combat, Game is two months old

- No multiplayer space combat, Game is two months old

- Removal of many races, How is it a removal, When it was never in?

- No faction change/neutrality, Game has been out for 2 months

- Restriction and instanced planets by faction, WRONG WRONG WRONG

- Less planets than announced, Wrong

- Planets rated by levels with no reason to go back, Datacrons, Codec entries, Ganking etc.

- No GM events, WAT?

- Removal of choice to kill companion, Never was finalised

- Removal of possibility to talk to other faction at all times, You can talk to other faction in /say

- No RP tools, Cry more?

- Nothing to do post-story, Raids, PVP, Flashpoints, Wait for new raids, Welcome to MMO

- Endgame consisting on waiting in fleet, wut


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Great, then you agree the game was a success for you? You are playing it for multiple months!


They aren't trying to sell an alternative to real life here, just a computer game.


Don't tell that to EA. Taken from their Investor Meeting Feb. 1 2012:


"Our third global blockbuster in the quarter was Star Wars - The Old Republic. Yoou've heard all the superlatives. The only thing I can add is Bioware Austin has delivered a game that millions of people are going to be playing for a very long time."


I don't think by "...a very long time" Frank Gibeau was thinking a few months and then you quit. He is clearly thinking everyone will be playing it for years to come.


I think BW can accomplish this. But they have to make the game more immersive and alive. Make the game a place you would want to visit, even live.

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Why in gods name would anyone pay $60+$15/month for a single player game? The MMO history books are lined with dead MMOs because the design sucked although they have redeeming qualities.


Noone is asking for a perfect game. I am asking for a game that it seems like the developers have played for more than 10 minutes. Like Voidstar how the team that goes second autoloses because they are on speeder bike. Like how operatives has about the same number of stuns as every other class in the game and are strictly inferior in every other way. I am talking about how there are no 2v2/4v4 queues. I'm talking about how this game has the worst character appearance system in an P2P MMO in years.


This stuff isn't rocket science. This is basic observation. Turning these small things around is not a terribly hard thing to fix but I am not sure it is going to happen.

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Great, then you agree the game was a success for you? You are playing it for multiple months!


They aren't trying to sell an alternative to real life here, just a computer game.


Wow wow wow there ... computer game - why get all that pretentious.

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what else do the Vets think? QUOTE]


Answering the original poster's question about thoughts on the game:


I recently unsubbed for me and my wife. We are paid to April, but it is unlikely we'll log in again as neither of us has any motivation or desire to do so. That being said, here are some capsule thoughts on the game:


Levelling 1-50


Some of the best execution of this in a game that I've experienced. Small bugs and lag aside, it was so much fun that I would recommend the game to somebody even if it is just to play up to 50 and then turn it off. Great job and solid foundation.




This is a personal opinion and not a critique of the game per se, but I really dislike the PVP in Tor. I found it virtually non-existent until you hit 50 and go to Illum. Even then, the zones are designed for minimal overlap so that it appears that the game is designed to allow you to avoid PvP for the most part unless you go to a designated zone. The Warzones feel awkward and very cramped. The play by play and instruction voice-overs drove me crazy. And more than anything, the combat and character responsiveness still feels very 'off', even after all the changes. Some probably love it. But for me, I guess I'm just too used to what I have experienced in Wow which always felt very natural and like it flowed.


One you are 50


This was the game breaker for me. 3-4 weeks into level 50 I had gathered all the daily commendation gear I needed ... geared up to full epics at mostly a cologni/rakatta level ... maxed professions ... finished all the datacrons ... and had cleared all the raids and done a portion on heroic. Problem is, I realized that I had nothing of consequence to work on or toward in the game. I had biochem as my crafting profession as you'd be crazy not to have it for pvp or pve - but this also removed any need to farm or replenish supplies as I simply had an inexhaustible supply of reuseable stims, medpacs, and adrenals. The space combat was fun at first, but you only go to see the same movie so many times before it gets old. And with nothing of consequence to save space badges for ... well, you get it. Finally, there are no logs or meters available. For me, this is a whole extra dimension to the game that can provide endless opportunity to tinker with my toon as I look for the most optimal rotation, opening, gear, stats, etc. Without this, it felt like I was at a baseball game that wasn't bothering to keep score since they just wanted the kids to have fun and enjoy the scenery. That's cool while you are levelling, but at some point the people who take their gaming seriously want to know how they stack up and want to begin figuring out how to move up the ladder. Tor has no means for seeing how you stack up ... no meters, no logs, no published achieves, and no armory. There is more, but this is the gist of it for me.


Bottom line


A very decent game that will appeal to many people, but for me ( and most of my guildies who delved in with me but have also been fading ), I lost interest a few weeks after dinging 50. Great levelling ... not a fan of pvp ... very thin @ 50.


Just my two cents. Wishing everyone the best that is still enjoying and I'm still rooting for you BW. Cheers.

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Fix for you: SW Galaxies, that was released 6 years ago, with a much older engine and had more planets... had day and night cycles and yes, they were all different, you could arrive on tattoine and see night and then go back to another planet and it was day*. Do some research before you state something ;).

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Fun game for a month or so, but after awhile there's less and less reason to log on.




1. Crafting becomes very meaningless in end game. With the exception of biochem, which due to poor design becomes a must have profession, crew skills are largely irrelevant. All gear will come from pvp/pve.



2. Dialogue makes repeating flashpoints very long and tedious. Sure you can spacebar, but usually someone in a random group won't and you will have to put up with it despite hearing the dialogue maybe a dozen times before.


3. PVP system is too boring to support the valor grind to battlemaster. With only 3 warzones and ilum, getting to valor rank 60 is just painful. This is especially true on servers with major faction imbalances.



4. Purple quality loot is too easy to obtain. There's no sense of satisfaction when you can easily pick up purple gear so soon after hitting lv 50.

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