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Allow us to play without companions.


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The companion character has obviously been built into the game at a deep level. Story hinges on companion dialog, content has been calibrated for difficulty based on having a companion along, story arcs are rewarded with new companions with new roles. This is an element central to the game design. It isn't just a lampshade on top.


It isn't something you can remove without this becoming a different game. I am sorry if that is the game you are looking for. I am enjoying this one - flaws and all. Realistically, there is no way companions will be removed. Your closest recourse is, as has been said, to dismiss your companion when not needed. You will need your companion to progress some story content. That's just how the game is made.

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How is this thread still alive.


You can play without companions "Dismiss Companion"


Obvious troll is super obvious.


Clueless poster is clueless. Did you even read anything before you typed? Yes, you can dismiss your pet- I mean "companion". So you can face content designed to be overtuned so that you *need* a companion, by yourself. Effectively meaning, you can't level without a companion.

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That's fine if you love it, then play that way. I'm just asking for people that don't love it to be allowed the same option.


Put forward a viable solution for this. Nerfing all content to be "soloable" (as in doable without a companion) would mean that for those who actually enjoy companions levelling would become a total faceroll (not that it's hard anyway).


Try playing Mass Effect or KotOR without companions. Even though those are single player games you will be stuck at some point.


I can offer you a solution if you hate them so much: be a total and utter completionist early on (starting planet, capital planet, early flashpoints, space missions), complete every quest and you will be around five or six levels above required after leaving your third planet. There, you can solo everything afterwards.


There is one legimitate complaint that can be made about companions: that in some story quests you're forced to take a certain one, without any kind of warning in advance. Jedi Knights or Troopers will certainly know what I mean.

Edited by Siorac
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The companion character has obviously been built into the game at a deep level. Story hinges on companion dialog, content has been calibrated for difficulty based on having a companion along, story arcs are rewarded with new companions with new roles. This is an element central to the game design. It isn't just a lampshade on top.


It isn't something you can remove without this becoming a different game. I am sorry if that is the game you are looking for. I am enjoying this one - flaws and all. Realistically, there is no way companions will be removed. Your closest recourse is, as has been said, to dismiss your companion when not needed. You will need your companion to progress some story content. That's just how the game is made.


Which would be fine, provided the companions didn't have the AI of a turnip. I'd be fine with them if I didn't constantly babysit them.

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I'm not sure it is.


Thing that it would be impossible to do without a companion, it would be impossible to do in other (comparable MMORPGs) games too.


And it would still much easier than it once was, playing the most solo unfriendly SWTOR class without a companion is still much easier than playing the most solo friendly EQ1 class for example.





They do need to fix some stuff with companions though, you're completely right about that.


Like what? What needs to be fixed with the companions except for maybe a "turn off voice" for

the ship robots?

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Clueless poster is clueless. Did you even read anything before you typed? Yes, you can dismiss your pet- I mean "companion". So you can face content designed to be overtuned so that you *need* a companion, by yourself. Effectively meaning, you can't level without a companion.


you have been here since sept, and you are just posting this? it has been known for quite a long time that companions were needed. it has been stated by the devs, in several interviews and posts, that the game is designed around using them. we have been told that we can dismiss them, but the game will be very difficult. if that is something that bothers you, why even buy the game in the first place?

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Which would be fine, provided the companions didn't have the AI of a turnip. I'd be fine with them if I didn't constantly babysit them.


You donot need to constantly babysit them. Set thier preferences for AI depending on the class your playing and what mobs you normally are fighting ( such as turn off any aoe they may do..thus breaking CC ) and your good to go.

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Allow us to play without companions. ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)



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Look at his thread history to complaining about nerf's..then complain having a companion makes thing's easier. He's an obvious troll and feeding him is bad.

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Just my opinion, but I like the companions and feel that it is a good thing that BW has as part of the game.


No the AI is not perfect, but it is so much better than in other games. I played a demo lock and frost mage in WOW (and a unholy DK) and think that the AI in swtor is world above anything that I saw in WOW.


I also use my, in ship, companions for crafting and try to keep them busy and like that I can take a minute and empty the junk out of my bags with a click on my current in game companion.


Now if I could get Khem Val (I call him Clem) to shut up and stop telling me that he is going to kill me, I would be a happy camper.

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Which would be fine, provided the companions didn't have the AI of a turnip. I'd be fine with them if I didn't constantly babysit them.



OKay, wait, now we're getting somewhere. So what you are actually saying is "Bioware, I would like you to improve the AI of the companions".


I personally do not have a problem with companion AI (so far), but if you do perhaps you could suggest some improvements to their AI that would make you happy?

Edited by mrcaptainpants
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I love how the ******* are just posting "dismiss companion" They obviously have not read the original post or their comprehension is quite low. I agree with the original poster that it would be nice to be able to travel without a companion and not be penalized (several story encounters are near impossible without one out) They do at times feel like dead weight when you are pretty much forced to upgrade their equipment to keep them viable, much like a lot of companions in bioware's previous games. There is nothing wrong with wishing to experience the game without them. Then again, these are the forums, where it's a requirement to be a tool towards anyone making a reasonable request. Edited by Coiffio
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Just my opinion, but I like the companions and feel that it is a good thing that BW has as part of the game.


No the AI is not perfect, but it is so much better than in other games. I played a demo lock and frost mage in WOW (and a unholy DK) and think that the AI in swtor is world above anything that I saw in WOW.


I also use my, in ship, companions for crafting and try to keep them busy and like that I can take a minute and empty the junk out of my bags with a click on my current in game companion.


Now if I could get Khem Val (I call him Clem) to shut up and stop telling me that he is going to kill me, I would be a happy camper.


Lol! yeah that is the only feature I see which could improve the companions design. That is allow us to have a "turn off companion's voice" feature.

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Companions are great. In fact thats is the only reason i dont need a grp... ever.

Only case is Heroic 4 and i heard a grp is good in pvp too.

This feel like a solo game since i dont need help. its great and very lonely.

I am lvl 34 now. I can do anything alone. In fact others steal my time if i need to wait on them.

Its great to be alone and do everything self. And very boring.

I havent been in any other mmo u dont need a grp to survive.

Im stil here. And will be so and se if things change on 40 or even 50 i doubt.

I will try out Guild wars 2 or that korean game thats comming to west too.

bUt i wont do wow.

Well im in a guild now. Raids ill hope is more fun then flashpoints or what they are called.

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I love how the ******* are just posting "dismiss companion" They obviously have not read the original post or their comprehension is quite low. I agree with the original poster that it would be nice to be able to travel without a companion and not be penalized (several story encounters are near impossible without one out) They do at times feel like dead weight when you are pretty much forced to upgrade their equipment to keep them viable, much like a lot of companions in bioware's previous games. There is nothing wrong with wishing to experience the game without them. Then again, these are the forums, where it's a requirement to be a tool towards anyone making a reasonable request.


You can


It's called


Dismiss Compainon


Or I have a better Idea, let's let Star Wars get another few hundred million so we can make you happy. You say no companions? anything else you want while the dev's are turning to re invent the MMO wheel?

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I love how the ******* are just posting "dismiss companion" They obviously have not read the original post or their comprehension is quite low. I agree with the original poster that it would be nice to be able to travel without a companion and not be penalized (several story encounters are near impossible without one out) They do at times feel like useless dead weight, much like a lot of companions in bioware's previous games. There is nothing wrong with wishing to experience the game without them. Then again, these are the forums, where it's a requirement to be a tool towards anyone making a reasonable request.


maybe you should try reading as well. the devs have stated, over and over, and long before release, that the game is designed around using companions. the op has been around since sept, there is no way he didn't know this. to complain about it now is just stupid.

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I love how the ******* are just posting "dismiss companion" They obviously have not read the original post or their comprehension is quite low. I agree with the original poster that it would be nice to be able to travel without a companion and not be penalized (several story encounters are near impossible without one out) They do at times feel like dead weight when you are pretty much forced to upgrade their equipment to keep them viable, much like a lot of companions in bioware's previous games. There is nothing wrong with wishing to experience the game without them. Then again, these are the forums, where it's a requirement to be a tool towards anyone making a reasonable request.


Companions in all the recent RPG's from Bioware have been a vital part of the game play. It is resonable and expected they would be a vital part of TOR also. Most...( great majority ) are happy with this. I never have felt like any of my companions are dead weight. I keep those I donot use for combat, busy with crafting. And having the option to use different types of companions for different situations is a great feature.

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Which would be fine, provided the companions didn't have the AI of a turnip. I'd be fine with them if I didn't constantly babysit them.


Do you have to 'babysit' your own character? I mean it has less ai than a turnip...


I have almost no issues with companions. Sure doc doesn't move around corners so mt healing stops occasionally, but that's about it. You have full control over which abilities they use by turning the little squares on and off, you have 2 stances for them to use.


Frankly this is just ridiculous, they arent dumb, they are micro manageable if you want and are 'half' of your character. Don't think of them as another characters, rather as your second playable character.

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Look at his thread history to complaining about nerf's..then complain having a companion makes thing's easier. He's an obvious troll and feeding him is bad.


So, because I don't mindlessly say " GJ BIOWARE, EVERYTHING IS GREAT!" I'm a troll? Okay then.

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You can


It's called


Dismiss Compainon


Or I have a better Idea, let's let Star Wars get another few hundred million so we can make you happy. You say no companions? anything else you want while the dev's are turning to re invent the MMO wheel?


No one said get rid of companions, the suggestion was simply to make gameplay a bit more viable if one chooses not to use them, if you like them fine, keep using them, it affects you in no shape or form if such a thing were done. Also mmos are an ever changing entity. I've played them long enough to know that when it's required, a game will change, perhaps not for the better, sometimes for the better but they do change. You already got people complaining about the cross server dungeon finder that some players swore up and down would never happen here.

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Okay, how about soaking up ( pitiful) damage, dying, leaving you to finish off the rest anyways? Or, sitting there doing nothing at all? Pulling other packs? Bugging out so you aren't out of combat? Healing for next to nothing, being zerged by mobs and dying? Those are pretty useless.


How come everyone isn't complaining that they are having these issues? Most people leveled and quested just fine with companions. If you are having so much difficulty with them, where do you think the problem lies?

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