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Do people realise this is a new game?


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Why, because your looking through rose tinted glasses on how great wow was when it never was that shiney and great at the start, it was a good mmo and im not disputing that fact but it wasnt some gold plated brilliant thing.


Just the fact that its a well known fact that the wow servers when it launched would blow up and die easily at launch and you and others are disputing it. WoW in the us came out when, november yet the 1st hotfix for the servers imploding didnt hit those servers till what febuary which didnt fix it till 1.4.2 was out which i remember right was 2 patches before battlegrounds were put into wow.


Tor has pvp, open world pvp yet bugged but we have it, we have great quests, we have how many flashpoints and how many operations, all with heroic settings so old flashpoints dont become useless. some say they are to easy or dont offer good enough loot, fine thats an easy fix by tuning them harder on knightmare and given them major increased rewards for a majorly increased dificulty setting.


We have space and we have crafting. we have tons of stuff coming into the game thats been announced and the devs have come out and said this is coming in here and this is what you shall have in this patch, this patch and this patch.


So yes wow was a good game but it has nothing compared to swtor when you put them launch to launch and if anything the only thing you can compare swtor to is wow at end of vannila and even then this game has more promise.


Sorry, SWTOR doesn't have pandas... therefore = fail

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I don't know what that is, I haven't played WoW... i just know of the upcoming panda thing they have going on.


imagine if you got a lightside sandcrawler vanity toy to fight a dark side torture droid vanity pet and to fight each other to the death and thats basicaly what there putting in wow.

Edited by Shingara
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AND what will be hilarious is when MOP sells over 3 million copies Day 1.


and whats more hilarious is that out of there 10 mil plus subs that they shout about only a fraction of them are bothered enough to get an expantion on the same day........ er ye right.

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Yes we realize it is a brand new game.... That is exactly why I expect a little bit more.


Bugs and glitches are one thing.


The game was in development for a long time it should have come out with a little more polish then this.


In no other game genre would , "it's new" be an excuse for being completely messed up in so many areas.


I have played lots of "NEW" MMORPGS that did not give me anywhere near this much of a headache.


Why is it acceptable for a game to be so *********** broken if its new?


"Sorry that End game pvp is broken, and your graphics are terrible compared to beta... But its new guys.. Like, we just packaged it and released it as ready to go... we'll take your money... BUT ITS NOT READY! JUST WAIT!...but...but.. keep paying. Kthxbai"

Edited by KurleyKilla
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and whats more hilarious is that out of there 10 mil plus subs that they shout about only a fraction of them are bothered enough to get an expantion on the same day........ er ye right.


BW/EA would kill for that kind of success. Also, the expansion won't release in Asia Day 1 more than likely, so there goes 50% or so of actual potential buyers.


Try harder.

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BW/EA would kill for that kind of success. Also, the expansion won't release in Asia Day 1 more than likely, so there goes 50% or so of actual potential buyers.


Try harder.


wow did you just say only 50% are asian go a bit higher, ps you will find ea sells plenty of games to not be bothered by the 1st 24 hours but hey. go look who got the world record for an mmo launch and they wernt even trying.

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.. and making a stupid, rush-to-judgement statement of "pandas" because you see 12 year olds on messageboards say it. WoW never gets worse it only gets better.


Maybe? i dunno. That would be cool if it got better. I personally just dislike the art and cartoony graphics. It looks and feels old to me.

If you have fun with it, that's cool.

Pandas are awesome man, they're like an endagered species

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wow did you just say only 50% are asian go a bit higher, ps you will find ea sells plenty of games to not be bothered by the 1st 24 hours but hey. go look who got the world record for an mmo launch and they wernt even trying.


That worked well for WAR and DCUO.


50-60% of WOW subs are in Asia. Thus the 50% or so comment. Should be noted they get a whopping 6% of revenue from Asia so real relevant to them.


Try harder.

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The main argument is because it is 2012, there has been plenty of previous examples of mmo's to look at and learn from. Look how far car technology/designs have come in the last 7 years (bad example i know)


And how many of them had the features that you think this one should have when the core of this game was being developed?

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Perception is reality from the POV of the person playing the game. I want this game to do well, I really do.


The game has a lot of bugs, which means they didn't even test their own content. My agent for example, has a MAJOR bug in the main story line quest, and BW's solution is to post a workaround that doesn't really even work for a ranged class. One has to ask if they even bothered to actually test their own story lines before releasing.


Today, a quest bugged on me four times in a row, and yeterday the same quest on another toon also bugged. I am playing alts right now while I wait for the agent bug to be fixed.


This game has potential, however, they need to just work on bugs for a couple of weeks.


EA forced this game out the gate about three months too soon, or bug fixing isn't a priority. I suspect an early release myself.


Also, this game is competing in 2012. People expect better quality.

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That worked well for WAR and DCUO.


50-60% of WOW subs are in Asia. Thus the 50% or so comment. Should be noted they get a whopping 6% of revenue from Asia so real relevant to them.


Try harder.


LOL me try harder really, give you one guess where tor hasnt released yet.

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Why, because your looking through rose tinted glasses on how great wow was when it never was that shiney and great at the start, it was a good mmo and im not disputing that fact but it wasnt some gold plated brilliant thing.


Just the fact that its a well known fact that the wow servers when it launched would blow up and die easily at launch and you and others are disputing it. WoW in the us came out when, november yet the 1st hotfix for the servers imploding didnt hit those servers till what febuary which didnt fix it till 1.4.2 was out which i remember right was 2 patches before battlegrounds were put into wow.


Tor has pvp, open world and open world zoned pvp ye bugged but we have it, we have great quests, we have how many flashpoints and how many operations, all with heroic settings so old flashpoints dont become useless. some say they are to easy or dont offer good enough loot, fine thats an easy fix by tuning them harder on knightmare and given

them major increased rewards for a majorly increased dificulty setting.


We have space and we have crafting. we have tons of stuff coming into the game thats been announced and the devs have come out and said this is coming in here and this is what you shall have in this patch, this patch and this patch.


So yes wow was a good game but it has nothing compared to swtor when you put them launch to launch and if anything the only thing you can compare swtor to is wow at end of vannila and even then this game has more promise.



ToR has PvP which is an unbalanced mess.


Open world? Don't make me laugh. The worlds are a bunch of corridors, and the worse part are they are utterly dead...no ambience, no life, no atmosphere that sucks you in.


Space gets boring after 3-4 space-missions. A 2012 200-million dollar budget and all they came up with is a standard 1990's arcade railshooter?? Hilarious.


Endgame is same old same old....dungeons filled with boring trash. There's nothing new and original and the boss-mechanics have been seen hundreds time before in WoW.


Don't even go into the crafting bit in SW:ToR. Crafting is useless post-50, there's no economy nor any incentive to build one because of this fail design and the GTN-UI is so bad most people are scratching their heads in disbelief on how this could have been cleared for launch.


The irony in your opening statement is the funniest part of your reply though. You say we're looking thru rose-tinted glasses when looking at WoW, however you're the one who needs to remove your glasses and start to look at SW:ToR a bit more critically.


The most important part is SW:ToR is competing with WoW and other mmo's anno 2012 AND NOT WITH GAMES FROM 2004!

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LOL me try harder really, give you one guess where tor hasnt released yet.


I don't see it being that big a success in Asia, and regardless as the figures show financially Asia does not bring in a bunch of revenue. Subs? Sure. Revenues? Nope.

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I don't see it being that big a success in Asia, and regardless as the figures show financially Asia does not bring in a bunch of revenue. Subs? Sure. Revenues? Nope.


That might be possible within china but not for all of asia/oceana/japan/redzone. Cos really who knows cos this ip carrys much weight. An i dont think the episode 1 3d coming out now is a coincidence.

Edited by Shingara
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ToR has PvP which is an unbalanced mess.


Open world? Don't make me laugh. The worlds are a bunch of corridors, and the worse part are they are utterly dead...no ambience, no life, no atmosphere that sucks you in.


Space gets boring after 3-4 space-missions. A 2012 200-million dollar budget and all they came up with is a standard 1990's arcade railshooter?? Hilarious.


Endgame is same old same old....dungeons filled with boring trash. There's nothing new and original and the boss-mechanics have been seen hundreds time before in WoW.


Don't even go into the crafting bit in SW:ToR. Crafting is useless post-50, there's no economy nor any incentive to build one because of this fail design and the GTN-UI is so bad most people are scratching their heads in disbelief on how this could have been cleared for launch.


The irony in your opening statement is the funniest part of your reply though. You say we're looking thru rose-tinted glasses when looking at WoW, however you're the one who needs to remove your glasses and start to look at SW:ToR a bit more critically.


The most important part is SW:ToR is competing with WoW and other mmo's anno 2012 AND NOT WITH GAMES FROM 2004!


I would like to thank you for your continued financial support of SWTOR. Your continued subscription will help to provides fixes and new content for 1.7 million SWTOR fans. Sincerely, I thank you.

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