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Bioware, make a POLL BEFORE implementing CROSS-SERVER LFG and Warzones


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Naw you'll be right here complaining. Casuals are the most vital part of an MMO, they'll leave without saying hello or good bye on these forums "after" one too many long waits for a group.

People who do that already have quit in January after first 30 days included in retail version.

Those who remained are or people who already bought the game, or people who enjoyed it without any cross-server tools (plus a minority of newcomers still running their first 30 days - for them any LFG tool in March won't make any difference on received game impression)


Besides - issue you have is largely solved by LFG tool. Not necessarily cross-server one unless you rolled on really underpopulated server (in which case I suggest re-rolling on healthy server anyway, with cross-server tools or without them).



I tend to see the same exceedingly vocal folks spamming posts about this topic. It would be nice to see some polling data, imo.

*nods* same here. Major problem is that discussions about LFG are dominated by several people shouting all day long ("your arguments are total nonsense!" vs "it destroys the community!") so seeing some raw data would really cast a new light on the case.


There's also a matter of Broken-UI-so-called-improvements - case where storm broke out after Bioware released new UI crap on official server. Few people were interested in matter before it happen - during the public test - so no real weighted feedback was given.

Similar thing might (or might not) happen with cross-server tools, therefore just for the sake of being safe - poll would be helpful.

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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Naw you'll be right here complaining. Casuals are the most vital part of an MMO, they'll leave without saying hello or good bye on these forums "after" one too many long waits for a group. You on the other hand, will be right here complaining about something, no doubt about it.


I thought they were all playing the game and loving it since it was so great. Are you saying that the casuals (your majority) will actually all quit if a LFG isnt added. So in other words they wont play the game without it and by saying that the game is bad?


The people on the forums are the ones that care about the game. The majority of the players that dont come onto the forums would play the game with or without a LFG.


The majority wants ?. You have no clue what the majority wants so stop making up excuse as to what you think the majority wants or will do.

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Forum polls are useless. They only sample a small sector of the player base.


True, but they can do a poll in game that could be like they did in the beta ; have a window asking feedback on things like quests and whatnot so everyone gets it with something explaining what it is and if they would be for it or not.


Or they could make a global chat for grouping that would reach everyone who wants to be in that channel everywhere in game.

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This is a topic where I don't think polls matter.


People who dislike cross server LFG tools will vote no, and complain that it kills community... but it doesn't kill anything. They will still have community in the game and they'll still play with or without a LFG tool. In fact many who are against the LFG tool will end up using it, because it really does make finding a group when your friends aren't on much better.


People who can't find a group or have to wait forever for PvP will get frustrated and quit. That's just bad for the game.


So it's pretty much a no brainier. Adding a LFG tool might upset some people but not enough to over take the good it does for the game. Sorry that's likely how Bioware see's it.

Edited by Spymaster
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Cookie cutter feature, going in a cookie cutter MMO.


Sad, but good luck stopping it.


Its like complaining about a car maker installing a radio into their model which cut down on the need for the community of that car to communicate.

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This is a topic where I don't think polls matter.


People who dislike cross server LFG tools will vote no, and complain that it kills community... but it doesn't kill anything.


It makes the community pointless therefore killing it. Who cares how they act when they can just join a group of strangers and keep being an a**. The community should be there to police itself. If Luke wants to roll on all the loot just because he can and spam chat with OMGWTFIPWNDUNOOB every second then we can ignore him and show him that if he wants to act that he will be punished for it. With LFG he can be that way and not have anything to tell him its wrong because he can just Q up and the other players are forced to group with him because he cant play with anyone on his server.


They will still have community in the game and they'll still play with or without a LFG tool.


Again the community means nothing if it has no point.


In fact many who are against the LFG tool will end up using it, because it really does make finding a group when your friends aren't on much better.


Yes it makes finding a group easier but that doesnt mean its good. It promotes people sitting on the fleet letting the game pick its group and not actually interacting with players.


People who can't find a group or have to wait forever for PvP will get frustrated and quit. That's just bad for the game.


So people who cant find a group and will quit is bad but people who thing it destroys the community and quit is ok. Anyone quitting the game is bad.


So it's pretty much a no brainier. Adding a LFG tool might upset some people but not enough to over take the good it does for the game. Sorry that's likely how Bioware see's it.


The people that want a LFG are the minority. Everyone else is in the game playing it and having fun without a LFG.

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If you want to use the LFG system, use it and have no problem.


If you do not want to use the LFG do not use it and have no problem.


What on Earth is forcing you into using LFG systems? If you want to spend 2 hours looking for a group on your server then by all means but, be my guest! But don't prevent me from using it.

Edited by lovefool
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Why are people so against quality of life improvements. Seriously there is no 'community' in this game to ruin by making it easier to do a flashpoint or WZ faster. Do people hate WOW so much that they dont want this game to have some features overlap with it?



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Yes to cross server PVP..


A big fat NO to cross server dungeons. Adding cross server dungeons just makes everyone throw their morals and ethics away, and roll on everything they can.. after all, youll never see them again. When it's server based, you can simply blacklist people like that till they find nobody else who will group with them.


Official poll, please!

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Why are people so against quality of life improvements. Seriously there is no 'community' in this game to ruin by making it easier to do a flashpoint or WZ faster. Do people hate WOW so much that they dont want this game to have some features overlap with it?




So players with jobs can't join guilds? Meet people and run with them? Play with people they know IRL? These things are news to me!

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Yes to cross server PVP..


A big fat NO to cross server dungeons. Adding cross server dungeons just makes everyone throw their morals and ethics away, and roll on everything they can.. after all, youll never see them again. When it's server based, you can simply blacklist people like that till they find nobody else who will group with them.


Official poll, please!


Morals and ethics are rarely kept or discarded based on the tools available for grouping. I had run with a great many people who were d-bags before LFG was created in WoW. The LFG tool didn't create more ninjas or jerks. A ninja was a ninja and a jerk was a jerk. The LFG tool never turned me into either one. I was always respectful and never snagged items that I had no right to. 'Blacklisting' people was a joke. For every one person who was aware of that person's previous actions and cared enough to attempt to have them ousted there were probably 10 others who had no clue or didn't care enough to try and blacklist them.


Few players actually participated on the forum of a server that had thousands to be aware enough of someone being called out and more often than not someone who attempted to was ridiculed for trying to do so. Add on to that the fact that over time people tend to forget these things, name changes were made available, server transfers, and let's not forget that they could roll on another toon completely and no one would be the wiser and suddenly this sledgehammer you thought you had to rid your server of someone like that was nothing more than a squeaky chew toy. You would cause them trouble for maybe a day and then tomorrow comes and no one cares. Only the people who held on to significant grudges over a videogame continued to be bitter about it and for some sad reason vow to never forget.


Meanwhile people are sitting in the fleet spamming for a group at different times of the day and many are not able to jump right into the content because you're afraid someone will commit the heinous act of being rude or taking something that wasn't theirs but that's okay because as long as you have your trusty squeaky chew toy we're all safe from people like them.

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Stop panicking. you have no idea how the system is intended to work. As long as it is a priority system that tries to group by realm first it will be a huge improvement. After all, putting up with idiots>sitting in fleet doing nothing. As long as it has a priority system it will be fine, it will allow people to group faster without devolving the game entirely. Edited by Dystopic
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If you do not want to use the LFG do not use it and have no problem.


What on Earth is forcing you into using LFG systems?

Those who use LFG.

It was pointed out numerous times - if cross-server LFG is enabled by default than 75% of people will use it regardless of their opinion on this matter. Than there is 25% who actually think for themselves - let's say that half of them goes for cross-server and half against. This leaves people who want to play only with folks from their own server in extreme minority extending queues for extremely long time. So they eventually move to cross-server BS anyway cause there's hardly any other option, or they rage-quit the game.


Still - it's nothing comparing to people who don't want to use LFG tool at all.

They cannot find people for games in chat AT ALL or extremely rarely, while also being left with public comments in style of "use f*** LFG instead of spamming chat!" what makes them even more frustrated leading to almost certain rage-quit.


After all, putting up with idiots>sitting in fleet doing nothing.

Really? I thought it's equal or rather other way around: putting up with idiots<sitting in fleet doing nothing.

After all in both cases you get no loot, but "putting up with idiots" forces you to read their crap on chat and struggle with their brilliant behavior (rambo-running through 5 groups of mobs just to use force cloak when they murder a team, etc.)


Morals and ethics are rarely kept or discarded based on the tools available for grouping.

It's not about tools as much as it is about being cross-server providing 2 million anonymous people ready to be robbed by a**** behavior with no consequences what so ever. IF there's very wide spectrum of people you play with and it's almost certain you'll never meet anyone of them ever again than there's no reason to behave in normal way, click need only when needed, etc. BioWare asks themselves to put the head into pile of crap. Or rather - heads of players.

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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Why are people so against quality of life improvements. Seriously there is no 'community' in this game to ruin by making it easier to do a flashpoint or WZ faster. Do people hate WOW so much that they dont want this game to have some features overlap with it?




It is curious that, on the one hand, they praise the game for its story-driven, single player leveling experience that literally could not be more anti-community short of removing all in game communication from players, then on the other, they decry any calls for convenient group-forming tools because they would "hurt the community".


Yeah, the community that has been carefully cultivated by red and green portals everywhere and a leveling experience that is explicitly designed to encourage and reward soloing.

Edited by krameriffic
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