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Give me a legitimate reason to NOT have a LFD tool.


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You act like I don't ask my friends or guild members. If my friends were always online I wouldn't need to look for members would I?


Doesn't change the fact that there are no good reasons NOT to have a LFD tool outside of Anti WoW Fanboys.




All I hear is wow this wow's lfd this wow's lfd that.... This isn't wow, it will never be wow.

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The fact that you fall back on this rather than actually list them..


Why exactly should I make the effort to list them again?? Do you have something against going back just a few pages and reading what others and myself have typed here?? You want another list so you can ignore that too?? Just in the last couple of pages a number of reasons have been posted.. Now want another one??


Not likely.. If you are going to participate in a forum, it requires that you read what others say.. I am not going to do it for you.. Have a nice day.. :cool:

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Still not seeing the legit reason that can't be countered by the fact that the LFD tool is a choice.


People can group with the random whoevers using the tool or ask guild/friends and not use the tool.


and another very good point.


People that dont want it act like they wont be able to ask friends or guildies or in chat for groups.


What someone gonna be like eh no I dont want an invite im gonna que? lol...

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You act like I don't ask my friends or guild members. If my friends were always online I wouldn't need to look for members would I?


Doesn't change the fact that there are no good reasons NOT to have a LFD tool outside of Anti WoW Fanboys.


agin just showing someone there are more than 2 ways to find a group.


I agree we need a LFG tool. But ONLY if it has OPTIONS. A simple que system is not good enough IMO.

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Why exactly should I make the effort to list them again??
Because you think they actually exist, and want to communicate with other people.


If on the other hand, your goal is try and detract from the lack of valid arguments, or to troll, or you just don't care about communicating with people... then you won't bother.


Do you have something against going back just a few pages and reading what others and myself have typed here??
I've read them. If that's all you've got, then I stand by my statement: there hasn't been a single objective reason posted against the lfd tool.


You want another list so you can ignore that too??
No, I want another list so that I can go through and either say "yes, thats' an objective reason" or "no, that's not an objective reason, that's an X because of Y.


Just in the last couple of pages a number of reasons have been posted.. Now want another one??
Which ones didn't I rebut?


Not likely.. If you are going to participate in a forum, it requires that you read what others say.. I am not going to do it for you.. Have a nice day.. :cool:
Eh, I've read them. None of the ones i've read meet the requirements. There are opinions. And fear and supposition. And false statements and read herrings. But no objective reasons.



Edit: I notice you didn't say what sentence I edited out... did you miss that? Or did you change your mind?

Edited by ferroz
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Those in favor of cross realmLFG tool, are ignoring there is a secondary effect to the tool.


While you ignore there is an issue, you cant find the solution, nor can you see the good reasons why its a bad idea.


You cannot solve a problem by just creating a new one. You have to solve both.


So, try to be creative and think of solutions for the issue at hand, instead of just trying to diss that there is an issue that is OBVIOUS to everyone who played an MMO with this system or know a bit of Sociology and how communities work.

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Those in favor of cross realmLFG tool, are ignoring there is a secondary effect to the tool.

Is there? What secondary effect is that?


You cannot solve a problem by just creating a new one. You have to solve both.
No, if the problem you create isn't as bad as the original one, then fixing one is a way to do it.


So, try to be creative and think of solutions for the issue at hand, instead of just trying to diss that there is an issue that is OBVIOUS to everyone who played an MMO with this system or know a bit of Sociology and how communities work.
I've played an MMO, and I took psychology and sociology (and some related, via Humanities) back in college. I don't know what you're talking about.
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and another very good point.


People that dont want it act like they wont be able to ask friends or guildies or in chat for groups.


What someone gonna be like eh no I dont want an invite im gonna que? lol...



And thats how the pro lfd people are acting with the current tool.


I don't like it so I wont use it so it doesn't work.


As they watch LFG spam across chat but refuse to whisper back because that involves talking to someone.

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Those in favor of cross realmLFG tool, are ignoring there is a secondary effect to the tool.


While you ignore there is an issue, you cant find the solution, nor can you see the good reasons why its a bad idea.


You cannot solve a problem by just creating a new one. You have to solve both.


So, try to be creative and think of solutions for the issue at hand, instead of just trying to diss that there is an issue that is OBVIOUS to everyone who played an MMO with this system or know a bit of Sociology and how communities work.


mmo communities thinking outside the box!? BLASPHEMY


in all seriousness though. I like you good sir you give me hope for the future of this game...though short lived as the poster after me will crush my dreams and leave them at my feet as a lay dying (most likely).

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And thats how the pro lfd people are acting with the current tool.


I don't like it so I wont use it so it doesn't work.


As they watch LFG spam across chat but refuse to whisper back because that involves talking to someone.


Because it involves talking to someone? I think your off base with that.


I wouldn't whisper them if I thought it was gonna take to long for us to get going and I was short on time.


Wouldn't have anything to do talking or not talking to people.... why so much focus on the social aspect like anyone that uses it immediatly becomes socially retarded?

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I always love how people say it destroys the community. like spamming in chat doesnt?


People who are against the LFG tool should know people have lives, they arent others where you can play 20 hours a day and dont mind looking for a party spamming in fleet for 3 hours. People have jobs and can only play for a hour or 2 day, a tool will help them stay in the game at least.


No LFG tool=dead game


A cross server LFG needs to added, especially for those low pop servers.

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A cross server LFG needs to added, especially for those low pop servers.


This ^


If they are not going to merge servers then x-server needs to be added. (I would argue you need it anyway but anywho...) If they don't I can easily see an exodus of players from the lower pop servers and that doesn't help anyone.

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To be perfectly honest if they had just put in a damn LFG channel that was global alot of this wouldn't be a problem.


They need to merge servers down so that we have like half of what we have and add a global chat for LFG. That would solve alot of issues.


However many things come with merging servers that is technically a pain.

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oh yes....clearly lfg is destroying the WoW commnunity.


How I long for the days of a wonderful active loving supportive community - like the days of barrens chat for example - that was clearly the apex of how close the wow communities could be and I wish for that again.........


a lot of people are latching on to the "destroys communities" thing for 2 reasons.


1. It sounds dramatic and there is no legit reason you can argue with any facts as to negative effects of a LFG tool. using this argument allows you to convince yourself that your own personal experience and those of a few other people can be translated into actual facts - if people are *****in about it, it must be bad for the community, therefore factually it is destroying the fabric of our well-established WoW communities!!!!


2. While those of us who are rational and not stupid can point out till we are blue in the fact that they have no actual facts supporting their claims about LFG 's effects - we can't argue with their personal experience. They have no facts, but they have a deeply engrained opinion, and negative experience with it and you can't convince stupid people to think rationally and logically about things like this. So they won't.


They will just continue on thinking that because someone ninja'd some loot in some lfg group or because when they spammed trade with LFG BARAD HOLD no one answered them that LFG is the root of the problem and without everything would be hunky doory.


again...barrens chat....apex of community building in WoW...uh huh.

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The zone window or whatever its called has the ability to search for multiple things at once. You can put in LFG and see every person LFG in the entire faction.


You can put in 41 Guardian and see every 41 Guardian in the entire faction.


Last night I searched every LFG and there maybe 10 total on the list. 1 on Tython, 1 on Coruscant, 3 on Fleet and a few each from Taris +.


If more people flagged the LFG button and actually put what they wanted to do it seems it would work.


If anyone knows to actually search it effectively anyway.


Or is the big fuss just about getting auto ported into an instance?

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The zone window or whatever its called has the ability to search for multiple things at once. You can put in LFG and see every person LFG in the entire faction.


You can put in 41 Guardian and see every 41 Guardian in the entire faction.


Last night I searched every LFG and there maybe 10 total on the list. 1 on Tython, 1 on Coruscant, 3 on Fleet and a few each from Taris +.


If more people flagged the LFG button and actually put what they wanted to do it seems it would work.


If anyone knows to actually search it effectively anyway.


Or is the big fuss just about getting auto ported into an instance?



The issue is most pro lfg people just want to click on a box, get a group, say nothing, and leave as quick as possible.


If I were to believe them then no one would be clearing any group content and yet everything in this game has been cleared without the WoW LFD tool.


The only ones having an issue are the ones who don't want to be social.


Best thing Bio could do is just allow companions to form your whole group and they would be happy.

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The issue is most pro lfg people just want to click on a box, get a group, say nothing, and leave as quick as possible.


If I were to believe them then no one would be clearing any group content and yet everything in this game has been cleared without the WoW LFD tool.


The only ones having an issue are the ones who don't want to be social.


Best thing Bio could do is just allow companions to form your whole group and they would be happy.


Yes. People want quick groups without a hassle. If they want to play that why is that wrong again?


It's not that content isn't being cleared is that a LFD tool allows more content to be cleared by players. More people get to experience endgame content. How is that a bad thing?


Being social has nothing to do with being on a low pop server or playing at odd times. LFD helps with that.


If you allowed people to run FPs, for example, with companions wouldn't that lower the number of people looking for groups. Thought the idea here was to be social and play with others?

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The issue is most pro lfg people just want to click on a box, get a group, say nothing, and leave as quick as possible.
Source for "most"?


I mean, that's not what I'm looking for. I'd agree that some is probably correct, though that's just speculation; who's looking for that?


If I were to believe them then no one would be clearing any group content and yet everything in this game has been cleared without the WoW LFD tool.
I don't think anyone's claimed anything like that, so it looks like you're arguing with a strawman there.


The only ones having an issue are the ones who don't want to be social.
No, I'm having problems and I love being social.


I just don't agree that cliquishness = social.


Best thing Bio could do is just allow companions to form your whole group and they would be happy.
No, I wouldn't be happy with that. I'd be happy with an lfg tool though. Edited by ferroz
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