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I have completed the game, what now?


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They spent what 7 years on this game? Look at how much content they generated with how much time they had. It would have taken them another year to get their heads on straight with this title. Would you rather this have released the game in Dec 2011 or Dec 2013?


This would make total sense if over half of those years, and 75% of the budget were not spent on voice acting.

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Gamers such as the OP ruin the MMO market for the majority, where the money is needed to pay for expensive development such as TOR. The gamers who have absolutely no life outside their virtual MMO worlds are costly to game developers and should not be to whom game developers cater their time balancing.


I work full time, have a family, and am level 31 on my highest level. I am a highly intelligent computer scientist in the real world. I came from Eve as the game was incredible and required a high level of skill, but the time required to "compete" was too great and intense. I wanted a less demanding experience for my leisure time.


Currently TOR perfectly fits my requirements. I can AFK if needed when the wife or children need me, I can "compete" with other gamers to see all content without this game developing into a second life.


Bioware please ignore the OP's request and if they do not like your casual and less demanding style of gaming, they should leave. The majority of us, won't respond to these forums made by no-lifers as we have little free time.


OP needs to get a life. Bioware, please stay chill... us casual gamers will keep you and TOR fully funded if you continue to release quality over quantity with minimal endless time sinks.



Edited by recondelta
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To all those stating to lvl 8 characters... Are you *********** stupid?


Why would I do same, EXACTLY same stuff over and over again for some 10% of class quests?


You have no life. Really. No life at all if you even considering this.


Ha, yeah it's true.

The dialogue choices are barely different even from Republic to Empire.

The small amount of class based story is different in that the goals are varied but they play out pretty much the same.


I'm just here until The Secret World comes out or I get a beta invite.

I'm actually starting to suspect that I'll be unsubbing here even before that happens.

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GW2 HAS! It is the miracle MMO. Gonna shatter WoW and TOR like the angry fist of god. It has EVERYTHING! Same gender romance arcs, skilled PvP that is in world events, they are supposedly even sending you a towel to wipe the sweat off your face from all the content!





ALL FOR FREE!!!!1111


I honestly can't remember the last time I literally lol'd at a post here... thank you.

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Gamers such as the OP ruin the MMO market for the majority, where the money is needed to pay for expensive development such as TOR. The gamers who have absolutely no life outside their virtual MMO worlds are costly to game developers and should not be to whom game developers cater their time balancing.


I work full time, have a family, and am level 31 on my highest level. I am a highly intelligent computer scientist in the real world. I came from Eve as the game was incredible and required a high level of skill, but the time required to "compete" was too great and intense. I wanted a less demanding experience for my leisure time.


Currently TOR perfectly fits my requirements. I can AFK if needed when the wife or children need me, I can "compete" with other gamers to see all content without this game developing into a second life.


Bioware please ignore the OP's request and if they do not like your casual and less demanding style of gaming, they should leave. The majority of us, won't respond to these forums made by no-lifers as we have little free time.


OP needs to get a life. Bioware, please stay chill... us casual gamers will keep you and TOR fully funded if you continue to release quality over quantity with minimal endless time sinks.




A highly intelligent computer scientist? Blow your own trumpet much?


You lost me when you stated your inability to compete in Eve - when you can 'play' that game offline just as effectively as you can online - since the skills accrue while you are logged off.

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OP needs to get a life. Bioware, please stay chill... us casual gamers will keep you and TOR fully funded if you continue to release quality over quantity with minimal endless time sinks.


Endless time sinks? You mean like the 5 minutes it takes to get from 1 planet to another?


Quality? Like Ilum? Like the bug/exploit/hack free PVP we have now?


Quantity? Since when has Bioware given us quantity over quality (and when has anyone asked for this)? Maybe you're talking about the whopping 2 endgame operations that take < 1 hr each? I guess that's too much for the casual gamer to handle. Perhaps Bioware should just have something for you to click on and you'll get a random 1 in a 100 shot at getting a piece of rakata gear mailed to you. Of course, with their known "quality" it might take a few clicks before your click actually registers... :)

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You lost me, when you assumed you can 'compete' in Eve based only upon your skills accrued. Your skills play only a small part of Eve. Some could "win" with no skills by sitting only in a station working markets.


My point is I'm not some kiddie with no brain or gaming experience.


I also didn't quit EVE. did amazing but the demands were too great with my current schedule. TOR is a wonderful experience for entertainment. I do no want it to turn into a mindless grindfest so some no life loosers can feel satisfaction from their "great gaming skills" and become elite in their own demented minds.


Keep TOR casual.

Edited by recondelta
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Ha, yeah it's true.

The dialogue choices are barely different even from Republic to Empire.

The small amount of class based story is different in that the goals are varied but they play out pretty much the same.


I'm just here until The Secret World comes out or I get a beta invite.

I'm actually starting to suspect that I'll be unsubbing here even before that happens.


I don't understand why people will buy a game from a company that released an unfinished product and instead of fixing it, started to develop a new one.


Anyway, we are kinda doomed in the MMO world.


Thank god we still got Blizzard to make working games.

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I would like to agree with the op here. I am at 37 and am stuck with nothing to do. I have just done Hoth and all the planets below it inc bonus's, apart from Hoth bonus which Captain Graich at Dorn Base will not give me for some reason and now there is nothine else to do except grind. I am way too low to do my class boss final so what am I missing?


I am worried about this very much as the game itself is brilliant.

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Thank god we still got Blizzard to make working games.


Sure. Go through 85 (!) levels in a completely empty world where there's no balance whatsoever between speccs, classes, or factions, only to reach max level where - surprise - there's no balance whatsoever between speccs, classes, or factions. Great stuff.

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I would like to agree with the op here. I am at 37 and am stuck with nothing to do. I have just done Hoth and all the planets below it inc bonus's, apart from Hoth bonus which Captain Graich at Dorn Base will not give me for some reason and now there is nothine else to do except grind. I am way too low to do my class boss final so what am I missing?


I am worried about this very much as the game itself is brilliant.


Submit a ticket, you sound either bugged or you have missed something very important.


These kinds of issues are their number one priority, they will fix it for you quickly ...

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I don't understand why people will buy a game from a company that released an unfinished product and instead of fixing it, started to develop a new one.


Anyway, we are kinda doomed in the MMO world.


Thank god we still got Blizzard to make working games.


I can answer that...it's because they made a spectacular game before they made the unfinished one.

Anarchy Online was one of the best MMO's ever made, argueably. It was FunCom's own IP and they had complete and total control over content and direction.


AoC was not their IP, they had limited control over the content and it turned out badly. Apparently it's now been mostly fixed and is thriving as a F2P game. But still it was a bad scene and so on.

As a matter of fact, the origins of AoC remind me alot of another game... A respected game company uses an IP not their own and makes a mess of it. Bioware is joining the line with SOE in the SW MMO's that were screwed category. TOR NGE anyone?


The Secret World is FunCom's own IP, they have complete control over content and direction so I am convinced in this environ they can and will excell.

I might be wrong but it certainly can't be worse than this.

Edited by Xaeberain
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You are far too slow with new content.


Stopped reading after this. There was over a year between the last patch in Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm. There is probably going to be a year between Deathwing and Kung Fu Panda 3: World of Panda. We are getting a new patch in less than a month.


EDIT: Then I read this.

WoW still had far more content on release.

And I fell off my chair laughing. Man, you fanboys make me laugh.

Edited by Bionixx
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You lost me, when you assumed you can 'compete' in Eve based only upon your skills accrued. Your skills play only a small part of Eve. Some could "win" with no skills by sitting only in a station working markets.


My point is I'm not some kiddie with no brain or gaming experience.


I also didn't quit EVE. did amazing but the demands were too great with my current schedule. TOR is a wonderful experience for entertainment. I do no want it to turn into a mindless grindfest so some no life loosers can feel satisfaction from their "great gaming skills" and become elite in their own demented minds.


Keep TOR casual.


ITT: A "highly intelligent" (pardon me while I laugh at you, you pompous blowhard) individual who cannot spell simple words, capitalize properly, nor properly use punctuation.


From your posts it sounds to me that you regret getting married and having kids. Your posts seethe with, and i'm going to use Internet slang here, "buttfrustration."


This game is exceedingly easy to level in and those who have reached the leveling limit have legitimate complaints when they are semi co-ordinated and taking less than 3 hours total to finish the hardest raiding content, and I use the term loosely, available.


If I was grading this as an assignment from a student I would be hard pressed to give anything above a "B" as a grade. The game has solid foundations but, is severely lacking in content and tacked on afterthought development. (Skill Trees, PvP, Raiding, Legacy, and Crafting to name a few.)

Edited by Sesshomeru
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This game is pretty linear in its content. You really only have purpose while leveling through your story.


There is no achievement system

You can't really go "gang busters" on crafting

You can't really collect anything (i.e. mounts)

You can't really explore

You can't really level anywhere you want

You can't really work the GTN

There is no faction rep to gain


Those are just a few of the things that keep people interested in a game past leveling... none of which work in SW.


That's part of the problem.


This. SWTOR is a single player game with some multi-player options, nothing more. Once you complete everything there is to do, quit entirely or come back when they release content. It really is strange to see the game released in this state when they had so many other MMO's to look at and work from.

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Speaking personally, I rerolled my Jedi Knight, oh, 10+ times, regretting looks, decisions, progressions, etc… and I still wasn’t bored of Tython.


That was your chance to stop reading there, heh....


This is exactly my feelings--I could have written this post! If Bioware addresses the MMO concerns of people--that's fine with me, it doesn't affect me one way or the other.


I'm the kind of guy who buys Mass Effect, then when I finish the first time, I replay it in just about every possible way. I don't mind doing the same side quests again, because I get to see how the scenes play out with my new character.


So, I would love for SWTOR to continue with Chapter 4, 5, 6....etc. over time.

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