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I have completed the game, what now?


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WoW might've taken longer to level your character, but more end-game? Did it even have Onyxia when it was released?


They'll claim it did, because technically it was in in the code and art assets, but you couldn't actually get inside until like a month after release. Same with MC.


At best, WoW has one raid on launch. The fact that WoW raids were EQ level nightmares of grinding is glossed over with rose-colored glasses. Coming up next, farming players for no reason near Southshore was awesome... for some reason.

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They'll claim it did, because technically it was in in the code and art assets, but you couldn't actually get inside until like a month after release. Same with MC.


At best, WoW has one raid on launch. The fact that WoW raids were EQ level nightmares of grinding is glossed over with rose-colored glasses. Coming up next, farming players for no reason near Southshore was awesome... for some reason.


In all honesty I believe that BW has done a decent job adding content. Come March the game will have:


4 warzones

3 Operations

2 (new) FPs


and that's 4 month after release of the game. I'm not sure how well other MMOs are doing so close to the release content-wise, but if makes some serious differences between normal and hardmode with the new Operation they're well on their way to please the raid-guilds. Hopefully it won't be cleared as fast at the others.

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I have not done all the things that can be done, i.e. all crew skills at 400, completing the codex (which I think is not possible due to bugs, but not 100% sure), nightmare mode on all HMs and Ops, etc.


IMO, ToR's greatest strength is also turning out to be its greatest weakness for me. On my "main" I made it to 50 about a week ago and finished the class story line and all the companion story lines. To paraphrase someone's post from another thread, ToR is the first MMO I've ever played where I felt that I "beat" the game.


I finished the story and it was tied up with a neat little bow. For my "main" I feel like his story is done (until next expansion I guess) so I have a hard time getting motivated to do all the other standard MMO end game stuff.


I haven't decided if i want to go through the 90% repetitive aspects of the game to see the unique 10% story line of alts.

Edited by Destronicus
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I am taking my time to enjoy this fantastic game. I am also leveling up some alts at same time

I like to level what can I say, BY The way bioware great job on new patches and listening to community "I have never experienced this from an mmo before. Thanks :cool:

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Wow I just don't get it...


I would assume that I am the 'casual' gamer...I play 2-3 hours like 3 days a week and on my days off get anywhere from 4-8 hours in. I assume I probably play for about 20-24 hours a week...


I got the game on it's release date of Dec. 20th, but had to build a new system for it so I didn't start playing til Dec. 28th. Now, I only have one Character and he is Level 42. Been playing my Jedi Shadow since I started, love the story, love the content, actually enjoy the difficulty...I.E. Companion strategies, rotations, Lord Vivicar (not to Starke yet). I take my time trying to make sure I keep Light side points and all my crew skills are up to 300...


I'm not even 50 yet...at 20 hours a week for 6 weeks, I STILL haven't completed the game and I believe I'm the definition of casual gamer. For people to complain that there isn't enough to do...play something else, you rushed through and you knew when the next content patch was coming out, Bioware stated it...you managed your time wrong. When I hit 50 I'll be perfectly happy with the content in my time and gladly make an Alt until the March patch comes out! This game is bliss!

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A single week to hit cap? dude bioware doesnt need to rush new content, you just need a life.


Oh, I didn't do it in a single week lol. Took me 3 :p. I was on vacation for christmas and we canceled our travel plans because we decided driving 3000 miles didn't sound like the stress relief we needed.


Basically everyone has reached cap level in about 5 in game days so it's really pretty quick as far as mmos go.

Edited by Dantragk
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Wow I just don't get it...


I would assume that I am the 'casual' gamer...I play 2-3 hours like 3 days a week and on my days off get anywhere from 4-8 hours in. I assume I probably play for about 20-24 hours a week...


I got the game on it's release date of Dec. 20th, but had to build a new system for it so I didn't start playing til Dec. 28th. Now, I only have one Character and he is Level 42. Been playing my Jedi Shadow since I started, love the story, love the content, actually enjoy the difficulty...I.E. Companion strategies, rotations, Lord Vivicar (not to Starke yet). I take my time trying to make sure I keep Light side points and all my crew skills are up to 300...


I'm not even 50 yet...at 20 hours a week for 6 weeks, I STILL haven't completed the game and I believe I'm the definition of casual gamer. For people to complain that there isn't enough to do...play something else, you rushed through and you knew when the next content patch was coming out, Bioware stated it...you managed your time wrong. When I hit 50 I'll be perfectly happy with the content in my time and gladly make an Alt until the March patch comes out! This game is bliss!


This is something I'll never understand. You claim to be casual yet you at the game probably about 4 times as much as I do. I've completed 2 companion sorry lines, every single quest in the game and am level 50 working on Datacrons, Social level and Valor level. I even have maxed crew skills and have done every single flashpoint up to 50.


I play once a week or twice a week for a combined 8-10 hours.


How do you put that much time in and accomplish next to nothing. It's mind boggling.

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This is something I'll never understand. You claim to be casual yet you at the game probably about 4 times as much as I do. I've completed 2 companion sorry lines, every single quest in the game and am level 50 working on Datacrons, Social level and Valor level. I even have maxed crew skills and have done every single flashpoint up to 50.


I play once a week or twice a week for a combined 8-10 hours.


How do you put that much time in and accomplish next to nothing. It's mind boggling.


Well, maybe I'm the one not as motivated as much as others...


I have thought to myself that I could get more done and faster. I loiter and do my synthweaving, I talk to my guildmates a lot and try and group to do content when I need. I can understand that I might be taking longer as I just can't quest through more than an hour or two, so your point is well taken.


All my friends get on with me and content is great, but we can't sit in front of our screens for much more than 2 hours at a time...maybe we're just lazy games :cool:

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to all who disagree with the OP; for a skilled gamer, it doesn't take long at all to level... its not our fault we don't die at every encounter like you.. it's not our fault when we roll alts we skip past the bad voice acting on the same quests... not our fault this game w/o the voice overs are only 20-25 quests per planet if that.. bioware took way to much money and time and made a shell of a starwars MMO. I don't hardcore play i work full time and yet i have 3 50s each one is only 5 days played... it is a joke how fast you level in this game, and how ****** end game content is. the open worlds are so bad. Open world pvp is non existant so even if i wanted to stop leveling and just run around ganking imps i either have to go out of my way to find them, or i don't bother, making leveling uneventful and boring. Edited by Paralassa
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I think people would be happier if they just spent all the time they spent complaining about a game not meeting their needs finding a game that does. Not enough content, go find an older game you haven't played yet. Game too easy, go find a harder one, there are plenty out there. Edited by jontyld
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Well, maybe I'm the one not as motivated as much as others...


I have thought to myself that I could get more done and faster. I loiter and do my synthweaving, I talk to my guildmates a lot and try and group to do content when I need. I can understand that I might be taking longer as I just can't quest through more than an hour or two, so your point is well taken.


All my friends get on with me and content is great, but we can't sit in front of our screens for much more than 2 hours at a time...maybe we're just lazy games :cool:


That's possible true. I only do heroics and flashpoints with my guild area. They happen to be friends of mine IRL and we live about 15 minutes walking from one another. We co ordinate and play maybe 3-4 hours at a time which is our limits but we don't lollygag about. We get down to business and have goals in mind to finish when we play. I am playing the game extremely casually and the only thing I have left to do is basically finish Companion quest and Hard mode Operations. Then I've done everything.


This game is extraordinarily content light for an MMO.

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And FYI, vanilla WoW had far more content than this game at launch. Far more.


If what you mean by far more conent is that you spent several more hours flying on a gryphon or several more hours looking for quest locations without a quest helper tool, then you're absolutely right.


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I think people would be happier if they just spent all the time they spent complaining about a game not meeting their needs finding a game that does. Not enough content, go find an older game you haven't played yet. Game too easy, go find a harder one, there are plenty out there.




That is the answer to the OPs question.


Same for me - back in EQ2 atm (oh, and playing forum wars until my sub expires - this place is fun).

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What is going to really make this game fail


it the new content expansions costing 59.99 - 69.99 per expansion



thank god for Eve online though where all expansions are free, there are no instances and no sharding, and is still the only game server running on a supercomputer.

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What is going to really make this game fail


it the new content expansions costing 59.99 - 69.99 per expansion



thank god for Eve online though where all expansions are free, there are no instances and no sharding, and is still the only game server running on a supercomputer.


Tried Eve 3 times and just can't get into it. Impressive game though, and worth a try for those who haven't.

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