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George Lucas Still Defending 'Star Wars' Change


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Folks can rage all they want about Han shooting first Lucas isn't lying look at the original script, Read the June 1977 issue of Starlog...he even says way back then that Greedo shoots first but the audience misses it because the shot was too narrow.


It may work better artistically for Han to shoot first but it was never the way Lucas intended it to be.:


Ya thats why in the original you only hear one shot and in the "remastered" Han literally "glitches" to the side.

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Fanboys suck


Fanboy: "Hey George, did you know Han shot first?"


GL: "Huh? No he didn't, Greedo then Han shot him."


Fanboy: "What!? Are you freaking kidding me?! Of course Han shot first, just watch the movie!!"


GL: "Yea but I wrote the scene and shot the movie so I think I know.


Fanboy: "What ever, you suck."

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Anyone who managed to read "The New Hope" book should know by now that Han did shot first. And anyone who have read "The Empire Strikes Back" should know that Han was portraited as a quick draw master with incredibly quick reaction, that very few non-Jedi could rival.


This is perfectly shown in the scene where Han Solo confronts Darth Vader, where Han pulls off his blaster and offloads at Vader. In the book and in the movie it all happens so fast only Darth Vader manages to react, while Boba Fett couldn't even pull out his gun in time.


Han should have been the one to kill Vader. :p

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People sitting in their pants, celebrating their 40th birthday in their mums house need to stop complaining over the "who shot first thing", literally you have nothing better to do with your life's? you only live once and yet people are raging over this....seriously? get over your hating affiliation with small changes what george lucas did to the movies and move on.
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I seem to remember an interview with Lucas talking about his kids and values and morals, and it was my impression that he changed the originals (like Greedo shooting first) because of that. I can't remember if it was part of an interview that was with the old VHS set of the movies that came out in the early 90's, or a different one. But I do remember Lucas talking about making movies the way he wants his own kids to see, and that includes the values he would want them to have.
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People sitting in their pants, celebrating their 40th birthday in their mums house need to stop complaining over the "who shot first thing", literally you have nothing better to do with your life's? you only live once and yet people are raging over this....seriously? get over your hating affiliation with small changes what george lucas did to the movies and move on.



All these people coming on to the STAR WARS subsection of a STAR WARS forum for a STAR WARS game and then calling other people nerds for caring about STAR WARS.


Pretending other people are foolish because they are "sitting in their pants" doesn't make their points any less valid, using ad hominem seems to merely indicate personal insecurities.

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the original series:

Han was a smuggler. While not evil in the sense of Vader level, he did carry illegal cargo for one of the more evil smuggler chiefs, Jabba. Of course, someone sticks a pistol in his face, and is too stupid to allow him to have his hands under the table, he'll keep the talk going till he can have his blaster ready, then when he's sure the conversation's going bad, he'll shoot first.


The original trilogy was about a bad guy, looking out for only himself, finds a reason to step up and become good. he finds a reason to turn his back upon the greed and villainy that was his former life.


the remake, tries to make Han seem like just a good guy getting leaned on by scum, never shooting first, and was just itching to join the rebellion.


to me, the changes are more to bring the story to kids, who won't understand the nuanced plot trying to be woven there. the originals, they were aimed at adults, and just happened to find ground with kids. The remakes and the prequels, they seem more about trying to lure in the kids (Jar Jar. Nuff said).


besides, look at the prequels. Lucas forgot even HOW to make a star wars movie, which is why ep 1 was blah, ep 2 was meh, and 3 seemed to finally get traction. He got old and forgot how to make it.


Besides, producers and directors forget one simple thing. UNTIL a movie is released, it's their movie to do with as they see fit. THE MOMENT it hits theaters? It belongs to the FANS. And even if you make a totally awesome remake or enhanced version, you'll ALWAYS have people who want the movie they fell in love with in the first place.


Now, i like SOME of the additions and changes he made in the remakes. but others, well, blah!

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George Lucas knows you "Star Wars" fans are pissed at him. You don't need to remind him. However, that won't stop the director from defending the infamous changes he's made to the original trilogy.


"Changes are not unusual -- I mean, most movies when they release them they make changes. But somehow, when I make the slightest change, everybody thinks it's the end of the world," Lucas told the Hollywood Reporter.


Lucas, who's been doing interviews of late to promote both "Red Tails" and "The Phantom Menace 3D," even took the time to address one of the biggest "Star Wars" controversies ever: The Han-Shot-First dilemma.


In "Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope," the audience is introduced to Han Solo at the Mos Eisley Cantina, where he runs into a bounty hunter named Greedo. The original version showed Han shooting first, but in the 1997 re-release, Lucas changed the scene to show that Greedo was the one who shot first (which made Han seem like much less of a rogue). Despite the uproar, George still stands by the decision.


"The controversy over who shot first, Greedo or Han Solo, in 'Episode IV,' what I did was try to clean up the confusion, but obviously it upset people because they wanted Solo [who seemed to be the one who shot first in the original] to be a cold-blooded killer, but he actually isn't. It had been done in all close-ups and it was confusing about who did what to whom. I put a little wider shot in there that made it clear that Greedo is the one who shot first, but everyone wanted to think that Han shot first, because they wanted to think that he actually just gunned him down."


Lucas' defense will likely do little to dissuade "Star Wars" fanatics who have it out for the filmmaker. In fact, George's next quote will probably enrage them further:


"If you look at 'Blade Runner,' it's been cut sixteen ways from Sunday and there are all kinds of different versions of it. 'Star Wars,' there's basically one version -- it just keeps getting improved a little bit as we move forward."


Lucas goes on to discuss the changes he made to Yoda in "The Phantom Menace," along with his thoughts on "Hugo" and SOPA. You can read the entire interview over on THR.


If you're interested in reliving the "Episode 1" experience (or, for some, inflicting pain on yourselves), you can check out "The Phantom Menace 3D" in theaters this weeken


Have you ever read the production script?


Seen it before?


I have Greedo shot first..When someone who created the galaxy your currently in Says THIS IS HOW IT IS..end of argument!


Who cares what you think who the hell are you? some troll in a forum playing a video game..


The Creator of all you see and play in on a daily basis said Greedo Shot first Done..



Stop whining. if you dont like the added scenes enhancements or other its simple Go Find a VHS or Betamax of the original and make a dvd copy enjoy...


Personally i was 8 when the final of the original trilogy came out i seen most on Black market vhs..Except episodes 5 1 2 3 i for one Loved 1,2,3 and i wasnt going to let manican skywalkers crappy performance ruin the fact i got to return to the world that brought me and MILLIONS of fans enjoyment and wonder..in the end 1,2,3 made a brinks truck full of money for george love it hate it you still went back for two more..


Wanna talk about ruining Lets talk planets misnamed lets talk clothing not yet in exsistance


lets talk the falcons nose cone in the tatooine desert not bad for a game set 3500 yrs BBY and 1500 after the fall of the sith! they went into hiding after Naga Shadows defeat at the end of the Great hyper space war Malgus is a low level boot licker to the Dark council and the emperor who destroyed revan 1500 yrs before this game takes place!


all i see is some one took popular charactures and tried to play them out in the wrong time line objects clothing and tried to make them here..


Lets talk about the mandos in game. how is it possible mandalore exsists? The Mask of Mandalore was hidden by revan if hes here that mask is still on ice literally! no mandalore no mandos they were to busy with inner clan fighting.


tell me what trooper can you be on the republic side? the republic didnt have an army this far back! never had one until the events of episode 2 they used a type of Federation fo planets per say smaller armies on several planets operating as a massive army in the galaxy!

Edited by Gphalen
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the original series:

Han was a smuggler. While not evil in the sense of Vader level, he did carry illegal cargo for one of the more evil smuggler chiefs, Jabba. Of course, someone sticks a pistol in his face, and is too stupid to allow him to have his hands under the table, he'll keep the talk going till he can have his blaster ready, then when he's sure the conversation's going bad, he'll shoot first.


The original trilogy was about a bad guy, looking out for only himself, finds a reason to step up and become good. he finds a reason to turn his back upon the greed and villainy that was his former life.


the remake, tries to make Han seem like just a good guy getting leaned on by scum, never shooting first, and was just itching to join the rebellion.


to me, the changes are more to bring the story to kids, who won't understand the nuanced plot trying to be woven there. the originals, they were aimed at adults, and just happened to find ground with kids. The remakes and the prequels, they seem more about trying to lure in the kids (Jar Jar. Nuff said).


besides, look at the prequels. Lucas forgot even HOW to make a star wars movie, which is why ep 1 was blah, ep 2 was meh, and 3 seemed to finally get traction. He got old and forgot how to make it.


Besides, producers and directors forget one simple thing. UNTIL a movie is released, it's their movie to do with as they see fit. THE MOMENT it hits theaters? It belongs to the FANS. And even if you make a totally awesome remake or enhanced version, you'll ALWAYS have people who want the movie they fell in love with in the first place.


Now, i like SOME of the additions and changes he made in the remakes. but others, well, blah!



Actually these movies were about the rise and fall of Anikan Skywalker, the rise of Lord Vader and his redemption..hence Episode 1 child episode 6 the lord of the sith is welcomed back by yoda and Kenobi! its a great side story and in reality id like to think Han Shot first lol but reality is The Creator aka The God of Star Wars says this is how i intended it this is how i wrote it this is how it is!



And if you dont like it...Aint it cool news . com go argue the point with the Biggest Fanboy alive mr Harry Knowles!

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Lets talk about the mandos in game. how is it possible mandalore exsists? The Mask of Mandalore was hidden by revan if hes here that mask is still on ice literally! no mandalore no mandos they were to busy with inner clan fighting.


Revan gave the mask to Canderous shortly before he became Mandalore.

Whilst it looks nothing like what the mask looks like, that's it.


tell me what trooper can you be on the republic side? the republic didnt have an army this far back! never had one until the events of episode 2 they used a type of Federation fo planets per say smaller armies on several planets operating as a massive army in the galaxy!


Well, there were plenty of soldiers and personnel in the Republic Military during the Great Hyperspace War, the Great Sith War, Jedi Civil War, First Jedi Purge, Great Galactic War, Galactic Cold War, and the New Sith Wars. That's a few thousand years of an existing Republic Military force like the GAR of the Clone Wars.


Before Lucas changed his mind about how old the Republic was (25,000 years to 1000 years), the EU had shown thousands of years of history, including Jedi, Sith, and the Republic's own military.

KoTOR 1&2 showed more of it, and TOR is showing more too.


It's as canon as the films and TCW (so long as it doesn't contradict either), so yes, there was indeed a Repulic Military before Episode 2.

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Even religious texts get revised. But Star Wars is almost like a religion in itself, and is loved as such.


Some revisions were cool like adding the Outrider and Jabba in A New Hope, but most of it was unnecessary and didn't make things better like Vader's NOOO! in ROTJ


Jedi is a religion recognized by the American Government.

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Have you ever read the production script?


Seen it before?


I have Greedo shot first..When someone who created the galaxy your currently in Says THIS IS HOW IT IS..end of argument!


Who cares what you think who the hell are you? some troll in a forum playing a video game..


The Creator of all you see and play in on a daily basis said Greedo Shot first Done..



Stop whining. if you dont like the added scenes enhancements or other its simple Go Find a VHS or Betamax of the original and make a dvd copy enjoy...


Personally i was 8 when the final of the original trilogy came out i seen most on Black market vhs..Except episodes 5 1 2 3 i for one Loved 1,2,3 and i wasnt going to let manican skywalkers crappy performance ruin the fact i got to return to the world that brought me and MILLIONS of fans enjoyment and wonder..in the end 1,2,3 made a brinks truck full of money for george love it hate it you still went back for two more..


Wanna talk about ruining Lets talk planets misnamed lets talk clothing not yet in exsistance


lets talk the falcons nose cone in the tatooine desert not bad for a game set 3500 yrs BBY and 1500 after the fall of the sith! they went into hiding after Naga Shadows defeat at the end of the Great hyper space war Malgus is a low level boot licker to the Dark council and the emperor who destroyed revan 1500 yrs before this game takes place!


all i see is some one took popular charactures and tried to play them out in the wrong time line objects clothing and tried to make them here..


Lets talk about the mandos in game. how is it possible mandalore exsists? The Mask of Mandalore was hidden by revan if hes here that mask is still on ice literally! no mandalore no mandos they were to busy with inner clan fighting.


tell me what trooper can you be on the republic side? the republic didnt have an army this far back! never had one until the events of episode 2 they used a type of Federation fo planets per say smaller armies on several planets operating as a massive army in the galaxy!


George was wrong.

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Honestly, This is George Lucas's stuff, he can decide to do what he wants with it. The fans didnt create it, *shrug*


The fan's may not have created it, without their unlimited funding he would have never jumped the movie from the script on to the big screen. The Actor's would have never played in such big roles, and he would be without a penny.


Yes it's his. I assumed when you made a movie. It's locked. You cannot go back and re edit it. Like in Sin City. Maybe that guy didn't die at the end? it's very odd more then 20 year's later he want's to go back and change his stuff.


Yes it's his, his name is on it. But it's the fans who's money paid the ticket, who paid the actor's who paid him and given him fame to be able to continue to make even more movies. People have a right to be a little out raged and fact he rather just quit then make a rational choice..

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The fan's may not have created it, without their unlimited funding he would have never jumped the movie from the script on to the big screen. The Actor's would have never played in such big roles, and he would be without a penny.


Yes it's his. I assumed when you made a movie. It's locked. You cannot go back and re edit it. Like in Sin City. Maybe that guy didn't die at the end? it's very odd more then 20 year's later he want's to go back and change his stuff.


Yes it's his, his name is on it. But it's the fans who's money paid the ticket, who paid the actor's who paid him and given him fame to be able to continue to make even more movies. People have a right to be a little out raged and fact he rather just quit then make a rational choice..


And there is nothing us fans can do about it. :(

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The biggest problem with George Lucas is that he has become fixated on too clean looking sfx, and putting visuals before story/plot and character interaction.


I think as he's gotten older he has lost the ability to craft a good script, instead focusing on putting more useless sfx on screen that don't actually add anything to the film at all.


He has also bought into his own bs regarding how fans few his films i.e. the latest Indiana Jones film, its the film viewers fault they didn't like it, not the film makers..

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The changes don't bother me at all.


They don't drastically alter the story nor do they really affect the movie much. Quit complaining.


THIS! Read this people, its still the same movies everyone has been watching for the past 40+ years. Its not like they ripped out a scene, or completely overhauled the story and changed it. The main story is still there.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I think Lucas needs to go even further with his insanity. Go ahead and change Han's blaster pistol into a walkie-talkie. You know you want to so just do it and get it over with Lucas.


P.S. - Lucas likes the war with the fanboys. He can't get enough of it. It is his sole purpose in life now. He may claim otherwise, but his actions betray his motives.

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