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Solo Flashpoints (3 companions)


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No matter what you people say, you'd run these things to death in a month and be done with the game. Stupid idea that shortens subscriptions. Many people already went back to wow due to ease of finishing the current game. These people don't want anyone to sub past the free month.

Disagree, i ran ZA & ZG over 500 times for badges so I think alternating my 6 companions to gear them would take more than 1 month. You would have daily lockouts and a solo version for each grouped flashpoint would definately take longer than 1 month. In fact this suggestion will keep players subscribing, without it most will leave between April - June when they have completed the storylines for the classes they want to play.


So tell us the real reason your against it?

1) loot for solo play?

2) resources taken away from content you want?


Mass Effect 3 is coming soon, why don't you just go play that instead. It offers everything you're looking for instead of trying to mold their vision into you're own XBox playground.

I'll just leave you with this quote from Gordon Walton, the co-studio director at BioWare Austin


Lesson Four


One thing that WoW is frequently recognized for is its solo play. Walton's fourth lesson was: support this, because gamers want it. According to Walton, older games that forced players into groups missed the point: "[the] truth is that people soloed every game to the best they could and when they couldn't anymore, they quit. Embracing solo play that was a true innovation for WoW."


It was pointed out that players who hit the level cap are pretty much forced to group in WOW; Walton still felt like the game "feels like it's a level playing field for all people at that level" and thus isn't quite as sinful as it could be. He offered a Blizzard quote on the solo issue -- "We look at soloing as our casual game." Given the weight of the phrase "casual game" in 2007, you can bet the audience was scribbling that one down

Whether you choose to accept the facts or not is upto you but the single player MMO market is growing and part of the casual market. Your niche games now want our money because there are more of us than you which means more $$$$. Learn to accept it & move on, we wont deprive you of the chance to play the way you want & that's the difference between us.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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Where do you get idea that people would see and experience all of the content in a month? What difference would having the ability to run companions through a FP have on PVP or raids? Far as I know, shelf life for MMOs past max level is far longer than a month. This would do the exact opposite of what you claim it would do, as evidenced by the prior posts.
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love the idea, the rewards should be good but not great, and it would be a great way to practice

but might be problems with some FP's where there are puzzles requiring one person to do this and anouther to do that, dont know how to get around that, but for some this would work easily enough

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Disagree, i ran ZA & ZG over 500 times for badges so I think alternating my 6 companions to gear them would take more than 1 month. You would have daily lockouts and a solo version for each grouped flashpoint would definately take longer than 1 month. In fact this suggestion will keep players subscribing, without it most will leave between April - June when they have completed the storylines for the classes they want to play.


So tell us the real reason your against it?

1) loot for solo play?

2) resources taken away from content you want?



I'll just leave you with this quote from Gordon Walton, the co-studio director at BioWare Austin



Whether you choose to accept the facts or not is upto you but the single player MMO market is growing and part of the casual market. You niche games now want our money because there are more of us than you which means more $$$$. Learn to accept it & move on, we wont deprive you of the chance to play the way you want & that's the difference between us.


The issue is not that there should not be solo content in the game. There needs to be and should be.


The issue is your asking for Group Content to be changed to be made Solo.


Yes, I understand that your saying that they would be separate flash points. However the content would be the same. Your facing the same bosses, seeing the exact same area, at max level without having to find a group.


Its not about the gear for me. Its about that simple fact that you are asking to see what was and is Group content without needing to do what is required to see it.


So no to current group content being changed in anyway so you can do it Solo.


I am however all for new flashpoints, with its own unique content being added for solo play only.


But that is not what you are asking for, so no I will not support this suggestion, ever.


This is a multplayer game, as such there needs to be group only content, and solo only content hand in hand that is separate content and unique from each other.


Just like PvP requires you to fight and kill other player, group content requires you to work with other players and form a group to experiencing that content. If you want a pure solo experience where you will be able to experience all the story lines in a game and the content in the game without ever having to group then you need to play a pure solo game, like mass effect or KoToR and not MMO's or wait till the next expansion comes out and you can out level/gear the content you want to experience.


I have asked this question many times, yet you and the other people supporting this refuse to answer a simple yes or no question.


Should PvP war-zones be changed to where I no longer have to PvP to experience that content?

Edited by Lerthan
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I have asked this question many times, yet you and the other people supporting this refuse to answer a simple yes or no question.


Should PvP war-zones be changed to where I no longer have to PvP to experience that content?


Make a thread asking for that and see how many people sign it.

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Make a thread asking for that and see how many people sign it.


Answer the question.


The only reason not to answer it is that it would prove my point. That you are just asking for a solo player game.


If you say yes, then you are asking for a solo player game and proving my point.


If you say no then you are negating your point. So yah it makes sense why you wont answer it.

Edited by Lerthan
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The issue is not that there should not be solo content in the game. There needs to be and should be.


The issue is your asking for Group Content to be changed to be made Solo.


Yes, I understand that your saying that they would be separate flash points. However the content would be the same. Your facing the same bosses, seeing the exact same area, at max level without having to find a group.


Its not about the gear for me. Its about that simple fact that you are asking to see what was and is Group content without needing to do what is required to see it.

I think you have told me this before and to be quite honest your reason is still the most bizzare

"solo players arent entitled to the storylines in group content because you want to do it solo". Sorry still dont get it


You think that your $15 a month entitled you to see graphical picutes and hear VO converstations that solo players should never get unless they group, just sounds nuts.


So no to current group content being changed in anyway so you can do it Solo.
Well thats upto BW to decide, many other MMO's currently on the market are starting to cater to solo play & BW has the best opportunity with the companion system. So I guess it's their call, but I wont wait to hear from them forever...the clock is ticking BW


I am however all for new flashpoints, with its own unique content being added for solo play only.

Yes I know you have said this before and it would require having a completely seperate team to allocate resources to create. I bet you wouldnt support this option if BW came out and said okay we will be releasing 6 new solo flashpoints in June but no more OP's or group content till September, would you?


The idea of allocating resources for additional end game content that will take resources away from other areas is rediculous. Currently changing the loot tables & boss mechanics on current flashpoints will use minimal resources to provide months & months of enjoyment. But no point telling you


But that is not what you are asking for, so no I will not support this suggestion, ever.

Meh, your only about the 6th person to dislike the idea, BW stand to lose alot more than 6 subs if they dont do it.


This is a multplayer game, as such there needs to be group only content, and solo only content hand in hand that is separate content and unique from each other.

I disagree, this is a story driven voice over single player game with group content...there fixed that for you.


Deleted some here cause it was just hrpa derp and more of the same yadda yadda yadda


I have asked this question many times, yet you and the other people supporting this refuse to answer a simple yes or no question.


Should PvP war-zones be changed to where I no longer have to PvP to experience that content?

Seriously, but asking a silly question earns you no credability

PVP = player vs player, ie warzones, Ilum

PVE = Group content WAIT A MINUTE NO IT DOESNT it means player vs environment which can be done solo or grouped.


Dont ask stupid questions and people will probably answer you

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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If you say yes, then you are asking for a solo player game and proving my point.


Yes, I've said a few times that I basically want the Old Republic, but single player. That's my point. So...I guess we have the same point.


I wouldn't mind if it didn't have warzones.

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Answer the question.


The only reason not to answer it is that it would prove my point. That you are just asking for a solo player game.


If you say yes, then you are asking for a solo player game and proving my point.


If you say no then you are negating your point. So yah it makes sense why you wont answer it.


Your still asking stupid questions that are irrelavant to the discussion you know why? Because warzones CAN be done solo or grouped (premades) as the game currently stands

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I think you have told me this before and to be quite honest your reason is still the most bizzare

"solo players arent entitled to the storylines in group content because you want to do it solo". Sorry still dont get it


You think that your $15 a month entitled you to see graphical picutes and hear VO converstations that solo players should never get unless they group, just sounds nuts. [/Quote]


My 15 bucks allows me access to the game servers, It in no way entitles me to see anything in the game unless I do what is required in the game to see said content.


If you want to experience the content on lets say Tython. The quests, the story lines, the voice acting ect. You need to create a Jedi, right or wrong?


If you want to experience PvP war-zones do you or do you not need to go PvP?


If you want to experience the Sith story lines do you or do you not need to create a Sith character?


Well thats upto BW to decide, many other MMO's currently on the market are starting to cater to solo play & BW has the best opportunity with the companion system. So I guess it's their call, but I wont wait to hear from them forever...the clock is ticking BW[/Quote]


Yes, BW has gone a long ways to cater to the solo player, this is a good thing. However if they wanted a pure solo aka single player game they would have made one and saved a ton of money in the process. However they din't. They made a multiplayer game, and like all multiplayer games there is solo content and group only content.



Yes I know you have said this before and it would require having a completely seperate team to allocate resources to create. I bet you wouldnt support this option if BW came out and said okay we will be releasing 6 new solo flashpoints in June but no more OP's or group content till September, would you?


The idea of allocating resources for additional end game content that will take resources away from other areas is rediculous. Currently changing the loot tables & boss mechanics on current flashpoints will use minimal resources to provide months & months of enjoyment. But no point telling you


Actually, I wouldn't mind that at all. I am mostly a solo player and as such enjoy mostly solo content.


I however do not think that just becouse I pay my 15 bucks a month that I am entitled to experience everything the game has in it, unless I am willing to do what is required to accomplish that or see it.


To ask what you are asking for is akin to me asking to experience all the content on Tython without needing to create a Jedi.


Its your choice not to form a group, just like it would be my choice not to make a Jedi.


Meh, your only about the 6th person to dislike the idea, BW stand to lose alot more than 6 subs if they dont do it.[/Quote] Actually most folks don't respond to something like this as they know just like every other MMO in existence there will always be group only content.


I disagree, this is a story driven voice over single player game with group content...there fixed that for you.


In any MMO there are single player aspects and group aspects. There are quests, not enough yes but there are quests that can only be done solo. Just like there are quests that can only be done by a group. The design is one that is Multiplayer with elements of single player just like every other MMO in existence.


Seriously, but asking a silly question earns you no credability

PVP = player vs player, ie warzones, Ilum

PVE = Group content WAIT A MINUTE NO IT DOESNT it means player vs environment which can be done solo or grouped.


Dont ask stupid questions and people will probably answer you


It is actually a very relevant question to the discussion at hand. In order to experience PvP content, aka War-zones you have to do what? You have to PvP. If you choose not to PvP you do not get to experience that content.


Same thing with Group content. If you want to experience group content you have to form a group.


If you want to experience the content on Tython you have to create a Jedi character. Same with any other class story line.


You are in effect asking to experience all the content in the game without doing what is needed to experience it. It is just like asking to experience all the Jedi Knight quest lines and story without needing to create and play a Jedi Knight.


Once again as you cannot seem to understand this simple concept. Your 15 dollars gives you access to the game servers. It does not entitle you to access all the game content without needing to do what is required to experience said content.



The main reason I chose to respond to your thread honestly, Is I think that you actually have the basis for a good idea. However just like a petulant child instead of holding a reasonable discourse and actually being able to see the other players point of view you insist on its your way or no way and frankly this game and any other MMO is better without players like you.


You honestly have the basis for a decent idea. I am all for more solo content in a game, however the group content needs to remain group content only.


All MMO's honestly need more content for solo play especially at the end game. However if you want a game where there is zero content that you have to group with other players to experience I would suggest that you buy and play a single player game instead of subscribing to a Mutliplayer game.

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Great idea. However, i feel group FP's should be seperate and different in content to Solo FP's.


Solo FP's could maybe involve sperate stories that are recieved on your ship for you and you companions. I disagree that all FP's currently in game should become Solo'able.


These should always be seperate. Seperate gear, seperate story seperate everything.


Should Bio.... do this, Yes. Will BW do this..... Maybe, but i could see them doing it in the way of making all FP's grp or solo, and that to me would simply ruin group fp's for players who want to grp them as 90% of players will be running them solo.


PS. i am almost purely a solo player, i only grp very rarely. But i do strongly agree with others that this kind of addition needs to be kept as seperate content from group FP's.

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I like this idea, generally. At endgame I enjoy gearing my companions, and then getting to fight with them.


I think it would work best if they made daily FPs that can only be done with your companions, that drop ONLY companion gear that is a separate tier but on par with Columi.


Sounds like a blast to me.



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Not exactly. I'm asking to expand the alternatives of what is needed to experience it.


Really? So your fine if we lets say, make it to where a smuggler player can do all the trooper story lines, jedi knight story lines, and jedi counselor story lines. Without needing to make any of those other classes.


Heck while where at it, why don't we make it to where that same player can also go to the empire side and do all those quests and story lines without needing to make an empire character as well.


And while we are at it, lets make it to where you no longer have to travel to Balmora to experience that content and story. Ohhh and I don't want to have to bothered with traveling at all so lets just make every quest and storyline happen on lets say Tython. Yah that sounds good.


While we are at it, there are some players that don't want to be killed or have to kill other players. As such they don't get to see the inside of war zones and that's not fair. So we are going to change it to where they can que up for the war zone and enter it without being flagged. Yet they will still be able to capture objectives and run the ball in case of hutt ball without anybody being able to stop them or touch them.


Ohh healing is something that a lot of players don't want to have to do either so we are going to make all the mobs just stand there and do zero damage to make it fair and equal for everybody this way some players are not forced into healing themselves or others.


Ohh and seeing as there are players that don't want to have to push there buttons during ship combat we are going to make your ship auto target everything and shoot it. All you need to do is sit there and watch it all happen.



You see how ridiculous all that sounds?


Yet that's exactly what your asking for. I don't want to form a group so all group content needs to be made available to me as well.


I don't want to make a Jedi Knight, so all the Jedi Knight quest lines need to be made available to me.


I don't want to travel to a planet so all those quests need to be moved to my location so I don't have to travel.


Sorry but no. Its your choice to not form a group, its your choice not to make a Jedi Knight, Its your choice to travel to said planet or not to.


If you do not do what is required to experience said content you are not entitled to experience it. Your 15 bucks a month does not entitle you to it. All it does is make it available to you should you choose to do what is needed to do it.

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I fail to see how any MMO ( or any game for that matter) must follow any sort of arbitrary guild lines in order to be able to be called multiplayer. Much of this game can be done solo but those same parts can be done while grouped with a friend if a person chooses. Why can't we have group content that can be experienced in reverse? I see absolutely zero issue with having additional gameplay and I'm not seeing a reason why anybody could.


On another note, it seems the loot chase that's a core element in games like Diablo and Torchlight has also become a major component of max level gameplay in the newer generation MMOs. Id much rather have a diverse gaming experience that opens up even more at 50 then chase after that carrot again. Ideas like this only add to the potential for MMOs to get away from this stagnation and enter into a place where the gameplay can evolve. Instead of waiting for new patches to provide us with content all the time, it'd be pretty rad if the tools were provided to the player to constantly evolve his/her own experience.

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Really? So your fine if we lets say, make it to where a smuggler player can do all the trooper story lines, jedi knight story lines, and jedi counselor story lines. Without needing to make any of those other classes.


Do a search and see if I've made a thread asking for that.

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I fail to see how any MMO ( or any game for that matter) must follow any sort of arbitrary guild lines in order to be able to be called multiplayer. Much of this game can be done solo but those same parts can be done while grouped with a friend if a person chooses. Why can't we have group content that can be experienced in reverse? I see absolutely zero issue with having additional gameplay and I'm not seeing a reason why anybody could.



Because if a group decides to do some solo content it does not affect the solo players abilty to do that same content, unless your talking about loads of groups camping the mobs your trying to kill. But when does that ever happen.


However on the flip side, if all group content is suddenly made available to solo players, then the najority of the player base will suddenly start solo'ing all the group content, thus leaving very few players available for groups for those players that want to do group content.


I am a solo player, but i completly agree that solo FP's should be different in story, content and rewards to Group FP's.

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BioWare makes a lot of really good single player cRPGs. You might wanna check them out.


Since TOR is a multiplayer and social game, I hope they never add any more solo content than what's unforunatly necessary to help people level, and I even wish there was less solo ez-mode and more emphasis on grouping while leveling too. The only reason there's solo leveling is to get more subs to make more profit - all the solo garbage (and the associated lowering of player quality) is one of the worst things to happen in MMORPGs.

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However on the flip side, if all group content is suddenly made available to solo players, then the najority of the player base will suddenly start solo'ing all the group content


Interesting...I don't have any way to know if that's true or not, but, if so...interesting...

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I'm not neccessarily certain it would limit the players that choose to group for whatever reason. I'd suspect that through the process of grouping they'd be interacting with like-minded people. Keep in mind there's also raids, pre-made WZs and the future rated WZs. If someone chooses to do things with others, there's really nothing holding them back. Granted, the available players might dwindle but I don't think it would be enough to unbalance anything. I don't think that people would instantly start flocking to solo FPs and turn around and complain that there's no group content. Player choice and player options. Edited by loudernoises
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Interesting...I don't have any way to know if that's true or not, but, if so...interesting...


Because it's human nature. Only the ancient civilisations seemed to enjoy doing things the hard way, just look at the megolithic structures they built and the size of the bricks they used.


Today though if we're given two alternative ways to do the same thing we will almost always take the easy option, especially if it means we get the same results out of it as we would if we'd done it the hard and more time consuming way.


This is especially true in modern MMO's.


Add solo FP's but keep group content as just that, groud content. SOlo FP' could also reward more cosmetic stuff for your ship, housing if they ever introduce it, companion appearences and more cosmetic clothes if BW ever introduces the appearence tab.

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BioWare makes a lot of really good single player cRPGs. You might wanna check them out.


Since TOR is a multiplayer and social game, I hope they never add any more solo content than what's unforunatly necessary to help people level, and I even wish there was less solo ez-mode and more emphasis on grouping while leveling too. The only reason there's solo leveling is to get more subs to make more profit - all the solo garbage (and the associated lowering of player quality) is one of the worst things to happen in MMORPGs.


Sorry, if solo content increased subs AND profit, why would that be a bad idea from a strictly business point of view? Why does immersing yourself into single player experiences= bad player and why does that matter? There's definite competitive aspects to MMOs (and games in general) but that really doesn't give anyone the right to diminish another persons ability to enjoy a game. Unless, of course, they're having a negative effect on yours but there's all kinds of different avenues to deal with this and this really isn't the place to debate those.

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I'm not neccessarily certain it would limit the players that choose to group for whatever reason. I'd suspect that through the process of grouping they'd be interacting with like-minded people. Keep in mind there's also raids, pre-made WZs and the future rated WZs. If someone chooses to do things with others, there's really nothing holding them back. Granted, the available players might dwindle but I don't think it would be enough to unbalance anything. I don't think that people would instantly start flocking to solo FPs and turn around and complain that there's no group content. Player choice and player options.


This would most likely be true for the current player, but i guarantee new players will not hang around waiting for a group to do a FP if they can simply do it solo. Thus any new players that want to experience that FP as part of a group would find it very hard to find a group.


This will happen, in LOTRO a simialr trend occured when they made the main story solo where alot of it used to be group. You had the option to either group or do it solo. Not many people do the groups anymore, maybe none nowadays. It's all too quick and easy to simply hit the solo button and do the content yourself.

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I don't think that the solo FPs need to be "ezmode". I've done enough faceroll grouped instances to understand that grouped content doesn't equal difficulty. Unless your speaking about the difficulty inherent to group forming maybe? In that case.....


Like I'm not suggesting removing group content all together. There will always be content directly relevant to groups. Raids, rated WZs etc. We are really only speaking of FPs and the like. Neither is solo content being forced on you. It's there for added gameplay value.

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