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Me thinking about playing swtor at 50


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Let me go on and do the dailies, naw done them over and over again ad nauseum. Que for pvp, naw always get huttball and been doing that since level 10. Flashpoints HM, naw I will just have to spam chat and sit in fleet for an hour lfg. Go on ilum and do pvp, naw their will be 20 imperial players and like 5 republic.


This is what I go through until I just decide to play something else!

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Thank god you rushed up to 50 in about a month and a half, and now you sit there with nothing to do while others are still levelling. Why don't you go outside a bit, see whats happening out there? The sun may help your acne problem a bit. Perhaps you'll have a fresh new perspective on life.
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Thank god you rushed up to 50 in about a month and a half, and now you sit there with nothing to do while others are still levelling. Why don't you go outside a bit, see whats happening out there? The sun may help your acne problem a bit. Perhaps you'll have a fresh new perspective on life.


I don't think being 50 after a month and a half would be considered Rushed....Just saying...


That being said, welcome to Endgame in MMOs. I would do the same thing in WoW but at least here, I'm enjoying it.


I think you might be burned out on the Genre.

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Thank god you rushed up to 50 in about a month and a half, and now you sit there with nothing to do while others are still levelling. Why don't you go outside a bit, see whats happening out there? The sun may help your acne problem a bit. Perhaps you'll have a fresh new perspective on life.


Time management. Give it a try.

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That would be why my lvl 50 JKG gets no love at this point. What was the hallmark of this mmo (story, companions) stops dead in its track at max level. Sad really... But I have rolled an alt, thing is, kinda bored leveling her too.


Genre burnout!!!

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I have 2 50s, a family, a job, friends, and I play with friends. We run HM, WZ, and PVP on Illum (if thats what you wana call it), and yeah even I find this game boring. Its not a case of nothing to do, but nothing that I give a crap about. I can WZ, Illum until I am blue in the face, still does not affect the game, or help my guild. Theirs nothing to foster a community on, nothing worth banding together for with my guild. Many have already left for Tera (Beta), I am waitting for TSW. Even crafting, which helps make a game for me, is pathetic.


Anyways, all said and done, gl with SWTOR those of you who do enjoy it.

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Thank god you rushed up to 50 in about a month and a half, and now you sit there with nothing to do while others are still levelling. Why don't you go outside a bit, see whats happening out there? The sun may help your acne problem a bit. Perhaps you'll have a fresh new perspective on life.


I'm in the same boat as OP and I am not a rusher and I have a full time job that keeps me out of the house from 8am to 6 or 7pm five days per week. I am always one of the last people in my guild/legion to hit max level. I have to say I was amazed (and concerned) with how quickly I leveled through this game. I stopped doing alot of quests because I was overleveling my class story. And, in a way, a good class story is a double-edged sword - if you're drawn into the narrative, of course you want to see what happens next so why would you slow down?


I really think a tiny bit of grind during the leveling process wouldn't be a terrible thing - I'm not saying Korean MMO level grind - but something to sink time into along the way. Otherwise you find yourself at 50 having nothing at all to do but grind, grind, grind and wait for more content to come out. Maybe a bit of a design flaw in the way the mapped out character progression?


Dunno, just my opinion - I've never, ever run through a game's content so quickly and I didn't really think I was trying to.

Edited by barwnKesteven
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Time management. Give it a try

Employment, family, responsibilities.......give them a try.


military, 2 kids, a wife, a dog... do i need more? Just asking the world boss here. Seems he's the one who knows what everyone should be doing so i might as well bow down to this douche here instead of the douche up there.

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Roll an alt. Enjoy the different stories and have fun... Make some friends maybe? :)


In all honesty the tools Tor provides are very minimal to encourage social interaction or make it easy. some world wide LVL chat system would be extremely helpful for 50's not everyone sits on the fleet . and perhaps a player search by lvl not only the zone your in.Lets be honest here TOR is a single player game with Lobby type options for multi player . it has some MMO features but its pretty stripped down. the only way to have fun in TOR is to be part of an active guild of 10 or more daily players.

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In all honesty the tools Tor provides are very minimal to encourage social interaction or make it easy. some world wide LVL chat system would be extremely helpful for 50's not everyone sits on the fleet . and perhaps a player search by lvl not only the zone your in.Lets be honest here TOR is a single player game with Lobby type options for multi player . it has some MMO features but its pretty stripped down. the only way to have fun in TOR is to be part of an active guild of 10 or more daily players.


As it realtes to me, you're absolutely right. Without my guild chat, I'd be gone. I've also felt that a universal chat (or even level banded universal) - rather than world by world - would be useful, particularly as people on planets and people on fleets might be looking for the same flashpoint.


Unforunately, my guild seems to be slowly shrinking having gone from around 60 people on most of the time, to 40-50 after the first big drop. Now we're down to 20 to 25 on most times. Still very active but I'm not encouraged at the direction its heading. Over 350 different characters in the guild and we have a two toon per account limit and we're down to 25 online.

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In all honesty the tools Tor provides are very minimal to encourage social interaction or make it easy. some world wide LVL chat system would be extremely helpful for 50's not everyone sits on the fleet . and perhaps a player search by lvl not only the zone your in.Lets be honest here TOR is a single player game with Lobby type options for multi player . it has some MMO features but its pretty stripped down. the only way to have fun in TOR is to be part of an active guild of 10 or more daily players.


I quit my guild because all they did at 50 instead of endgame and group stuff was roll stupid alts!

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I quit my guild because all they did at 50 instead of endgame and group stuff was roll stupid alts!


So now I am a level 50 healer with no guild and nothing to do. I bet there is a lot of guilds out there that would love to have me! (no alts please)

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Sounds like a server/faction problem. I re-rolled Republic because of that reason. Doesn't matter that we're out numbered in Illum, the Imps are stupid enough to get in range of our canons. :'D


I suggest trying to find a quality guild that spends time together. It's no fun playing an MMO by yourself.

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